Cetona had this to say about John Romero:
I can't prove creation by God, and I don't claim that I can, but in my opinion, the same is true about evolution and I just wanted to see what this "proof of evolution" is based on.
Here again, the evidence from fossils is overwhelming. In the deepest rock layers, there are no signs of life. The first fossil remains are of very simple living things. As the strata get more recent, the variety and complexity of life increase (although not at a uniform rate).
Exactly what fossil layers are they looking at? Sure, it looks good on paper, but they give no proof at all of what they are saying.
And Pesco, thats an example of adapting to their surroundings (which all living organisms do), not Evolution (there is a difference)
[ 11-17-2002: Message edited by: Sentow ]
Cetona wrote this stupid crap:
And Pesco, thats an example of adapting to their surroundings (which all living organisms do), not Evolution (there is a difference)
WOO! Ladies and gentlemen, we have the greatest contradiction of all time here.
Dictionary.com said this about your mom:
A gradual process in which something changes into a different and usually more complex or better form. See Synonyms at development.The process of developing.
Gradual development.
Change in the genetic composition of a population during successive generations, as a result of natural selection acting on the genetic variation among individuals, and resulting in the development of new species.
You even did it in the same sentance! I'm impressed.
Do it again.
We were all impressed when Cetona wrote:
And Pesco, thats an example of adapting to their surroundings (which all living organisms do), not Evolution (there is a difference)
Adapting is part of Evolution.
. Transmutationism - that species change form to become other species; the alternative view is Statism2. Common descent - that similar species have common ancestors; the alternative is a view I can only call Parallel descent (a view held by Lamarck)
3. Struggle for existence - that more are born than can survive; the alternate view is sometimes called Commensualism
4. Natural selection - that the relatively better adapted have more offspring, sometimes called Malthusianism; the alternate has no name.
5. Sexual selection - that the more "attractive" organisms of sexual species mate more (and have more offspring), causing unfit traits to spread; again there is no alternate, just a denial that it happens
6. Biogeographic distribution - that species occur close by related species, explaining the distributions of various genera; this view, first published by Wallace, is in opposition to the older "single centre of creation" notion.
7. Heredity -
a. Darwin's own theory was called "pangenesis" and is no longer accepted (it was a form of what we now call "neo-Lamarckism", or the inheritance of aquired characters),
b. Weismannism - the more modern view that genes don't record information about the life of organisms.
These were Darwins' Theories. Evolution according to him was a genetic change. Adapting to your enviroment is not a genetic change.
Cetona stopped beating up furries long enough to write:
These were Darwins' Theories. Evolution according to him was a genetic change. Adapting to your enviroment is not a genetic change.
.. Okay, explain exactly how you change adapt without adapting changing your genes.
I'd LOVE to hear this.
Cetona had this to say about Duck Tales:
These were Darwins' Theories. Evolution according to him was a genetic change. Adapting to your enviroment is not a genetic change.
Excuse me, I need to go laugh my ass off now.
Adapting to your surroundings isn't a genetic change. It's a physical one, but not genetic. At least, not in the first generation of the newly adapted life-forms. However if your children adapt as well, and theirs, and theirs, it becomes instinct. It goes past adaptation, and becomes 'evolution'. That adaptation thrives. Do you know where that instinct and adaptation comes from? Can it be... GENETICS? It's hard-coded into their DNA... just as breathing is hard-coded into yours.
Think of it this way.
The first time any creature 'adapted to its surroundings' is when water-dwelling organisms slowly moved to land-dwelling.
Their 'adaptation' included the ability to separate oxygen from the other gasses in the atmosphere, and thrive. Their children and their grand children and everyone since, posseses this ability. Is it just something we 'do' or is it part of our genetic structure? [ 11-18-2002: Message edited by: Khyron ]
Khyron attempted to be funny by writing:Adapting to your surroundings isn't a genetic change. It's a physical one, but not genetic. At least, not in the first generation of the newly adapted life-forms. However if your children adapt as well, and theirs, and theirs, it becomes instinct. It goes past adaptation, and becomes 'evolution'. That adaptation thrives. Do you know where that instinct and adaptation comes from? Can it be... GENETICS? It's hard-coded into their DNA... just as breathing is hard-coded into yours.
So, technically, we could "force" an animal to adapt to something, wait until it gets becomes its instinct, then make it adapt to something else? And just keep going until it has adapted to everything possible?
Cetona had this to say about the Spice Girls:
So, technically, we could "force" an animal to adapt to something, wait until it gets becomes its instinct, then make it adapt to something else? And just keep going until it has adapted to everything possible?
Yes, but modifing the genetic code is easier.
In fact, they've done so with fruit flies, and only with them, since they have a short life span, nobody gives a shit about a fly, and it's really simple to modify two chromosomes.
Cetona enlisted the help of an infinite number of monkeys to write:
So, technically, we could "force" an animal to adapt to something, wait until it gets becomes its instinct, then make it adapt to something else? And just keep going until it has adapted to everything possible?
Yep, it can be done and it has been done, though not to the degree you say.
How else do you think dogs became domesticated? They adapted under our influence
Edit: To accomadate Khy's last post, we've encouraged a bit of evolution ourselves, in that we caused what was once a single species of wolf/wild dog to produce different breeds/races, essentially the same species, but with a great variety of traits through selective breeding. Bingo, evolution, hello? [ 11-18-2002: Message edited by: Azrael Heavenblade ]
The sea slug is an truly impressive design that can be used to show evolution false. Sea slugs feed on the sea anemone. What makes this so impressive is that the anemones have poison harpoons that stick out and would paralyze anything that came in contact with it. The sea slug however, is able to put these darts inside its own stomach to store and use for its own defense. You would have to have all of these abilities from the start or the organism would die the 1st time it came in contact with the dart. A slow evolutionary process would have been deadly!
