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Topic: == New Forum For All War Threads ==
Tastes best with pudding
posted 03-29-2003 06:53:01 PM
So quoth Lyinar Ka`Bael:
I was an admin in the past, Abbi. And that was the standard. Mods were polite, but forceful. They didn't have to insult or get nasty to get the point across. And they were respected. It was just a way we all sort of mutually agreed to act. And it worked.

It worked.... to a point.

As Tim said:


As I'm sure you remember, there was a point in this forum's history where mods were allowed to use personal judgement and it didn't go well. Hell, there were even giant flamewars started over a mod accidentally using the "edit post" button instead of the "reply" button.

I remember that flamewar... I seem to recall you, Lyinar, agreeing that the mods powers be limited as a result of that incident.

(Unfortunately, when I tried to search the forums I wasnt able to find the thread in which the incident happened, or the subsequent discussion about limiting the mods powers..)

I don't think circumstances have changed to the extent that we need to return to the days when one mod's personal interpretation of a post (or even their own personal feelings toward a poster) affected how they moderated the boards..

Lyinar continued:
It was like that even before I was a mod and I watched the mods in action. It changed when the norm became for the mods to be just as mean as everyone else, or to display the apathetic nature they have now. Do you think that's behavior conducive to being respected? You may, you may not. But I can't honestly say I do. And because I care about the state of the boards, I worry what that meanness and apathy is doing to us.

I don't condone the behaviour of the mods. I believe that respect is earned, not a benefit of position. I'm sure you probably feel much the same. Is their behaviour condusive to garnering respect? Each member of EC will have their own opinion on that.

However, if they are misusing their 'powers' to the extent you say, is giving them MORE powers going to resolve the issue? or add gasoline to the fire??

Further, don't the rules also mention that if you have a problem with the behaviour of the mods, that you take it up privately with Tim?

I don't understand Lyinar. I've re-read your posts thinking I'm obviously missing something, but I remain confused. Maybe it's the 21 straight days of 10 hours shifts, or maybe it's a lack of caffiene, or maybe I aer just too dum..

You want to complain that the mods need more powers, but you argued to have their powers 'stripped' back to their current levels.

You say you respect Tim's rules and his right to do as he sees fit on his forums, but you argue incessantly with him each time he does.

I cannot fathom what you are trying to do here, because it seems to me you take a contrary position to yourself, sometimes within the same thread. Perhaps you can PM me to discuss further?

Were-Tigress Disciple of Lycanthropy
Perma-lowbie, addicted to MMORPGs
My LiveJournal

Lyinar Ka`Bael
Are you looking at my pine tree again?
posted 03-29-2003 07:14:21 PM
I honestly do not remember a thread where I said mod powers should be stripped back. I've thought for a long time that the mods didn't do nearly enough. I may have argued what I'm arguing now, that they be nicer, or that they don't abuse things, but I honestly do not recall arguing they get stripped of powers.

Now there have been times in the past that a mod has abused power. Like Peachis cutting Mortious' posting privileges, with Drysart's permission, because he called her a whore in IRC, and Mort not getting them back until he "apologized". That I was completely against. I've always been completely against a mod bullying a poster just because they can.

As far as powers, though, as much as I can remember, I have always supported them having editing privileges. Just not abusing them. It may have been an instance that appeared to be bullying a poster, or wronging the poster in some way. That I would have been against.

Actually, I'm quite surprised that Drysart has allowed this to go on. I have voiced these opinions and more in PMs to him when they happened. Respect *is* earned, and I have very little for his mods. But I respect him, so I do what they say, and bring the matter up to him privately.

But it's nice to be able to openly discuss it with the rest of the board, to debate, to make points and counter points. We're probably not going to change each other's minds on anything, but I'm glad to see that we *can* get along, even on a subject like this. And I'm glad to see a taboo subject being talked about honestly and openly for once, and Drys responding with much more than "It's my boards".

As for Drys being able to do what he can on his boards, he can. He doesn't have to listen to me, to you, to anyone else that comes here. But I have always been honest with him, and always told him when I felt he was doing something that hurt the boards. I used to have at least a little of his ear at one point in time. I used to know for sure that he cared about the people that came here. I don't feel that way any longer, but I am still honest with him in hopes that he'll not forget that the people that come here are people, and that it's his job as the owner to keep the boards a fun place for everyone, not just a select few.

