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Topic: So, I need to lose 125 pounds.
Falaanla Marr
posted 03-12-2005 10:26:57 PM
Yes, I know this is something that doesn't come fast and understand it'll take the better part of a year to do so. But, at 6 foot tall and around 315 pounds, I'm very unhealthy. I realize this, and know I need to change things to get healthy, particularly while I am at such a young age and able to do so. I want to be able to wear normal sized clothes. Stuff like that. I want to be healthy again. From what I've looked into, healthy for my height is in the 170-190 pound range.

What I do know at this point (Thanks to Bloodsage and others) are exercise programs that'd help.

Problem is...I'm not sure of a way to economically eat healthy. Being a college student, I need to save some money while doing this (so I can still afford games ) but still need to do it nonetheless. So, suggestions on a balanced diet that will help me to lose about 2 pounds a week are greatly appreciated. That way, by this time next year, I can be closer to or at my healthy weight.

I know one thing I need to do is completely cut out the soda and heavy sugar juices (6 cans of soda a day isn't good). Just...gah. Completely cutting the caffeine is another thing altogether.

Falaanla Marr fucked around with this message on 03-12-2005 at 10:34 PM.

posted 03-12-2005 10:32:45 PM
My firm will help you lose weight!

At "Hire a Tyrant" results are garunteed!!

The second you finish signing the waiver, I chloroform you. When you wake up, you're in a room with metal walls, no windows and no doors, only a water faucet.

Then nothing happens for a week.

Then, on the seventh day, a good, sustaining meal comes through a slot in the floor.

Then, on the eighth day, the floor drops out and you're chased by dogs led by a man in a black leather zipper suit until you collapse.

If you're still tubby after that, I chloroform you and repeat the process.

Palador ChibiDragon
posted 03-12-2005 10:32:51 PM
Soup is a good start. Not "Cream of (blank)" types though. They're not what you're after. But other soups can be fairly filling and have alot of flavor, while also being mostly water. Great for when you need something to eat, but don't really need a full meal.

Try a varity of Diet sodas. I know alot of them taste like ass, but there are a few that don't. What ones depends on who you ask, so try a bunch till you find a few that you can get used to. Stick with them most of the time. (Personally, I suggest 7*up Plus as an interesting choice.)

I believe in the existance of magic, not because I have seen proof of its existance, but because I refuse to live in a world where it does not exist.
Falaanla Marr
posted 03-12-2005 10:38:31 PM
And, for those who care: I'm not blaming this on anyone but myself. Noone's fault that i'm overweight but mine for being too lazy to make food.
posted 03-12-2005 10:40:26 PM
My suggestion is to cut the caffeine out completely and pretend not to notice it isn't there. I have a fairly high consumption and have never had any issues when I've had to stop for a couple weeks. I think the key is to drink other things and not think about the coffee or mountain dew.

Don't go for Diet stuff because it either causes cancer or you will hear about it causing cancer all the time.

And if that doesn't work, you can wire your jaw shut for a week.

[b].sig removed by Mr. Parcelan[/b]
an unflattering title
posted 03-12-2005 10:41:22 PM
Sandwiches are good too, two slices of white bread, light miracle whip, and two pieces of the right kind of turkey are under 300 calories a piece.

Stay away from frozen foods, those are massive massive amounts of calories.

posted 03-12-2005 10:55:33 PM
This may or may not be helpful but... just stop eating. You'll find that you are condititioned to being hungry at certain times of the day, the time when you would normally eat. It will be brutal for a week or so, but then you'll find that you just aren't hungry anymore. As long as you don't proceed to build yourself up to gorging again, you won't get hungry that much either.

Edit: Also, stop drinking soda. As in, go from 6 cans to 0 cans, permenantly. Instead, make things like crystal light to replace it.

Noxhil2 fucked around with this message on 03-12-2005 at 10:57 PM.

posted 03-12-2005 10:58:22 PM
Everyone wondered WTF when Snugglits wrote:
My suggestion is to cut the caffeine out completely and pretend not to notice it isn't there.

