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Topic: WTF! Females have problems.
Gluttonous Overlard
posted 07-30-2004 08:46:28 AM
Elvish Crack Piper attempted to be funny by writing:
Im not sure how you could make a weapon out of a vagina :-/

Penis translates into a club or sword pretty easy, what the hell does the vagina do in combat?

Acts like a black hole, sucking everything around it in and crushing it utterly.

Never wore the pants, thus still wields the power of unused (_|_)
posted 07-30-2004 08:48:47 AM
Mortious wrote this stupid crap:
Acts like a black hole, sucking everything around it in and crushing it utterly.

You have quite the interesting sex life Mort.

"Age by age have men stood up and said to the world, 'From what has come before me, I was forged, but I am new and greater than my forebears.' And so each man walks the world in ruin, abandoned and untried. Less than the whole of his being"
Elvish Crack Piper
Murder is justified so long as people believe in something different than you do
posted 07-30-2004 08:53:10 AM
Black Holes as tight as you can get I suppose
(Insert Funny Phrase Here)
Withered and Alone
posted 07-30-2004 09:24:29 AM
I no longer wonder why some of you don't have steady girlfriends or wives.
Obamanomics: spend, tax, and borrow.
posted 07-30-2004 09:42:07 AM
This is the greatest, and the worst, thread in existance.
A Kansas City Shuffle is when everybody looks right, you go left.

It's not something people hear about.

posted 07-30-2004 11:16:02 AM
Dr Cysa stumbled drunkenly to the keyboard and typed:
Now I know no matter how much a guy can put up a good show, there is always a demon underneath. WOMEN AREN'T MUCH BETTER.

You know, I have a few buddies that are of the opposite gender, and you know what, I don't have any inkiling to anything sexual with them. But you happen to sound like their asshole boyfriends. The ones that never let them go any were unless they tag along. And God forbid they go out to hang with their buds and some happen to be guys. I mean I have know these girls longer than most of their boyfreinds, you think if I wanted to do something I would have already have. I mean you almost sound like one of those whiney tards that say "women never go for a nice guy" with out even thinking that it's not "nice guys" they don't like, but spinless whiney little bitches they don't like.

---To add, something that pisses me off to no end when I do go out and hang with some buds and their boyfriends tag along, is when the boyfriend does his best to dominate the conversation. Like every time I go to talk to my bud she gets interupted by the jerk, or he decides to answer for her. Like one time I went out and my buddy got to answer me once the whole afternoon, the rest of the time her butthead boyfriend kept answering for her or cutting in.

I've got an owie on my head :(
posted 07-30-2004 12:12:42 PM
Synjari was naked while typing this:

Ok.. dude.. just cause YOU are jaded.. doesnt mean your opinion of women = to anything. I am getting SO tired of people lumping an entire gender (men and women alike) and making stupid generalizations. Get over yourself and yknow what? If you dont wanna hear these people, stop talking to them, pure and simple.

Pet peeve when people make generalizations about race/creed/color/sex.. Take your narrow blinders off and start taking every single person as that.. a single individual.

posted 07-30-2004 12:18:43 PM
So quoth Peter:
You know, I have a few buddies that are of the opposite gender, and you know what, I don't have any inkiling to anything sexual with them. But you happen to sound like their asshole boyfriends. The ones that never let them go any were unless they tag along. And God forbid they go out to hang with their buds and some happen to be guys. I mean I have know these girls longer than most of their boyfreinds, you think if I wanted to do something I would have already have. I mean you almost sound like one of those whiney tards that say "women never go for a nice guy" with out even thinking that it's not "nice guys" they don't like, but spinless whiney little bitches they don't like.

---To add, something that pisses me off to no end when I do go out and hang with some buds and their boyfriends tag along, is when the boyfriend does his best to dominate the conversation. Like every time I go to talk to my bud she gets interupted by the jerk, or he decides to answer for her. Like one time I went out and my buddy got to answer me once the whole afternoon, the rest of the time her butthead boyfriend kept answering for her or cutting in.

