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Topic: Caster and Priest balance!
posted 03-13-2002 01:27:11 PM
The governing principle of everything I'm saying here is that Melees can dramatically affect thier abilities though many different means. Casters can not.

With every expansion, with every new zone, melees increase in power by way of the weapons they find there. Casters do not.

Fippy's VP
posted 03-13-2002 01:29:09 PM
Delphi Aegis had this to say about Jimmy Carter:
Cast that on a MT, and he'd have a more difficult time of keeping taunt on a mob then if a cleric used DL on him, yes?

If you're using a Heal over Time on a main tank, you're not going to need to worry about him keeping agro. He's going to die.

Heals over Time are for toping off, etc. Torpor is much better then Elixir.

Delphi Aegis
posted 03-13-2002 01:29:22 PM
Maradön? had this to say about Captain Planet:
The governing principle of everything I'm saying here is that Melees can dramatically affect thier abilities though many different means. Casters can not.

With every expansion, with every new zone, melees increase in power by way of the weapons they find there. Casters do not.

They are introducing ancient spells, you know. Sort of like Vulak (LIKE Vulak. doesnt mean it will only drop off him! ) loot for casters besides equipment. I know that the ancient spell for group Aego only takes 1 dot instead of 2.. Thats handy, without being unbalancing in favor of the person who gets said spell over another.

I walk in the Light
Facing the Darkness Boldly
I fear no Evil
Fippy's VP
posted 03-13-2002 01:30:16 PM
Delphi Aegis had this to say about John Romero:
I know that the ancient spell for group Aego only takes 1 dot instead of 2..

2 instead of 4

Delphi Aegis
posted 03-13-2002 01:30:50 PM
Ferrel had this to say about John Romero:
If you're using a Heal over Time on a main tank, you're not going to need to worry about him keeping agro. He's going to die.

Heals over Time are for toping off, etc. Torpor is much better then Elixir.

The HoTs also combat Curse effects (Oh GOD Rhag2 killed half of us with that durned curse of his) and serve as great "Patch" heals so the CHes can be spaced better.. Instead of 3 second interval CHes, only 4 seconds, etc.


Ferrel wrote this:
2 instead of 4

Doh! Still better, yes?

[ 03-13-2002: Message edited by: Delphi Aegis ]

I walk in the Light
Facing the Darkness Boldly
I fear no Evil
posted 03-13-2002 01:33:28 PM
Delphi Aegis thought this was the Ricky Martin Fan Club Forum and wrote:
They are introducing ancient spells, you know.

Speculation. Nobody knows what the ancient spells are, and they really ain't that great anyway. Casters will still have the same scaling problems.

Fippy's VP
posted 03-13-2002 01:34:00 PM
The HoTs also combat Curse effects (Oh GOD Rhag2 killed half of us with that durned curse of his)

You may find "Remove Greater Curse" more effective for this.

Yes, 2 is much better then 4, but the spell is yet to exist in game besides the brief fubar in seb. The Ancient spells are less effective and more rare then melee loot currently.

Though we did pull a 55 AC, 80 mana, other stats, FT5 casters robe off a mob the other

Fippy's VP
posted 03-13-2002 01:34:49 PM
Maradön? had this to say about Matthew Broderick:
Speculation. Nobody knows what the ancient spells are, and they really ain't that great anyway.

Actually thats not. Their purpose was announced officially like 2 weeks back. Check casters realm archived news.

posted 03-13-2002 01:37:07 PM
Ferrel had this to say about Pirotess:
Actually thats not. Their purpose was announced officially like 2 weeks back. Check casters realm archived news.

Oh, ok, didn't see.

Anyway, casters still have the same inflexability and scaling problems, and they ancient spells really aren't all that much of an upgrade in comparison to melee loot.

[ 03-13-2002: Message edited by: Maradön? ]

Fippy's VP
posted 03-13-2002 01:40:08 PM
Maradön? had this to say about Duck Tales:
Oh, ok, didn't see.

Anyway, casters still have the same inflexability and scaling problems, and they legends spells really aren't all that much of an upgrade in comparison to melee loot.

I'm not going to disagree there, but they said that those spells are the first start. There will be more.