Why cut caffeine if he's trying to lose weight? Cut POP, cut the shitloads of sugar it contains. Caffeine does not cause you to gain weight.


posted 03-12-2005 10:58:36 PM
Don't snack. I'll talk to you later about some stuff I've done too.
posted 03-12-2005 11:02:12 PM
How.... Noxhil2.... uughhhhhh:
This may or may not be helpful but... just stop eating. You'll find that you are condititioned to being hungry at certain times of the day, the time when you would normally eat. It will be brutal for a week or so, but then you'll find that you just aren't hungry anymore. As long as you don't proceed to build yourself up to gorging again, you won't get hungry that much either.


TERRIBLE ADVICE. This is one of the worst things you can do.
Your body's metabolism is one of the most important factors in weight control. If you stop eating regular meals your body will overcompensate for this. Throwing your Metabolism off will cause you to have trouble losing weight. THe best thing you can do is actually to eat more often. Instead of eating 1 or 2 times a day, eat 5 or 6. Make the meals smaller, have a healthy snack in between meals. Fruit, a salad, etc. This will keep your metabolism steady so when you do eat the food will be processed properly.

"Pacifism is a privilege of the protected"
posted 03-12-2005 11:10:41 PM
Azizza's fortune cookie read:
TERRIBLE ADVICE. This is one of the worst things you can do.
Your body's metabolism is one of the most important factors in weight control. If you stop eating regular meals your body will overcompensate for this. Throwing your Metabolism off will cause you to have trouble losing weight. THe best thing you can do is actually to eat more often. Instead of eating 1 or 2 times a day, eat 5 or 6. Make the meals smaller, have a healthy snack in between meals. Fruit, a salad, etc. This will keep your metabolism steady so when you do eat the food will be processed properly.

Yeah, if you stop eating your body goes into "Energy Conservation" mode. Your energy levels plummet and you turn grey like you're some kinda vegetarian.

Mike the Butcher
posted 03-12-2005 11:20:16 PM
Metabolism Calculator
The Basal Metabolism Results Were Calculated.
Based on Your Individual Criteria:

Input Weight is: 315 in U.S. Pounds
Input Height is: 72 in U.S. Inches
Input Age is : 23
Input Gender is: male

The Metabolism Results Are:

2394.0 calories per day is your Basal Caloric Rate. This is:
no more then 79.802 grams of fat (30%) for your Basal Caloric Rate
89.777 grams of protein (15%) for your Basal Caloric Rate
329.18 grams of carbohydrate (55%) for your Basal Caloric Rate

3112.2 calories per day recommended for your Active Caloric Rate. This is:
no more then 103.74 grams of fat (30%) for your Active Caloric Rate
116.71 grams of protein (15%) for your Active Caloric Rate
427.93 grams of carbohydrate (55%) for your Active Caloric Rate

No less then 1894.0 calories per day recommended for safe consistent Weight Loss.
This is: no more then 63.135 grams of fat (30%) for your Weight Loss Caloric Rate
71.027 grams of protein (15%) for your Weight Loss Caloric Rate
260.43 grams of carbohydrate (55%) for your Weight Loss Caloric Rate
At this safe consistent Weight Loss Caloric Rate, you will lose 1 pound every 7 Days

Also it is very crucial for you not to go much below the Weight Loss Caloric Rate, because if you do your body will begin to think you are starving and begin to store the calories that you do consume and you will not lose weight any faster but infact lose weight slower.

Also 3,000 calories = 1 pound, so by excersizing 300-500 calories a day will help you lose an extra pound of weight every 6 to 10 days.

Withered and Alone
posted 03-12-2005 11:46:12 PM
Start with forcing yourself to drink one 16oz bottle or glass of water before breakfast. Don't fret about not drinking 8 glasses per day at the beginning. You can gradually work up to that point.

I find that the more water I drink, the more icky bad-for-me-foods taste (especially fast food french fries) and the more I crave good foods.

Also, cut down on red meats from any source to 2-3 servings per week.

When the weight loss plateaus, change something else in your diet.

Obamanomics: spend, tax, and borrow.
posted 03-12-2005 11:56:19 PM
I second the drinking lots of water part. THe human body often muddles the line between thirst and hunger. So many times we eat we dont' really need nourishment, we are actually thirsty. Drinking water solves this problem. One other thing. Many people eat out of Habit. make sure you don't eat "just because"
"Pacifism is a privilege of the protected"
posted 03-13-2005 12:03:15 AM
Maradon! had this to say about Knight Rider:
Yeah, if you stop eating your body goes into "Energy Conservation" mode. Your energy levels plummet and you turn grey like you're some kinda vegetarian.

