Check out the big brain on Neo-Blindy!
Much like you.
More or less, sure.
Somthor's ass must be crazy:
I disagree becuse the illegals have no rights per sec here. thus the employer while having to pay minimum wage can exploit them in other ways. No benifits poor working conditions forced working off the clock etc etc since the illgals dont have rights thye cant really say hey im being mistreated for frear of being deported.Illgals in any event should not be allowed to work here in any fashion All this is doing is telling the people of the world who dont want to follow the established immigration rules that if thye can just get here we will bend over and hand them some vasiline.
I dont want people here who didnt go through INS. if they wont respect our immingration laws what other laws will they choose to ignore.
Jesus fucking christ, you're dumb.
The whole ass licking point of the law is to give rights to the illegal workers here. They aren't just going to make it legal for them to work, they are going to make sure these people get payed minimum wage, have fair working conditions, and pay their taxes. Why the fuck can't you understand this? The workers are going to jump at this oppertunity because it guarentees them that they won't be exported and that they will make much more money. Once they have the legal right to be paid that much, they aren't going to work for less, unless they are as dumb as you are. Companies will be forced to pay them minimum wage, and any reason to hire them over a natural american citizen will be removed from the picture.
Ok let's go over this point again.
You give them rights, they will demand equal treatment. THIS IS NOT BAD. THIS IS GOOD. This means that companies will stop hiring them for a job where an American would rather be working. This means their quality of life will go up. This means that the government will get taxes from them and get realistic numbers on their population so they can make educated decisions when it comes to police routes, education requirements, and all the rest.
Liam's fortune cookie read:
This thread is a failure.
much like most of parcelans threads.
Neo-Blindy thought this was the Ricky Martin Fan Club Forum and wrote:
Jesus fucking christ, you're dumb.Ok let's go over this point again.
You give them rights, they will demand equal treatment. THIS IS NOT BAD. THIS IS GOOD. This means that companies will stop hiring them for a job where an American would rather be working. This means their quality of life will go up. This means that the government will get taxes from them and get realistic numbers on their population so they can make educated decisions when it comes to police routes, education requirements, and all the rest.
I disagree FIRST OF ALL THEY DONT DESERVE RIGHTS, they dont belong here dont give them squat. I understand you think that by giving them the right to work here wither they are illegal or not will mean that us employers will stop hireing them. I dont think it will. Even if they can work here they are still subject to the employer droping a dime to INS to have them deported if they dont tow the line, thus they will still be treated poorly and still be a source of cheaper employees.
I dont want their quailty of life to go up, I want them to sit in whateever rat hole they come from until they get a Green card like every other decent Resident Alien.
The Government wont neccicerly get taxes either. ON thier W-2 they claim the maximum deductions they keep all their pay except FICA (which I admit would be a small improvement) (yet then they can claim they are entiled to benifits becuse we let them be part of the system)
SHOW ME ON ANY CHART HOW THIS WILL IN TERMS OF real dollars help the US. you wont change my mind on the subject but at least I'll adknowledge you are partialy correct.
Somthor probably says this to all the girls:
I disagree FIRST OF ALL THEY DONT DESERVE RIGHTS, they dont belong here dont give them squat. I understand you think that by giving them the right to work here wither they are illegal or not will mean that us employers will stop hireing them. I dont think it will. Even if they can work here they are still subject to the employer droping a dime to INS to have them deported if they dont tow the line, thus they will still be treated poorly and still be a source of cheaper employees.I dont want their quailty of life to go up, I want them to sit in whateever rat hole they come from until they get a Green card like every other decent Resident Alien.
The Government wont neccicerly get taxes either. ON thier W-2 they claim the maximum deductions they keep all their pay except FICA (which I admit would be a small improvement) (yet then they can claim they are entiled to benifits becuse we let them be part of the system)SHOW ME ON ANY CHART HOW THIS WILL IN TERMS OF real dollars help the US. you wont change my mind on the subject but at least I'll adknowledge you are partialy correct.
Check out the big brain on Neo-Blindy!
See, add a few more fucks and bitches, and you've got this thread's first contender!
Somthor had this to say about Knight Rider:
SHOW ME ON ANY CHART HOW THIS WILL IN TERMS OF real dollars help the US. you wont change my mind on the subject but at least I'll adknowledge you are partialy correct.