What they are for really though is not to compare caster to melee but caster to caster.

Level 60 warrior in NToV gear is equal to about 4 level 60 warriors in Dwarf armor and normal weapons.

Level 60 cleric in NToV gear is equal to 1.25 level 60 clerics in dwarf armor.

Why? They both aego, they both CH, they both Aego.

In this case. If I had the ancient spells, my aego would be better then the other clerics. I would be "more desireable" because I could give everyone on the raid 200 more hp and 9 ac then that cleric could.

[ 03-13-2002: Message edited by: Ferrel ]

posted 03-13-2002 01:42:57 PM
Ferrel had this to say about Tron:
There will be more.

If there is more - and a lot more - then I can see it being a solution to the problems, albeit a hideously boring one.

I'd still like to see caster haste items, caster focus items, and caster disciplines, if just for the sake of variety.

Is a copyright of Peachis. Don't underestimate his pants, either.
posted 03-13-2002 01:43:48 PM
More spell changes....

Shamans are in the loop now. Plus I saw this earlier.

Memory BLur spells changed:

Memory blur now does Memblur + 10 levels
Mind wipe is memblur + 15
Blanket of Forgetfullness is Memblur + 20 and then a second Memblur + 0.
Reocurring Amnesia is Memblur + 25
Memory Flux is memblur + 30

High end mezzes changed:

Glamour of Kintaz now lasts for 54 seconds!!!! (still same lowered mana cost)
Rapture now lasts for 42 seconds, is still unresistable AND has a lowered mana cost of 250 (down from 425)

New abilities:

No idea what these do, they look like Alt-Advance abilities.

Acelleration Mastery II
Medic's Acceleration
Initiate's Wounding Accleration
Wounding Accleration Mastery II
Initiate's Protection Acceleration
Cursed Acceleration Mastery II
Greater Relentless Magic
Combustion Mastery II
Mana Conservation Mastery II
Petrification Mastery
Adv Farsight Mastery II

These might also be caster-focus item effects... spell casting haste, extra damage , lowered mana cost etc etc.

Il Buono
You see, in this world there's two kinds of people, my friend.
posted 03-13-2002 01:53:13 PM
Wow, so Mem Blur may do something now. I guess Verant finally realized that it has a success rate equal to that of jack shit.

Initiate's Wounding Accleration
Wounding Accleration Mastery II
Medic's Acceleration

Seems like something with bind wound.

Acelleration Mastery II
Initiate's Protection Acceleration
Cursed Acceleration Mastery II
Greater Relentless Magic
Combustion Mastery II
Mana Conservation Mastery II
Petrification Mastery
Adv Farsight Mastery II

I have no idea.

"Those with loaded guns, and those who dig. You dig."
Delphi Aegis
posted 03-13-2002 01:56:37 PM
Ferrel had this to say about Captain Planet:
You may find "Remove Greater Curse" more effective for this.

Yes, 2 is much better then 4, but the spell is yet to exist in game besides the brief fubar in seb. The Ancient spells are less effective and more rare then melee loot currently.

Though we did pull a 55 AC, 80 mana, other stats, FT5 casters robe off a mob the other

I agree, Ferrel, but when you have one or two druids with RGC, MAYBE a paladin (god knows Clerics/druids get priority on that spell), lest its an AoE remove curse, if you're not a MT, yer prolly not gonna get it removed.

We did better then expected the first time we did him, however. We had just finished the first Rhag, who had dropped KEI and RGC, so the night wasnt a total waste. I believe we got him to less then 10% health?

I walk in the Light
Facing the Darkness Boldly
I fear no Evil
Falaanla Marr
posted 03-13-2002 01:58:58 PM
Im not gonna say anything, as I would likely go on a rant about mages and what we need now.

Im not gonna go Maradon.

Oldest Member
Best Lap
posted 03-13-2002 02:01:05 PM

Tumultuous Strength: Group Strength Buff Increased from 27 to 34.
Talisman of the Brute: Group Stamina Buff Increased from 45 to 50.
Talisman of the Cat: Group Agility Buff Increased from 45 to 52.
Talisman of the Rhino: Group Strength Buff Increased from 42 to 68.
Talisman of the Raptor: Group Dexterity Buff Increased from 50 to 60.

