Resolution 320x240:
30 Objects: 520 iterations
60 Objects: 383 iterations
90 Objects: 284 iterations
120 Objects: 229 iterations
Resolution 640x480:
30 Objects: 178 iterations
60 Objects: 149 iterations
90 Objects: 137 iterations
120 Objects: 120 iterations
Resolution 960x720:
30 Objects: 85 iterations
60 Objects: 77 iterations
90 Objects: 75 iterations
120 Objects: 71 iterations
Test complete.
AMD T-Bird 1.1Ghz
GeForce2 Ti
512 PC-133
Damn apparently disabling the caching is a major it on the number of iterations.
Kegwen 2.0's account was hax0red to write:
(CPU) 1-AMD Thunderbird, 1000MHz
(RAM) 512MB (DDR PC2100)
(GFX) NVIDIA GeForce2 MX 100/200
(Display) 1280x1024/32bit/60Hz
(OS) Windows XP Professional (5.1 - 2600)
Resolution 320x240:
30 Objects: 152 iterations
60 Objects: 88 iterations
90 Objects: 65 iterations
120 Objects: 51 iterations
Resolution 640x480:
30 Objects: 79 iterations
60 Objects: 58 iterations
90 Objects: 45 iterations
120 Objects: 40 iterations
Resolution 960x720:
30 Objects: 45 iterations
60 Objects: 37 iterations
90 Objects: 32 iterations
120 Objects: 29 iterations
Test complete.
Athlon XP 1900+, 1.5 GB PC2100 RAM, GF4 Ti4400, WinXP Pro
Something strange, shouldnt my results be better than those with a slower processor and less ram?
Seems my first one was quite a bit slower, but the rest were quite nice. [ 10-17-2002: Message edited by: Falaanla Marr ]
Resolution 320x240:
30 Objects: 473 iterations
60 Objects: 473 iterations
90 Objects: 241 iterations
120 Objects: 237 iterations
Resolution 640x480:
30 Objects: 427 iterations
60 Objects: 317 iterations
90 Objects: 239 iterations
120 Objects: 226 iterations
Resolution 960x720:
30 Objects: 244 iterations
60 Objects: 205 iterations
90 Objects: 174 iterations
120 Objects: 153 iterations
Test complete.
(I ran the "my computer sux" test just for giggles)
Resolution 320x240:
30 Objects: 122 iterations
60 Objects: 65 iterations
90 Objects: 44 iterations
120 Objects: 34 iterations
Resolution 640x480:
30 Objects: 109 iterations
60 Objects: 63 iterations
90 Objects: 43 iterations
120 Objects: 32 iterations
Resolution 960x720:
30 Objects: 94 iterations
60 Objects: 55 iterations
90 Objects: 40 iterations
120 Objects: 31 iterations
All this was done with outlook, IE6, and streaming a DivX(Fast and the Furious) across the network to my 2nd system.
for additional laughiness I run on my 2nd system and it blows up so I have to run the "gimp" version. It basically is my TV machine.
P III 500E FSB 100
128m SDRAM PC133 (spining it wheels)
Gigabyte BX something or another I think
ATI All-in-Wonder 16 meg AGP (the old ass one)
Windows 98 SE 4.10.222 A OEM
Resolution 320x240:
30 Objects: 55 iterations
60 Objects: 36 iterations
90 Objects: 25 iterations
120 Objects: 19 iterations
Resolution 640x480:
30 Objects: 49 iterations
60 Objects: 33 iterations
90 Objects: 24 iterations
120 Objects: 18 iterations
Resolution 960x720:
30 Objects: 40 iterations
60 Objects: 30 iterations
90 Objects: 23 iterations
120 Objects: 18 iterations
quote:Oh, I'm running an Athlon 1900+ (1.53 GHz), 512MB RAM, GF4 TI4400.
Resolution 320x240:
30 Objects: 501 iterations
60 Objects: 493 iterations
90 Objects: 493 iterations
120 Objects: 474 iterations
Resolution 640x480:
30 Objects: 498 iterations
60 Objects: 493 iterations
90 Objects: 372 iterations
120 Objects: 331 iterations
Resolution 960x720:
30 Objects: 351 iterations
60 Objects: 297 iterations
90 Objects: 260 iterations
120 Objects: 231 iterations
Test complete.