Wow you'd probably shoot me in the head if we ever met.

Life... is like a box of chocolates. A cheap, thoughtless, perfunctory gift that nobody ever asks for. Unreturnable, because all you get back is another box of chocolates. You're stuck with this undefinable whipped-mint crap that you mindlessly wolf down when there's nothing else left to eat. Sure, once in a while, there's a peanut butter cup, or an English toffee. But they're gone too fast, the taste is fleeting. So you end up with nothing but broken bits, filled with hardened jelly and teeth-crunching nuts, and if you're desperate enough to eat those, all you've got left is a... is an empty box... filled with useless, brown paper wrappers.
Peels like a tangerine, but is juicy like an orange.
posted 07-30-2004 12:27:57 PM
From the book of Sean, chapter 3, verse 16:
This is the greatest, and the worst, thread in existance.

Only because of this line

We hunt. They sleep. We roar. They paint. We swing clubs around and hit bighorn sheep with our penises. They don't use their genitals as weapons at all!

..:: This Is The Sound Of Settling ::..
Dr Cysa
Angsty Mcangst
posted 07-30-2004 12:56:41 PM
Alright people didn't quite get my message correct the first time so I'll reiterate.

I'm not saying all men are rapist, thugs, and theives. NO! I'm saying that male intentions when he enters any relationship is not touchy feely happy. We can put on a good show for awhile, but we usually give in to our primal urges whenever the optorunity presents itself. Now, yes men and women can be friends with out the sexual activities or feelings, but I can tell you what, its a rare day to find a man who becomes friends with a woman, if he doesn't have any feelings for her.

As far as generalize the genders is concerned. It generally doesn't work, but in certain circumstances it does. Now this generalization may not apply the mentally ill, or the gays, but it does apply to strait men.

Females at least are able to control the urges they get much better then men. I've seen this, its a fact. But this doesn't mean they never get them and it doesn't mean they never act on them. this doesn't mean a woman is capable of raping a male, because for it to be rape, he would have to say no

I don't discriminate...I hate everyone.
posted 07-30-2004 01:16:53 PM
Cysa, don't generalize every guy into a statement like that. Not every guy is like that. I am not like that.
Poing! Poing!
posted 07-30-2004 01:33:59 PM
Dr Cysa wrote this stupid crap:
Alright people didn't quite get my message correct the first time so I'll reiterate.

Bork Bork Bork

I mjust admit that I do give in to my primal urges when I am in relationships. It's... It's just so hard to resist. I feel that i just have to protect my girlfriend, keep her out of inclement weather, and feed her. Thank you Cysa, I'll never pay attention to that part of my brain again!

Females at least are able to control the urges they get much better then men. I've seen this, its a fact. But this doesn't mean they never get them and it doesn't mean they never act on them.


Let me guess, you've never talked to a woman outside of your buddies' girlfriends or your bible group? Here, I'll clarify slightly for you:

Many women do in fact like to have sex.

"Woah wait, but how can this be?" You say, "Every woman I've ever met has locked down her vagina stronger than a hershey's factory when the fattys come and visit!" Well that's just you Cysa. If you've never talked to women who have said something along the lines of "Goddamn I am horny." or "I need to pick new batteries for my 'boyfriend'", Then I am forced to conclude that an aura of repugnence exudes from you like the rotting stench of a month dead corpse.

It's not exactly a bad thing, it just means that you may have to spend more time and money on courtship, since it appears that you don't have much else to offer them.

Or you could always turn gay. Leaves more women for us, the Rainbow Challenged.