Hahahahahah, rofl

Yay thx useless stat buffs =p

"Give me control of a nation's money, and I care not who makes its laws."
-Mayer Rothschild
Delphi Aegis
posted 03-13-2002 02:02:02 PM
Falaanla Marr had this to say about Reading Rainbow:
Im not gonna say anything, as I would likely go on a rant about mages and what we need now.

Im not gonna go Maradon.

My advice, Fal: Wait till the caster balancing is complete. With the way things at VI have been, I expect a LOT of happy-ish changes to all casters.. Even Hybrids. No, it wont come all at once.. Such an integral part of EQ (Casting spells, that is) is difficult to balance.

Have patience, and maybe a bit of faith.

I walk in the Light
Facing the Darkness Boldly
I fear no Evil
Delphi Aegis
posted 03-13-2002 02:04:02 PM
Reynar stumbled drunkenly to the keyboard and typed:
Hahahahahah, rofl

Yay thx useless stat buffs =p

Stamina is always good, keeps base HP up.
Agility is nice, we all know it has an effect on AC and dodge potential.
Dex is nice. More crits (Phew, crits of 500+ easy!) are always welcome
Strength is always nice. Keeps ya hitting for just that much more then you were before.

Its an upgrade, dont complain!

I walk in the Light
Facing the Darkness Boldly
I fear no Evil
posted 03-13-2002 02:07:07 PM
Reynar stumbled drunkenly to the keyboard and typed:
KEI is 13 mana per tick


3 Mental Clarity Points.
1 Hybrid HP/Mana Regen Class point.

18 extra mana/tick for Hybrids.
17 for casters.

For those that don't know PotG is an extra 6 mana a tick.

24 for Hybrids.
23 for Casters.

Flowing thought. 1 mana/tick per FT#. 1 = 1. 2 = 2. Etc.

A few examples:
Crown of Nirandi/Grodan's Flowing Cape
(SHD/PAL only) FT2.
Helm of Grim Blessings(SHD/PAL only) FT3
Warmaster's Mask of Battle(All) FT3
Golden Leaf Earring(CLR/DRU/SHM) FT3
Essence of Nature(ENC/MAG/NEC/WIZ) FT5
[Insert endless list of FT1 items here]

It finally comes out on top for Casters in bonus Mana Regen with EoN, dropped by Tunare. Anything less, our Bonus Mana Regen is equal to Hybridic regen.

Those SHD/PAL only ones are not planar. Neither is Golden Leaf Earring.
Or the War Master's Mask.

Essence of Nature is.
Just like alot Int-caster based FT items. If not Planar. Quest, particularly in Skyshrine.

All around difficulty for a Hybrid to get FT items: Moderate(Alot more easier sources, hell. 10th Ring is triggered, Nirandi can drop it all the time if your lucky).
Casters? High.

Thats what irks me to all hell. Hybrids didn't need a more advanced mana regeneration skill like Body and Mind Rejuvination, could've just left it HP. Alot of int casters won't even see such Flowing thought items like stated.

We do however, have Mana Robe, dropped off Trak a difficult to get Mana stone basically. So we can drain Healer mana for our own, if needed. Woo, hoo. How rare?? Certainly not common, or they wouldn't cost 100k.

Poor Priests too, as far as I know anyway, they don't get anything with FT5.

So what if you can't meditate while in combat, and need those FT items to help out. Casters and Priest can't sit to meditate in most epic encounters now, or they'll suffer.

[ 03-13-2002: Message edited by: Skaw ]

Oldest Member
Best Lap
posted 03-13-2002 02:08:22 PM
We were all impressed when Delphi Aegis wrote:
Stamina is always good, keeps base HP up.
Agility is nice, we all know it has an effect on AC and dodge potential.
Dex is nice. More crits (Phew, crits of 500+ easy!) are always welcome
Strength is always nice. Keeps ya hitting for just that much more then you were before.

Its an upgrade, dont complain!