And Parce, I know it's been pointed out, to you especially, that one person's joke is not always another's. Some of things people say are quite hurtful. Some of the things they do are quite hurtful. But the ones targeted are expected to have a "thick skin" because the one doing it thinks it's funny. That's lack of consideration for other people. Is that really something we want to encourage?

And something I want to add. It's not a matter of "Oh my god, who am I going to offend now?". It's more a matter of thinking about what you say and how it might hurt someone else.

[ 03-29-2003: Message edited by: Lyinar Ka`Bael ]

Lyinar Ka`Bael, Piney Fresh Druidess - Luclin

Comrade Snoota
Da, Tovarisch!
posted 03-29-2003 07:18:18 PM
This isn't entirely fair, either. According to the rules, they are not allowed to post under their mod account. And, as such, cannot defend themselves.

Though I suppose they could technically lock the thread and blacklist Lyinar for breaking the "don't complain about the mods" rule.

You smell that? Do you smell that? ...Napalm, son. Nothing else in the world smells like that. I love the smell of napalm in the morning. You know, one time we had a hill bombed for twelve hours. When it was all over I walked up. We didn't find one of 'em, not one stinkin' dink body. The smell, you know that gasoline smell, the whole hill. Smelled like... victory.
Lyinar Ka`Bael
Are you looking at my pine tree again?
posted 03-29-2003 07:20:07 PM
Maybe we could request that Drysart rescind that for this discussion and they *could* defend themselves.

I've thought it was stupid to hide mod identities from the beginning anyway. Just makes them even more isolationist from the rest of the patrons.

Lyinar Ka`Bael, Piney Fresh Druidess - Luclin

I <3 My Deviant
posted 03-29-2003 07:21:03 PM
My question is... Is this all really necessary?
Comrade Snoota
Da, Tovarisch!
posted 03-29-2003 07:22:41 PM
I think hiding who they are was a great idea. It cuts down on the cries of favoritism.

For example, when it became well known that Deth was RoboMod the first thing that happened was an uprising of crying foul because he kept locking threads that you lost arguments in, when they were threads that should have been locked anyway.

Edit: Hell, I'm sure there's mods now that if it was found who they were people would try piecing together how they could have been protecting their "friends", whether it be true or not.

[ 03-29-2003: Message edited by: Frog ]

You smell that? Do you smell that? ...Napalm, son. Nothing else in the world smells like that. I love the smell of napalm in the morning. You know, one time we had a hill bombed for twelve hours. When it was all over I walked up. We didn't find one of 'em, not one stinkin' dink body. The smell, you know that gasoline smell, the whole hill. Smelled like... victory.
Lyinar Ka`Bael
Are you looking at my pine tree again?
posted 03-29-2003 07:24:24 PM
Don't you think it's nice getting it out in the open and seeing Drys responding as politely as he is? And everyone else. We've all kept fairly polite with each other. I for one am glad to be able to discuss it for once, rather than just PMing Drys and never getting any replies, and never seeing anything get better.

Lyinar Ka`Bael, Piney Fresh Druidess - Luclin

Faelynn LeAndris
Lusty busty redheaded wood elf with sharp claws
posted 03-29-2003 07:30:34 PM
Frog had this to say about Duck Tales:
I think hiding who they are was a great idea. It cuts down on the cries of favoritism.

It also protects the Mods themselves, which is why I also support it. Mods are in tight spots because they can hurt thier friends by coming down on them whether they deserved it or not, as well as making them an ostracized part of the community for "doing thier job" when people start disliking them due to thier powers. It happens, it has happened, and making them public, it would happen again. Saying otherwise is just plain stupid, and denying what is the norm in social boards.

The Mods indentities for my Dream Media boards are hidden for the very same reasons Drys hides his here. Making identities public makes the job, and respocibilities that much harder, as less easily objective. Keeping them hidden is the wiser solution for too many reasons to think otherwise.

My LAUNCHCast Station
"Respect the Forest, Fear the Ranger"
I got lost for an hour and became god.
Lyinar Ka`Bael
Are you looking at my pine tree again?
posted 03-29-2003 07:32:12 PM
How.... Frog.... uughhhhhh:
I think hiding who they are was a great idea. It cuts down on the cries of favoritism.

For example, when it became well known that Deth was RoboMod the first thing that happened was an uprising of crying foul because he kept locking threads that you lost arguments in, when they were threads that should have been locked anyway.

Edit: Hell, I'm sure there's mods now that if it was found who they were people would try piecing together how they could have been protecting their "friends", whether it be true or not.

Did Adam ever lock or edit something where someone wasn't being an ass? Drys removed him because people got angry he was spoiling their fun, and actually trying to make them behave toward each other.

Back when I first came here, mods and admins weren't hidden. When I was an admin, I had the big gold name I'm sure some remember. And it worked. Mods didn't have to be hidden, because we didn't get smart, we didn't get nasty, we just enforced the rules in a civil manner and usually it was pretty generally understood why something was edited, or why something was locked, etc. There wasn't any room for anyone to be resentful that way and say mods were only protecting their "friends" because a lot of the time mods only acted when many people were calling for it.

And everyone knew who the mods were. Now it's a secret, and there's nobody really to turn to when things are going bad. Sure, we have the alert moderator button, but why use that when half the time the mods either don't answer to it, or they get nasty when they respond? That's not being helpful, and I think two those things have contributed to people no longer relying on the mods.

Lyinar Ka`Bael, Piney Fresh Druidess - Luclin

In a Fire
posted 03-29-2003 07:38:07 PM
Lyinar why can't you just come to the conclusion that you don't like Tim runs the boards and leave it at that? Everyone that has been here for any length of time knows that you are constantly at odds with anyone that has more authority then you. Drys was tired of having to look at the flame wars and other altercations that constantly got started over the war so he decided he no longer wanted them present in the main comunity. That is how I interpret his decision and I congratulate him for taking that step to keep his comunity pleasent.

In much the same fashion he toned down a mods powers to only include things he could undo. Much like the christian church a certain dogma exists and Tim wishes to maintain control over his rules in his forum. I imagine that it is very difficult for him to undo and edit, if not impossible thus a veritable shit storm would easily be started if a mod took editing liberties lightly.

Bottom line is, this is Tims forums. I personally am impressed with the stability of these forums as you should be as well. I think considering that many people have posted here for over 3 years is a testiment to Tims abilities as an administrator and you should not chastize him becuase he dosn't perform them in the manner which you think is apropiate.

Lyinar Ka`Bael
Are you looking at my pine tree again?
posted 03-29-2003 07:38:16 PM
Faelynn LeAndris enlisted the help of an infinite number of monkeys to write:
. Mods are in tight spots because they can hurt thier friends by coming down on them whether they deserved it or not, as well as making them an ostracized part of the community for "doing thier job" when people start disliking them due to thier powers.

Would you rather have a friend who kisses your ass and tells you you're always right, or a friend who points out when you're doing something wrong nicely and politely suggests you change it?

I've seen other message boards where the mods were like they used to be here. Everyone knew them, and the mods made it clear they were there for them. They were part of the community, part of the group, and while people didn't always agree with the decision, they listened, because the mods were respected members.

Lyinar Ka`Bael, Piney Fresh Druidess - Luclin

Faelynn LeAndris
Lusty busty redheaded wood elf with sharp claws
posted 03-29-2003 07:40:28 PM
ACES! Another post by Lyinar Ka`Bael:
Did Adam ever lock or edit something where someone wasn't being an ass? Drys removed him because people got angry he was spoiling their fun, and actually trying to make them behave toward each other.

Yes, yes he did. He is a friend, but I will still stand by the fact he showed favoritism in a lot of cases. Period. This is not really an argument to be brought up either, since it has stayed pretty civil. You don't want this coming up again.

Back when I first came here, mods and admins weren't hidden. When I was an admin, I had the big gold name I'm sure some remember. And it worked. Mods didn't have to be hidden, because we didn't get smart, we didn't get nasty, we just enforced the rules in a civil manner and usually it was pretty generally understood why something was edited, or why something was locked, etc. There wasn't any room for anyone to be resentful that way and say mods were only protecting their "friends" because a lot of the time mods only acted when many people were calling for it.

That isn't true, people were resentfull of you in particular in a lot of cases for exactly that. As well as Peachis and a few others. It happens, period. You cannot be completely objective in that type of authority where there are no strict rules such as law in the real world.

