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Topic: Taran!
Vinalrii N'Ariqi
Dark Mother
posted 12-18-2001 02:53:10 AM
Innoruuk would not approve of your recent behavior. If you do not wish to face his wrath, I implore you to do whatever is necessary to prevent the current course of events from continuing.
posted 12-18-2001 04:51:43 AM
Soooomebody's jeaaaaaaalouuuuuuuus....
I was in the Virgin Islands once. I met a girl, we ate lobster, drank piƱa coladas. At sunset, we made love like sea otters. That was a pretty good day. Why couldn't I get that day over, and over?
Jalal d'Varr
Still a gnome!
posted 12-18-2001 06:00:14 AM
Member Number: 2
Registered: 12-18-2001

....what the hell?

Squire Twitch
posted 12-18-2001 06:08:40 AM
Jealous.. I dunno, seems to me that the "Dark Mother" over there, wants Piper to become unpregnant. But since a half elf aint like a lightbulb, Looks like the Dark Mommy wants a Dead Piper....


My parents just came back from a planet where the dominant lifeform had no bilateral symmetry, and all I got was this stupid F-Shirt
Rabid Druid
posted 12-18-2001 06:57:23 AM
Vinii =((

*looks all pouty and sad*

What?! I was talking about the fish you crazy bastard!
Aure entuluva! ...or at least I hope.
Mightion Defensor
posted 12-18-2001 07:15:54 AM
OOC: Um, is that pic Kloie given the dark elf treatment?
Is a copyright of Peachis. Don't underestimate his pants, either.
posted 12-18-2001 09:03:54 AM
Angry Dark Elf Chicks arent something you should mess with....
Aaron (the good one)
posted 12-18-2001 09:21:27 AM
vinalrii i want to h0t s3xx0r you plz thx keke la! XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Galbadia Hotel - Video Game Music
I am Canadian and I hate The Tragically Hip
Gluttonous Overlard
posted 12-18-2001 10:29:03 AM
All Dark Elves, even their god, are evil wannabe's. True evil hides in the shadows, spreading disease and silent plague, striking only when the time is right.

Dark Elves flail around, "blinded" with hate. They will never get anything worthwhile done.

I don't give a damn.
posted 12-18-2001 11:36:33 AM
Mortious Shadowstalker had this to say about (_|_):
All Dark Elves, even their god, are evil wannabe's. True evil hides in the shadows, spreading disease and silent plague, striking only when the time is right.

Dark Elves flail around, "blinded" with hate. They will never get anything worthwhile done.

What he said.

True evil uses manipulation primarily, relying on brute force only when neccessary. That's why Lawful Evil is the only true evil alignment in my book.

Norrath dark elves tend to about as subtle as a freight train.

posted 12-18-2001 12:22:00 PM
But they have very distracting females.
Super Kagrama
posted 12-18-2001 12:56:09 PM
dark elves i tihnk are blue because the watar in neriak si POISONED!?>?1 with ink!!!1 becasue neriak si the capital of INK DEVELPOMENT and oen day the boat of ink sank and it made all the watar blue so all of the people drank out of the rivar and EVERYOEN BECAEM BLUE!!!11yes
i shoueld joeg threw the foreast moer offeand!!11
Dr. Gee
Say it Loud, Say it Plowed!
posted 12-18-2001 01:09:33 PM
And I was all like 'Oh yeah?' and Mortious Shadowstalker was all like:
All Dark Elves, even their god, are evil wannabe's. True evil hides in the shadows, spreading disease and silent plague, striking only when the time is right.

Dark Elves flail around, "blinded" with hate. They will never get anything worthwhile done.

you can't talk Mr. Wander-Around-Smelling-Like-Poo-Gas.

don't make me cast Abolish Diseased on you again.

The Last Strider
I will die alone
posted 12-18-2001 01:29:13 PM
We were all impressed when Mortious Shadowstalker wrote:
All Dark Elves, even their god, are evil wannabe's. True evil hides in the shadows, spreading disease and silent plague, striking only when the time is right.

Dark Elves flail around, "blinded" with hate. They will never get anything worthwhile done.

Huh. TRUE evil is strong and open, never hiding from weaklings! True evil rules with an iron fist over the fools who call themselves "righteous"! True evil is my god, BANE! (No, not the Bane on the boards.)
"We have listened to you speak since the dawn of time, and we have learned to imatoot you exarktly."-The Simpsons

Necromancer: How DARE you imply that I was involved in a rude act with my undead servant! I will flay the flesh from your bones! I will summon a thousand maggot-ridden corpses to gnaw your flesh! I will trap your soul in-
Ghoul: My ass hurts.

