Almost two years ago, now, a friend talked to me about starting up an AD&D game to be played over the next school year (Sophomore), during lunch periods. I had always been curious about it, having heard plenty of good things, so I hopped on board.
School starts, we get together. I start (you guessed it) a human paladin, Leopold Kronner. The other four guys playing fall into place: a surprisingly stoic half-orc warrior (an outcast from his people), a gnome illusionist, and a halfling rogue. Our motley crew of adventurers. As I seemed to be the only person the DM trusted, I was assigned the unofficial leadership role in the group.
So we start out in our town; the king gives us his blessing to rest in the palace, give us whatever supplies we need, as we'll set out the next day. That night I decide to go take a walk, meditate, get some peace before we embark; the half-orc joins me. Our other two friends go down to the tavern. No sooner are they drinking than another half-orc, leaving the tavern, bumps into them; they at first ignore him, but he takes offense, because an idiot. Demands an apology. Our halfling friend gives him the finger.
Within moments, he's pulled them outside, ready to fight them. Danny (our half-orc) and I immediately roll for listening checks, in hopes of hearing the commotoin and going to stop it--we both fail. Meanwhile, the halfling evades a blow from the orc, pulls out his SAP club...and rolls a beautiful hit, knocking the orc out cold. The smart thing to do at this point is leave.
No sooner have we established this than the illusionist uses living rope to tie up the orc...and then both of them give him a good, hard field-goal kick in the crotch.
By the time we're reunited, the city is in a full-fledged riot, believing the whole thing to have been a racial incident. The king is livid, and we are forced out.
And things only got better.
We had to not play past that for a couple weeks...and in that time, another friend piped up, asking if he could play. Reluctantly, the DM let him in; he played a cleric. Of course, his first act in the game was to whack a merchant in the head with his staff, in hopes of getting a critical hit and being allowed to loot his goods. In hindsight, this should have been a warning to us.
The next time we convene, a surprise: Alisha, a girl who happened to be romantically attached to Danny, asks if she can join. She's a good, creative, level-headed person: having not made real headway in the campaign yet, we all vote to allow her in.
Except for our cleric.
He rather vocally protests. Having a rather definite preference between the two, we tell him that he can either accept it or he can be unceremoniously eliminated from the campaign. Grudgingly, he accepts. Soon after, we run into her character; she's headed the way we are, and a detect evil shows nothing, so she's in. We start walking...
...and our cleric bashes her over her unprotected head, as hard as he can. Of course, of all the chances he had in the campaign, this was the one perfect roll he had.
Much to our dismay, and much to the DMs reluctance, he caves in the girl's head. He then proceeds to have sex with her corpse.
I think we adventured long enough to kill an owlbear before giving up all hope. We hope the prince forgives us for not rescuing him.
sigpic courtesy of This Guy, original modified by me
quote:Fucking McHilarous.
From the book of Leopold, the Voice of Reason, chapter 3, verse 16:
Much to our dismay, and much to the DMs reluctance, he caves in the girl's head. He then proceeds to have sex with her corpse.
Ja'Deth Issar Ka'bael had this to say about Jimmy Carter:
50%? Ouch. That's going to suck.
Did I ever show you my realism adjustments Deth?
I've always wondered what you might think of them.
From the book of Leopold, the Voice of Reason, chapter 3, verse 16:
Much to our dismay, and much to the DMs reluctance, he caves in the girl's head. He then proceeds to have sex with her corpse.
The Black Mage... impressed everyone with:
Fucking McHilarous.
MAGIC: I wanted the magic system to reflect a more realistic approach, as well as add a little spice to the game play. Here are the rules as follows.- :If you are a multi-class caster (i.e.: Fighter/Wizard) you will always have a 5% chance at spell backfire. This is in addition to any other penalties you may suffer, such as wearing armor. This is in part to reflect the split dedication to your craft and another profession. ( This penalty can be halved by always keeping your primary casting class above your split class.)