Illanae's Stooge!
posted 07-30-2004 01:36:45 PM
amazing how in 2 pages, this thread went from "Women are so dumb about men" to "men are baseless animalistic predators that are only in it for the sex"
Dont make me slap you so hard your bucket spins around, and around,and stops sideways,thus confusing you, and making you run about London wearing your bucket, a g-string, and carrying a stick,smacking the ground while yelling "MAGICALLY DELICIOUS! MAGICALLY FUCKING DELICIOUS!"- {Tal} to Mortious
Hebrew 9:3- 'And the Lord said unto me, "Dude, there isn't a K in covenant."' - Snoota

This beer drops trou and fucks your mouth with pure hoppy goodness. - Karnaj
posted 07-30-2004 01:40:54 PM
Dr Cysa had this to say about Knight Rider:
Alright people didn't quite get my message correct the first time so I'll reiterate.

I'm not saying all men are rapist, thugs, and theives. NO! I'm saying that male intentions when he enters any relationship is not touchy feely happy. We can put on a good show for awhile, but we usually give in to our primal urges whenever the optorunity presents itself. Now, yes men and women can be friends with out the sexual activities or feelings, but I can tell you what, its a rare day to find a man who becomes friends with a woman, if he doesn't have any feelings for her.

As far as generalize the genders is concerned. It generally doesn't work, but in certain circumstances it does. Now this generalization may not apply the mentally ill, or the gays, but it does apply to strait men.

Females at least are able to control the urges they get much better then men. I've seen this, its a fact. But this doesn't mean they never get them and it doesn't mean they never act on them. this doesn't mean a woman is capable of raping a male, because for it to be rape, he would have to say no

Are you rationalizing your own inadequacies by assuming them to be true for everyone? Speak for yourself. Men like to have sex, great, I think someone figured that out a few hours after speech was invented, this does not mean that females are somehow more 'pure' in their feelings.

Being friends with someone you have feelings for is the most annoying thing in the world, why anyone, male or female, would want to be in that situation is beyond me. Seriously, why would you intentionally dangle around something you want but can't have in front of you for years?

People make friends for different reasons, because they enjoy their company, because associating with them is advantageous professionally, because they share interests, etc, to actually get involved with someone they are required to fit a much narrower set of circumstances, they have to be attractive to you, you must be able to spend lots of time with each other without stabbing one another, one of you should be financially responsible and a zillion other different things which can break a relationship but work well in a friendship.

For example a friend of mine is quite promiscuous, as a friend this does not really bother on interest me in the least, if we were together in the romantic sense it would drive me up one wall and down another.

Anecdotal evidence does not turn things into fact. Zorg Ug from a village in Kenya might only ever have seen a blue tractor once in his life, this does not mean that the majority of vehicles are tractors or blue.

Life... is like a box of chocolates. A cheap, thoughtless, perfunctory gift that nobody ever asks for. Unreturnable, because all you get back is another box of chocolates. You're stuck with this undefinable whipped-mint crap that you mindlessly wolf down when there's nothing else left to eat. Sure, once in a while, there's a peanut butter cup, or an English toffee. But they're gone too fast, the taste is fleeting. So you end up with nothing but broken bits, filled with hardened jelly and teeth-crunching nuts, and if you're desperate enough to eat those, all you've got left is a... is an empty box... filled with useless, brown paper wrappers.
posted 07-30-2004 01:53:22 PM
Dr Cysa had this to say about Punky Brewster:
Alright people didn't quite get my message correct the first time so I'll reiterate.

I'm not saying all men are rapist, thugs, and theives. NO! I'm saying that male intentions when he enters any relationship is not touchy feely happy. We can put on a good show for awhile, but we usually give in to our primal urges whenever the optorunity presents itself. Now, yes men and women can be friends with out the sexual activities or feelings, but I can tell you what, its a rare day to find a man who becomes friends with a woman, if he doesn't have any feelings for her.

As far as generalize the genders is concerned. It generally doesn't work, but in certain circumstances it does. Now this generalization may not apply the mentally ill, or the gays, but it does apply to strait men.