Damn, half the time they don't give all the facts to a specific argument (Making them seem in favour of creationism, when it really isn't) and the other half, they're just complete bullshit.
Come back when you can form your own arguments, please.
Delphi Aegis had this to say about Captain Planet:
Where do you get this assbackwards shit, man? Some stupid christian site?Damn, half the time they don't give all the facts to a specific argument (Making them seem in favour of creationism, when it really isn't) and the other half, they're just complete bullshit.
Come back when you can form your own arguments, please.
Now hold on, I'm all for bashing idiots, but it's equally idiotic to credit all disagreements to progress with Christianity.
Even if Christians are responsible for a lot of the crazy shit that's been put out there, it's unfair to say that everything is their fault.
It's a bad argument and just plain stupid.
Humble Parcelan spewed forth this undeniable truth:
Now hold on, I'm all for bashing idiots, but it's equally idiotic to credit all disagreements to progress with Christianity.Even if Christians are responsible for a lot of the crazy shit that's been put out there, it's unfair to say that everything is their fault.
It's a bad argument and just plain stupid.
Erp, I said that? hmm.. Didn't mean to. Was just referring to the site he was obviously refrencing in this and the creationism thread (Odd that they're the same now. ).
I need to be a tad more clear sometimes. Sorry.
Happy Halloween!
Check out the big brain on Cetona!
Explain this then?The sea slug is an truly impressive design that can be used to show evolution false. Sea slugs feed on the sea anemone. What makes this so impressive is that the anemones have poison harpoons that stick out and would paralyze anything that came in contact with it. The sea slug however, is able to put these darts inside its own stomach to store and use for its own defense. You would have to have all of these abilities from the start or the organism would die the 1st time it came in contact with the dart. A slow evolutionary process would have been deadly!
Unfortunatly, that "Proof" is asking you to make leaps of faith. The conclusion is completely wrong. It's natural predator, the Sea Slug, evolved alongside it. The theory of Evolution has been considerably improved apon from it's original form, too. Darwin thought it was slow, but the evidence to the contrary showed otherwise; It happens both fast and slow, via favourable mutations and other traits passed on. [ 11-18-2002: Message edited by: Dr. Pvednes, PhD ]
Cetona painfully thought these words up:
Explain this then?[QUOTE] The sea slug is an truly impressive design that can be used to show evolution false. Sea slugs feed on the sea anemone. What makes this so impressive is that the anemones have poison harpoons that stick out and would paralyze anything that came in contact with it. The sea slug however, is able to put these darts inside its own stomach to store and use for its own defense. You would have to have all of these abilities from the start or the organism would die the 1st time it came in contact with the dart. A slow evolutionary process would have been deadly!
The same exact way people can build tolerance for poisons. A tough sea slug woulda survived the poisons, and built up enough tolerance to continue noshing on the anemones. Its offspring would have similar tolerance, and eventually, the sea slugs have enough tolerance to eat the anemones by the dozen. Also, with enough alterations, the slug's biology could adapt the poisons for its own use by integrating them into its own system after adapting to the poisons, then migrating the spines to a place where it could be used for offensive purposes. So, evolution is proven, and creationism is spanked once more.
Ever since the dawn of time, fish have been able to breath under water!
And to this day, they STILL breath underwater!
The logic train ran off the tracks when Comrade Snoota said:
FISH!Ever since the dawn of time, fish have been able to breath under water!
And to this day, they STILL breath underwater!
How? LOL Snoots..
Otherwise the entire first generation would have drowned.
Comrade Snoota stumbled drunkenly to the keyboard and typed:
I fail to see how the thought that some Greater Power decided one day to make a world
Not to mention the countless others, as well as other stuff in the universe.
Check out the big brain on Pesco!
Concerning Noah's Ark. I watched an interesting show on TLC about it. One of the theories is that "The Great Flood" was actually the creation of the Black Sea, not anything even close to world wide. The found evidence at the bottom of the Black Sea to actually help prove this theory, something about how the terrain was laid out.
actaully theirs is another story in south america, about a man and woman, warned by one of the astec gods, and climbed a really tall tree, living in a hallow for, when calculated into out time scale, 40 days and nighs 0.o guess when it happened, yep, about the same time noah was reported to take his boat ride, they also have found that the rivlets on the sphinx was caused my a massive rain that happened at...yep. They think that it was the end of a minor ice age, which would explain the massive floods
Guess what I said about their being a flood story in practicaly *every* culture was met by blind eyes...
Aanile had this to say about Optimus Prime:
Thread's still goin.. wow.Guess what I said about their being a flood story in practicaly *every* culture was met by blind eyes...
sorry, havent read the entire thread hangs his head,sniffling* im sowwry, forgive me?
YOu have offended my self being!
You must now REPENT!
Aanile got all f'ed up on Angel Dust and wrote:
NEVAH!!YOu have offended my self being!
You must now REPENT!
for some reason, i'm very scared
*evil sounding thunder with the flashy show of lightning that silhouettes her*
Archon had this to say about John Romero:
If the floor of the ocean were thrust up, as the bible would indicate by "the deep" being broken up, there would be more than enough water to cover all the land. If all the ice at the poles were to melt, all the water in clouds to fall, and the earth to experiance massive shifts, partially equalizing altitudes, there would indeed be a world wide flood.
Heck, even I know what to do with this.
Er, uh ...