Thinking about your posts
(and billing you for it) since 2001
Somthor probably says this to all the girls:
much like most of parcelans threads.
Also trolling, but also a (admittedly weak) flame.
Why is Somthor a better flamer than many of the rest of you? Why?
Thinking about your posts
(and billing you for it) since 2001
This one time, at Neo-Blindy camp:
But they are not legal they are not legal resident aliens, they have no rights to be in this country. INS would likly deport them if alerted to their pressence with a complaint.
We are only talking about making it legal to hire these people and giving them the same right to a min wage correct?
wither or not its legal to hire them they still have no resident green card and therefore the employer can use that as leverage for mistreatment.
And why should we do this? I doubt I could go to Europe and say hey let me work in your country without a Visa and sponge off your welfare system while I do it.
You can't even hold your own in a polite conversation; wherever did you get the notion you could argue? All you're doing is whining the same stale, bigoted, unresearched crap over and over and over and over again--as usual. Did you ever learn to read? To think independently?
No, thinking independently doesn't mean to ignore the rules of logic and the conventions of rhetoric: it means to form an opinion of your own, rather than sucking the collective jizz of the internet with no attempt to spit, sort, filter, or otherwise adulterate what shoots out of your browser into your brain.
What you're missing, dipshit, is that under the new program, the "leverage" you keep whining about goes away, because--and this is important--there will be no more illegal aliens working jobs no American wants. That's right: they'll all have work visas, and the employers will have to follow the employment laws. In theory, this makes Americans competitive for the jobs, because employers can no longer ignore wage and benefit laws.
Even when I was going to school in Arkansas, where some folks would wear KKK t-shirts to school and Governor Clinton tried to start teaching creationism as part of the curriculum, I never met a more ignorant, biased motherfucking moron than you. Honest. I have never in my entire life seen anyone argue so pathetically in any cause, nor so stubbornly after being decisively proven wrong.
Why is it that only the most clueless people. . .*cough*Gikk*cough*Geeorn*cough*Somthor. . .try to argue subtle policy points? That's right--the rest of us are smart enough to realize there aren't black-and-white answers at the national policy level! "Waaah, that new policy offends my prejudices and contradicts what I "learned" in 5th grade civics class--hey! I must be smarter than the President!"
Can you just give it a fucking rest? Go run with scissors a chainsaw or whatever it is the orderly in your ward told you to stop doing.
[ 01-20-2004: Message edited by: Bloodsage ]
{edit: tpyo}
--Satan, quoted by John Milton
But while temporary workers will have the opportunity to try to stay in the United States permanently, they will be encouraged to return to their home countries with financial incentives and, if they do decide to stay, will have to compete with migrants outside the country for the limited number of immigration slots, the president said.
its nice to know we can retain the option to bribe them to leave. Notice they really have no permenant legal status here, they just are going to become squatters.
"Granting amnesty encourages the violation of our laws and perpetuates illegal immigration. America's a welcoming country. But citizenship must not be the automatic reward for violating the laws of America."
Part of what I'm saying here.
Illegal immigrants already in the United States can only apply for the temporary worker program if they already have a job. The special status would last for three years and could be renewed once, for a total stay of six years. If temporary workers failed to stay employed or broke the law, they would be sent home, Bush said.
SEE now, you dont do what I tell you as an employee I'll fire you and report you to INS.....mmm couldnt that be used to force these people to do things that normal employees wouldnt? I think so.
CNN's senior political analyst Bill Schneider says:
The problem is they have all those guest workers who stay on and on and on, and some of them -- many of them -- stay on permanently; some of them remain illegal. Some of them are legal. Some of them become citizens.But the fact is they don't get rid of them, [they] don't go home, and it's become a problem and source of racial and ethnic tension in virtually every country in Europe.
Further its just another attempt by Bush to buy votes, this time the cuban/hispanic vote in Florida Remember 62% Voted for Gore and Election 04 is comming.
Bush said the new legal status would allow illegal immigrants to travel back to their home countries, without the fear they would not be allowed to return to the United States, and he said it would also help keep immigrants from being abused or exploited. (Border residents question immigration proposal)"This new system will be more compassionate. Decent, hardworking people will now be protected by labor laws, with the right to change jobs, earn fair wages and enjoy the same working conditions that the law requires for American workers," he said.
