New Age Bane fucked around with this message on 05-26-2006 at 03:46 AM.
Oh yes I totally wasn't expecting much but not that crap.
Mr. Inferno-Spirit? That sounds too much like Mr. Shit.
Can someone other than Bane confirm this?
I don't know what Bane was trying to say because whenever he talks all I hear is that trumpet noise from Charlie Brown.
But X3 was a steaming pile of crap.
It's not something people hear about.
Reynar was naked while typing this:
I enjoyed it, but I have low expectations for all of the comic book movies.
Yeah, same here. It was fun.
A sleep deprived Sean stammered:
I don't know what Bane was trying to say because whenever he talks all I hear is that trumpet noise from Charlie Brown.But X3 was a steaming pile of crap.
See that was my point not to have a point, and thus to state that it X3 donkey balls.
Pretty much did that when I got home. Rage fueled most of that post.
sigpic courtesy of This Guy, original modified by me
"Don't want to sound like a fanboy, but I am with you. I'll buy it for sure, it's just a matter of for how long I will be playing it..."
- Silvast, Battle.net forums
I won't put any major spoilers, but the characters were changed too much. Xavier and the Juggernaut didn't have a connection of being half/step-brothers. Nightcrawler, who I thought was a good part of X-2 didn't show up at all. Last, the boy mutant wasn't really explained much more than showing off his power.
Fazum'Zen Fastfist's account was hax0red to write:
I'm the Juggernaut, bitch!
Some guy at work walks around saying that all the goddamned time.
I wanna shut him in the cargo compartment and let him simmer for the day.
I have come to the conclusion that this movie will please most regular movie goers but will not please many who have read the comics.
Just like any other movie based off of a comic/book.
How.... Fazum'Zen Fastfist.... uughhhhhh:
I'm the Juggernaut, bitch!
I spray ya in the face, bitch!
Lyinar Ka`Bael, Piney Fresh Druidess - Luclin
One of the nice things about Singer was that there was an explanation for things. There was a sense that the movie experience took up enough space to tell the story without resorting to needing inordinately more to dot the i's and cross the t's. Everything in it's place, and a place for everything.
The problem here was that this movie tried to cover too much ground in too little time. A lot of it felt like a flicker. They didn't explain how after the second movie, mutants and humans were getting along, for instance. They didn't explain anything that was going on in the world. And then, after all of the events in the movie, after the "Cure" causes all these problems, deaths, depowerings, etc...the score is essentially neutral. Especially if you watch the scene at the end of the credits. This movie's events could have been completely skipped and you'd have the exact same score, minus some name mutants.
The whole movie felt rushed, and worse (for a sequel) superfluous. With the second X-Men, you felt things had progressed. The ante was upped, the situation was notably worse, and it set things up for a significant next movie. This movie was insignificant. Hell the "cure" was gone at the end of the movie. There was no ongoing threat.
Plus the profanity felt forced. Everyone was dropping profanity. See, I was always taught that profanity was only inappropriate when used incorrectly. Excessive profanity was the province of people who couldn't come up with a better way of saying what they meant. While some lines ("I'm the Juggernaut, bitch!") were fun on their own, having the situation (Juggernaut feeling the need to say said line to a 14 or 15 year old girl) not fit the exclamation made it seem tacked on for added "drama" or the like.
All said, a decent action flick, but there were a lot of minor things that nibbled away at my enjoyment, even apart from the comic fan in me.
Now for some stuff for comic fans.
Turns out the manchick? The ugly girl who looks like Ra from Stargate? Is the mutant Arclight...who yes can create seismic/vibratory shockwaves. But they have to pass through the ground. No hand-clappy kaboom. And Psylocke's power was not to turn invisible against the wall. Arclight, for the record, used to work as one of Mr Sinister's Marauders (who took part in the Morlock Massacre; Morlocks were Callisto's people...so seeing Arclight and Callisto on the same side...eh). Callisto's power wasn't to detect mutants, nor was it superspeed. It was superhuman senses (and nowadays her arms are masses of regenerating tentacles). And who was Porcupine Boy?
Seeing Madrox was cool. And FOR THE MOST PART, I did like Juggy. His giant muscle suit was suitably well disguised for the most part.