And everyone knew who the mods were. Now it's a secret, and there's nobody really to turn to when things are going bad. Sure, we have the alert moderator button, but why use that when half the time the mods either don't answer to it, or they get nasty when they respond? That's not being helpful, and I think two those things have contributed to people no longer relying on the mods.

You should never 'expect' to have someone to 'turn to' outside of being able to report an abuse. And I'm not trying to be snide here, really, but you do most of the protesting, and the majority of the board just ignores it. I've personally never had a hard time with Mod responce, or lack thereof when putting in a complaint. They do tend to be fairly responsive when it seems like something viable enough to take care of. Most of the board just gets by and enjoys themselves, nobody really in most of the board complains all that much. At least not in my experience.

My LAUNCHCast Station
"Respect the Forest, Fear the Ranger"
I got lost for an hour and became god.
Faelynn LeAndris
Lusty busty redheaded wood elf with sharp claws
posted 03-29-2003 07:42:58 PM
From the book of Lyinar Ka`Bael, chapter 3, verse 16:
Would you rather have a friend who kisses your ass and tells you you're always right, or a friend who points out when you're doing something wrong nicely and politely suggests you change it?

I've seen other message boards where the mods were like they used to be here. Everyone knew them, and the mods made it clear they were there for them. They were part of the community, part of the group, and while people didn't always agree with the decision, they listened, because the mods were respected members.

Whether the friend would be an ass kisser or not wasn't even part of any of my previous statement. Anywhere, in fact it shows exactly the reverse that it's another reason to hide mods. Because that situation should never have to come up in the first place. Which is WHY it's harder to be objective when your friends, or in general the community, has to make opinions of you personally instead of some persona they can't in any way tie to you.

My LAUNCHCast Station
"Respect the Forest, Fear the Ranger"
I got lost for an hour and became god.
Lyinar Ka`Bael
Are you looking at my pine tree again?
posted 03-29-2003 07:52:06 PM
Naimah had this to say about dark elf butts:
Lyinar why can't you just come to the conclusion that you don't like Tim runs the boards and leave it at that? Everyone that has been here for any length of time knows that you are constantly at odds with anyone that has more authority then you. Drys was tired of having to look at the flame wars and other altercations that constantly got started over the war so he decided he no longer wanted them present in the main comunity. That is how I interpret his decision and I congratulate him for taking that step to keep his comunity pleasent.

In much the same fashion he toned down a mods powers to only include things he could undo. Much like the christian church a certain dogma exists and Tim wishes to maintain control over his rules in his forum. I imagine that it is very difficult for him to undo and edit, if not impossible thus a veritable shit storm would easily be started if a mod took editing liberties lightly.

Bottom line is, this is Tims forums. I personally am impressed with the stability of these forums as you should be as well. I think considering that many people have posted here for over 3 years is a testiment to Tims abilities as an administrator and you should not chastize him becuase he dosn't perform them in the manner which you think is apropiate.

Just because people stick around to pick on other people or to be picked on themselves doesn't mean that we should all be proud of the state of things.

Bottom line is that the boards over three years have degenerated into an extremely mean place. I wouldn't consider them a friendly and open community anymore. It's more like a bunch of predators preying on each other, always getting the last bite in before the others can, completely ripping people apart, and not giving a damn about it. Or saying it's a service because it's "thickening their skin" and that makes it all right to be as harmful as you please.

That's not something to be proud of. And I've been at odds with people who had that attitude. And I've been at odds with Drysart since he started letting people do that to each other. It started back when he got involved with Peachis, got better when he was with Pips, and it's gone back to how it was now. Before that, even before I was an admin, I didn't have an issue. Drysart cared and it was obvious he cared, and everything he did showed that. I only started speaking up when that changed.

It isn't an authority thing. Parcelan has no more authority than me, and we've constantly been at odds. (Not singling you out, Parcelan, just mentioning a recurring thing) So please don't put words in my mouth or try to pin positions on me that don't fit. It's not an authority issue. It's a fairness issue.

Lyinar Ka`Bael, Piney Fresh Druidess - Luclin

Tastes best with pudding
posted 03-29-2003 07:55:11 PM
Lyinar Ka`Bael was naked while typing this:
I honestly do not remember a thread where I said mod powers should be stripped back. I've thought for a long time that the mods didn't do nearly enough. I may have argued what I'm arguing now, that they be nicer, or that they don't abuse things, but I honestly do not recall arguing they get stripped of powers.