Dark Prince
posted 12-18-2001 02:31:34 PM
No, mother! I don't care what Innoruuk thinks. This is what I want, and there's nothing He or you can say or do to change my mind!
posted 12-18-2001 03:10:57 PM
We do not claim to be evil, yes we tortue captives, and do other things one would claim to be evil. But you do not see that we do not consider ourselves evil. we merely do what we fell like doing at the moment. We only hate the paleskins because we dont like them anyway. They call us evil simply because they are Jealous of the freedom our religion grants.
We do not do evil simply for doing evil. You call us weak simply becvause you envy our ability to do whatever who feel like doing.
So, in summary:
I am right.
You are wrong.
Nyah Nyah.


All Empires Fall, You just have to know where to push- Me
Cleric Rogue Sigpic
Rabid Druid
posted 12-18-2001 03:38:03 PM
Taran wrote this stupid crap:
No, mother! I don't care what Innoruuk thinks. This is what I want, and there's nothing He or you can say or do to change my mind!

*looks hopeful*
...what exactly is it that you want?

What?! I was talking about the fish you crazy bastard!
Aure entuluva! ...or at least I hope.
Vampiric pixie that might eat your face, if you're lucky
posted 12-18-2001 04:41:07 PM
This is no time for preaching, no time to try and change one's ways or define what the hazy concept of 'evil' really is. I, myself, do not subscribe to that concept, but I have no qualms with those who do. But this is not the time for these things, and I don't want to contradict myself for prattling on about it...

Taran is your son. He is also a man, and subject to his own whims and desires now. If he follows your orders, it will be because he wants to, rather than he has to. I do not care if the commands you give are straight from the mouth of a god; they are still orders, and it is still his choice whether to follow or flee. He is old enough to know the stakes; he is old enough to know the concequences, and he is old enough to decide.

One fault I've noticed parents comitting is assuming that their child will always be their CHILD, and subject to their parenting. People grow. People make their own follies and freedoms, and to deny them that is to deny them their chance at EARNING their wisdom, rather than attaining it from you.

This pixie, at least, supports Taran's free choice.

Shhh. Everyone will hear us. Everyone will know.
posted 12-18-2001 04:42:14 PM
And I was all like 'Oh yeah?' and Mightion Defensor was all like:
OOC: Um, is that pic Kloie given the dark elf treatment?

((No it is not. My nose is not that big. *THWACK*!))

Il Buono
You see, in this world there's two kinds of people, my friend.
posted 12-18-2001 04:52:33 PM
Kloie had this to say about John Romero:
((No it is not. My nose is not that big. *THWACK*!))

(And that picture is missing the massive evil aura.)

"Those with loaded guns, and those who dig. You dig."
Deadly in battle,
even deadlier in bed
posted 12-18-2001 05:35:43 PM
Forgive me, Dark Goddess, for not looking over your son as I promised. Do not worry, I shall rectify the situation so you will not have a mutt for a grandchild.

The druid slut must sleep sometime.

Destroyer of Mystiana
Poing! Poing!
posted 12-18-2001 06:13:00 PM
Ooh! This is better than a movie!

Sits down and munches on a box of popcorn.

Vinalrii N'Ariqi
Dark Mother
posted 12-18-2001 06:42:03 PM
I trust that this matter left in your hands will be taken care of to Lord Innoruuk's satisfaction, Venefica.
Deadly in battle,
even deadlier in bed
posted 12-18-2001 06:49:27 PM
*curtsies low *

I live but to serve the throne of Neriak and our great dark lord, your Majesty. My blade's thirst will soon be quenched.

[ 12-18-2001: Message edited by: Venefica ]

Destroyer of Mystiana
In a Fire
posted 12-18-2001 07:42:27 PM
It is like an EQ story event. Wonder if anyone will get DTd.
Death of Rats
posted 12-19-2001 12:09:09 AM
Ferret wrote this then went back to looking for porn:
Ooh! This is better than a movie!

Sits down and munches on a box of popcorn.

Mind if i have some popcorn too?

A particularly crafty sea lion is befuddling the Army Corps of Engineers, who have come to believe the 1,000-pound mammal is either from hell -- or from Harvard.
The Outlaw Torn
posted 12-19-2001 03:25:11 AM
*runs around trying to gank the GMs*

ololllol!@@!@! RP3rsss suxxx! GG! lOLOL!

*Trains everyone*

EDIT: And now your moment of zen.