- :Applies to all Wizards: You will be required to study every day, this is in addition to the required daily memorization period. The consists of nothing more than you saying you are going to take a couple hours now to study, it can be done during those fast forward trip times, down time in a dungeon, or while riding (If your good enough at it: There will be penalties for whether or not you fall of your horse ) or on a trip. For every day of missed study you will suffer an additional 5% penalty. This is in part to reflect a Wizards constant need to stay at the top of his game, the required period for spell use is really just a memorization period so they aren't really keeping up on their work.
- :Applies to all Casters and Hybrids: Lack of rest, overexertion, and stressful situations will have their own penalties. These however are usually just immediate penalties for the given situation, and are less severe. They do however effect any current penalties. For example if you are running for your life from a band of ogres who have trapped you in their warrens, you would obviously be under a tremendous amount of stress and would have to think pretty hard to keep a level head. That would probably constitute another 5% penalty. Whereas being tired from walking all day without rest would constitute a 2%. This is to reflect the amount of stress you are under and the amount of dedication it takes to pull off your profession. However after the current situation these penalties disappear. I.e.: You are no longer being chased, or you took a nap. Regular casting situations don't affect these penalties as it may be a stressful situation, but your aren't fleeing for your life and you can remain tactical with a pretty level head. In the case of standard casting, only the lack of study and standard penalties apply. This is only to represent those extreme conditions where you might not be thinking quite as strait.
We can take for example or current Fighter/Wizard Kardan:
- As a multi-class he has a permanent 5% penalty. If he chooses to wear his leather armor that's an additional 5%, for a total of 10% on a regular basis. Not too extreme but there is that chance. Now lets take it to the extreme. You have been on the run for days, chased by tenacious hellhounds (+5%) and haven't had a moments peace or rest for the last day and a half (+5% for lack of study and +2% for lack of rest). So in this dire circumstance (Which should be quite rare actually) Kardan would have a total penalty to casting of 22% Backfire. So a roll of 23 or higher on the Penalty check is safe while 22 and below means I will consult my chart and decide on the outcome. Now like I said, this is an extremely rare situation, but it is possible and it gives you an idea.
-Sorcerers, Clerics, Druids, and Hybrids are not subject to these rules, with the exception of the stress and rest rule or if your deity grants you arcane powers. Multi-classes of these types will not suffer the permanent penalty.
-What this does, I hope, is make the game a bit more interesting as well as add a bit more challenge in certain areas. It also helps to make a Caster more responsible and give them some great role-playing opportunities, as in a sense by the example above. The Caster has to decide to weigh the outcome of his parties safety versus his ability to cast spells at that point in time.
As with the magic rules I have a chart that I will refer to when the situation arises. By the way I run it, Critical Fumbles don't always result in a dropped or broken weapon, although they are options. In this system you still have the chance to score a hit as normal, but you also have the chance to injure a party member if you are clumsy enough to lose your grip on your weapon. There are a few others options such as nothing happens at all, but you'll just have to wait and see about their outcomes.
[ 06-01-2002: Message edited by: Faeth Es'Braewyn ]
Faeth Es'Braewyn impressed everyone with:
I'd be afraid of Kardan if I were you.He hasn't had any sleep in days, nor time to study his spell book.
Oh, I'm afraid, every moment I live in your world, I'm afraid...
Very cool.
sigpic courtesy of This Guy, original modified by me
ACES! Another post by Ja'Deth Issar Ka'bael:
Actually I kinda like those rules, Fae. Spice things up a bit. Makes magic a little bit more wild. Doesn't precisely fit my campaign setting, but it's more of a personal choice than any fallacy in your rules. It sort of reflects that an enstilled power really is the touch of the divine, and that sorcerers really are inherently comfortable with their natural abilities, whereas Wizards are wrangling down a primal force with formulas and such.Very cool.
Thank ya!
And yeah, it was designed because it fit the atmosphere based off the worlds history. Magic is a powerful force with extreme concequences. In fact it's creator, one of the gods, was almost destoryed by his own misuse of the power he tapped into.
There are a lot of places in the world where Magic is just plain messed up, and magic users are even despised in some areas. In fact the characters are currently in one of those areas. They've already learned the perils of the desert that they are in.