Females at least are able to control the urges they get much better then men. I've seen this, its a fact. But this doesn't mean they never get them and it doesn't mean they never act on them. this doesn't mean a woman is capable of raping a male, because for it to be rape, he would have to say no

How many clichés can a single person abuse in one thread?

Dr Cysa
Angsty Mcangst
posted 07-30-2004 02:02:29 PM
Well my original intentions of this thread was to point out that women put more faith in men then they should, especially in relationships, then everyone started jumping down my throat about how not all men are like that and that I'm a giant ass hat cause you didn't attempt to try anything on your girlfriend.


If you are a female, do not trust every man you meet. In general it is unwise to trust us, just as it is unwise for males to trust females. While you can trust someone to an extent, unless you know that person EXTREMELY well and are committed to that person, do not always trust them entirely.

I don't discriminate...I hate everyone.
Rodent King
Stabbed in the Eye
posted 07-30-2004 02:04:17 PM
Back onto the REAL topic here, could we consider breasts as part of the female weaponry? Their vaginas could certainly do damage if they can achieve a strong grip, but being slapped by silicone-filled double D's would leave a mark too.
My inner child is bigger than my outer adult.
Dr Cysa
Angsty Mcangst
posted 07-30-2004 02:08:31 PM
RK, I'm sure they could implant some sort of explosives in there and start throwing themselves at us.
I don't discriminate...I hate everyone.
posted 07-30-2004 02:11:23 PM
Dr Cysa wrote this then went back to looking for porn:
Well my original intentions of this thread was to point out that women put more faith in men then they should, especially in relationships, then everyone started jumping down my throat about how not all men are like that and that I'm a giant ass hat cause you didn't attempt to try anything on your girlfriend.


If you are a female, do not trust every man you meet. In general it is unwise to trust us, just as it is unwise for males to trust females. While you can trust someone to an extent, unless you know that person EXTREMELY well and are committed to that person, do not always trust them entirely.

Yes Cysa, because everyone in the world is out to get you or to annoy you.

Rodent King: I've seen pictures of women with big enough boobs that they could cave in your skull. It's somewhat disturbing.

posted 07-30-2004 02:33:56 PM
Dr Cysa had this to say about Robocop:
Well my original intentions of this thread was to point out that women put more faith in men then they should, especially in relationships, then everyone started jumping down my throat about how not all men are like that and that I'm a giant ass hat cause you didn't attempt to try anything on your girlfriend.


If you are a female, do not trust every man you meet. In general it is unwise to trust us, just as it is unwise for males to trust females. While you can trust someone to an extent, unless you know that person EXTREMELY well and are committed to that person, do not always trust them entirely.

So you shouldn't trust people you're not sure are trustworthy? What a revelation.

Life... is like a box of chocolates. A cheap, thoughtless, perfunctory gift that nobody ever asks for. Unreturnable, because all you get back is another box of chocolates. You're stuck with this undefinable whipped-mint crap that you mindlessly wolf down when there's nothing else left to eat. Sure, once in a while, there's a peanut butter cup, or an English toffee. But they're gone too fast, the taste is fleeting. So you end up with nothing but broken bits, filled with hardened jelly and teeth-crunching nuts, and if you're desperate enough to eat those, all you've got left is a... is an empty box... filled with useless, brown paper wrappers.
Poing! Poing!
posted 07-30-2004 02:35:39 PM
Dr Cysa's account was hax0red to write:
If you are a female, do not trust every man you meet. In general it is unwise to trust us, just as it is unwise for males to trust females. While you can trust someone to an extent, unless you know that person EXTREMELY well and are committed to that person, do not always trust them entirely.

Wow. Well the relationship master has spoken. I'll make sure to accuse my girlfriend of cheating next time I see her.

I'll start considering your advice the day you step out of your house and actually put it to test rather than sitting in your room blowing on your bubble pipe while gazing longingly out your window at either the high school, pre school, or petting zoo, whichever you prefer.

