Cysa Da Devil was naked while typing this:
Toss up:Everclear or Vodka.
You're a crybaby man with a vagina. You don't have enough nuts to power a four year-old chimp.
Don't ask me to believe you can down Everclear.
That said, there are certain things I prefer. Brandy, for one. It makes my food chute feel pleasantly warm, and the taste isn't that terrible. I like fruit wines, and recently went to this little farm near here and proceeded to spend a good hour in their winery, sampling, like, everything (and giving them 10$ for it... I'm a wimp ), and eventually coming home with this incredible elderberry merlot. Thanksgiving, tonight, is seeing much of that down my throat. I generally don't like beer, but it falls under my "don't have a right to complain if it's bought for me" thing, so I generally drink whatever people suggest... XXX isn't bad, and I like beer to taste, well, un-beer-y. The general beer taste is vile. If anyone has suggestions, feel free to throw them at me . I LOVE cranberry Vex, which is odd as I generally don't like either cranberries OR Vex, but combined they form something that tastes like candy and I don't give a fuck whether it's a wimp drink or not, damnit, I like it.
Make of me what you will.
Sprite and Green Apple Sour Puss is a great mix, as well at Lemonade and Mandarin Absolute.
Jack Daniels, Bailey's, Bacardi Limon are good for mixing or straight shots.
I've yet to try Whaler's Dark Rum, and Newfoundland Screech Rum.
As for wines...I don't usually drink wine, but I have taken a liking to Inniskillin's Ice Wine (VQA Niagara Peninsula)
I have had Smirnoff; it's good for when you're feeling cheap.
I have had Absolut; it's a pretty big rip-off (30 bucks for half-assed sphincter water).
Stoli is the best. Kind of expensive at 20 bucks a bottle, but completely worth it. It's smooth and hits you hard...like a hot, sexy Russian chick whose ass you've grabbed.
Awwww yeah.