My work computer with 1ghz P3 W2K TNT Riva and 128mb PC133.
Will post numbers from home computer later
Pentium 4 1.8GHz
256 MB RAM
shit-for-graphics card
Windows XP Home Edition
I was running WinAmp, AIM, KaZaA, MSN Messanger, ZoneAlarm, and 2 windows of Internet Explorer.
Resolution 320x240:
30 Objects: 450 iterations
60 Objects: 423 iterations
90 Objects: 237 iterations
120 Objects: 234 iterations
Resolution 640x480:
30 Objects: 374 iterations
60 Objects: 244 iterations
90 Objects: 234 iterations
120 Objects: 212 iterations
Resolution 960x720:
30 Objects: 230 iterations
60 Objects: 192 iterations
90 Objects: 165 iterations
120 Objects: 140 iterations
Test complete.
There we go.
Try this update. Win2k/XP users don't need to try this one unless you weren't able to run the full test without disabling the caching. [ 10-17-2002: Message edited by: Drysart ]
Drysart wrote this stupid crap:
Win98/ME UsersTry this update. Win2k/XP users don't need to try this one unless you weren't able to run the full test without disabling the caching.
You know, if you think about it, EverCrest is one of the best places to test something. In fact, we're a great place to hone his skills, especially in programming games. Everybody will want to play anything he puts out, and if he builds debug functions, and gets everybody to post or PM them (Hehhe. PM spam. Delid no longer has the most! ), he could be better then blizzard, or something.
Delphi Aegis was naked while typing this:
(Hehhe. PM spam. Delid no longer has the most! )
Azrael Heavenblade enlisted the help of an infinite number of monkeys to write:
Strange, after I downloaded it, it said file cannot be found, and now I can't even delete the extracted folder as supposedly its still in use.
I had the same problem. It was still running as a process, so you have to kill it there.
Win ME (With test version 4)
AMD 700
392MB Ram
Nvidia TNT2 32
Resolution 320x240:
30 Objects: 495 iterations
60 Objects: 493 iterations
90 Objects: 479 iterations
120 Objects: 330 iterations
Resolution 640x480:
30 Objects: 372 iterations
60 Objects: 332 iterations
90 Objects: 296 iterations
120 Objects: 247 iterations
Resolution 960x720:
30 Objects: 174 iterations
60 Objects: 169 iterations
90 Objects: 163 iterations
120 Objects: 151 iterations
Test complete.
Drysart got all f'ed up on Angel Dust and wrote:
Holy shit, look at that taskbar!!
Drysart had this to say about Knight Rider:
my god... your taskbar...
edit: I DID THIS INSTEAD OF A STEALTH EDIT. EAT THAT, DELPHI. [ 10-17-2002: Message edited by: Kegwen 2.0 ]
Kegwen 2.0 was listening to Cher while typing:
my god... your taskbar...
I win.
Kegwen 2.0 had this to say about Knight Rider:
I so saw that coming.
You could have stealth edited and foiled me, but you aren't that smart, ARE YOU?!
*evil laughter*
Resolution 320x240:
30 Objects: 142 iterations
60 Objects: 141 iterations
90 Objects: 145 iterations
120 Objects: 144 iterations
Resolution 640x480:
30 Objects: 142 iterations
60 Objects: 143 iterations (Went up.)
90 Objects: 137 iterations
120 Objects: 140 iterations
Resolution 960x720:
30 Objects: 142 iterations
60 Objects: 143 iterations
90 Objects: 145 iterations (Went up.)
120 Objects: 74 iterations
Test complete.
Odd things are in bold. Again, Athlon XP 1700+, 256 SD RAM, 98se
Resolution 320x240:
30 Objects: 512 iterations
60 Objects: 513 iterations
90 Objects: 322 iterations
120 Objects: 257 iterations
Resolution 640x480:
30 Objects: 460 iterations
60 Objects: 342 iterations
90 Objects: 257 iterations
120 Objects: 252 iterations
Resolution 960x720:
30 Objects: 266 iterations
60 Objects: 228 iterations
90 Objects: 199 iterations
120 Objects: 175 iterations
Test complete.