And half the stuff you are trying to say supports your argument is quotes by Bush FOR THIS SYSTEM.
did you even read the fucking article?
I mean seriously, how much more fucking hate does the little turd really need to have shoved down his throat before he figures out "well gee, maybe I am being a little stupid here and need to re-evaluate how I post so that people will reconsider their opinions of me?"
How many more fucking times do FACTS have to be beaten over his thick head before he realises that the vast majority of what he says is pure, unadulterated, unmitigated, and unsupported BULLSHIT!
And of course, let's not forget his fallback tactic of "OMG I'm losing this flamewar, I better resort to some lame one-liner in a witty attempt to score a point"...
I would tell him to go shove his head up his own ass and disappear, but unfortunately it appears he has already beaten me to this, as that seems to be the source of 99% of his material for posting on these forums...
pity he was too stupid to complete the move and got stuck halfway however...
Also, it really undermines the purpose of even having immigration laws. "Hey guys, we'd like you to apply to enter our country, but you know, if you want to sneak in and get a job, thats cool too."
edit: And his plan to give them incentives to return to their country is retarded. Almost none of them would go for that. They left in the first place for a reason . [ 01-20-2004: Message edited by: Zair ]
Zair stopped staring at Deedlit long enough to write:
Simply put, I think it is preposterous for Bush to say that giving illegals free passes to stay here instead of deporting them is a boon to homeland security. As far as I can see, it is the direct opposite.Also, it really undermines the purpose of even having immigration laws. "Hey guys, we'd like you to apply to enter our country, but you know, if you want to sneak in and get a job, thats cool too."
You're 180 out on the security issue. If they're given work visas, then we can track them and have records on them. If they're here illegally. . .we got jack.
What this does is acknowledge reality: it's just not possible to close our borders utterly. The two choices are 1)create a police state in hopes of closing the border and denying illegal entry, but destroying everything we stand for as a nation; or 2) incorporate the inevitable into our immigration system, thus improving the lives of the illegals, denying corporations the opportunity to exploit workers, and reaffirming what we stand for as a nation.
There will certainly be a downside, as there is with any policy, but security certainly isn't it.
--Satan, quoted by John Milton
--Satan, quoted by John Milton
Neo-Blindy's fortune cookie read:
moron.And half the stuff you are trying to say supports your argument is quotes by Bush FOR THIS SYSTEM.
did you even read the fucking article?
Sure I did, Im useing the source material that was used to start this whole thing. There are things in that article that support my veiwpoint as well as yours. Did you read what I posted? It clearly shows that becuse the illegals have to have a job offer in hand or already have gotten a job to apply for this, and that IF THEY LOSE THAT JOB THEY WILL GET DEPORTED. there is means for an employer to abuse the employee.
It also showed that the sendiment that lawbreakers shouldnt be rewarded is shared not only by my self but OUR CIC.
Then i touch that where somthing like this has been tried before per CNN's Bill Schneider; it doesnt work and causes more problems down the road.
Abbikat your opinon means nothing go back to sleep or whatever it was you were doing before you decided to toss your .02 in.
Bloodsage had this to say about Robocop:
You're 180 out on the security issue. If they're given work visas, then we can track them and have records on them. If they're here illegally. . .we got jack.
There will certainly be a downside, as there is with any policy, but security certainly isn't it.
what you say is true but if people can get here illegaly and then find a job and recive guest status wont that just encourage more people to enter illegaly? Thus creating more of a security risk?
Also wouldnt people then get complacent about non nationals in the US to the extent they tend to ignore them and become less viligent to those who dont belong here?
Also how does this reward the people who take the time and make the effort to obey our immigration laws? why wait 3 years or more when you can just come do whatever you like and get guest status becuse taco bell cant find enough minimum wage workers for its drive through.
Somthor attempted to be funny by writing:
Sure I did, Im useing the source material that was used to start this whole thing. There are things in that article that support my veiwpoint as well as yours. Did you read what I posted? It clearly shows that becuse the illegals have to have a job offer in hand or already have gotten a job to apply for this, and that IF THEY LOSE THAT JOB THEY WILL GET DEPORTED. there is means for an employer to abuse the employee.It also showed that the sendiment that lawbreakers shouldnt be rewarded is shared not only by my self but OUR CIC.
Then i touch that where somthing like this has been tried before per CNN's Bill Schneider; it doesnt work and causes more problems down the road.
