moremoremore! *grin*
*draws a card*
Fal: Gem. (Two of hearts)
A choice appears before you:
A pile of fifty large precious gems, or twenty-five pieces of exquisite jewelry.
Mebbe not. There you go.
I pity tha f00...
At this point... I fully expect to be blown up or devoured I'll have you know
BTW I think there are two other decks.
Oh deck of illusions.
Pvednes Phoenixfeather had this to say about Reading Rainbow:
KloKlo: Flames. (Queen of Clubs)
A shimmery version of you, in a red catsuit with horns comes up and slaps you.
Kloie blinkblinks in surprise.
Now what's that supposed to mean?! [ 01-05-2002: Message edited by: Kloie ]
I'm suicidal....
edit: so whats this donjon do again? [ 01-05-2002: Message edited by: Elvish Crack Piper ]
*im gonna die now huh*
*jumps up and down excitedly*
I pick Twister! HA!
Seriously though...I want to play Blackjack with Death using the Deck of Many Things.
*grins evilly*
sigpic courtesy of This Guy, original modified by me
Ja'Deth Issar Ka'bael had this to say about Punky Brewster:
ah so I have to defeat Death. And traditionally I get to pick the battleground.I pick Twister! HA!
Seriously though...I want to play Blackjack with Death using the Deck of Many Things.
*grins evilly*
The only thing that could make it more perfect is if it was Discworld Death
Freschel Spindrift wrote this then went back to looking for porn:
ME ME ME!BTW I think there are two other decks.
Oh deck of illusions.
You may avoid any situation once
Fresch: Idiot. (Ace of Clubs)
You feel your mind slow, (permanent INT drain) and get the urge to draw again.
Jalal: Key. (Queen of hearts)
A fiery sword appears in your hand, and a voice in your head tells you to destroy all evil...
Bloodcookie: Flames. (Queen of Clubs)
A creature that appears to be made out of blood and cookies appears before you.
"Oooh! I protest to this treatment! Ah hate you."
Sentow: Euryale. (Queen of Spades)
You feel your tolerance fall. The air suddenly feels harder against you. (-1 penalty to ALL saving throws henceforth.)
KloKlo: The Flames card causes you into an emnity between yourself and an outsider, which continues untill either your, or the outsider's death.
RIG: The Fool. (Joker)
You suddenly feel a lot less skilled, (-10,000XP) and have an unfightable urge to draw again:
*discards the other Joker.*
RIG: Vizier. (Ace of Diamonds)
You suddenly know all the answers. (You know how to solve your next dilemma.
Arrenn: Moon. (Queen of Diamonds)
You get three wishes.
Synny: Throne. (King of Hearts)
You feel much more tactful, and hear a thundering noise behind you, as your very own keep grows into existance behind you. (Gain six ranks in diplomacy, and a small keep.)
Mort: Skull. (Jack of Clubs)
Death appears before you. You must defeat him or be forever destroyed.
Trent: Ruin. (King of Spades)
Loincloth and nothing else for j00.
Vorbis: "The Get a free, unavoidable draw" card. I was unaware of this one.
Vorbis: Donjon, bud. (Ace of spades)
Magical bars spring around you, blocking you, then you, and the bars vanish.
(Imprisoned in a plane a fair way away from Prime Material)
ElvishCrackPiper: Okay. But that is dangerous.
The Void, Euryale, Key, Knight, Ruin.
You lose your soul to another plane, then your body has -1 to all saving throws, then your body gains a major magic weapon, then a Knight swears service to you, then you lose all property and wealth, including the knight and weapon.
Timpofee: Possibly.
Talons. (Two of Clubs)
All magic items you have are snatched away, and never seen again.
Lazzy: Throne. (King of hearts)
A keep pops into existance behind you, and you feel more tactful.
Malbi: Knight. (Jack of hearts)
A fourth level knight pops into existance and swears to serve you.
Elethi: You draw the Jack of Diamonds.
Nothing happens.
Kin: Vizier and Comet.
You know the answer to your next dilemma and can defeat the next monster for your next level.
[ 01-05-2002: Message edited by: Pvednes Phoenixfeather ]
Elethi draws another card.
Should be interesting
*draws another card*
Four wishes for you.
Elethi: Balance.
You feel a sudden change of motive. (Instant radical change in alignment.)
Jalal: Star, Flames, and Sun.
You gain a +2 bonus to one ability, the emnity of an outsider that lasts 'till death, and 50,000XP, and a medium wondrous item.
And BloodCookie, no, that's not your own golem, that's an outsider about to try and kill you.
Malkav had this to say about Duck Tales:
I think you mean one other deck, we have Many Things and Illusion is the second but in DnD that is all... in Hackmaster there is a third deck though, Deck of Wonderous things, it is just a much a mixed blessing and the deck of many things though.
Nope, there's a Tarot Deck of Many Things.
=( erf only wnat my wood elf back... to hear him say I love you again... and that he'll never leave me
*folds her ears back and picks another card*
Palador ChibiDragon thought this was the Ricky Martin Fan Club Forum and wrote:
Nope, there's a Tarot Deck of Many Things.
Pvednes Phoenixfeather had this to say about Captain Planet:
Elethi: Balance.You feel a sudden change of motive. (Instant radical change in alignment.)
Elethis gets out his black mustache and hat, then steals all of the women, so he can tie them to train tracks. [ 01-05-2002: Message edited by: Elethi ]