I may be wrong. I recall a major discussion busting out about "who did what to whom and where" over mod powers as a result of the incident... but it was long long ago. It's always probable that I'm mistaking you for someone else.. if so, then you've got my apologies.


Now there have been times in the past that a mod has abused power. Like Peachis cutting Mortious' posting privileges, with Drysart's permission, because he called her a whore in IRC, and Mort not getting them back until he "apologized". That I was completely against. I've always been completely against a mod bullying a poster just because they can.

I don't think quoting actual instances of 'bad mod behaviour' advances the discussion anywhere.. in fact it may even draw up bad blood that is better left buried..


As far as powers, though, as much as I can remember, I have always supported them having editing privileges. Just not abusing them. It may have been an instance that appeared to be bullying a poster, or wronging the poster in some way. That I would have been against.

The problem with editing privileges is that it can come down to individual interpretation as to what can/cannot, or should be edited and what is ok.

Just look at the kerfuffle that developed over the discussion of what constitutes NSFW material and when that tag should or shouldn't be used...

And, try as we all might, we are all human (even the mods). As much as we all agree that mods shouldn't let their personal feelings get in the way of their 'job', we all know that it is far, far easier in theory for that to happen than in practice.

Personally, I like the idea that the mods are strictly controlled in what they can and cannot do. I'm sure Tim will confirm that I've spoken with him a few times about drawing up a list of "rules" regarding the IRC channel so that I know what I can and cannot do in there as an Op.

I know he will back any decision that I make in IRC (he's said so on numerous occasions), but I'd feel more comfortable if there were a set of guidelines that I could measure actions/behaviours/comments against. There have been many times where I've had to be (figuratively) 'held back' from weilding a banstick, simply because of my personal reaction to something going on in the channel. (At least, though, I've been trying lately to discuss with folks about their behaviour in private to try to get them to tone it down, or to at least know that I'm not too happy with it... rather than just outright waving of bansticks)


Actually, I'm quite surprised that Drysart has allowed this to go on. I have voiced these opinions and more in PMs to him when they happened. Respect *is* earned, and I have very little for his mods. But I respect him, so I do what they say, and bring the matter up to him privately.

But it's nice to be able to openly discuss it with the rest of the board, to debate, to make points and counter points. We're probably not going to change each other's minds on anything, but I'm glad to see that we *can* get along, even on a subject like this. And I'm glad to see a taboo subject being talked about honestly and openly for once, and Drys responding with much more than "It's my boards".

I think you misunderstood what I meant by talking with me in PM.

I agree that an open discussion (without resorting to flamewar) on this topic is a good thing. I just thought you and I could talk a little more in PM so you could clarify to me what you were trying to do/say. (I dun wanna display how dum I aer publicly )


As for Drys being able to do what he can on his boards, he can. He doesn't have to listen to me, to you, to anyone else that comes here. But I have always been honest with him, and always told him when I felt he was doing something that hurt the boards. I used to have at least a little of his ear at one point in time. I used to know for sure that he cared about the people that came here. I don't feel that way any longer, but I am still honest with him in hopes that he'll not forget that the people that come here are people, and that it's his job as the owner to keep the boards a fun place for everyone, not just a select few.

While I can't say for sure how Tim sees the boards et al, I get the impression from the few talks I have with him (when our time schedules actually manage to coincide) that he still does care a lot about what goes on in and around EC (boards and IRC). It seems to me that he's been giving everyone a lot more leeway in regard to the behaviour, rather than laying down the letter of the law, which he could easily do.

In the end, I hafta say that I agree with Tim and his reasonings (even though my endorsement means precisely two-fifths of diddly-squat with the actual runnings of the boards or IRC) over the level of 'power' the mods have, their duties and such, and creating specific forums for specific topics that he (and others) don't want to see on the main board any longer.

As he said, it's impossible to make a set of black-and-white, hard-and-fast rules to cover every situation/comment that arises on the boards or in IRC.

A set of guidelines, like those that the mods follow on the boards, with their actions (or inaction) overseen and judged by Tim is a much easier prospect for us to all 'live' under. It gives us the freedoms to be ourselves, while also limiting just how rowdy things can get before a smackdown is administered.

