What IS it with people fucking running away from me in PvP?! It's like...it's like...they know.
Densetsu likes the cock and also said this;
I've yet to come across a Mage at level 60 that I could actually kill with my Rogue without them being AFK or retarded. Fire Mages simply blink, poly, and then two-shot me with fireball/pyroblast + fireblast. All the others simply blink and run the fuck away. >:[What IS it with people fucking running away from me in PvP?! It's like...it's like...they know.
Ambush Mutilate CB Deadly Throw?
Taeldian had this to say about Cuba:
It all depends on how quickly you can react. Yeah, a frost mage can hit ice barrier/ice block the moment he realizes something is wrong, but you need to remember that Dragon's Breath is also a very powerful defensive ability.
Never really looked at DB as a defensive measure... Granted I haven't looked at much of fire past it's old 31 point setup so the last 1/4th of the page is almost unknown to me.
And if you're standing around after being sheeped then it's your fault for burning your trinket/cooldown ability too soon. The only way I can see a Fireball->Fire Blast combo being deadly is if you're against someone who's spec'ed far enough Arcane for Presence of Mind.
quote:man I wish I had enough pure WoW skill that I could ignore a chunck of whatever talent trees don't catch my eye
Random Insanity Generator.
Never really looked at DB as a defensive measure... Granted I haven't looked at much of fire past it's old 31 point setup so the last 1/4th of the page is almost unknown to me.
Maybe then I could spec protection as a warrior and go pvp!
This insanity brought to you by Vorago:
Yeah, as has been said before... BE's don't "lack" any stats, no more than any other race. At 60 you are looking at a difference of like 3 points max from another race in a stat, at most. Race is about cosmetics and the racial abilities you prefer. And what the hell would you DO with strength as a priest anyways? O_oSecondly... priest... solo? Good god man shadow. Going holy while solo'ing is just purposefully gimping yourself hardcore :\
Ugh... I'll keep all of that in mind... And I guess it would be good to go Shadow since this priest is on a PvP server and I'll be trying out some of the battlegrounds when I'm ready for them.
Blackened wrote, obviously thinking too hard:
man I wish I had enough pure WoW skill that I could ignore a chunck of whatever talent trees don't catch my eyeMaybe then I could spec protection as a warrior and go pvp!
I never noticed that it had any kind of 'protective' application because I didn't jerk off over it when it was put in. I looked at it, laughed about it for a little bit and then went to look at the Water Pet that Ice Mages got because it was more interesting and I knew I'd never have enough free points to get that deep in the Fire talent tree. *shrug* I don't know most of what's at the bottom of the Rogue Subtlety tree either. The only reason I have any memory of what's at the bottom of Assassination was I pondered going Assassin/Combat instead of Combat/Assassin. I'm sure if I had nothing better to do with the time I could commit all trees to memory, but what good would that do?
And going to PVP should not *REQUIRE* a spec. Sure some are better suited to it than others, but if I opt to play a round or 3 of AB or WSG or AV on a given night simply because I'm bored it's my choice. You seem to think I'm complaining about being killed in PVP because of some spec issue and I'm not. I stated fact for my character. The fact that you want to do nothing but PVP is fine... the fact that I generally dislike PVP is the same.
Over the mountain, in between the ups and downs, I ran into Random Insanity Generator who doth quote:
And going to PVP should not *REQUIRE* a spec.
It doesn't, but killing people does, and that just happens to be how you win at PVP.
Your words are as empty as your soul! Mankind ill needs a savior such as Delidgamond!
Ambush Mutilate CB Deadly Throw?
He was complaining about Shadowsteppers, and you mentioned talents so far down in a completely different tree than no Shadowstep Rogue will ever have them. Plus I said at 60, so that leaves out Deadly Throw.
And all of this negates blink + poly + 2-shot combo how?
Really all you can do is aim to outgear your opponent and hope for the best. Get that biggest, nastiest dagger you can and pray.
Densetsu's unholy Backstreet Boys obsession manifested in:
He was complaining about Shadowsteppers, and you mentioned talents so far down in a completely different tree than no Shadowstep Rogue will ever have them. Plus I said at 60, so that leaves out Deadly Throw.And all of this negates blink + poly + 2-shot combo how?
By throwing a blind or a vanish into the middle of it.
It was not by my hand that I am once again given flesh! I was called here by Taeldian who wishes to pay me tribute!
By throwing a blind or a vanish into the middle of it.
If you don't blink, then yes, Blind would be good for getting back into stealth and ambushing you again. But...you will blink, won't you?
Vanish will allow me to avoid the polymorph right after you blink. But it will also allow you to simply mount up and run away, too. Even if I hit sprint, then prep, then sprint again I won't catch you while stealthed. And that's with max Camoflauge. If I'm lucky, I might be able to get close enough to shadowstep, but thanks to the built-in time lag, you'll probably be out of range of anything I can actually do to you after I use it.
Silvanus got to keep her elbows?
what a rip.
sigpic courtesy of This Guy, original modified by me
A Rogue beats a Mage in short bursts, disable->big hit->disable->big hit, etc. as long as that keeps going a Mage has to rely on their weaker and set up spells.
Rogue Ambushes, maybe gets a backstab/evisc off
Mage Blinks
Mage starts casting Polymorph
Rogue Blinds before Polymorph finishes and Ambushes Mage
Mage dies.
There are ways for the mage to win in both of these situations, but it sure as hell isn't as easy as Blink->Polymorph->2-shot if the rogue is on top of his game and has a couple of cooldowns up.
All the Mage has to do is hear the "whoosh" and that Rogue is dead.
Your words are as empty as your soul! Mankind ill needs a savior such as Blindy.!
pft. rogue vs warlock or shadowpriest = dead rogue.
I actually have no problem killing Warlocks.
A thousand monkeys at a thousand typewriters couldn't ever match Densetsu:
I actually have no problem killing Warlocks.
You must have some crappy warlocks on your server.