Beast was every bit as disappointing as I expected. Right voice, right inflection, even right body language at times. Still Kelsey Grammar in an inflated fuzzy blue suit, though.
Then there was the body count. The three mutants "killed" are going to make a sequel difficult. Especially when Colossus had all of two lines in the ENTIRE MOVIE. The one major mutant de-powered didn't stay depowered by the end, so who cares?
It was nice to see Bobby ice up. It was everything I hoped for.
Kitty...overplayed. And her uniform was black with pink stripes. So we had Black with Yellow (Wolverine), black with white (Storm), black with light blue (Iceman), and whatever color combo Colossus had (couldn't tell). Great. Mighty Morphin Power Mutants.
And why the FUCK does Leech look like a kid being treated for fucking leukemia!? He was GREEN, he was LUMPY, and he had NO NOSE in the comics. I had to see PORCUPINE BOY over and over but I couldn't see a decent Leech?
And suddenly the Brotherhood doesn't take out civilian targets? At least in the first two movies, there was the implied threat that they were going to target normal humans. Third? Everyone gets off the bridge. No one is killed in the Pyro bombing. Oi. God damn it.
sigpic courtesy of This Guy, original modified by me
sigpic courtesy of This Guy, original modified by me
Quentin Quire. Kid Omega.
It's not something people hear about.
On this note, today was the day that the cast and director of X3 did some segments on XM radio. Right now, listening to the replay of Brett Ratner, he says the big payoff he wanted with the movie was the final fight scene, and for that he took certain characters, but added some powers to them which would make them more combat ready. For example, he says he gave Psylocke the ability to turn invisible as well as have her daggers, and gave Callisto super speed, because "telepathy wouldn't have worked well in an exciting battle scene". Kid Omega was modified to be a hybrid of himself and Spyke. The end result is the Brotherhood consisting of amalgamated mutants.
It's not something people hear about.
Juggernaut is his own movie. Juggernaut, "the cure," Phoenix, Morlocks all in one movie? Woo.
Let's all go home.
and your livestock
It's not something people hear about.
What is that, a hay baler?
Oh Mr. Parcelan. Oh Mr. Parcelan! Oh Mr. Parcelan!!;
I don't remember giving you that title.What is that, a hay baler?
The Killdozer
Delidgamond had this to say about pies:
Btw, Boliver Trask, the creater of the Sentinels, was the black guy next to the President.
Noticed that. Kept hoping the President would empower Trask to send in the Sentinels...instead everyone got plastic guns.
sigpic courtesy of This Guy, original modified by me
Here's what you would have seen! Yuri fucked around with this message on 05-27-2006 at 10:27 AM.
Sean wrote, obviously thinking too hard:
Listen, I don't want to bum you out or anything, but do you want to know who spikey asian boy is supposed to be?Quentin Quire. Kid Omega.
This insanity brought to you by Yuri:
So.. did anyone else stay until after the credits?)
Here's what you would have seen!
GODDD bury the fucking thing already! X-Men 3 was terrible.
"Don't want to sound like a fanboy, but I am with you. I'll buy it for sure, it's just a matter of for how long I will be playing it..."
- Silvast, Battle.net forums
This insanity brought to you by Yuri:
So.. did anyone else stay until after the credits?)
Here's what you would have seen!
Our ticket guy and the guy who intro'd before the movie actually told us all to stay, and they didn't bring the lights up until after the credits.
So much for all that ethics talk, eh? And I didn't like how they changed him. He would never do what he did to Jean.
Lyinar Ka`Bael, Piney Fresh Druidess - Luclin
Wolverine was a crybaby, Storm was Oprah, Xavier died, Cyclops died, Juggernaut died, Jean Grey died (and stood around looking like Steve Tyler the entire movie), Juggernaut had rubber muscles, Shadowcat was like 5 years old, Rogue was ugly, Gandalf was old, and the story was god damn awful. And yet all shows were sold out today and I had to wait an hour in line.
"Don't want to sound like a fanboy, but I am with you. I'll buy it for sure, it's just a matter of for how long I will be playing it..."
- Silvast, Battle.net forums
Fazum'Zen Fastfist thought this was the Ricky Martin Fan Club Forum and wrote:
GODDD bury the fucking thing already! X-Men 3 was terrible.
You seem to be in the very small minority.
...and where's Nightcrawler? D: