"Well damn, it's been a while since i've been stuck in another plane. Ah well, might as well go take a look around. I'll probably be here for a while."
Geeorn wafts around hoping that he landed somewhere where he could have some fun; or at least somewhere interesting.
Pvednes Phoenixfeather had this to say about Pirotess:
Rhiannah: Vizier and MoonYou know the answer to your next dilemma, and you have a wish. (If people were wondering, I found my d4.)
I'm an individual. Just like everyone else!
I've always had bad luck with this sort of thing, random chance is not my friend. I'd probably be better of leaving well enough alone. But on the other hand, what's the worst that can happen? I mean, aside from confrontations with death, seperation of my soul and body, inprisonment in another dimention ... I'd better stop listing things before I talk myself out of this.
Well, here goes nothing!
*takes a single card*
Douglas Adams, 1952-2001
And now, back to... BATTLING SEIZURE ROBOTS!
*Has done the 52-pickup thing before, and lost a lot of sanity.*
Gain your choice of fifty precious gems, or twenty five pieces of jewelry.
Drakken: Ruin.
Lose absolutly all wealth, and gain one tatty loincloth.
Moogle: Damn straight it'd be funny, 'cos it's the Skull card.
Defeat Death or be forever destroyed.
Fal: Knight and Rogue.
You feel a sense of forboding, but you have another knight. Enjoy your knight with Sol.
Mort: Yes, but you have to do it again, now.
Slilid: Balance and Idiot.
You feel a change in motive, and you feel your mind slow.
Balance is the card I really wanted Mort to draw, actually.
Rhiannah: Granted. Glenwick appears on your shoulder, and the rest of your property drops to the ground all around the world, but all in the ethereal plane. your spellbook, however, lands elsewhere. And somewhere on another world, where magic holds very little power, all of your underwear appears, in the bedroom of a man known as Le'Miere.
RBL: You get all the effects of all the cards twice, plus the effects of eight more cards, the result of which gets you very rich, very poor, imprisoned, soulless, stupid, and possibly dead.
Charlesm: Balance.
You feel your motives change.
[ 01-06-2002: Message edited by: Pvednes Phoenixfeather ]
You feel your motives change.
Ruv: Euryale.
-1 penalty to all saving throws.
"Hmf" *Chalesm takes a slow look around the room crowded with people; some evil, some good, noting the proliferation of powerful magics and items, a veritable treasure trove of power. He mutters to himself* "the deck is tempting, but I think I can gather more power from its victims. No reason to get by with this paltry, non-magical equipment anymore"
*he tests a few of his clerical powers, and finds them missing (as he is not now of the correct alignment to reach his old diety.) He murmurs to himself,* "So direct confrontation is out. Time for a bit more subtlety."
*Chalesm works his way over to several of those whose souls have been teleported away, and tries to test how much resistance they have to being led out and away from the crowd.* [ 01-06-2002: Message edited by: Chalesm ]
Douglas Adams, 1952-2001
If it is, then my roll has obviously hit a tree. I use The Fates, my first effect, to avoid the -1 penalty, and seriously ponder taking another card.
If it is not avoidable, then I do not use The Fates, and take another card.
Pvednes Phoenixfeather had this to say about Jimmy Carter:
Moogle: Damn straight it'd be funny, 'cos it's the Skull card.Defeat Death or be forever destroyed.
*boss fight music plays*
MPD: Technique: Summon Nickel!
A giant nickel falls on Death. As we all know, Death is weakupo to Nickel elemental damage and takes 9999 points of damage.
Death: Spell: Doom.
Like that ever works. Miss, obviously.
MPD: Skill: Steal.
Stole x1 obscenely-rare-and-powerful-thingy.
MPD: *gets a second turn due to obviously high agility stat* Skill: Steal.
Couldn't steal anything.
Death: Spell: Doom LVL4.
Someone else falls over and convulses in a sudden seizure...then the word 'MISS' appears over their head, and they get back up unharmed.
MPD: Limit Break: Inanimacy.
Death gets distracted by a shiny object.
The experience screen: "99999999 EXP! That's what you'd have just recieved if this wasn't a boss fight."
*inanimately askupos for another draw*
Disclaimer: I'm just kidding, I love all living things.
The fastest draw in the Crest.