P III 500E FSB 100
128m SDRAM PC133 (spining it wheels)
Gigabyte BX something or another I think
ATI All-in-Wonder 16 meg AGP (the old ass one)
Windows 98 SE 4.10.222 A OEM
Resolution 320x240:
30 Objects: 143 iterations
60 Objects: 142 iterations
90 Objects: 142 iterations
120 Objects: 69 iterations
Resolution 640x480:
30 Objects: 142 iterations
60 Objects: 144 iterations
90 Objects: 96 iterations
120 Objects: 73 iterations
Resolution 960x720:
30 Objects: 109 iterations
60 Objects: 95 iterations
90 Objects: 73 iterations
120 Objects: 69 iterations
Test complete.
Drysart got all f'ed up on Angel Dust and wrote:
Win98/ME UsersTry this update. Win2k/XP users don't need to try this one unless you weren't able to run the full test without disabling the caching.
Resolution 320x240:
30 Objects: 123 iterations
60 Objects: 82 iterations
90 Objects: 65 iterations
120 Objects: 49 iterations
Resolution 640x480:
30 Objects: 123 iterations
60 Objects: 77 iterations
90 Objects: 68 iterations
120 Objects: 47 iterations
Resolution 960x720:
30 Objects: 86 iterations
60 Objects: 67 iterations
90 Objects: 53 iterations
120 Objects: 43 iterations
Test complete.
P3 ~750MHZ 512MB RAM Win98SE
Xp Pro
856mhz AMD
Pentium 4 1.4GHZ, 640 RDRAM, GeForce4 TI 4600+ Windows XP
Resolution 320x240:
30 Objects: 251 iterations
60 Objects: 224 iterations
90 Objects: 182 iterations
120 Objects: 169 iterations
Resolution 640x480:
30 Objects: 211 iterations
60 Objects: 163 iterations
90 Objects: 149 iterations
120 Objects: 140 iterations
Resolution 960x720:
30 Objects: 134 iterations
60 Objects: 118 iterations
90 Objects: 104 iterations
120 Objects: 96 iterations
Test complete.
Resolution 320x240:
30 Objects: 142 iterations
60 Objects: 146 iterations
90 Objects: 143 iterations
120 Objects: 73 iterations
Resolution 640x480:
30 Objects: 145 iterations
60 Objects: 131 iterations
90 Objects: 97 iterations
120 Objects: 73 iterations
Resolution 960x720:
30 Objects: 103 iterations
60 Objects: 87 iterations
90 Objects: 74 iterations
120 Objects: 66 iterations
Test complete.
1.4 athlon, 512 2100, r8500, XP
(I can't wait)
I'm impressed with the 7x improvement over the course of like 6 hours.
Resolution 320x240:
30 Objects: 150 iterations
60 Objects: 146 iterations
90 Objects: 147 iterations
120 Objects: 146 iterations
Resolution 640x480:
30 Objects: 151 iterations
60 Objects: 145 iterations
90 Objects: 145 iterations
120 Objects: 146 iterations
Resolution 960x720:
30 Objects: 151 iterations
60 Objects: 146 iterations
90 Objects: 145 iterations
120 Objects: 144 iterations
Test complete.
If you care only going to have a static background the that is acurate, otherwise you should probably do something with that, otherwise this isn't really all that incredibly acurate. Only reason I say this is I was wondering why the fps didn't drop dramaticly with increase in resolution, then I realized you arn't actually blting more or less. Just spreading the same amount over a larger canvas.
WinXP pro, GF4 4200, 768 sdram, 1.33 ghz Athlon
P3 450, 512 pc133, Geforce mx200 with standard drivers.
Out of curiosity, are you using the old UO Sprites beacuse they are easier to work with than the newer 3d modeled ones from the third age?
Windows ME GeForce2 MX something-or-other, 512Mb of RAM, 1GHz Pentium. [ 10-18-2002: Message edited by: ArchAngel ]
still AMD Duron 750, 256MD ram, Win XP
help little dark elves running very fast all over my screen
Resolution 320x240:
30 Objects: 496 iterations
60 Objects: 379 iterations
90 Objects: 308 iterations
120 Objects: 260 iterations
Resolution 640x480:
30 Objects: 473 iterations
60 Objects: 361 iterations
90 Objects: 301 iterations
120 Objects: 242 iterations
Resolution 960x720:
30 Objects: 218 iterations
60 Objects: 221 iterations
90 Objects: 216 iterations
120 Objects: 190 iterations
Test complete.