So, in the interests of preventing these sorts of flamewars, I am posting a few friendly guidelines and tips for n00bs to look at so they can avoid battling with others. Keep in mind, these are not RULES. You don't have to follow them, and I'm not trying to force my opinions on you. I just think that we'll all lead a happier life if these are at least posted.
So, without further ado...The Guide to Being a n00b.
There's nothing wrong with a simple 'Hello'
If you want to introduce yourself, then just come on out and do it. Say hello, tell us a bit about yourself, offer us some tea and crumpets. Don't make a big, flashy entrance (ie Don't do backflips in emotes, kill off a bunch of ninjas with a single blow, then disappear in a puff of smoke). If you do that, you're pretty much marked as a godmoder.
Godmoding is bad, mmkay?
Nobody likes a godmoder. It makes you look like a stupid little munchkin, and just screams of uncreativity. Keep in mind, godmoding in jest is all dandy, but if you contiously do it, you become about as popular as the bubonic plague.
Spellng andd grammer r key
I can only speak for me and the rest of the grammar police, but posts with paragraphs, punctuation, capitalization, and proper spelling are good. If you just have one long string of babble, most of your posts will either be passed over or ridiculed, because nobody wants to wade through a sloppy post searching for an intelligent thought.
Nobody will get on your case for a little typo, of course. But you might be thought of as the village idiot if your posts are incoherent.
Hypersensitive people will be mocked
Don't cry. If something offends you (and it's meant to be in jest), try to shrug it off. If it seriously offends you, try to voice your concerns without being a moron about it. A lot of stuff is tossed around here, and someone's bound to take it the wrong way. If that happens to you, just apologize and move on.
Whatever you do, don't try to pull "I'm leaving 'cause you're all jerks!" posts. They are bad and make Drysart mad and cause chickens to weep blood.
Humor is good for the soul
People like to laugh. This is a very happy, humorous place. Feel free to show your comedic side! Though it is important to know the line between "funny" and "disgusting". They cross more often than you'd think.
Humor is most often always well-recieved around here, so long as it isn't tasteless. No upstaging me, though
Spamspamspamspamspam = badbadbadbadbad
You know what spam is. Don't do it. It's irritating, it makes people mad, and marks you as a doofus. It isn't cool, it isn't funny, it isn't productive.
Prairie Dogs are your superiors, you must surrender all your belongings and/or wenches if a prairie dog so demands
I don't make the rules. I just follow them.
And there you have it. Again, I'm not trying to force myself upon anyone. These are just a few guidelines I think would be helpful to the aspiring ECer. We can be quite friendly...honestly!
Lurkers: Come and join the merriment! We could always use fresh blood in the family!
Old Schoolers: Let's not forget this is a two-way street. We have to help the n00bs, too. Also, if there's anything I forgot to mention, please voice your suggestions, criticism, praise, etc.
Thank you and goodnight
Originally posted by Parcelan:
There's nothing wrong with a simple 'Hello'
If you want to introduce yourself, then just come on out and do it. Say hello, tell us a bit about yourself, offer us some tea and crumpets. Don't make a big, flashy entrance (ie Don't do backflips in emotes, kill off a bunch of ninjas with a single blow, then disappear in a puff of smoke). If you do that, you're pretty much marked as a godmoder.
As per the advice above...Hello. (I don't feel like making a new thread, as it'd feel...pretentious.) Anyway...I play a 53 mage, followed Gallan here like a lost sick puppy when he linked the guild board today, and promptly laughed my arse off at a couple threads. Interesting place.
Backflips behind a curtain, where a tremendous clatter and quite a bit of swearing starts up
(edit: Been a while since I've used UBB Code, heh) [ 08-22-2001: Message edited by: Justaris ]
I kinda sneaked in through FU's guild webpage too hehe.
image from: BlueRaven's Vault
You'll have a great time here, really. Just don't forget to drop by Drysart's office to be issued your kevlar chastity belts and asbestos underwear.
Oh, and if you want to become popular quickly, simply punt any prarie dogs (or gohpers, or gerbils, or woodchucks) you come across. They like that. [ 08-23-2001: Message edited by: Bloodsage ]
--Satan, quoted by John Milton
Do it for the children.
An official newbie guide will be coming soon.
[ 12-04-2001: Message edited by: Otku ]
Thinking about your posts
(and billing you for it) since 2001
Quick... Kill it again, before Parce sees it...
King Parcelan had this to say about dark elf butts:
We're doomed ...
"Don't mistake isolation for safety."
Delphi Aegis obviously shouldn't have said:
*inspects the timetags* .. IT WAS BLACKMAGE! .. GET 'EM!
Be careful. He can use "Hadoken" once a day.