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Topic: Adventurer's Rules: Effective Immediately
posted 07-01-2002 09:16:39 PM
Bajah pulls his hood up and walks up to Parcelan, at Deth's Doorstep (ha ha!)

Psst! Hey Mac! Wanna buy some shady, illegal wizard treasure?

King Parcelan
Chicken of the Sea
posted 07-01-2002 09:17:19 PM
No, but I'll pay you a shiny gold nugget to pick the lock to this door.
Matilda Jane
ph33r my MIRVs
posted 07-01-2002 09:19:39 PM
Hail, are you [interested] in helping me with my [tailoring]?
There was a signature here... it's gone now.
posted 07-01-2002 09:19:46 PM
Hmmm. It's probably got plenty of magic traps and all that kinda shebang. We need to throw a bard at it first.
Not gay; just weird
posted 07-01-2002 09:21:33 PM
We were all impressed when Terena Azal wrote:
Hail, are you [interested] in helping me with my [tailoring]?
I am interested in helping you out of your tailoring.
I suffer from CRS: Can't Remember Shit.

Sig pic done by the very talented SJen!

King Parcelan
Chicken of the Sea
posted 07-01-2002 09:21:38 PM
Ruvie's Alt
Haven't you always wanted a monkey?
posted 07-01-2002 09:22:13 PM
Bajah had this to say about the Spice Girls:
Hmmm. It's probably got plenty of magic traps and all that kinda shebang. We need to throw a bard at it first.

A fighter or barbarian would be better for magic traps. They have more HP.

King Parcelan
Chicken of the Sea
posted 07-01-2002 09:23:50 PM
True, but bards are cannon fodder.
Matilda Jane
ph33r my MIRVs
posted 07-01-2002 09:24:12 PM
Verily, Azymyth doth proclaim:
I am interested in helping you out of your tailoring.

I need a few thousand [items] from across the land. Will you help me by [collecting] them?

[ 07-01-2002: Message edited by: Terena Azal ]

There was a signature here... it's gone now.
posted 07-01-2002 09:24:31 PM
Bajah grabs Fighter Ruvyen by the head and slams him against Deth's Door.
King Parcelan
Chicken of the Sea
posted 07-01-2002 09:26:58 PM
Now that's thinkin'!

*checks around to see if Mightion will pop up to make a "Using your head" pun*

Alright, throw him at it again to see if it's open.

Ja'Deth Issar Ka'bael
I posted in a title changing thread.
posted 07-01-2002 09:27:41 PM
*Door doesn't open...on the other hand it doesn't explode either*
Lyinar's sweetie and don't you forget it!*
"All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die. -Roy Batty
*Also Lyinar's attack panda

sigpic courtesy of This Guy, original modified by me

Ruvie's Alt
Haven't you always wanted a monkey?
posted 07-01-2002 09:29:45 PM
Ow... Note to self: Keep yer mouth shut.
King Parcelan
Chicken of the Sea
posted 07-01-2002 09:29:58 PM
Okay, I'll grab his torso, you grab his legs. It's time to make like the pancakes and batter.
Hungry Hungry Hippo
posted 07-01-2002 09:30:23 PM
Sorry, Fal, but the ability to control both me and elementals has been deemed overbalancing thus I cannot come under your control.

It's a shame, too. The person who controls me gets automatic halfsies on all sandwiches I make. And I make very good sandwiches.

I don't know how to be sexy. If I catch a girl looking at me and our eyes lock, I panic and open mine wider. Then I lick my lips and rub my genitals. And mouth the words "You're dead."
Ja'Deth Issar Ka'bael
I posted in a title changing thread.
posted 07-01-2002 09:33:21 PM
King Parcelan spewed forth this undeniable truth:
Okay, I'll grab his torso, you grab his legs. It's time to make like the pancakes and batter.

Wait a sec...you're too CLEVER to be a plate armor-wearing character! Imbalance! Imbalance!

Lyinar's sweetie and don't you forget it!*
"All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die. -Roy Batty
*Also Lyinar's attack panda

sigpic courtesy of This Guy, original modified by me

Falaanla Marr
posted 07-01-2002 09:33:23 PM
The logic train ran off the tracks when JooJooFlop said:
Sorry, Fal, but the ability to control both me and elementals has been deemed overbalancing thus I cannot come under your control.

It's a shame, too. The person who controls me gets automatic halfsies on all sandwiches I make. And I make very good sandwiches.

