Emily attempted to be funny by writing:
I'm treated like a three year old, so I'll act like a three year old. And I'm having a good time.
My sister thought that.... You know where she is now? She just moved back in with my parents, got pregnant then engaged with a dead-beat, feels that she is the shit. Basically, she fucked up in my opinion.
Your parents may treat you with a level of care that you disapprove of but in the end, 99% of cases out there are just a lot of angsty people that have no clue as to what life really is. I am 21, married, hold a steady job, pay my bills every month and I still have no fucking clue.
My advice: Take it in stride. You may not like it, but your parents are trying their best for you. I'm personally glad I stuck it out like I have. Yall have seen my rants concerning my home life, but I still stick it out, waiting for that time when I knew that I was ready for what was coming. And I am 99.9% certain that my problems with my parents are far worse then yours. Doing what my sister did would have only made things worse.
I could talk more about my situation and why it is a good example not to act like a 3 year old because you feel that is the way you are treated.. but I'm not going to. You can still "act like a child" but it is time you are to start working out what is to come. Complaining because you cant do this or that wont help you in the long run. And trying to find legal ability to do them just makes matter worse because in the end, you have dick for rights at your age. And if you even try pulling a the "I HAVE RIGHTS!" card with the police, you will find yourself in even worse trouble.
Anyway, just the 2 cents of a man still learning what it is all about.
Pesco stumbled drunkenly to the keyboard and typed:
My sister thought that.... You know where she is now? She just moved back in with my parents, got pregnant then engaged with a dead-beat, feels that she is the shit. Basically, she fucked up in my opinion.
I'm not your sister that fucked up her life, thanks.
Should've said something, but I've said it enough
By the way my words were faded
Rather waste some time with you...
Should've said something, but I've said it enough
By the way my words were faded
Rather waste some time with you...
Emily stopped staring at Deedlit long enough to write:
I'm not your sister that fucked up her life, thanks.
You are obviously just as thick-headed as her though.
Pesco had this to say about (_|_):
You are obviously just as thick-headed as her though.
See above, fucker.
Should've said something, but I've said it enough
By the way my words were faded
Rather waste some time with you...
Emily had this to say about Punky Brewster:
And you know what? None of you better say that I'm 'headed down that road', either. This is one incident out of a billion in my life. While I am a little rebellious sometimes, most of you don't realize the other half of who I am. I'm an honor roll student and work at a local hospital, for instance. I come from a good home. I'm going to work in the medical field, after I go off to college next year. Just sometimes I need to get away from things.
Then do not make another post like this. Venting is one thing, attention whoring for reasons to tell authority figures to fuck off makes you out to be the 3 year old you complain your parents treat you as.
Everyone wondered WTF when Pesco wrote:
Then do not make another post like this. Venting is one thing, attention whoring for reasons to tell authority figures to fuck off makes you out to be the 3 year old you complain your parents treat you as.
This was simply asking a yes or no question that was blown out of proportion thanks to fuckers just like YOU, Pesco.
Should've said something, but I've said it enough
By the way my words were faded
Rather waste some time with you...
So quoth Pesco:
You have anger management issues.
I think I do, too.
It's been pointed out to me before. I'm not sure where it could possibly come from, but I think I need should look into counseling or something. :/
Should've said something, but I've said it enough
By the way my words were faded
Rather waste some time with you...
How.... Emily.... uughhhhhh:
Especially in the medical field.
Suddar had this to say about Matthew Broderick:
You're not going to do too great in the medical field if you walk out every time the stress gets too heavy for you.Especially in the medical field.
Again, another great point of showing how much you don't know about me.
I'm great at the hospital, actually. I enjoy that, I'm not stressed over it. I see what the doctors do, I'm right there through almost the whole thing. I wouldn't want to pursue a professional career in it if I felt it was too stressful for me to handle.
I don't enjoy being yelled at senselessly by my parents.
Should've said something, but I've said it enough
By the way my words were faded
Rather waste some time with you...
Check out the big brain on Faelynn LeAndris!
Fae, but if I was looking for attention, you would've done an excellent job at providing exactly what I was looking for.
Should've said something, but I've said it enough
By the way my words were faded
Rather waste some time with you...
Emily's unholy Backstreet Boys obsession manifested in:
Fae, but if I was looking for attention, you would've done an excellent job at providing exactly what I was looking for.
We did. This thread is four pages long.
Mr. Parcelan thought this was the Ricky Martin Fan Club Forum and wrote:
No, leave it open! I just had two tacos and a slice of funky pizza! It tasted great!
send me some, man!
Vorbis had this to say about pies:
send me some, man!
You know where to go for good classes and good cafeteria food. NAU, baby.
Nobody really understood why KaLourin wrote:
best suggest to have it locked Em.
I agree -- this is way .
Should've said something, but I've said it enough
By the way my words were faded
Rather waste some time with you...
Not Trent had this to say about Optimus Prime:
I just had some fried chicken and potato salad, was tasty. And some Sobe Greentea, also tasty.
hamburger helper potatoe stroganoff and root beer.
suck it bish.
Emily was listening to Cher while typing:
I agree -- this is way .
...just lock it yourself? Or did that get nerfed?
Shazorx / Modrakien had this to say about pies:
...just lock it yourself? Or did that get nerfed?
Subscriber only, yo.
Check out the big brain on KaLourin!
hamburger helper potatoe stroganoff and root beer.suck it bish.
I've never tried to suck hamburger helper... to lumpy to go through the straw.
And.. you'd have to use a straw.
I have Code Red now! Whee.