In one campaign that Kestar was running, we were in some type of temple, stll being used. We found a room, with a hole in the floor, with dark water and a rather distastful smell. This is how it went between the PC's:
Me: Fuck..what the hell is it?
PC1: Uh...okay...I smell it.
Kestar: It smells dirty, and strong. It's smell attacks your nostrils.
PC2:What the HELL IS IT!
Me: Okay...uh...I dip some of my rope in it. Does it change or anything?
Kestar: It's covered in the fluid.
Me: Okay...fine...John(Pc1), taste it.
PC1: NO! I won't do it!
Me: Taste the fucking water!
PC1: No!
Kestar: It's a toilet. You've wasited fifteen minutes looking at a toilet! DAMN YOU ALL!
Then, in the same campaign, an ogre ran ten rooms in two minutes and caught us off gaurd. The ogre was a random encounter and that is what Kestar rolled, but he eventually realized his mistake.
Then, there was when our cleric scored a 1 on a 1d100 on a bend bars/lift gates roll and destroyed an entire dungeon, saving us time.
Then, there was when Ozius spoke a gods name which was to not be spoken and brought about the Apocolypse.
Later, in a fit of insanity, I take the belt and use it to turn the annoying ass bard in our group into a female. He has no problem with it, in fact he tries to use his new feminine form to rob a merchant blind and ends up just getting himself killed (That player's second character death in the campaign.)
And here I am, limited to a few hours a session, thinking "IT'S A BLOODY STATUE! IT'S JUST WELL-HEWN! MARBLE AND GOLD! NOTHING MORE! MOVE ALONG!"
sigpic courtesy of This Guy, original modified by me
I remember that
Lyinar Ka`Bael, Piney Fresh Druidess - Luclin
Our GM was planning to put us up against creatures that could only be hit by magical weapons. But magic in her world was rare. So, to solve the problem, she provided three cursed magical blades. One was a talking longsword, and had a human-like personality. Another "larger blade" had a chicken head on the handle. My character was a tank with know comprehension of magic or curses and an expertise in bastard swords, so she picked up the "larger blade". Turns out it was a broadsword (shorter & wider than longsword), and it constantly clucked like a chicken.
So, she spends the next 20 minutes game time trying to pry the thing off, while our thief/cleric goes scouting ahead. Then we hear a scream. Everyone runs to investigate, because the scream sounded like the party thief/cleric. Turns out the dumbass paladin, clad in full metal armor, had followed the thief, and tipped off a group of jackalweres. That's early 2E jackalweres; roll 1d4 each round, fall asleep on anything but a 1. Of our 7-person party, 3 survived (well, 3 and a half, my character was bleeding to death). There were no other humanoids on the continent and no way back out the teleporter we came in on.
How does the GM decide to preserve my character? Well, the thief/cleric was a cleric of death. So... "The cleric comes back from the dead in your body. She sticks you in the talking sword." Great, just bloody lovely.
other fun religious situations include how my tiefling got blue eyes. First Planescape game I ever play in, there's me (tiefling fighter/thief with black skin, eyes, big pointed ears, horns, etc), Wizard (no personality of note), Liandriel (OH DEAR GOD HIGH ELVEN CLERIC OF THE SUN! SO HOOOLYYY!), and a half-elven swashbuckler (fun with swords!) character had a girlfriend. Think the St Pauly girl. That's her. Anyway, I've been playing up the demonic side of things through most of the game, and Liandriel's been the holier-than-god cleric of light, going nutty with the whole fanaticism thing (but in a fun way). Well, with the PC's GF, my tiefling's been lightening up on the demonic aspect of things and the GM kinda wanted to stick with that.
SO...he has this little adventure where he plans on screwing with my character's head. There's this illusionist we've fought before. He sends an illusion of my GF to woo me, and when I kiss her, it explodes with a lightning bolt. Whoa. Freaky. A minute later, she comes in again. Surely the other was a fake and this one is safe, come here sweetie *smooc-BOOOOOOM!* another lightning bolt.
