[ 06-13-2002: Message edited by: Lalian Viajante ]
I know all this... and I am not a druid.
quote:CoH ANCHOR.
Cetona obviously shouldn't have said:
CoH.. as in Call of the hero? Druids can't cast that, it's mage only
Shamans and druids main job is to keep the casters alive during AoE, because clerics are busy with melee.
Any class with gate can do this really, just bind at the zone line, gate whenever someone needs CotH, mage CotHs them both back
Cetona stopped beating up furries long enough to write:
And please explain why only druids can do that?
Cause they can uhh, pick people up also?
Cetona obviously shouldn't have said:
I thought we were talking about CotHing in the middle of the raid? No druid is going to leave in the middle of a raid to pick someone up...
If the guilds best Cleric/Warrior isn't there on time, they sure as hell will
Raid probably wouldnt start if they didnt have a sufficient main tank, wouldnt leave just to pick up a better one when he can get a stranger to port him
Druid is MUCH easier to spare than any other binding class. Druid gates to zone, picks up the straggler, then they zone in and are CoH'ed back.
er wait.. *ehem*
Accually I get to.. not do much but try to KS
Random Insanity Generator said this about your mom:
I'd have to question your abilities as a 60 mage.Druid is MUCH easier to spare than any other binding class. Druid gates to zone, picks up the straggler, then they zone in and are CoH'ed back.
What he said.
Ive always had druids as the CotH anchor for me. Especially in places with a nearby druid portal.
The reason he thinks this way is because in his experience he's never had a druid anchor for him.
The majority of the time a monk or an enchanter is used. It may seem odd but it's the way things are done 'round these parts.
What, is your server OVERLOADED with thoes 2 classes?
Terena Azal was naked while typing this:
The majority of the time a monk or an enchanter is used. It may seem odd but it's the way things are done 'round these parts.
Get stalled/wiped out alot?
2 classes you can't have more than enough of. Monks are great for pulling, recovering the pullers dead body, recovering that guys dead body, etc. etc, and ofcourse, damage. Enchanters often die mezzing in a large pull, the more enchanters, the less problems you have if a few die. Why throw 2 useful classes out to get people to CoH in? Might as well toss a cleric, or a wizard as well!
He doesn't belong to a guild but tags along with different ones from time to time. It's just his experience and it can be hard to convince him things are done differently elsewhere.
Terena Azal had this to say about Captain Planet:
They typically have almost 30 druids attending raids so I believe so.
30 druids?!?!
My god...we have ONE active druid. And she just recently got another job, so is only playing half the time now.
We have people fightclub their alt druids it's gotten so bad...
Reynar had this to say about Reading Rainbow:
30 druids?!?!My god...we have ONE active druid. And she just recently got another job, so is only playing half the time now.
We have people fightclub their alt druids it's gotten so bad...
...fightclub their alt druids?
Falaanla Marr's fortune cookie read:
...fightclub their alt druids?
Sorry, thats a local term I think. Firing up another PC to play another character, multi-boxing...etc whatever you wanna call it.
My guild (well, ex-guild, since I don't play anymore) has like 6 or 7 MAIN druids (I'm not counting alternate characters) and I believe 1, maybe 2 main clerics. But somehow, they always manage to raid all kinds of places and do really well.
Anymore then that and you have a fair amount of dead weight. Druids dont stack too well.
Fielding 6 to 10 clerics, 3 to 8 Druids and then 1 or 2 Shammies and 1 or 2 Enchanters...
We were all impressed when Reynar wrote:
Anymore then that and you have a fair amount of dead weight. Druids dont stack too well.
What? Spot healing in combat doesn't stack well? They get thoes heal spells for a reason...
Check out the big brain on Random Insanity Generator!
I'm used to seeing Shammys and Enchanters in short supply....Fielding 6 to 10 clerics, 3 to 8 Druids and then 1 or 2 Shammies and 1 or 2 Enchanters...
Generally we carry about 2-3 shamen on a raid, and 3-4 enchanters. Clerics around 10-13.
Random Insanity Generator had this to say about Knight Rider:
What? Spot healing in combat doesn't stack well?They get thoes heal spells for a reason...
I'd rather replace 2 druids that are only spot healing with 1 cleric casting DL.
Check out the big brain on Reynar!
I'd rather replace 2 druids that are only spot healing with 1 cleric casting DL.
You're toting around more than 1 cleric/group? Seems overkill, IMHO...
Pesco stopped staring at Deedlit long enough to write:
We normally have 5-6 clerics and 10 billion druids. And somehow.. people still die. I think the druids get mezzed by the leaves from their epic.
No, they're too busy raking the damned things up and putting them in those little bags they're leaving everywhere
Random Insanity Generator had this to say about Knight Rider:
You're toting around more than 1 cleric/group? Seems overkill, IMHO...
You'll see the importance of clerics when your fights start lasting 25 minutes+ =)
It's all about healing power. A guild in luclin encounters is as strong as it's weakest cleric.