[ 12-19-2001: Message edited by: Black Mage ]

Time was never on my side.
So on I wait my whole lifetime.

Rabid Druid
posted 12-19-2001 07:08:55 AM
Venefica barks and crows about devotion to her queen and god. She spews venom about half breed mutts.

Really Venefica, couldn't we cut the hypocracy and get down to the real matter. I know all you want is Taran (a half breed mutt himself, as you like to put it) and whatever inherited power his bloodline carries.

Your hate is but a facade, a mockery of the feelings you *really* hold for Taran. But this I can understand, he is wonderful.

What?! I was talking about the fish you crazy bastard!
Aure entuluva! ...or at least I hope.
Nammy the Namtar
My sig text is approved by Maradon!
posted 12-19-2001 02:50:44 PM
Innoruuk is a wimp...I killed him a few times before.

Hehe DE Mage powah

-Mages are as far beyond necros as Trakanon is beyond a moss snake.
-One Shungokusatsu and its game over.
Technology Luddite
posted 12-19-2001 06:04:58 PM
Mortious Shadowstalker had this to say about Captain Planet:
All Dark Elves, even their god, are evil wannabe's. True evil hides in the shadows, spreading disease and silent plague, striking only when the time is right.

Dark Elves flail around, "blinded" with hate. They will never get anything worthwhile done.

Ha, love is blind, so is hate. Hate causes you to do unwise things, such as underestimating your enemies.

Fear is a much more wise companion, allowing to realize dangers and overcome them. I don't consider Zara to be evil, but she is dedicated to the respect and conquest of fears. If you don't become the master of your fears, you will become their slave. Hate blinds you, but fear opens your eyes and keeps you alert. It is both a shield and a weapon.

posted 12-19-2001 06:21:59 PM
ignorant paleskins, did you not not hear a word I said? obviously not.
Explanations are wasted on the bed-wetters (thulians) and the sickly (bertoxxers), whom both also happen to be ignorant fools not to listen to an explanation when one is given to them.

All Empires Fall, You just have to know where to push- Me
Cleric Rogue Sigpic
posted 12-19-2001 07:22:25 PM
Mortious Shadowstalker had this to say about Matthew Broderick:
All Dark Elves, even their god, are evil wannabe's. True evil hides in the shadows, spreading disease and silent plague, striking only when the time is right.

Dark Elves flail around, "blinded" with hate. They will never get anything worthwhile done.

Until they pk you.PKs Mortius.

posted 12-19-2001 07:34:24 PM
<fear-kites mort and mighty>

All Empires Fall, You just have to know where to push- Me
Cleric Rogue Sigpic
Poing! Poing!
posted 12-19-2001 08:10:57 PM
Check out the big brain on Daemon_Reaper!
Mind if i have some popcorn too?


Hands Daemon a pack of popcorn.

So let me get this straight, the blue lady is mad at the blue guy for making Ms. Piper want to eat alot of pickles and ice cream?

[ 12-19-2001: Message edited by: Ferret ]

posted 12-19-2001 08:13:05 PM
<also fear-kites Ferret, warning him to stay out of Dark Elven Business>

All Empires Fall, You just have to know where to push- Me
Cleric Rogue Sigpic
Poing! Poing!
posted 12-19-2001 08:17:57 PM
Hey, I'm just watching and trying to understand.


posted 12-19-2001 08:28:27 PM
<beats ferret into submission with Scythe of Shadowed Soul> (not duck stick)

All Empires Fall, You just have to know where to push- Me
Cleric Rogue Sigpic
Rabid Druid
posted 12-19-2001 10:48:30 PM
(fear the roleplay capabilities of this board!)

What?! I was talking about the fish you crazy bastard!
Aure entuluva! ...or at least I hope.
Vinalrii N'Ariqi
Dark Mother
posted 12-20-2001 01:41:23 AM
You are not a fit mother to bear my son's child, druid. He must have a suitable heir, Innoruuk demands it.
Tastes best with pudding
posted 12-20-2001 05:15:29 AM
*sits quietly on the sidelines, head pivoting back and forth as she watches each side have their say*

(mutters) Taran is a half-breed too? I must have missed that bit..

*Sees Silidar beating up on Ferret, and calmly casts Root on Silidar, followed by Smite a few times, then gets up and walks up behind him, laying the smack down with her Velium Hammer before Healing Ferret*

(mutters) if there's one thing I can't stand it's people who pick on innocent bystanders...

*Returns to her seat on the sidelines and resumes watching*

Were-Tigress Disciple of Lycanthropy
Perma-lowbie, addicted to MMORPGs
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