Now...I'm a tiefling. I have insane resistance to lightning. And I stupidly get hit by lightning twice more, til I finally fail my save and eat like 60 points of lightning to the head. GM's going on about how bad it hurts (I'd never gotten seriously zapped before) and how my eyes exploded, yadda yadda yadda...
The cleric jumps in, "BY THE POWER OF THE SUN I HEAL YA, BOY! FALLEN OR NOT, I GOTTA HEAL YA!" and casts restoration on me. Yeah. Thanks a lot, Lawful Good Holy Boy.
GM explains the effect and I can see again...except...My Eyes! They're blue and beautiful like a human's! tiefling starts to freak when he looks in the mirror
And without missing a beat, Liandriel shouts, "My god has MARKED YOU, unbeliever!"
Which proceeded to start a good-natured back and forth of holy/unholy pranks. Tiefling was sensitive to sunlight. Liandriel made the one wall of his room glow with the incandescence of the sun (AIEEEE! hothothot!). Tiefling responded by unholying the cleric's holy water before a mission (oho! run little cleric! run from the vampires who chase you so doggedly!) Cleric responds by replacing the tiefling's sword with a sunblade (AIEEE! I'm blind! I'm blind!). Tiefling responds by slipping the cleric a powerful aphrodesiac the morning he is to meet his order's High Priestess (Is that a rod of lordly might in your robes, your grace, or are you just happy to see me?) and it went on and on.
After blowing a building in Sigil through a portal, though (wasn't our fault!), Remai (the tiefling) and Liandriel (the cleric) found themselves Mazed in Carceri for all eternity. Together.
sigpic courtesy of This Guy, original modified by me
Ja'Deth Issar Ka'bael had this to say about John Romero:
[...]After blowing a building in Sigil through a portal, though (wasn't our fault!), Remai (the tiefling) and Liandriel (the cleric) found themselves Mazed in Carceri for all eternity. Together.
Now THAT is a fitting hell.
sigpic courtesy of This Guy, original modified by me
D'Syvat dies. Every night. And has done so for 700 years. Night after night. In most horrid fashion. Being decapitated, broken neck, throat ripped out, puddle of goo. Each dawn he dies. He's Aleria's Kenny.
We'll have to set up a planar SL sometime.
Lyinar Ka`Bael, Piney Fresh Druidess - Luclin
When the babel fish was in place, it was apparent Faeth Es'Braewyn said:
Just to goad Pvednes..D'Syvat dies. Every night. And has done so for 700 years. Night after night. In most horrid fashion. Being decapitated, broken neck, throat ripped out, puddle of goo. Each dawn he dies. He's Aleria's Kenny.
Sounds like the guy in the anime "3x3 Eyes", actually hehehehehe.
And yes, Lyinar, sometime I'd like to play a Planescape campaign. Remai's retired (wouldn't be the same without Leonard playing Liandriel), but you could bump into him if for some reason you ended up in Carceri
sigpic courtesy of This Guy, original modified by me
Lyinar Ka`Bael, Piney Fresh Druidess - Luclin
Before I started explaining it to him, and he had more experience with it. Some of the encounters were hilarious. Not to mention eveyone elses reactions to him randomly spouting off in a totaly quiet room.
Carefully testing it, the male wizard aimed it and spoke the command word. Lightning shot out. Cool.
Throughout that dungeon, the husband and wife kept using the Wand of Lightning Bolts. It made things much easier for everyone, because that was pretty powerful for our group.
Finally, fustrated beyond caring about fairness, the GM had one of the NPCs grab the wand and run off, quickly getting himself and the wand destroyed. It was really a Wand of Wonder, but every time I used it, the GM's secret roll for effect came up "Lightning bolt".
NecroPriest had this to say about Punky Brewster:
Ignore Waisz's post.I once was testing a mace for its magical ability. We couldn't figure out what it did so I tested it out on our ranger. Well you see, it turned out to be a mace of decrepidation...and I rolled a twenty. permanent - 6 to strength and -4 to dexterity.