Edit to try to fix typos... did I miss any?? How's my spelling?? Call 1800-Abbi-R-Dum..

[ 03-29-2003: Message edited by: Abbikat ]

Were-Tigress Disciple of Lycanthropy
Perma-lowbie, addicted to MMORPGs
My LiveJournal

King Parcelan
Chicken of the Sea
posted 03-29-2003 07:55:29 PM
Despite the supposedly sorry state of the forums, Lyinar, and I really hate to say this, it is just you complaining.
Faelynn LeAndris
Lusty busty redheaded wood elf with sharp claws
posted 03-29-2003 07:56:18 PM
Lyinar Ka`Bael had this to say about Reading Rainbow:

That's not something to be proud of. And I've been at odds with people who had that attitude. And I've been at odds with Drysart since he started letting people do that to each other. It started back when he got involved with Peachis, got better when he was with Pips, and it's gone back to how it was now. Before that, even before I was an admin, I didn't have an issue. Drysart cared and it was obvious he cared, and everything he did showed that. I only started speaking up when that changed.

Don't go there...

You are not as educated on any of that as much you may believe you are. Nor am I, or anyone else for that matter...

Don't bring up crap like this, it is uncalled for, inapropriate, and low.

My LAUNCHCast Station
"Respect the Forest, Fear the Ranger"
I got lost for an hour and became god.
Falaanla Marr
posted 03-29-2003 07:57:40 PM
I remember the old days...and mods WERE highly respected then.

I actually remember back when *gasp* Lyinar was highly respected by, well, everyone here.

Oh, how I wish the old days were back again.

Lyinar Ka`Bael
Are you looking at my pine tree again?
posted 03-29-2003 08:02:25 PM
Faelynn LeAndris had this to say about Punky Brewster:
Don't go there...

You are not as educated on any of that as much you may believe you are. Nor am I, or anyone else for that matter...

Don't bring up crap like this, it is uncalled for, inapropriate, and low.

I can only go on the impression he gives. Fae. When he lets people continue to go around sniping at each other, ties his mod's hands from doing anything about it, and even encourages that behavior by sniping at people *himself*, how are we to believe that he truly does care about the boards and about *everyone* who comes here?

Lyinar Ka`Bael, Piney Fresh Druidess - Luclin

King Parcelan
Chicken of the Sea
posted 03-29-2003 08:03:27 PM
Lyinar Ka`Bael stopped staring at Deedlit long enough to write:
how are we to believe that he truly does care about the boards and about *everyone* who comes here?

Is there some other reason he would continue to maintain and pay for it?

Lyinar Ka`Bael
Are you looking at my pine tree again?
posted 03-29-2003 08:05:30 PM
Iron Parcelan got all f'ed up on Angel Dust and wrote:
Is there some other reason he would continue to maintain and pay for it?

To make it a pleasant place for those who he likes and so those who he likes can shit on everyone else?

Lyinar Ka`Bael, Piney Fresh Druidess - Luclin

King Parcelan
Chicken of the Sea
posted 03-29-2003 08:07:30 PM
Lyinar Ka`Bael's unholy Backstreet Boys obsession manifested in:

To make it a pleasant place for those who he likes and so those who he likes can shit on everyone else?

I doubt that's the case. Now you're just trying to villify him and his friends.

I use the term 'friends' loosely, because I've been on his bad side for the past month or so, and he still lets me make jokes that you would consider code orange.

And again, if that's the case, why aren't more people complaining?

Faelynn LeAndris
Lusty busty redheaded wood elf with sharp claws
posted 03-29-2003 08:07:31 PM
Verily, Lyinar Ka`Bael doth proclaim:
I can only go on the impression he gives. Fae. When he lets people continue to go around sniping at each other, ties his mod's hands from doing anything about it, and even encourages that behavior by sniping at people *himself*, how are we to believe that he truly does care about the boards and about *everyone* who comes here?

That wasn't the point I was making and you know it.

Bringing up a persons personal life in order to make your own point better, which it failed to do anyway since it had no relevance whatsoever other than to stealthily inject some personal opinionated statement, is just flat out wrong. It had no place in any of this, period. There are a lot of things you could be held accountable for, in the rumor/relationship/activity department, but they aren't being dredged up here. And Im not talking about any of the 'Lyinar Crusades' or Deth was a mod stuff either...

It was wrong.

