You try to forget
Like sharp stabbing pains
The memory lives
Chthon Ebonshadow's unholy Backstreet Boys obsession manifested in:
What about an interrogator or an executioner? I know some very interesting and painful ways of extracting information...
*smooshes Chthon*
The logic train ran off the tracks when JooJooFlop said:
No.*smooshes Chthon*
*Rumbles from underneath JooJoo*Least I'd be better at it than Waisz...
You try to forget
Like sharp stabbing pains
The memory lives
Death of Rats had this to say about (_|_):
is it too late for me to apply? you wanna be an evil janitor?
From the book of Humble Parcelan, chapter 3, verse 16:
Abbigail can be my sexy ninja who I send to kill Delidgamond, but she only kicks his ass because she is deeply enamoured with him.
Hey... wait a minute...
Given that Delid is the secret agent who is supposed to oppose Parce (a la James Bond)...
does that make me a Delid-girl???
Humble Parcelan had this to say about Optimus Prime:
We prefer the term "Delidgirlmond".
Delid> The name's Mond.... Delidga Mond...
Well... so long as there's no limit to the number of times I can kick his ass...
.. but so help me if he calls me his "Pussy Galore" there's going to be blood and guts everywhere...
Check out the big brain on Karnaj!
But you'll make fun of me and I'll cry.
Yes, Mr. Bond. That was my plan.
Now go and record something so that I can start phase two of my evil plan - use your voice to destroy France!