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1 After 5 Days (post #2) 2004-11-28 20:31:58
I took over and slaughtered all of Drysart's followers. I took Xyrra, Trillee, Lashanna, Gikk, Rhiannah, Ares, and Parcelan as my wives are we're working on producing suitable heirs to the throne as ...

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
2 Jania! (post #127) 2004-11-09 23:07:35
I know. Just another one of your weird things I don't understand.

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
3 Jania! (post #125) 2004-11-09 22:48:06
But it's cuddly!

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
4 Jania! (post #116) 2004-11-09 21:24:21
Oooo! That's a nice spider!

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
5 Jania! (post #86) 2004-11-08 16:13:19
Maybe if you kept them in your pants...

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
6 Jania! (post #58) 2004-11-07 20:54:52
This can only end in tears.

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
7 It's that time again: Last one to post wins!! (post #5536) 2004-11-07 20:31:13
No, I win.

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
8 Jania! (post #42) 2004-11-07 12:32:21
Here we go...

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
9 Jania! (post #22) 2004-11-06 22:22:17
What exactly are you up to?

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
10 Sued?? (post #17) 2004-04-01 00:07:24
*plays with the forbidden box*

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
11 Vampires need doctors too (post #4) 2004-01-03 14:11:37
Yes they are. They're immortal. Duh.[ 01-03-2004: Message edited by: Drysart ]

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
12 I doubt the power of Taran (post #2) 2003-08-10 23:21:33
You fool!!!

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
13 So, I've been gone for a day and a half or so.. (post #2) 2003-08-10 18:57:04
It's true.

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
14 Lady D is here to help you! (post #37) 2003-08-02 02:33:31
Dear Lady D,Well? What do you think?Signed,Taran

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
15 Time for the eight o'clock dildo (post #12) 2003-06-22 20:33:56

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
16 Well it's about time I came clean... (post #64) 2003-06-11 00:49:02

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
17 Looks like Taran's won.. for now.. (post #12) 2003-06-07 13:53:05
I'm always up for a good tongue lashing!

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
18 Game Distributors need to actually distribute games.. (post #32) 2003-05-23 20:28:26
Forum Necromancy!

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
19 The EQ EC Panorama Image (post #52) 2003-05-22 19:35:01

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
20 what are your driving goals in life? (post #28) 2003-05-10 21:25:41
Get in line.

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
21 Rhiannah's trinket shop (post #52) 2003-03-23 02:29:19
*perks up an eyebrow*"Globes of destruction", hm? How does one of these work?

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
22 Rhiannah's trinket shop (post #31) 2003-03-23 01:32:07
*peers around the tent briefly*Got anything here you think I might like?

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
23 I demand this thread be locked! (post #1) 2003-02-27 22:53:02

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
24 New look! (post #2) 2003-02-27 01:23:55
That armor would look great on the floor of my bedchambers.

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
25 Something to think about (post #42) 2003-02-20 00:00:14
You rang?

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
26 Dynamic content: Trolls getting thier asses kicked by frogs (post #56) 2003-02-08 16:00:08
But you're learning.

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
27 Dynamic content: Trolls getting thier asses kicked by frogs (post #53) 2003-02-08 15:51:51
Exactly! One tomb for the whole wretched race!Shh.. don't clue them in on our plans.

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
28 Dynamic content: Trolls getting thier asses kicked by frogs (post #50) 2003-02-08 14:40:58
I doubt that. Halflings kick ass about as well as a one-legged man. If halflings have Neriak in EQ2, it's obviously only because the dark elves let them have it for some unexplained, but assuredly v...

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
29 Lazypoll! (post #11) 2003-02-03 00:33:40
I better be in this neighborhood!

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
30 I see colors. (post #101) 2003-01-26 00:38:27
I love you.

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
31 RULES CHANGE OMG (post #13) 2003-01-12 22:44:14
I say it is so, and so it is!

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
32 RULES CHANGE OMG (post #7) 2003-01-12 22:34:03
It is done!

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
33 RULES CHANGE OMG (post #0) 2003-01-12 22:25:14
From the desk of Taran N'Ariqi, Prince of DarknessTo my loyal subjects: effective immediately, discussing warez is no longer an instantly bannable offense. Mentioning warez is now permitted, however ...

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
34 What sort of Fantasy literature is everyone reading? (post #71) 2003-01-06 20:24:04
No relation.[ 01-06-2003: Message edited by: Drysart ]

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
35 We have taken over!!! (post #0) 2002-12-31 00:56:37
You will kneel before us!

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
36 I think it's my turn... (post #19) 2002-12-20 19:23:15
Leckie is sexy!

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
37 Faction choice is open for new entries (post #39) 2002-11-27 23:32:16
I think the choice is obvious. Don't waste away today dreaming of yesterday. The high elf is deposed, the new reign is here to stay.

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
38 does anyone even remember me? (post #31) 2002-11-27 23:22:05
Well, you could either side with me and be victorious, or you could side with the weak high elf and cower in fear.I think my side fits your gothic tendencies better. ... and dark elves are better in...

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
39 In an effort to defeat Bajah's Signature... (post #8) 2002-11-27 23:16:09
It is... and we all win, my man.

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
40 does anyone even remember me? (post #27) 2002-11-27 23:14:38
Ohhh yeah. I'm like the wind, baby. Every woman's skin knows my gentle caress.

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
41 does anyone even remember me? (post #23) 2002-11-27 23:05:02
Hi! Wanna have hot goth sex?

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
42 In this thread, I declare all women are in my harem. (post #47) 2002-11-04 01:13:45
Take your toy and leave my sight.

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
43 In this thread, I declare all women are in my harem. (post #43) 2002-11-04 00:57:03
As much as I'd love to....*turns the blade and draws blood from under Paris's chin*...killing such a worthless piece of flesh is beneath me. You can have him.*steps back away from Paris*

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
44 In this thread, I declare all women are in my harem. (post #40) 2002-11-04 00:43:01
*grins evilly and tightens the blade against Paris's neck*It might be a good time to change that attitude...

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
45 In this thread, I declare all women are in my harem. (post #37) 2002-11-04 00:22:13
*grabs Paris as he returns and holds a blade to his throat*Oh yes... quite capable, I see.

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
46 In this thread, I declare all women are in my harem. (post #34) 2002-11-04 00:11:48
Are you willing to bet his life on that, hmm?

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
47 In this thread, I declare all women are in my harem. (post #28) 2002-11-03 23:55:50
Paltry urchin?Perhaps I should snuff out your little boyfriend? Would that change your attitude?

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
48 In this thread, I declare all women are in my harem. (post #22) 2002-11-03 23:39:12
All the better. Necromancers do it to death!

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
49 In this thread, I declare all women are in my harem. (post #18) 2002-11-03 23:33:37
Done and done. Here's your key.

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
50 In this thread, I declare all women are in my harem. (post #16) 2002-11-03 23:30:35
We'll see. You'll be screaming my name in ecstacy before too long.

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute

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