Vallo, the Second Coming said:
Try getting a job instead of internet butt buddies.
I googled for jobs and all I got were pictures of women sucking cocks.
Maradon! had this to say about Pirotess:
You can google for au gratin potatos and get that.
man I want some au gratin potatoes right now
and a blowjob
Sakkra had this to say about Punky Brewster:
man I want some au gratin potatoes right now
and a blowjob
Vallo, the Second Coming had this to say about Jimmy Carter:
Try getting a job instead of internet butt buddies.
You know, a job would be fan-fuckin'-tastic, let me tell you. Trouble is, even the fucking retail places in my area like Best Buy and Circuit City are overstaffed. The best lead I have right now won't even go live until December and that counting on a friend that works at Circuit City to run out a couple of the shitty techs to try and get me in their spot.
It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the beans of Java the thoughts aquire speed, the teeth acquire stains, the stains become a warning. It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion.
I know, because I'm firing more people than I can hire to replace them.
Damnati had this to say about Reading Rainbow:
You know, a job would be fan-fuckin'-tastic, let me tell you. Trouble is, even the fucking retail places in my area like Best Buy and Circuit City are overstaffed. The best lead I have right now won't even go live until December and that counting on a friend that works at Circuit City to run out a couple of the shitty techs to try and get me in their spot.
Welcome to Starbucks how can I butcher your coffee?
Second Life is totally free, but you'll get mocked a lot until you stop looking like a newbie, and that will cost a bit of money.
could always try craigs list.
pretty much, anything will cost you a bit of money.
good luck in the job hunt and the social life.
Damnati's fortune cookie read:
You know, a job would be fan-fuckin'-tastic, let me tell you. Trouble is, even the fucking retail places in my area like Best Buy and Circuit City are overstaffed. The best lead I have right now won't even go live until December and that counting on a friend that works at Circuit City to run out a couple of the shitty techs to try and get me in their spot.
I thought Circuit City went bankrupt?
Monica said this about your mom:
I thought Circuit City went bankrupt?
They filed Chapter 11, so I guess they're still hanging on to a thread of life for now. That is, until they realize that no amount of reorganization is going to save them from the bottomless pit of horrible customer service they've dug themselves into.
Peanut butter ass Shaq Nina booooze lime pole over bench lick:
They filed Chapter 11, so I guess they're still hanging on to a thread of life for now. That is, until they realize that no amount of reorganization is going to save them from the bottomless pit of horrible customer service they've dug themselves into.
Out of a possible 10, Damnati scored a straight 1 with:
I think my post is confusing because I, myself, am lost. Being as I'm looking for part time work while I pursue certifications that will increase my marketability, I'm lacking wherewithal and, before even that, I'm lacking in social experience. In addition, I'm not in the greatest of states psychologically; depression and what I will venture a guess is one part social anxiety and one part a generally anti-social nature makes things difficult.A girlfriend is what I want; what I need and what I should pursue right now are probably in much different areas. Friends in general are what I think should be the higher priority since making new acquaintances and transitioning some of those to greater levels of intimacy (socially, not physically) is more apt to put me through the kind of social experience I need. The problem there is that I really don't know how to meet new people or where to find the sort of people I'd like to socialize with.
Topping that off is the fact that I'm unemployed and in the midst of certification training to get a real job, which means my financial wherewithal is basically nonexistent. This leaves me, essentially, with my computer, the people I know from training (who I seem to fit in poorly with), and three friends I have as is (with whom I may actually converse with once or twice in a good month). All things considered, I figured the internet is probably going to be the best of a poor lot of options. There again I am stymied by not knowing where to begin.
All right. This is going to sound like mocking, but it isn't. I'm actually trying to offer some good advice.
Look at what I emphasized up there a bit. You have to ask yourself two things there: 1) "Do I really talk like this?" or, 2) "Did I spend a lot of time writing this using important words I've picked up over time to try and appear extra-intelligent?"
If it's 1, then stop. Unless you run with some kind of intellectual crowd that also talks like this (and only them), you're just going to make people feel like you think you're smarter than them and they'll hate you for it. Throwing around words like stymie and wherewithal in normal speech is like wearing a tux to Taco Bell - if you're going to do it, make sure there's ten other people doing the same thing, and the people not like that will still give you odd looks.
If it's 2, then also stop. Drop the facade and talk to people in normal conversation. If you have to practice what you're going to say, or keep writing it until you think you're more likely to be taken seriously, people are going to see right through it and then they will mock you.