Like Syn said you can't judge everyone based on past experiences. You can't judge them from just your knowledge either, unless you are a primary subject in the dispute. Here: I'll show you a different take on those three women:

1) She's pregnant and afraid that her piece of shit boyfriend is going to run out of her and leave her in a trailer park. Aforementioned boyfriend will do this, not because he is a sleazebag, but because he is an extra-dimensional cocktail waitress who accidently got marooned on earth while searching for Ninja Turtle deoderant.

2) The ex-boyfriend is actually her long lost siamese twin. They are not escaping at night to go off to lover's ridge and have nights of passionate sex, but instead are catching up on the last 20 or so years. Her 'actual' boyfriend is jealous because he knows this, and he is a cyborg zombie programmed to kill all siamese twins, but this conflicts with his 'Protect Girlfriend' programs, so he is contemplating dividng by zero to end it all.

3) Your friend actually has the Perfect Penis. Any woman who comes in contact with it basically becomes enslaved to her passions for it. Thus the girlfriend will stay with the man through thick and thin, and through several thousand affairs due to the fact that he must spread his genes, in the hope that another Perfect Penis will arise after him.

Ferret fucked around with this message on 07-30-2004 at 02:36 PM.

posted 07-30-2004 02:46:26 PM
Ferret wins the thread.

He gets a gold star.

Dr Cysa
Angsty Mcangst
posted 07-30-2004 02:49:14 PM
If I say I have a bullet some one in this thread would accuse me of shooting lincoln.

Some people here are taking what I say and blowing them into purportions I had no intention of even delving near. READ TO THE TEXT COMING OUT OF MY FINGERS, DO NOT ANALYZE!

Male...maybe not all, but on a whole, are not people you go up to and randomly trust. Females neither, but they can probably trusted more then men can be. Females, if your in a relationship with a man and you haven't known him very long, DO NOT COMPLETELY TRUST HIM!

Ferret, quiet you. No where in any of my posts did I say your girlfriend was cheating on you or that you should accuse her of such.

When I post things and you get offended, who EVER it is. I don't care, I would use a flame tag if I ment to offend you. OTHERWISE, don't bitch at me cause you don't agree with me. THIS THREAD WAS NOT TO BASH ANYONE ON EC. In general it was to point out that men do things that we shouldn't do. Why? Cause we are stupid some times, I'm not entirely sure, but we do. If women don't know us that well why the fuck do they trust us?

Fine if you guys really wanna win the arguement, WOMEN, trust every man you meet. If he says he loves you he must really mean it, and he has no intention what so ever of using you. TRUST EVERY BODY, even that hobo on the street corner over there.

Listen I'm gonna take every man on the planet and lump them all together. about 80-90% of that lump is not gonna be something your gonna wanna trust right away. While there is an exception to every rule, there is no more then a 20% exception to this rule. Females of this board: When you get into a relationship with any man, trust him, just don't do it completely, wait till he gives you good reason to.

The world is not full of prince charmings and fairy tale bull shit. Its a little bit dirty and quite a bit meaner.

After reading Ferret's post, I really wonder wich one of us has hit the bong harder

I don't discriminate...I hate everyone.
posted 07-30-2004 02:55:38 PM
Dr Cysa had this to say about Punky Brewster:
If I say I have a bullet some one in this thread would accuse me of shooting lincoln.

Some people here are taking what I say and blowing them into purportions I had no intention of even delving near. READ TO THE TEXT COMING OUT OF MY FINGERS, DO NOT ANALYZE!

Male...maybe not all, but on a whole, are not people you go up to and randomly trust. Females neither, but they can probably trusted more then men can be. Females, if your in a relationship with a man and you haven't known him very long, DO NOT COMPLETELY TRUST HIM!

Ferret, quiet you. No where in any of my posts did I say your girlfriend was cheating on you or that you should accuse her of such.