My LAUNCHCast Station
"Respect the Forest, Fear the Ranger"
I got lost for an hour and became god.
Queen of the Smoofs
posted 03-29-2003 08:12:06 PM
There are too many words in this thread.

Therefore, I ask that you all have some cookies off this here plate.

They even have the pure essence of flavor in them!

Tegadil holds up a plate of nummy cookies.

Lyinar Ka`Bael
Are you looking at my pine tree again?
posted 03-29-2003 08:12:13 PM
Iron Parcelan obviously shouldn't have said:
I doubt that's the case. Now you're just trying to villify him and his friends.

I use the term 'friends' loosely, because I've been on his bad side for the past month or so, and he still lets me make jokes that you would consider code orange.

And again, if that's the case, why aren't more people complaining?

If that's not the case, then what is? Does he want everyone to be nasty to each other? He allows it, so I'm just trying to understand why? Is it just because he doesn't realize that those jokes are hurtful? He knew they were hurtful in the past and didn't allow it. What changed?

Lyinar Ka`Bael, Piney Fresh Druidess - Luclin

King Parcelan
Chicken of the Sea
posted 03-29-2003 08:13:52 PM
I think he knows that the majority of it is just jokes.

Whenever I joke with someone else, they know it's a jibe. Whenever I talk to you, though, you automatically call it hurtful.

He doesn't consider these warranting of drastic action, and though I hate to point out for the third time: It seems nobody else besides you does, either.

posted 03-29-2003 08:14:53 PM
Lyinar Ka`Bael stopped staring at Deedlit long enough to write:
ties his mod's hands from doing anything about it

I know you don't believe so, but there is a reason mods are limited as such.

Moderators enforce the rules. They don't enforce common courtesy unless I make a rule where nobody can ever disagree with anyone, at any time, for any reason. Anything less than that and it becomes a judgement call, and judgement calls become cries of favoritism, and cries of favoritism piss me off. I simply do not trust anyone enough to put them in a position of power to make arbitrary decisions that affect everyone here.

And I certainly don't understand how you can be asking that the mods start making people play nice with each other while at the same time you're still bringing up how unfair it was for Peachis to ban Mortious because he was being rude and insulting. That just smacks of internal inconsistency to me -- as if to say "you should be nice, unless you're being mean to someone I don't like".

Moderators will never again be given free reign to make judgement calls of any sort, and that includes the nebulous goal of trying to enforce basic human kindness. I'd sooner shut the boards down completely than go back to that bullshit.

Lyinar Ka`Bael
Are you looking at my pine tree again?
posted 03-29-2003 08:19:53 PM
Not everyone knows it's a jibe, Parce. And not everything thought you in the right for saying things you've said. And again, I'm not trying to single you out. Just keeping to the subject you brought up.

People have been unhappy with things and they don't say anything. They don't like it. They violently disagree, but they won't say anything. They'll send me a PM saying they think it's great I said something about it, and they've always thought that, and I hate that, I really do. I want *them* to say it. It's sad that everyone is so afraid of either ridicule or persecution that they just won't say how they feel. I don't want to be told they respect me because I'm not afraid to speak up. I want to respect *them* because they did speak up.

And dispute it all you like. Say I'm just lying about them when you know that I don't lie. Ask Fal how long it took me to convince him that rather than privately telling me he agreed, to get out there and say it himself. I'm not the only one who feels as I do. But I'm the only one who ever says anything.

Lyinar Ka`Bael, Piney Fresh Druidess - Luclin

King Parcelan
Chicken of the Sea
posted 03-29-2003 08:21:37 PM
The silent are uncounted.

If they don't speak up, things won't change. And you speaking for them won't change things, either.

posted 03-29-2003 08:24:36 PM
Ok let's see about that.
Lyinar Ka`Bael
Are you looking at my pine tree again?
posted 03-29-2003 08:25:09 PM
Drysart spewed forth this undeniable truth:

And I certainly don't understand how you can be asking that the mods start making people play nice with each other while at the same time you're still bringing up how unfair it was for Peachis to ban Mortious because he was being rude and insulting. That just smacks of internal inconsistency to me -- as if to say "you should be nice, unless you're being mean to someone I don't like".