If it's none of the above, then get a monocle, a smoking jacket, and start calling people "old chap."
I'm going to take what you said above and try to make it sound more... sociable.
My post is probably confusing because I am confused. As I'm looking for part time work while I try to get certifications that will look good on a resume, I'm not exactly rolling in money and, before even that, I'm a bit socially inept. Also, I feel I have depression, social anxiety, and a generally anti-social nature to make things difficult.A girlfriend is what I want, but what I need and what I should work on right now are probably in much different areas. Friends in general are what I think are important because it'll help me learn more about being around people, which will then help me improve myself enough for someone to want to date me. The problem there is that I really don't know how to meet new people or where to find the sort of people I'd like to be around.
Topping that off is the fact that I'm unemployed and in the the middle of certification training to get a real job, which means my finances are basically nonexistent. This leaves me, essentially, with my computer, the people I know from training (who I don't seem to fit in with), and three friends I have as is (with whom I may actually talk with once or twice in a good month). All things considered, I figured the internet is probably going to be the best of a poor lot of options. There again I am stuck by not even knowing where to begin.
Okay, let me help you then. As someone who never liked going to bars or nightclubs, mainly because I always felt that if I did meet someone there, it'd be someone who liked going to bars and nightclubs... so we'd already be on the wrong foot. Plus if you feel uncomfortable there, they can tell. Hell, that goes for prospective friends as well as prospective dates.
So your best bet is to start hanging out in places you DO like to spend time at. Doesn't matter if it's game stores, sports arenas, the mall, anything. As long as it's around real people. And you've got to work up the nerve to actually talk to people. People LOVE confidence.. it's an aphrodisiac (woot, fancy word). Even if you don't have anything to talk about, talk anyway. Find something to say, even if it's just "Hey, how's it goin?" And if you're going to smile, smile genuinely. Toothy smiles freak people out. If you can't think of anything to say, try to be friendly in some manner, be it holding the door or just smiling good-naturedly, or whatever else.
You have to NOT be anti-social. And don't frown all the time. Unless you're trying to intimidate people or scare them away. If so, then that's the way to go. If you want people to like you or spend time around you, you have to basically be likeable, for lack of a better phrase.
That's all I have for tonight. Feel free to PM me if you want more information or anything, just expect honest answers and no bullshit. Otherwise, enjoy more posts about doing it wrong Bajah fucked around with this message on 11-17-2008 at 10:58 PM.
Bajah stopped staring at Deedlit long enough to write:
<quite really an interesting post>
As far as how I talk, reality is neither one nor two but, rather, how I post on the internet; it's not through any kind of effort to sound more intelligent or educated, just sort of second nature and I don't really think about it. The way I speak in person is far more normal? I have, on several occasions, received compliments for being "well-spoken" and "articulate" though I make no particular effort to be so.
As for places to hang out, I'm right with you on bars and nightclubs and it's also kind of why I haven't really been motivated to pursue an active social life; specifically, I'm not familiar with many places people congregate [in my area] with the intent to socialize in mind. In San Diego, it seems like everyone my age (24) spends their time at one of three places: concerts, bars, and the beach. The first two typically contain large numbers of people and alcohol, both of which make me rather uncomfortable. The last is a place where I just don't know what to do with myself; looking into photography to change that as there's some nice places along the beach in La Jolla and such take pictures.
About the only suggestion of yours I typically don't follow is randomly conversing with strangers. Holding doors and similar such things are common courtesy to me and I only look particularly grim and dour in pictures or when I'm in a foul mood; in the former case...\o_O/ and in the latter I probably wouldn't be out any place where I could socialize anyway. There are two reasons I typically don't approach strangers: 1) I don't what sort of cues to look for that would suggest they're interested in conversation and 2) I don't usually appreciate random people coming up and babbling at me, so it often doesn't even occur to me approach other people.
It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the beans of Java the thoughts aquire speed, the teeth acquire stains, the stains become a warning. It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion.
So quoth Damnati:
The last is a place where I just don't know what to do with myself; looking into photography to change that as there's some nice places along the beach in La Jolla and such take pictures.
Read. Or just walk. Or both (at different times). Photography could be good, as long as you don't come off as someone creepily taking pictures of people. Remember sunscreen.