When I post things and you get offended, who EVER it is. I don't care, I would use a flame tag if I ment to offend you. OTHERWISE, don't bitch at me cause you don't agree with me. THIS THREAD WAS NOT TO BASH ANYONE ON EC. In general it was to point out that men do things that we shouldn't do. Why? Cause we are stupid some times, I'm not entirely sure, but we do. If women don't know us that well why the fuck do they trust us?

Fine if you guys really wanna win the arguement, WOMEN, trust every man you meet. If he says he loves you he must really mean it, and he has no intention what so ever of using you. TRUST EVERY BODY, even that hobo on the street corner over there.

Listen I'm gonna take every man on the planet and lump them all together. about 80-90% of that lump is not gonna be something your gonna wanna trust right away. While there is an exception to every rule, there is no more then a 20% exception to this rule. Females of this board: When you get into a relationship with any man, trust him, just don't do it completely, wait till he gives you good reason to.

The world is not full of prince charmings and fairy tale bull shit. Its a little bit dirty and quite a bit meaner.

After reading Ferret's post, I really wonder wich one of us has hit the bong harder

Ladies rejoice, we have a male feminist on our board today!

You have still not shown any reason why men are inherently less trustworthy than women. Person A may be honest and trustworthy, person B may be a liar, gender does not factor into it.

Life... is like a box of chocolates. A cheap, thoughtless, perfunctory gift that nobody ever asks for. Unreturnable, because all you get back is another box of chocolates. You're stuck with this undefinable whipped-mint crap that you mindlessly wolf down when there's nothing else left to eat. Sure, once in a while, there's a peanut butter cup, or an English toffee. But they're gone too fast, the taste is fleeting. So you end up with nothing but broken bits, filled with hardened jelly and teeth-crunching nuts, and if you're desperate enough to eat those, all you've got left is a... is an empty box... filled with useless, brown paper wrappers.
Poing! Poing!
posted 07-30-2004 03:03:18 PM
Dr Cysa had this to say about Cuba:
If I say I have a bullet some one in this thread would accuse me of shooting lincoln.

Excepting the fact that he died decades before you were born, this could be possible. It's kind of hard to shoot someone without a gun though, but I am interested in this new "Hold it with pliers and whack the back with a hammer" you've been touting.

people are blowing MY FINGERS, DO NOT ANALYZE!

You got it skippy, have fun with that.

Male...maybe not all, but on a whole, are not people you go up to and randomly trust. Females neither, but they can probably trusted more then men can be. Females, if your in a relationship with a man and you haven't known him very long, DO NOT COMPLETELY TRUST HIM!

You look like you have a very long and successful business career ahead of you. Well except with women. Mybe you'll be able to set up the first lesbian only shopping center. You could call it The No-Balls Mall.

Ferret, quiet you. No where in any of my posts did I say your girlfriend was cheating on you or that you should accuse her of such.

But if I can no longer trust her to the full extent that I used to, who knows how many other men, women, or seagulls she may have consorted with?

The world is not full of prince charmings and fairy tale bull shit. Its a little bit dirty and quite a bit meaner.

DAMN. No prince charmings?! No dragons?! No prissy little elves to peel grapes for me and fan me with leaves from their enchanted forest?! I HAVE NOTHING TO LIVE FOR.

After reading Ferret's post, I really wonder wich one of us has hit the bong harder

Hint: It's you.

Dr Cysa
Angsty Mcangst
posted 07-30-2004 03:03:24 PM
Do not take me for a feminist, women are still horribly evil and constantly sabotage men, but for whatever reason women have a bad habit of trusting men when they shouldn't. Then when things go bad, some poor bystander ends up getting the blunt end of all their problems.

In this case I was the bystander, why? Well the first problem wasn't much of a trust issue, more of the fact that the girl was a needy bitch. Anyways, girls#2 and #3 were having problems cause they trusted men when they shouldn't have. My statement to the world is, learn from mistakes.