That was a matter of where it hadn't happened on the boards, plus it was using powers to handle a personal dispute. Do I think he was right to say it? No, it was his honest opinion but he didn't have to say it in the same manner. Do I think his actions in the IRC channel should have bled over to the boards? Absolutely not. And especially not so he could have his posting privileges taken away for a personal dispute.

And I honestly have to say I'd sooner you shut the boards down than completely turn your back on your patrons and let things degenerate into constant flamewars, veiled insults and people too damned afraid to post because they don't want to become the next target.

Lyinar Ka`Bael, Piney Fresh Druidess - Luclin

King Parcelan
Chicken of the Sea
posted 03-29-2003 08:25:20 PM
Aw, fuck.
Lyinar Ka`Bael
Are you looking at my pine tree again?
posted 03-29-2003 08:27:24 PM
From the book of Iron Parcelan, chapter 3, verse 16:
The silent are uncounted.

If they don't speak up, things won't change. And you speaking for them won't change things, either.

I'm not. I'm speaking for myself. But when I do speak for myself, I get people who agree, but they never *say* it.

Lyinar Ka`Bael, Piney Fresh Druidess - Luclin

Il Buono
You see, in this world there's two kinds of people, my friend.
posted 03-29-2003 08:27:27 PM
"Those with loaded guns, and those who dig. You dig."
Queen of the Smoofs
posted 03-29-2003 08:28:09 PM
I want to see 40 stickies.
posted 03-29-2003 08:30:30 PM
Lyinar Ka`Bael's fortune cookie read:
it was using powers to handle a personal dispute.

Yes but how is it different than what you're saying moderators should do now, since you're asking moderators to step in and calm personal disputes?

Lyinar Ka`Bael's fortune cookie read:
Do I think his actions in the IRC channel should have bled over to the boards? Absolutely not.

I completely disagree. People are allowed to post on these boards by my good graces. I have full right to ban someone because they did something to upset me outside of the forums, and yes, if she hadn't banned Mort, I would have.

Lyinar Ka`Bael's fortune cookie read:
And I honestly have to say I'd sooner you shut the boards down than completely turn your back on your patrons and let things degenerate into constant flamewars, veiled insults and people too damned afraid to post because they don't want to become the next target.

You can leave any time you like.

Lyinar Ka`Bael
Are you looking at my pine tree again?
posted 03-29-2003 08:32:20 PM
Making one for me? I've quite often wanted to make one, but you've discouraged it that sort of thing.

I know the most vocal people hate me, because they proclaim it every time they can, even when I'm not part of a thread. But I want to see if the rest do as well.

Lyinar Ka`Bael, Piney Fresh Druidess - Luclin

posted 03-29-2003 08:37:57 PM
Lyinar Ka`Bael had this to say about Duck Tales:
Making one for me? I've quite often wanted to make one, but you've discouraged it that sort of thing.

I know the most vocal people hate me, because they proclaim it every time they can, even when I'm not part of a thread. But I want to see if the rest do as well.

Sure, if you want one. I'll stick it up after Parcelan's is done.

Lyinar Ka`Bael
Are you looking at my pine tree again?
posted 03-29-2003 08:39:41 PM
I do. It isn't going to change my coming around. These boards are my internet home and I care about them. Unless you decide to ban me because of it or such.

But I want to know.

[ 03-29-2003: Message edited by: Lyinar Ka`Bael ]

Lyinar Ka`Bael, Piney Fresh Druidess - Luclin

Falaanla Marr
posted 03-29-2003 08:51:03 PM
I think the BIG problem here is that the boards have grown far beyond what they were 2-3 years ago, when mods weren't hidden. Back then, mods were universally liked and respected, there werent too terribly many frequent posters, and you pretty much knew that everyone liked the mod and would respect em.

With the amount the boards have grown in the past couple yearss, though, its almost impossible to find a person that would be well respected and liked here on the boards, so the mods names need to be hidden, else there would be cries of favortism among people.

When you get so many people together with so many opposing viewpoints, its damn near impossible to hope everyone will get along. We can all try to be civil, and most will be, but there will always be a few people, intentionally or not, that will stir the pot, if you will. There are about 2 people I could name that almost noone here could find something negative to say about...but even then...revealing names would be a bad thing...if one of them did something someone else didnt like, they would become disliked...I wouldn't wish that on anyone...

Hiding the mods names, while not my favored solution, is the best possible one with how the forums are today.

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