You get a -1 penalty to all saving throws, and 50,000XP and a medium wondrous item.
Suddar: Balance, Vizier, and Key.
You feel your motives change, know the answer to your next dilemma, and get a big arse magic axe.
Trent: Moon.
Three wishes. Be careful what you wish for.
Last Strider: You're imprisoned in the magic cage, so you're stuck watching.
Lashy: Gem.
Your choice of fifty precious gems, or twenty-five pieces of jewelry. The jewelry'd look good with the loincloth.
*Ruvyen uncurls his tail from his waist, and puts on his shiny new Belt of Giant Strength +4, so now he has 22STR. He pulls his sword out of the ground, throws it up, making it spin, kicks the bottom of the hilt sending it back up, and finally having it enter the sheath on his back.*
That's the first time I've been able to do that.
Now, I gotta ask myself... Do I feel lucky?
*Rolls d6, and comes up with... SNAKE EYES!*
Yes, yes I do.
*Takes another card, smiling.*
Trent: Moon.Three wishes. Be careful what you wish for.
*frowns, but is glad he wasn't sucked off into another plane, or imprisioned forever*
*goes to sit down and think how to word the next wishes*
Over in the elemental plane of fire...
*a loud scream can be hread at the tower of brass*
Efreeti Sultan: What in Kossuth's name was THAT?
Salamander: Well, let's see....according to my divinations, a fifteen year old boy is trapped in a force cage in a nereid harem.
Sultan: ...poor kid.
Necromancer: How DARE you imply that I was involved in a rude act with my undead servant! I will flay the flesh from your bones! I will summon a thousand maggot-ridden corpses to gnaw your flesh! I will trap your soul in-
Ghoul: My ass hurts.
Defeat the next monster to gain one level.
Yes, yes you do.
Hmm... Again, maybe?
...What the hell?
*Takes another card... He's on a ROLL! SMASHING, BABY! YEAH!*
A 4th level fighter swears loyalty to you.
But first, how's about another card please?
It is held in thought
only by the understanding
of the Wind.
Know the answer to your next dilemma.
Pvednes Phoenixfeather had this to say about Optimus Prime:
Ryu: Vizier.Know the answer to your next dilemma.
Ryu runs off to bet everything she's got at the racetrack, because she knows who to bet for.
It is held in thought
only by the understanding
of the Wind.
Again, I beleive the phrase is "Hit me".
then we can take over more stuff.
And I was all like 'Oh yeah?' and Solstyce was all like:
Can we blow up what we don't need?
as long as you dont count me as not being needed, sure.
its fun to blow things up.
Niklas: The Fates, Vizier, and Gem.
You may avoid any situation you choose once, and know the answer to your next dilemma. You also have the choice of either fifty precious gems or twenty five pieces of jewelry.
Sol: Moon.
Four wishes, be careful what you wish for.
Malkav: Euryale and Knight.
ANOTHER permanent -1 penalty to all saving throws. You also get the service of a 4th level fighter.
Fal: Key and Sun.
You gain a major magic weapon, a medium wonderous item, and 50,000 XP. Ding?
First Dragon: Vizier.
Know the answer to your next dilemma.
[ 01-06-2002: Message edited by: Pvednes Phoenixfeather ]
You feel your motives change. You gain another medium wonderous item and another 50,000 XP.
[ 01-06-2002: Message edited by: Pvednes Phoenixfeather ]
I'm an individual. Just like everyone else!
Hmmmmm. I think I'll see who gets Donjon or Skull or somethin' and see what I can do to help.
That leaves me with 47 more precious gems. And -1 to all saving throws.
Two more cards please. Please shuffle them first.
You know the answer to your next dilemma, and you have a wish. (If people were wondering, I found my d4.)
Sol: Wish'd only work with Donjon, with the really bad ones. If you tried to help someone who drew Skull you'd get your own Death to fight. and with The Void, Wish only tells you which plane the soul is imprisioned in, doesn't get it back to the body.
GenericGirl: *shuffleshuffleshuffle*
Key and The Fates.
You gain a major magic weapon, and may avoid any situation you choose, once.
[ 01-06-2002: Message edited by: Pvednes Phoenixfeather ]
Hmmmm. Methinks I'll sleep on it, work the wording out...
You feel a sudden change of motive.
Regardless, I want another. Come on, DEATH!
Disclaimer: I'm just kidding, I love all living things.
The fastest draw in the Crest.
"The Internet is MY critical thinking course." -Maradon
"Gambling for the husband, an abortion for the wife and fireworks for the kids they chose to keep? Fuck you, Disneyland. The Pine Ridge Indian Reservation is the happiest place on Earth." -JooJooFlop
Pffft, been there done that.
^Moogle-plush-doll^ had this to say about dark elf butts:
*inanimately shows up in front of Pvendes, his inanimate facial expression somehow conveying that he would likupo to draw two cards*
Wait...but since your inanimate, you have no will, therefore the cards have no effect.
And I was all like 'Oh yeah?' and Rabidbunnylover was all like:
Wait...but since your inanimate, you have no will, therefore the cards have no effect.
*would give a detailed explanation about why the cards should still workupo, but is inanimate...besides, it would all boil down to 'Because it'd be funny to watch an inanimate object fight Death/command a keep/lose experience/gain lots of jewelry/etkupo, etkupo' anyway*
Disclaimer: I'm just kidding, I love all living things.
The fastest draw in the Crest.
"The Internet is MY critical thinking course." -Maradon
"Gambling for the husband, an abortion for the wife and fireworks for the kids they chose to keep? Fuck you, Disneyland. The Pine Ridge Indian Reservation is the happiest place on Earth." -JooJooFlop