Abbikat your opinon means nothing go back to sleep or whatever it was you were doing before you decided to toss your .02 in.
Actually, her opinion means a helluva lot more than yours. On any subject at all.
Unlike you, she's got an opinion, rather than a loosely-affiliated collection of random articles cut and pasted from various places on the internet with no regard to consistency, quality, or even relevance.
How can you expect anyone to pay the least attention to you except to make fun of you when you show all the rhetorical talent of a sleep-deprived two-year-old?
Sendiment? Honestly, what the fuck are you talking about?
--Satan, quoted by John Milton
We were all impressed when Somthor wrote:Abbikat your opinon means nothing go back to sleep or whatever it was you were doing before you decided to toss your .02 in.
Her opinion means a whole fuckton more than yours does, on any given subject.
[ 01-20-2004: Message edited by: Rebel Nae ]
Bloodsage owes me a Coke.
Somthor had this to say about Cuba:
what you say is true but if people can get here illegaly and then find a job and recive guest status wont that just encourage more people to enter illegaly? Thus creating more of a security risk?Also wouldnt people then get complacent about non nationals in the US to the extent they tend to ignore them and become less viligent to those who dont belong here?
Also how does this reward the people who take the time and make the effort to obey our immigration laws? why wait 3 years or more when you can just come do whatever you like and get guest status becuse taco bell cant find enough minimum wage workers for its drive through.
As usual, you have not the faintest idea what you're talking about, and are simply making shit up because you refuse to accept what's obvious. No, none of the bullshit circumlocutions you've so painfully hunted-and-pecked into your broken keyboard of stupidity (+3) have anything to do with reality.
It's a big country, fuckchop, and the borders will remain porous. We can enact policy that acknowledges reality, or we can hide our heads in the sand like a bunch of bigoted reactionaries want to.
--Satan, quoted by John Milton
Rebel Nae had this to say about Jimmy Carter:
Her opinion means a whole fuckton more than yours does, on any given subject.
Bloodsage owes me a Coke.
*Slips on a pink teddy and waves the Coke in a suductive "come-hither" motion*
--Satan, quoted by John Milton
Bloodsage had this to say about John Romero:
*Slips on a pink teddy and waves the Coke in a suductive "come-hither" motion*
If I have to see your chest hair in a pink teddy, that Coke better have some rum in it!
I still think this plan should never see reality, however. I think we would do well without an immigration policy that condoned, and even rewarded, those who come to the country illegally. Under that plan, it is arguably easier to start a life in America by sneaking in than by applying the old fashioned way.
Check out the big brain on Rebel Nae!
If I have to see your chest hair in a pink teddy, that Coke better have some rum in it!
*Dips himself in chocolate*
How's that?
Has a bottle of rum handy!
--Satan, quoted by John Milton
Why don't you just go into a Wal*Mart, and "Martyr" your-self on a broom handle or something.
Bloodsage impressed everyone with:
As usual, you have not the faintest idea what you're talking about, and are simply making shit up because you refuse to accept what's obvious. No, none of the bullshit circumlocutions you've so painfully hunted-and-pecked into your broken keyboard of stupidity (+3) have anything to do with reality..
Just answer the questions. then insult me afterwords if you don't mind.
If people can get here illegaly and then find a job and recive guest status wont that just encourage more people to enter illegaly? Thus creating more of a security risk?
Also wouldnt people then get complacent about non nationals in the US to the extent they tend to ignore them and become less viligent to those who dont belong here?
Also how does this reward the people who take the time and make the effort to obey our immigration laws? why wait 3 years or more when you can just come do whatever you like and get guest status becuse taco bell cant find enough minimum wage workers for its drive through.
BTW OPINION [n] a personal belief or judgment that is not founded on proof or certainty; "my opinion differs from yours"; "what are your thoughts on Haiti?"
Obstinacy in holding to one's belief or impression; [ 01-20-2004: Message edited by: Somthor ]
opiniativeness; conceitedness. [Obs.] --Shak.
Everyone wondered WTF when Somthor wrote:
Abbikat your opinon means nothing go back to sleep or whatever it was you were doing before you decided to toss your .02 in.
(Go go Random Quote Generator...)
(From my earlier post)
And of course, let's not forget his fallback tactic of "OMG I'm losing this flamewar, I better resort to some lame one-liner in a witty attempt to score a point"...