The reason I distrust men is because I am a male, I can't quite yell at females for the things they do cause I don't quite understand there motives, with men its easier for me to figure them out, and I don't trust alot of them. so I'm sorry if I've offended every male member on the board, but you know what? The world is full of jack ass men, and you aren't enough to make up for it.

I don't discriminate...I hate everyone.
Poing! Poing!
posted 07-30-2004 03:13:01 PM
Dr Cysa had this to say about Tron:
clippy clippy clippy

Sounds like someone is depressed for being the shoulder these girls cry on instead of the backup dick.

posted 07-30-2004 03:24:48 PM
Dr Cysa had this to say about Pirotess:
Do not take me for a feminist, women are still horribly evil and constantly sabotage men, but for whatever reason women have a bad habit of trusting men when they shouldn't. Then when things go bad, some poor bystander ends up getting the blunt end of all their problems.

In this case I was the bystander, why? Well the first problem wasn't much of a trust issue, more of the fact that the girl was a needy bitch. Anyways, girls#2 and #3 were having problems cause they trusted men when they shouldn't have. My statement to the world is, learn from mistakes.

The reason I distrust men is because I am a male, I can't quite yell at females for the things they do cause I don't quite understand there motives, with men its easier for me to figure them out, and I don't trust alot of them. so I'm sorry if I've offended every male member on the board, but you know what? The world is full of jack ass men, and you aren't enough to make up for it.

Decide on a point already, you went from women are stupid, to men suck, to men suck but only because I don't understand women. You reasoning here is also utterly illogical, you distrust people you understand but trust those you don't? There's a far greater chance someone you don't understand would be leading you on than someone you have figured out.

The world is full of manipulating bitchy women, get over it and take people on their own merits, while you can generally interpret social norms and basic desires of people to find certain trends in behaviour between genders this does not mean that it is ok to be suspicious of someone purely because they are in posession of a dong.

Life... is like a box of chocolates. A cheap, thoughtless, perfunctory gift that nobody ever asks for. Unreturnable, because all you get back is another box of chocolates. You're stuck with this undefinable whipped-mint crap that you mindlessly wolf down when there's nothing else left to eat. Sure, once in a while, there's a peanut butter cup, or an English toffee. But they're gone too fast, the taste is fleeting. So you end up with nothing but broken bits, filled with hardened jelly and teeth-crunching nuts, and if you're desperate enough to eat those, all you've got left is a... is an empty box... filled with useless, brown paper wrappers.
Dr Cysa
Angsty Mcangst
posted 07-30-2004 03:28:28 PM
Damn it I quit...I knew better then to argue any point with EC, cause no matter what it is, someone won't like it. Now I've got a headache.

Mod: Here my point!

"Women are sneaky and deceptive, but generally trust men too much, or at least the wrong men. Men do stupid stuff and women shouldn't trust us. Humanity is fucked and I'll save all of ya a seat in hell."

I'm done posting in this thread.

I don't discriminate...I hate everyone.
posted 07-30-2004 03:30:24 PM
Dr Cysa had this to say about Tron:
Damn it I quit...I knew better then to argue any point with EC, cause no matter what it is, someone won't like it. Now I've got a headache.

Mod: Here my point!

"Women are sneaky and deceptive, but generally trust men too much, or at least the wrong men. Men do stupid stuff and women shouldn't trust us. Humanity is fucked and I'll save all of ya a seat in hell."

I'm done posting in this thread.

Which again leaves us with why men are inherenly less trustworthy than women.

The funny thing is I'd agree with you if you just replaced 'men' in that sentence with 'people'.