But I need an iron golem. Ill even forfiet half of the half of the sandwich.


I have lots of magical treasure for you to protect too.

Not gay; just weird
posted 07-01-2002 09:34:32 PM
Terena Azal stopped beating up furries long enough to write:
I need a few thousand [items] from across the land. Will you help me by [collecting] them?
Yes, I will remove your items of clothing and let them begin collecting on the floor.
I suffer from CRS: Can't Remember Shit.

Sig pic done by the very talented SJen!

Matilda Jane
ph33r my MIRVs
posted 07-01-2002 09:35:26 PM
Waiting for you people to respond is dumb. So, here's the quest.

The first thing you will need to do is travel to the nearby crypt of Taunone. Inside you will need to find and kill my deceased brother Brudrelin. He should have a key on his body.

Take this key to Ysalla and he will use it to open a vault. Inside you must locate the Agrain. It is an ancient sweater made with the threads taken from a Lorniane spider. Be wary of the traps set here by my brother. I have the plans here. Study it carefully before entering.

Bring me the Agrain for further instructions.

There was a signature here... it's gone now.
Ruvie's Alt
Haven't you always wanted a monkey?
posted 07-01-2002 09:35:39 PM
King Parcelan's fortune cookie read:
Okay, I'll grab his torso, you grab his legs. It's time to make like the pancakes and batter.


*Runs! ...Slowly. Damn armour.*

Matilda Jane
ph33r my MIRVs
posted 07-01-2002 09:36:21 PM
Azymyth thought about the meaning of life:Yes, I will remove your items of clothing and let them begin collecting on the floor.

Do my quest first! We'll talk later...

There was a signature here... it's gone now.
Not gay; just weird
posted 07-01-2002 09:38:51 PM
Terena Azal had this to say about (_|_):
Do my quest first! We'll talk later...
Here's your Agrain.
I suffer from CRS: Can't Remember Shit.

Sig pic done by the very talented SJen!

Matilda Jane
ph33r my MIRVs
posted 07-01-2002 09:40:54 PM
Azymyth impressed everyone with:
Here's your Agrain.

I'm not quite sure what to do with this Azymyth.

There was a signature here... it's gone now.
Hungry Hungry Hippo
posted 07-01-2002 09:45:28 PM
Falaanla Marr was listening to Cher while typing:
But I need an iron golem. Ill even forfiet half of the half of the sandwich.


I have lots of magical treasure for you to protect too.

Fine, but if you flant that epic pet of yours around me I am SO out of here...

I don't know how to be sexy. If I catch a girl looking at me and our eyes lock, I panic and open mine wider. Then I lick my lips and rub my genitals. And mouth the words "You're dead."
Falaanla Marr
posted 07-01-2002 09:48:16 PM
JooJooFlop wrote this then went back to looking for porn:
Fine, but if you flant that epic pet of yours around me I am SO out of here...

How about I give you an epic pet of your own to control (as long as you promise not to use it on me or my uber wizard tower with 500 floors)

Matilda Jane
ph33r my MIRVs
posted 07-01-2002 09:50:13 PM
1 month later

Very good. Take this dagger and the Agrain to Eles in the village of Aravise. Ask her to enchant the threads from the Agrain and seal them in a box for me. The dagger will be the payment. Return that box to me to receive the information for the last item that you need to retrieve.

There was a signature here... it's gone now.
Not gay; just weird
posted 07-01-2002 09:51:27 PM
Here's your box then. It was a pain in the ass to get too.

[ 07-01-2002: Message edited by: Azymyth ]

I suffer from CRS: Can't Remember Shit.

Sig pic done by the very talented SJen!

Matilda Jane
ph33r my MIRVs
posted 07-01-2002 10:01:31 PM
Thanks. For the final item you will need to cross the mountains of Galermor and cross the great lake Tandion. A great serpent resides within Tandion. It carries the only weapon capable of defeating the vile creature that carries the final item.

Descend into the depths of volcano Mosolde. The place is home to a great number of monsters but the one you seek is in the deepest chamber. His name is Dorenas and he is..............YOUR FATHER!!

Retrieve the threaded needle from him making sure not to let the thread fall from the needle. If it does, you will take his place.