Way to try to prove me wrong Somthor.. Once again you have only given us further proof of the depths of your stupidity.
You couldn't even flame me in a decent fashion if you poured gasoline over me and lit a fucking match... (first off, most gas cans have Childproof locks on the openings to prevent retards like you from hurting themselves, and I'm not even going to raise the issue that safety matches would cause you...)
You don't like my opinIon (oh yeah, good spelling example by you there too, but let's not nitpick, c'est ne pas?) then do something that gives me reason to reconsider it. Debate me on it. Show me proof that I am wrong about you..
For that matter show that much of the membership of this forum is in error with their belief about you.. after all, YOU were one of the suggested topics to start this thread off. Folks went for a slightly more challenging example of politics however, because sometimes flaming a retard is like watching the 100 meter dash in the Special Olympics (thanks to 'sage for that one).. Hell yes it's funny, but only in moderate doses.. you cant live on it 24/7...
So far, all you've done is cut and pasted lines from various parts of one article here and twisted words in a lame attempt to have it conform to what you would like it to say. You've given no examples as proof to back up your statements.. rather you've relied on the "proofs" listed within the article by "experts" (note: an "ex" is a has-been, and a "spurt" is a drip under pressure) who's conclusions have been proved false by the very data they are trying to use to justify their positions...
Try to at least come up with SOMETHING original (or at least something not already posted, discussed, dissected, debated, and rejected)..
Rebel Nae wrote, obviously thinking too hard:
If I have to see your chest hair in a pink teddy, that Coke better have some rum in it!
Better be a 2 liter one too! *grin*
Ah, Texas Fan Faire, how I miss thee.
The fact that you were born in america? big fucking whup. i know immigrants that love this country more than any american citizen I have ever met, and I know american citizens that hate this country more than any terrorist. But there you go, being a racist biggot, assuming that just because someone's skin is a different color and they speak a different language they need to be controlled in this country.
What the fuck is your problem.
People are comming to america looking for work. Many years ago, your family was probibly doing the same thing. Thank god no assholes like you were around when that was happening.
Somthor had this to say about Reading Rainbow:
BTW OPINION [n] a personal belief or judgment that is not founded on proof or certainty; "my opinion differs from yours"; "what are your thoughts on Haiti?"
Way to take PART of something and twist it to suit the need...
(taken from Merriam-Webster Dictionary )
OPINION implies a conclusion thought out yet open to dispute
Show proof that your "opinions" (if that is indeed what they are, as opposed to the regurgitated thoughts of other people twisted in a fashion that would make a pretzel seem like a breadstick) are indeed "though out conclusions".
Further, show proof that your opinions are open to dispute (by that we mean show that when we beat you six-ways-from-Sunday with FACTS that prove you wrong, that you will reconsider your opinion)..
And finally, show proof that you can argue and debate in a logical and coherent fashion, and not need to fall back on attempts at witty one-liners to score cheap points for yourself before you run away from the thread squealing about how "you are always right and everyone else is so wrong and we're all so mean to you" like the pansy ass that you are..
[edit: Corrected a typo... which is more than Somthor ever attempts to do...] [ 01-20-2004: Message edited by: Abbikat ]
Neo-Blindy had this to say about Robocop:
what the fuck makes you think you "belong" here?The fact that you were born in america? big fucking whup. i know immigrants that love this country more than any american citizen I have ever met, and I know american citizens that hate this country more than any terrorist. But there you go, being a racist biggot, assuming that just because someone's skin is a different color and they speak a different language they need to be controlled in this country.
Guess what, he DOES belong here because he was born here. Its all nice and sentimental to say some illegals crossing the border love our country, but that doesn't make them BELONG here. The great thing about America is that you have the freedom to think whatever you want. You don't have to be a diehard patriot to live here. [ 01-20-2004: Message edited by: Zair ]
When the babel fish was in place, it was apparent Zair said:
Guess what, he DOES belong here because he was born here. Its all nice and sentimental to say some illegals crossing the border love our country, but that doesn't make them BELONG here. The great thing about America is that you have the freedom to think whatever you want. You don't have to be a diehard patriot to live here.
Besides being born here from parents who were also born here and so on and so on and so on along the family tree. I served My nation in the Navy, as did my father, as did his father as did his father.
none of that makes me belong here more than anyother person who has citizen status and has served this nation in its armed forces.