"The Internet is MY critical thinking course." -Maradon
"Gambling for the husband, an abortion for the wife and fireworks for the kids they chose to keep? Fuck you, Disneyland. The Pine Ridge Indian Reservation is the happiest place on Earth." -JooJooFlop
Evil alignments can be fun! Though lawful evil is pretty tough unless the rest of the party is compatible.
One of my main characters I used to play was neutral evil, though. With that alignment, you'd be surprised how harmoniously you can get along with just about any party.
A prisoner killed trying to escape here, an inn-keeper who disappears after giving up information there . . . it's all in a day's work.
The only other alignment I could play convincingly was lawful good.
Hmmm. Interesting, that.
--Satan, quoted by John Milton
Fresch: Idiot. (Ace of Clubs)
You feel your mind slow, (permanent INT drain) and get the urge to draw again
Why am I not surprised. Heh at least my wis didn't go bye bye.
I feel the need to draw another card.
*paces around a bit*
I wish for some non-evil aligned devine intervention to aid me in wording my future wishes, while I remain here in this world, on this plane of existance body and soul.
We'll try that.
*sits back down and waits*
A 4th level fighter swears loyalty to you 'till Death.
Drakken: Vizier.
You know the solution to your next dilemma.
Moogle: Flames.
An outsider declares a stuffing feud against you.
Kat: Ruin and Throne.
You lose all your property and wealth, and as you have fur, don't get a loincloth.
However, People see you as a true leader, and you get your own fully equipped keep.
Fresch: Knight.
A 4th level fighter swears loyalty to you 'till Death.
Vinven: Vizier.
You know the answer to your next dilemma.
Xyrra: Throne.
Keep and 6 ranks in diplomacy for you.
ElvishCrackPiper: The Void, Vizier, Star, and Moon.
Know the answer to your next dilemma, gain +2 to one ability, get 2 wishes, and your soul sucked out.
Fal: Skull and Flames.
Your epic pet turns on you AGAIN, and Death appears, and puts his hand on your shoulder. You must defeat him or be forever destroyed.
I'm an individual. Just like everyone else!
Chalesm had this to say about Cuba:
*takes a single card*
If I had been drawer of cards instead of Pvednes, you would have gotten this card. Even though it doesn't exist.
Minotaur card. One minotaur tramples you into the ground.
No offense is meant by that. I just found it hilarious.
[ 01-07-2002: Message edited by: Xyrra ]
You gain the services of a 4th level fighter, a +2 bonus to one ability, and must defeat Death there or be forever destroyed.
Death duplicates to take on Fal's knight too.
The DM guide has this to say about the Skull card. and porn:
A minor Death appears. Treat this minor Death as an unturnable spectre with a ghost touch scythe that never misses and deals 2d8 points of damage. The character must fight it Alone---if others help, they get minor Deaths to fight as well. If the character is slain, she is slain forever and cannot be revived, even with a Wish or a Miracle.
Fal still has to fight Death to the Death on her own, but: Vizier and Moon.
Fal has three wishes and knows how to kill Death. Whether she can do it is another matter.
I'm an individual. Just like everyone else!
*puts that +2 to her Charisma and challenges Death... to STRIP POKER!*
*On the first hand, she gets 3 Aces while Death only gets a pair of 2's. Since Death only wears the one robe, he loses and Rhiannah lives!*
[ 01-07-2002: Message edited by: Rhiannah Majiss ]
I'm an individual. Just like everyone else!
[ 01-07-2002: Message edited by: Pvednes Phoenixfeather ]
*deals the next hand and gets a Mulligan while Death gets a Full House. Rhia removes her glasses.*
*Next hand. Rhiannah: 3 5's, Death: 3 Kings. Rhiannah removes her boots.*
*New deal. Rhiannah gets... a ROYAL FLUSH! Death gets 3 Aces. Good-bye clasp and good-bye Death!*
[ 01-07-2002: Message edited by: Rhiannah Majiss ]
I'm an individual. Just like everyone else!
Pvednes Phoenixfeather had this to say about Matthew Broderick:
Hang on, hang on, hang on... where'd you get this? most of your stuff with the exception of Glenwick is in the ethereal plane...
i summoned her a suit of leather armor anyway, so she would still win *grin*
But...i want 2 more cards. ill make wishesl ater...and stuff.