Bring it to me for h0t sexx0r. Hurry plzkthxla~

There was a signature here... it's gone now.
The Outlaw Torn
posted 07-01-2002 10:02:22 PM
Ja'Deth Issar Ka'bael was listening to Cher while typing:
Too bad. No treasure for you. I hear Black Mage has treasure in the Lost Couch Cushions of the Ancients.

He keeps winning at the weekly arcane caster poker games. We suspect he's cheating.

You're just jealous of my awesome poker abilities. Yeah.

Time was never on my side.
So on I wait my whole lifetime.

posted 07-01-2002 10:04:46 PM
A sleep deprived The Black Mage... stammered:
You're just jealous of my awesome poker abilities. Yeah.

No! You just cheat! *screams*CHEATER CHEATER CHEATER!!! That was my last damn pair of pants!

[ 07-01-2002: Message edited by: Maelarr ]

All Empires Fall, You just have to know where to push- Me
Cleric Rogue Sigpic
The Outlaw Torn
posted 07-01-2002 10:08:09 PM
Maelarr had this to say about John Romero:
No! You just cheat! *screams*CHEATER CHEATER CHEATER!!! That was my last damn pair of pants!
A nice pair of pants they are, indeed. They fit nicely.

Time was never on my side.
So on I wait my whole lifetime.

posted 07-01-2002 10:11:49 PM
Grrrrr! I want them back!

*Has sparky wander around the village shouting "Siliddar is offering a 10 second mad-grab in his treasure vault to a surly adventurer who will do a quest for him!"*

All Empires Fall, You just have to know where to push- Me
Cleric Rogue Sigpic
posted 07-01-2002 10:13:00 PM
There's too much violence! What we need is a set of Pacifists Rules! Until said rules are put into place..I will remain in the hands of Deth and Lyinar.

Speaking of which, your almost out of milk..and can I have a cup cake?


Lyinar Ka`Bael
Are you looking at my pine tree again?
posted 07-01-2002 10:16:07 PM

Come into EQ and give me those scales

I'm home now

Lyinar Ka`Bael, Piney Fresh Druidess - Luclin

Ja'Deth Issar Ka'bael
I posted in a title changing thread.
posted 07-01-2002 10:18:47 PM
Sure man.

*gives Almighty Cthulhu some cupcakes and milk*

Lyinar's sweetie and don't you forget it!*
"All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die. -Roy Batty
*Also Lyinar's attack panda

sigpic courtesy of This Guy, original modified by me

Not gay; just weird
posted 07-01-2002 10:20:58 PM
How.... Terena Azal.... uughhhhhh:
Thanks. For the final item you will need to cross the mountains of Galermor and cross the great lake Tandion. A great serpent resides within Tandion. It carries the only weapon capable of defeating the vile creature that carries the final item.

Descend into the depths of volcano Mosolde. The place is home to a great number of monsters but the one you seek is in the deepest chamber. His name is Dorenas and he is..............YOUR FATHER!!

Retrieve the threaded needle from him making sure not to let the thread fall from the needle. If it does, you will take his place.

Bring it to me for h0t sexx0r. Hurry plzkthxla~

Here's your threaded needle. Sorry for the blood. Had to kill that Dorenas guy to get it.

Oh well! Let's get it on!

I suffer from CRS: Can't Remember Shit.

Sig pic done by the very talented SJen!

Smurfberry Moneyshot
posted 07-01-2002 10:22:13 PM
Ja'Deth Issar Ka'bael thought this was the Ricky Martin Fan Club Forum and wrote:
*Door doesn't open...on the other hand it doesn't explode either*

I can harmtouch the door....


If it doesn't resist.

Vidi, vici, veni.
Nae's Stooge
posted 07-01-2002 10:23:37 PM
As a roach sorceror, where do I fit in?
Veni, vidi, vici
Lenlalron Flameblaster
posted 07-01-2002 10:25:46 PM
I want Giantt [brutally murdered]. Will someone [brutally murder] my archenemy Giantt for me? I will reward you with a magic torch.
Grammar is your enemy! - While being able to understand someone's sentences might seem like a good idea for a proper essay, complaining on a forum scarcely leaves time for such trivialities. Write fast! You're angry, grrr! Make that show, and forget about things like capital letters, punctuation, and verbs.
Matilda Jane
ph33r my MIRVs
posted 07-01-2002 10:30:50 PM
Okie, but I can't help but feel that I've forgotten something...

an_angry_husband01 spawns behind Azymyth dun Dun DUN!

There was a signature here... it's gone now.
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