The main agility spell adds about 6ac on a lvl 60 warrior. Anyone who asks me for an agi will get a nice /gofuk in return

Dex comes with focus of spirit, as does Str. Stamina is a right click effect on my bp, free for me, and gives more hps then group sta even upgraded.

"Give me control of a nation's money, and I care not who makes its laws."
-Mayer Rothschild
Is a copyright of Peachis. Don't underestimate his pants, either.
posted 03-13-2002 02:10:04 PM
Focus plz k thx la~
Delphi Aegis
posted 03-13-2002 02:15:18 PM
Skaw had this to say about Captain Planet:

I agree with you, it does seem strange that Hybrids are getting a whole one point extra mana regen then a caster.

Look at the bigger picture, though. Casters have a MUCH MUCH larger manapool then a hybrid. Even though we get the same calculations on wis/int as our parent classes, very few hybrids I know make it a point to have their int/wis at 200.
Hybrid spells arent "needed". Caster spells like CH, Mez, etc. etc. are "needed". Thats why you get a tad less mana regen.

Wait, though. Maybe that'll be changed. /shrug Who knows?

I walk in the Light
Facing the Darkness Boldly
I fear no Evil
Tier the Genius™
Dark Elf Pimp
posted 03-13-2002 02:19:56 PM
wtf are curses

And Skaw, unless I'm mistaken, or misunderstood your post, similar FT effects don't stack.

[ 03-13-2002: Message edited by: Tier ]

Il Buono
You see, in this world there's two kinds of people, my friend.
posted 03-13-2002 02:20:08 PM
Look at the whole basis behind HYBRID, Delphi, fer cryin out loud.

Two halves put together, essentially. A warrior has no mana, and no mana regen, a Cleric has mana, and mana regen. You should have half the Cleric's mana and mana regen.

Verant just decided to stop following basic logic long ago.

"Those with loaded guns, and those who dig. You dig."
posted 03-13-2002 02:22:10 PM
And against the super chanter-fuck mobs? Mez is useless, charm as well.

    Nukes don't even do anything, as they're resisted almost every time, let alone not-so mana efficient.

    Slow? Hey, theres multiple shaman!

    Haste? Don't need mana for it here.

    Theft of thought/Wandering Mind(Ha! Who uses that, seriously.)? There are things on Luclin with mana?!

    Chain runing the main tank? BIG mana drain and agro achiever, Delphi. You'd never see a chanter be able sit to meditate directly afterwards.

And hence my one statement of it have been being a downhill ride for enchanters since Luclin, in Mightion's Thread.

D had this to say about Optimus Prime:
Look at the whole basis behind HYBRID, Delphi, fer cryin out loud.

Two halves put together, essentially. A warrior has no mana, and no mana regen, a Cleric has mana, and mana regen. You should have half the Cleric's mana and mana regen.

VI stated Hybrids are 3/4 of their melee parent class. 1/4 of their caster parents.

[ 03-13-2002: Message edited by: Skaw ]

Il Buono
You see, in this world there's two kinds of people, my friend.
posted 03-13-2002 02:23:59 PM
"Those with loaded guns, and those who dig. You dig."
Oldest Member
Best Lap
posted 03-13-2002 02:24:14 PM
Tier had this to say about Cuba:
wtf are curses

Some SoL mobs have an AE that is 'curse' based. Example, the Arch Lich has an AE curse that is a DoT. You can't dispell it, you have to have the remove greater curse spell to remove it.

"Give me control of a nation's money, and I care not who makes its laws."
-Mayer Rothschild
posted 03-13-2002 02:26:25 PM
D wrote, obviously thinking too hard:

OMG@@#$!!!!!!~~~ SNICE WEHN!?@!

Anyway. All I gotta say is, whatever VI does for enchanters. It better be big and useful in normal, as well as raid situations. Because in my opinion, currently we have less to offer to the newer encounters than Magicians.

Heh. At the current rate though. Enchanters will be the deathtouch bags.

[ 03-13-2002: Message edited by: Skaw ]

Oldest Member
Best Lap
posted 03-13-2002 02:32:03 PM
Skaw had this to say about Punky Brewster:
OMG@@#$!!!!!!~~~ SNICE WEHN!?@!