Kinanik thought this was the Ricky Martin Fan Club Forum and wrote:
Read. Or just walk. Or both (at different times). Photography could be good, as long as you don't come off as someone creepily taking pictures of people. Remember sunscreen.
I think the italic bit goes without saying for any rational person. Given that I live on the other side of the county from the beach, it's as expensive as going to the FLGS so I feel like I'm wasting my time if I just go there to read or walk.
It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the beans of Java the thoughts aquire speed, the teeth acquire stains, the stains become a warning. It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion.
Maybe you should start collecting anime figurines
This one time, at Greenlit camp:
I'm getting an insufferable faggot vibe from youMaybe you should start collecting anime figurines
Funny thing, I've gotten that from you for some time now. How about I don't and you get fucked, yeah? Sounds like a plan.
It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the beans of Java the thoughts aquire speed, the teeth acquire stains, the stains become a warning. It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion.
This insanity brought to you by Inferno-Spirit:
Fuck that, Sean's a very sufferable faggot.
By all means, feel free to get fucked with him.
It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the beans of Java the thoughts aquire speed, the teeth acquire stains, the stains become a warning. It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion.
Greenlit had this to say about (_|_):
haha foe dot
While possessed by the spirit of Somthor, nem-x wrote:
Live life as you like it. When you're happy with yourself, people will be happy with you.
It will tell you things you are morally against. Either accept that you suck with people or do them anyway.
In a disastrous attempt to be funny and clever, Addy wrote:
No offense, Damnati, but if you don't know what to do in a setting like a beach, there's some serious social issues there. Nothing unsolvable, and it sounds like you acknowledge them so that's a good step, but this is going to take a lot of work on your part.
*dates some internet dude*
Vallo, the Second Coming embraced inferiority and said
Also, read The Game.It will tell you things you are morally against. Either accept that you suck with people or do them anyway.
Wrong, wrong, WRONG.
A) Damnati doesn't have the moral conviction, the good looks or the bold attitude to be a Pick-Up Artist.
B) PUAs are possibly the lowest form of life next to people who believe the Ladder Theory.
C) Fuck you.
I ain't into all that shit anymore, but let me give you a good trick if you want to get laid, it'll do wonders for your confidence:
Recycling Puppies
Buy a cute puppy. Don't get a shitty one from a shelter, it has to be adorable enough to work as a chick magnet. Put your puppet on display until a chick makes a comment on how cute it is. Continue the conversation to the best of your ability, carry a microphone if possible for later analysis of the conversation, and stay focused on the fact that hooking up is the goal.
You will quickly become increasingly more competent at this, because you are starting from the same basis every single time and can easily compare.
When the puppy grows a few months older and stops being an effective chick magnet, dump it in a shelter or drown it and buy a new puppy. Repeat cycle until you're tired of getting laid for the sake of getting laid.
Women have really fucking wierd priorities.
As for the beach, I'm not sure what to think of what Addy has to say. Being as I'm overweight enough to have visible stretch marks, I'm extremely self-concious about letting anyone see me without a shirt; this complicates normal beach activities such as surfing, bodyboarding, swimming, etc. I mentioned that I generally as though I've wasted my time and gas if I've driven all the way to the beach by myself and done nothing but read or walk around; it's just dull and I can do that nearer home while still getting out among people. I've also said in a couple of different places that just approaching people randomly to try and strike up a conversation isn't my thing. Honestly, the beach just isn't a place I enjoy much, I fail to see how this specific bit suggests serious social issues.
A lot of people feel energized by being around large crowds of people and, unconnected to this, they feel upbeat and happy in sunny weather. I'm the polar opposite: crowds makes me nervous and wear me out while the sun is oppressive and puts a severe damper on my mood. San Diego is a really poor place for me to pursue outdoor activity of any kind as it's storms and rain and generally gloomy weather that lifts my spirits. There is very little I love as much as a walk in the rain and opportunities for that just don't come very often here. At some point, when I have the necessary independence (hopefully within the next year or two), I'll move the fuck out of this sun-cursed hellhole and find some place with better weather to live in.
Edit: I did the getting laid for the sake of getting laid thing once and found that that was more than enough for me. Was not satisfying at all and my moral compass reasserted itself at some point enough that I'd rather save that for a long-term relationship. Damnati fucked around with this message on 11-18-2008 at 08:43 PM.
It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the beans of Java the thoughts aquire speed, the teeth acquire stains, the stains become a warning. It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion.