Kraknek comes up with his axe and splits this guys chest with his axe through his back, and holds him in place. Next round Ranyth cuts his head off in one swing.
And Fal, no permanent openings no. But I do have plans for guest appearances, guest players basically. Suddar, INT, and Parce made some good character intro's in my thread a while back, so I may be offering a chance for them to meet the players as guest players should they want to. So there will be an opening for you to fill in for a bit as a guest player probably.
Fun way to change up the cast, as well as bring in some fresh blood without commitment.
The group is about to complete this adventure, nothing left but one battle and some story elements. So I will be starting on the next installment shortly based on what they decide to do. One thing I will say on the next adventure, no matter what they choose to do, Blood Hunters will make an appearance. (Probably where I will ask INT to come in, and probably a couple others who want to be Blood Hunters.)