Anyway. All I gotta say is, whatever VI does for enchanters. It better be big and useful in normal, as well as raid situations. Because in my opinion, currently we have less to offer to the newer encounters than Magicians.

Big and useful? Quite the idealist aren't ya? =)

"Give me control of a nation's money, and I care not who makes its laws."
-Mayer Rothschild
posted 03-13-2002 02:35:38 PM
Reynar impressed everyone with:
Big and useful? Quite the idealist aren't ya? =)

I meant "big" as in class-impacting.

SotS isn't very impacting, it just really helps with mana control.
If you had topped off INT back then. 15 CHA wasn't going to help much, going through a quest with long, drawn out spawn times, when you could've just killed Bouncer <Name> for their Crude Stein.

Is a copyright of Peachis. Don't underestimate his pants, either.
posted 03-13-2002 02:40:08 PM
D stumbled drunkenly to the keyboard and typed:
Look at the whole basis behind HYBRID, Delphi, fer cryin out loud.

Two halves put together, essentially. A warrior has no mana, and no mana regen, a Cleric has mana, and mana regen. You should have half the Cleric's mana and mana regen.

Verant just decided to stop following basic logic long ago.

Hybrids have less mana regen due to the lower meditate cap. We also have a 150% mana costs on all spells. They gave us the same mana pool as you because of that cost.

posted 03-13-2002 02:53:12 PM
Ferrel had this to say about Duck Tales:

Now to reflect. What is SOE doing?
They're making our nukes better and giving lower level clerics res. Excellent...

The level 60 game IS NOT the only part of the game.

I was in the Virgin Islands once. I met a girl, we ate lobster, drank piña coladas. At sunset, we made love like sea otters. That was a pretty good day. Why couldn't I get that day over, and over?
Oldest Member
Best Lap
posted 03-13-2002 03:04:38 PM
We were all impressed when Densetsu wrote:
The level 60 game IS NOT the only part of the game.

Clerics shouldn't be nuking at any level heh. If they are, something is very wrong.

"Give me control of a nation's money, and I care not who makes its laws."
-Mayer Rothschild
The Outlaw Torn
posted 03-13-2002 03:07:19 PM

Alright, so, I see your problem, and I agree.

Now, for laughs, lets say that VI gives you invis.

What else do you want that you have any reasonable chance of getting?

And, if you got those buffs, you know you'd only be second best at them. The be a cleric is to heal and aego and rez. I mean, what else can they give you?

Time was never on my side.
So on I wait my whole lifetime.

I don't give a damn.
posted 03-13-2002 03:07:46 PM
D had this to say about pies:

A Hand of Seru feels much better
A Hand of Seru feels much better
A Hand of Seru feels much better
A Hand of Seru feels much better
A Hand of Seru feels much better
A Hand of Seru feels much better
A frustrated monk screams in agony.

Falaanla Marr
posted 03-13-2002 03:10:25 PM
Skaw had this to say about John Romero:
[QB]-snip Because in my opinion, currently we have less to offer to the newer encounters than Magicians.




Oldest Member
Best Lap
posted 03-13-2002 03:12:30 PM
Falaanla Marr wrote this stupid crap:



Gimmie mod2 plz k thx

"Give me control of a nation's money, and I care not who makes its laws."
-Mayer Rothschild
posted 03-13-2002 03:12:34 PM
Delphi Aegis had this to say about (_|_):
and maybe a bit of faith.

And that's precisely where I'm lacking

posted 03-13-2002 03:12:55 PM
Reynar had this to say about Jimmy Carter:
Clerics shouldn't be nuking at any level heh. If they are, something is very wrong.

Well hot damn! You're right! Let's not give them any offensive capability against anything not undead!

I was in the Virgin Islands once. I met a girl, we ate lobster, drank piña coladas. At sunset, we made love like sea otters. That was a pretty good day. Why couldn't I get that day over, and over?
posted 03-13-2002 03:14:36 PM
Densetsu had this to say about Punky Brewster:
The level 60 game IS NOT the only part of the game.

No, but it is the only part that really matters.

The "High level game" is also more than half the entire game - remember, at level 54 you're halfway to 60.

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