D'Svyat puts an arm around Nevia to help steady her, but raises his other finger and chants, pointing at Thordis (Magic Missle)GM grins
GM: Okay
GM: Cast
Nevia Du'Lake: ((D's casting Magic Missile!))
Jade Shebari winces
D'Svyat: <<Grins is a bad sign.>>
Jade Shebari: << yeap >>
D'Svyat brings his hand up fingers outstretched, and shouts in an unknown tongue! A bright magical missle issues forth from his fingertips darting towards Thordis, The Dark Sorcerress... :Magic Stability = 72%
GM: << You feel intoxicated...>>
GM grins
GM: D100 for you D'Svyat
D'Svyat: << ah. uh oh>>
D'Svyat rolls 1d100 for a result of 66
GM: Whoa!
GM: ..
Kraknek: <<66... as long as they're not Rolemaster-esque tables we're good>>
GM: Crap I gotta look that one up.. Just a sec.
D'Svyat smiiiiiiilles
Abbigail WolfStalker: uh oh.. if he dont know it, it's baaaaaad
GM: D choose a plane..
D'Svyat: Oh no.
Kraknek: <<Okay so maybe they ARE Rolemaster-esque tables>>
Jade Shebari: << =/ >>
Kraknek coughs <<PRIME MATERIAL PLANE>>
D'Svyat: << I doubt he'll allow that. >>
D'Svyat: << Um... >>
Kraknek: <<Heh heh, was worth a try>>
Kraknek: <<Pick somewhere easy to get in and out of, in case we're going there. NOT The Abyss or Carceri. =P>>
D'Svyat: <<Etherial?>>
GM: <Your not going THERE, something is coming HERE>>
GM: d20
D'Svyat: <<Oh shite.>>
D'Svyat rolls 1d20 for a result of 9
D'Svyat: <<blinkdogblinkdogblinkdogblinkdogblinkdogblinkdogblinkdogblinkdog>>
GM: ...
Kraknek: <<Whoopsies >>
GM: In a flash before your eyes, there is a loud thunder clap which rocks the very room. Making it hard for you to keep your feet. The force is overwhelming.
Nevia Du'Lake falls over to the side, now basicly sitting on the ground, she looks around startledly.
GM: Before you stands the largest woman you have ever seen, she nearly touches the cieling.
Jade Shebari: (meep)
Kraknek: <<Err... sex plz k thx?>>
GM: Her skin is exceptionally pale, and she bears a pair of perfect white wings.
D'Svyat slips down beside Nevia, and looks up at the summons
Abbigail WolfStalker: <<uh oh...>>
GM: On her side she bears a sword, taller than most men. On her face is a mask of pure retirbution.
Ranyth Forsworn: <<Hey baby, how you doin'?>
GM: << Your roll was off, celestials come to pay a visit instead.>>
GM: She bears her gaze down apon the curse man, and takes in the site of him..
GM: << not nessesarily good news...>>
D'Svyat gestures towards the evil sorceress?
Abbigail WolfStalker: <<*edges away from D.....>>
Kraknek: <<Agh, no, I shouldn't have sex with her then, because our offspring will be a powergamer>>
Jade Shebari: <<*roflmao*>>
GM: She reaches for D'Syvat with a soft glowing hand.
Nevia Du'Lake: ((A half-celestial 8 foot Dwarf!))
GM: Do you allow her to touch you?
GM grins
D'Svyat: Yes
GM: The two of them dissapear in another bright flash of light.
GM: <Pause, things to discuss> 5, 10 minutes or so...
Kraknek: <<D'Svyat is burned by the light of holy retribution. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200>>
Abbigail WolfStalker: <<dis don' look gud...>>
Nevia Du'Lake whimpers slightly, looking around... whispering under her breath, "...D?"
D'Svyat: << goes eep. >>
Kraknek: <<Makes a sign for D'Svyat reading "Celestials ate my balls">>
Ranyth Forsworn: <<Make a shirt that says 'Celestials ate my balls, and I all I got was this lousy t-shirt."