How many of the EC community other than Bloodsage and those too young to have served can say the same? (inquiring mind wants to know) [ 01-20-2004: Message edited by: Somthor ]
And I was all like 'Oh yeah?' and Gikk was all like:
He took us to war with Iraq
No, no he didn't. He is simply executing the United States policy that every single Democrat in office voted for in 1997.
In order to believe Bush "took us to war with Iraq" you must believe the following to be true(paraphrased from a New York Post editorial I read at two in the morning!):
In 1979, at the age of 33 and while working at the head of an Oil Company in Texas, Bush uses his strong influence(he graduated from Yale, he had influence from that) to trick Jimmy Carter into backing Saddam Hussein's rise to power.
His father purposefully leaves Saddam alive with the knowledge that Bush would need a scapegoat to garner support for reelection in 2004.
Bill Clinton, knowing that the incumbent president usually has a huge head start in the polls and is hard to beat and wanting to make sure Bush runs two terms so Hilary has a better chance in the 2008 elections, makes it U.S. policy to remove Saddam's regime and liberate Iraq. Bush obviously prodded this along and showed his manipulative skills early on, while he was still Governor of Texas and tricked nearly the entirety of congress into voting this as United States policy, all the while making Bill Clinton think it was his idea.
Given an ultimatum to leave the country in 48 hours, Saddam makes a secret deal with Bush and refuses, letting Bush invade his country and oust him. He wasn't supposed to be found, but a few GI Joes got a little over zealous and accidently stumbled on him. Oops. Any day now he'll spill the beans about the whole thing and the gig will be up.
That rascally Bush! Planning this thing for 25 years.
(In all seriousness, Iraq has been a hotspot for longer than most of the posters on these boards have been alive, and every President for the last twenty years has at least made a perfunctory effort to remove him from power. Bush is just the one who got it done. You can blame him for anything you want about the economy or whatever, but to act like his actions in Iraq are unique and anything more than following established, official United States Policy is unfair, completely baseless and short sighted.) [ 01-20-2004: Message edited by: Snoota ]
Somthor wrote, obviously thinking too hard:
Besides being born here from parents who were also born here and so on and so on and so on along the family tree. I served My nation in the Navy, as did my father, as did his father as did his father.none of that makes me belong here more than anyother person who has citizen status and has served this nation in its armed forces.
So if it has no relevence at all, why raise it?
Because obviously you DO believe that it makes you belong in the US more than others, or at least you believe it makes your "opinions" more valid than those of anyone else.
How can I prove this? Easy
How many of the EC community other than Bloodsage and those too young to have served can say the same? (inquiring mind wants to know)
And what did the Enquiring mind want to know for? You already said that it makes no difference, so why the fuck even ask?? (Rhetorical question)
Because you want to use it in an attempt to dismiss other people's opinions as invalid because they have not "done their duty to their country".
Are you that lame? Are you so unsure of the validity of your opinions? Are you that pig-ignorant that you can't be bothered to go search for documented FACTS to back up your pathetic arguements that you have to resort to petty-minded tactics to "win" this arguement?
Dude, you disgust me in more ways than you can possible imagine. And I believe I speak for the vast majority of the boards when I say that.
Vorbis painfully thought these words up:
I'm not angry enough
*steals Vorbis' goat*
WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! [ 01-20-2004: Message edited by: Abbikat ]
Abbikat had this to say about Matthew Broderick:
[QB]And what did the Enquiring mind want to know for? You already said that it makes no difference, so why the fuck even ask?? (Rhetorical question)Because you want to use it in an attempt to dismiss other people's opinions as invalid because they have not "done their duty to their country".
i mentioned it becus Neo blindy stated
what the fuck makes you think you "belong" here?
I simply stated why I belong "here" after doing so I was curious to know how many of the people here who are eligible to serve have done so. Its a simple question.
Now let me refill your glass.
Bleach wasn't it?
You also said:
none of that makes me belong here more than anyother person who has citizen status and has served this nation in its armed forces.
So again, I ask:
If it makes no difference, why the fuck ask at all??
Serving one's country in the military is not the only way one can show patriotism to it.. nor does it make you any more of a citizen becuase you did serve over anyone else who didn't.
[ 01-20-2004: Message edited by: Abbikat ]
[edit: pwned by UBB]