Life... is like a box of chocolates. A cheap, thoughtless, perfunctory gift that nobody ever asks for. Unreturnable, because all you get back is another box of chocolates. You're stuck with this undefinable whipped-mint crap that you mindlessly wolf down when there's nothing else left to eat. Sure, once in a while, there's a peanut butter cup, or an English toffee. But they're gone too fast, the taste is fleeting. So you end up with nothing but broken bits, filled with hardened jelly and teeth-crunching nuts, and if you're desperate enough to eat those, all you've got left is a... is an empty box... filled with useless, brown paper wrappers.
posted 07-30-2004 03:30:46 PM
We were all impressed when Dr Cysa wrote:
Damn it I quit...I knew better then to argue any point with EC, cause no matter what it is, someone won't like it. Now I've got a headache.

Welcome to a gathering of (largely) individuals! People have personal opinions, perish the thought.

My opinion is that you are a douche.

A Kansas City Shuffle is when everybody looks right, you go left.

It's not something people hear about.

posted 07-30-2004 03:34:21 PM
.....All I have to say is that the boobs make a better weapon than the vagina. *nods* If I comment on anything serious in here it could lead to swearing and badness..so we'll stick with funny boob comments.
Premarital sex isn't worth it! You can catch AIDS, or cancer, or testicle weevils, or a bad body image or rickets. You know what IS worth it? Making love to Jesus. Because you can't knock Him up and He'll never ask what you're thinking – cuz He already knows!
^^Good times there!

Still always, Not-Dude.

Poing! Poing!
posted 07-30-2004 03:35:09 PM
A sleep deprived Sean stammered:
Welcome to a gathering of (largely) individuals! People have personal opinions, perish the thought.

My opinion is that you are a douche.

My opinion is that he is the reincarnation of Erwin Rommel. Who happens to be a douche.

posted 07-30-2004 03:42:10 PM
Ferret attempted to be funny by writing:
My opinion is that he is the reincarnation of Erwin Rommel. Who happens to be a douche.

Erwin "Desert Fox" Rommel? How was the Fox a douche?

A Kansas City Shuffle is when everybody looks right, you go left.

It's not something people hear about.

Poing! Poing!
posted 07-30-2004 03:51:24 PM
Sean had this to say about Pirotess:
Erwin "Desert Fox" Rommel? How was the Fox a douche?

The original Rommel was a badass, thus why he did so well in the Rhineland.

His reincarnation, though, no longer wields the delicate scalpel of mass warfare but instead has the blunt sledge of female relations, making him the Mayor douche over all of Douchville, a beautiful place near the Douchbaggery mountians and over Le Douche river in the country of Douchelvania.

Gluttonous Overlard
posted 07-30-2004 03:54:06 PM
Azakias said:
You have quite the interesting sex life Mort.

I like my women soft on the outside, strong on the inside.

Fun with Chocolate
posted 07-30-2004 03:54:08 PM
Why bother listening to these girls anyway?

Tell them you don't care. That solves all your problems.

You are a busybody, because obviously you know too much.

Plus, why are these young girls calling boys anyway? In MY day girls weren't allowed to call boys! What little hoochies they must be!

And what Synnie said.

So there.

Warrior Princess
Cookie Seraphim!
posted 07-30-2004 04:10:17 PM
*kisses Nae*
"Villiany wears many masks, none of which are more dangerous than virtue." - "Sleepy Hollow"
posted 07-30-2004 04:12:51 PM
ACES! Another post by Ferret:
The original Rommel was a badass, thus why he did so well in the Rhineland.

His reincarnation, though, no longer wields the delicate scalpel of mass warfare but instead has the blunt sledge of female relations, making him the Mayor douche over all of Douchville, a beautiful place near the Douchbaggery mountians and over Le Douche river in the country of Douchelvania.

Impressive use of douche.

A Kansas City Shuffle is when everybody looks right, you go left.

It's not something people hear about.

Poing! Poing!
posted 07-30-2004 04:14:14 PM
Sean had this to say about Jimmy Carter:
Impressive use of douche.

Just trying to get near the vicinity of his doucheosity.

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