Kraknek: <<Where's this, Nevia?>>
D'Svyat rolls 8d10 for a result of 44
Kraknek: <<Yeah, this is when the light of holy retribution comes and burns D. Schnap.>>
Thordis, The Dark Sorcerress hears thunder rolling just above her head in an ominous roar. She has time to blink and wonder before a searing gash of lightening strikes her down where she stands. In her place is nothing but charr and the barely concious body of D'Svyat.
Kraknek: <<D'SvyaTorpedo!>>
D'Svyat moans softly, twitching on the ground, charred and sizzling slightly
D'Svyat: <<Owned.>>
Jade Shebari: << *grins impishly* >>
Thordis, The Dark Sorcerress is purely non-existant at this point. Nothing to see here, move along..
Jade Shebari: (( *ROFLMAO* BIZNATCH! PWNED! ))D'Svyat: <<How's that for a critical hit?>>
Nevia Du'Lake: ((OMG, The Sorceress turned into a D-Clone!))
D'Svyat: <<:P>
D'Svyat goes sizzle sizzle.
GM: << All I can say is that was NOT sposed to happen. =P She was my big bad guy. =( >>
D'Svyat << owned her in a single shot! Yay! >>
Nevia Du'Lake: ((*Thordis reforms* "I'm not dead yet... I think I'll go for a walk... I feel happa-*THOCK*"))
Kraknek: <<Dammit, I go chopping things to pieces and sacrificing myself, he just turns himself into a projectile and he gets all the play. Where the fuck is a giant with a crossbow, I'm gonna score me some wimmenz>>
Due to my casting rules, and the fact the room they were in was trapped. Pvednes managed to roll a very bad roll which turned into a very good one.
Basically he misfired and summoned an outsider from a different plane. I allowed him to choose the plane. The point was he was supposed to summon something to rough up the group, but in fairness I put in a good option as well. There was a chance to get a celestial instead which would have helped the group.
The initial plan was they would help in return for proof of the summoning players dedication, in D'Svyat's case he is cursed and borders on being evil. (He's not, but he is demonic) so we played it off storywise and explained why he was burned as bad as he was.
Pvednes is an aussie, aussies should never be allowed to roll. It almost never turns out good for the DM.
Cap'n Elethi Model 2000 was programmed to say:
I had rolled three crits that one time, I would have made this list.
You also rolled three fumbles on turning undead while your companions got the snot kicked out of them by skeletons.
Cap'n Elethi's unholy Backstreet Boys obsession manifested in:
I had rolled three crits that one time, I would have made this list.
That was just freaky... And with a SLING!!
Faeth Es'Braewyn enlisted the help of an infinite number of monkeys to write:
That was just freaky... And with a SLING!!
Aye, El's druid almost "insta-killed" an aboleth with a sling
rolls <20> crit
ok roll again
rolls <20> crit
Uhmm.. KaL? What happens if he rolls a 3rd 20?
Popular house rule. If you triple crit, it's an instant kill.
Uhm.. ok El, roll again <gulp>
rolls <13>
[ 06-04-2002: Message edited by: PhootingAPhoton OfGas ]
The logic train ran off the tracks when Ka'Lourin D'thBlayde said:
Aye, El's druid almost "insta-killed" an aboleth with a slingrolls <20> crit
ok roll again
rolls <20> crit
Uhmm.. KaL? What happens if he rolls a 3rd 20?
Popular house rule. If you triple crit, it's an instant kill.
Uhm.. ok El, roll again <gulp>
rolls <13>awwwwwwwwww
That would have just been bad.
Specially since it would have knocked out two of my big enemies in a row.
Then fired a lightning bolt at the lot of 'em.. and promptly melted the entire hallway.. heh heh. (The walls were heatsensitive crystal.)
Since we wanted to explore a few other places before hopping in the pool, the priest tried stoneshape to burrow through the machines.. Our stubborn DM said it was too unstable.
.. I just wanted to share.
King Parcelan's account was hax0red to write:
You also rolled three fumbles on turning undead while your companions got the snot kicked out of them by skeletons.
It suxx0red... Farking Skeletons....
I don't care for the idea that if you roll 3 20's in a row you can conceivably kill something. Seems a little too epic. A toddler with a slingshot could kill a great and mighty wizard being a mathematical possibility bugs me. Now...I do realize that it's like a 1 in 8000 chance of happening...but even then.
I'd just up the damage if I were going to do that rather than autokill. add X1 to the damage of the critical. First 20 is whatever your weapon is (x2, for sake of argument). Second is x3, third is x4.
My dagger of pincushioning +5, therefore, could seriously gouge a great wyrm dragon, but in the end it's a dagger. A dagger with a real +5 or a simulated +5 (can't remember what the word for having a +5 for purposes of DR penetration is) that isn't a dragonslayer won't just kill a thousands of years old dragon with a terrible blow to its ankle.
And it scales for class, right? Rangers with a favored enemy can apply the damage. Rogues (or whoever) with Sneak Attack could do the same thing. So you get this massive damage, plus the damage for landing such a fell blow.
just my $.02
sigpic courtesy of This Guy, original modified by me
Faeth Es'Braewyn wrote this then went back to looking for porn:
Pvednes is an aussie, aussies should never be allowed to roll. It almost never turns out good for the DM.
Does this include me??
*gives Fae her best sad puppy-dog eye look*
But.. but.... they're all legitimate rolls...
The 2 funniest things I ever remember my old group doing (waaaaay back when I used to play with my brother and his group of friends... many, many eons ago..)
First was when we found a huge sack (It was kinda like a Bag of Holding, only upsized...) Anyways, the barbarian in the group (Int 5, WIS 6... the only word he could say that was intelligible to the rest of us was "Boat"...) started stuffing the corpses of every creature we killed in this sack and carrying around. As old ones decayed and rotted away completely, they were replaced with "fresh" ones... He would then proceed to use it to "check for traps" on dungeon floors (ie: throw sack on floor... if nothing bad happens, no trap...), or to test the stability of rickety-looking bridges, as a counter-weight when swinging on a rope across a gorge, etc...
Second one, involved the same barbarian. The group was stranded on an island one adventure, with absolutely no way to get off, and with the tide rising rapidly. The elven mage in the group comes up with the bright(?) idea that we need a boat to escape (see what an INT score of 19 will get ya? [i]Btw, these were all 1st Ed rules... thats how many eons ago we talkin' here...)
The barbarian picks up on the idea and promptly hacks down the largest tree he can find, then turns to the rest of us and announces proudly......
(You guessed it...)
Well... I guess you just had to be there to really appreciate the timing of that last one... but it was really funny at the time... I still have a giggle about it even now... hehehehe
Little did I suspect at the time that he'd make me play out the escape in-game. It went off roughly as I'd hoped, though rather than having minimal equipment (a dagger and a cloak), I started with no equipment whatsoever. So I find my way to some stables, and try to pass myself off as a peasant worker. That's when the dice roller turns on me. I roll a 1, and end up reverting to natural state. One stark naked doppelganger, and in comes the baron to get his horse (going after somebody else who just attacked the town). I barely manage to hide in a corner as he walks in the door.
The campaign fell apart after a few sessions because we couldn't all seem to make one playing time. It's too bad, the game was going quite well. Lot of interesting personalities in our group.
[edit] Needed to use more first-person perspective. [ 06-05-2002: Message edited by: Ford Prefect ]
AbbigailSD thought this was the Ricky Martin Fan Club Forum and wrote:
Does this include me??
*gives Fae her best sad puppy-dog eye look*
But.. but.... they're all legitimate rolls...
Yes this includes you.
Out of my players, the ones that can be counted on to ALWAYS get the damn lucky rolls, are Abbi, Pved, and now Lash. ( She's even worse because she has so many negatives ). It's almost guaranteed that one, if not all of them with multi-crit in a night. It's so sad, my bad guys barely have time to piss thier pants before one of guys kills them.
It's not from being overpowered or anything, they just NEVER roll poorly...