My brother eats meat every day, and is so anemic he can barely stay up for seven hours without taking a nap.

I haven't had meat in over a year, and I'm so full of vitality that I can fell a tree with my cock.


Scorned Fanboy
posted 03-13-2005 12:26:30 AM
Vorbis wrote, obviously thinking too hard:
I'm so full of vitality that I can fell a tree with my cock.

Which leads us to the question of why you're slamming your cock into trees.

Vise the Stompy
Title now 100% ass free!
posted 03-13-2005 12:35:05 AM
To slay them and then eat their delicious barky flesh.

Vise the Stompy fucked around with this message on 03-13-2005 at 12:35 AM.

posted 03-13-2005 12:45:00 AM
Vorbis stopped beating up furries long enough to write:
My brother eats meat every day, and is so anemic he can barely stay up for seven hours without taking a nap.

I haven't had meat in over a year, and I'm so full of vitality that I can fell a tree with my cock.


That's kinda sad, I'd be a liar if I said I didn't eat meat alot...but I exercise and try to keep the vitamin and crap out of my system. I keep away from all candies, chips, chocolate, all pop, just about any junk food. With that, I have a great amount of energy.

As long as you have a balanced exercise plan, you can cut the weight down easily. I have faith.

posted 03-13-2005 12:45:45 AM
I usually make my own food. I like tomato soup.. Probably the best soup for you calorie wise.. And you can add a TBs of parmasan to it and basil and parsley.. Yummy.

Cut down on anything sugary to drink.. (juice, pop, iced tea) iced tea is a BIG one for me... I want to cut down on that... I'm trying to replace it with crystal light.

I buy those lean cuisine things too.. Theya rn't that bad. I eat a lot of chicken and japanese food. ^.^

I havn't really done much (no money to get a gym membership, and I wouldn't go cause I have no one to go with... ) and it's winter outside, but I've managed to drop about 2 pant sizes since the early fall. 4 pantsizes since last year. (although, it doesn't look like that much... >:/)

posted 03-13-2005 01:08:07 AM
knowing what I know, Diet soda won't cause cancer any more than drinking coffee, tea, or regular soda; but change over to diet then ween yourself off of it. But one of the key things alreay said is portions of food, and eating more often and less ammount per time.

If you're in college, use their rec center if it has one.

Astronomy is a passion...
Engineering is a love...
My job isn't a job, it's my career, and I love every minute of it: Observatory Superintendent
posted 03-13-2005 01:13:34 AM
The logic train ran off the tracks when Vorbis said:
I haven't had meat in over a year, and I'm so full of vitality that I can fell a tree with my cock.

Of course if this weren't 100% true, I'm sure you'd readily admit it

posted 03-13-2005 01:19:03 AM
Maradon!'s fortune cookie read:
Why cut caffeine if he's trying to lose weight? Cut POP, cut the shitloads of sugar it contains. Caffeine does not cause you to gain weight.


Oh, sure. That's just advice if he does want to cut caffeine.

Azizza Model 2000 was programmed to say:
TERRIBLE ADVICE. This is one of the worst things you can do.
Your body's metabolism is one of the most important factors in weight control. If you stop eating regular meals your body will overcompensate for this. Throwing your Metabolism off will cause you to have trouble losing weight. THe best thing you can do is actually to eat more often. Instead of eating 1 or 2 times a day, eat 5 or 6. Make the meals smaller, have a healthy snack in between meals. Fruit, a salad, etc. This will keep your metabolism steady so when you do eat the food will be processed properly.

Well, I lost 15 lbs in a week when I was unable to open my mouth.

[b].sig removed by Mr. Parcelan[/b]
posted 03-13-2005 01:21:41 AM
You're not going to like this, but there's no magic weight loss secret. You eat less, period. Eating well helps, but eating less is the key. You can lose weight eating ramen, if you CONTROL your eating. And that is what it's all about: control. I lost weight by mercilessly counting my calories. Every little thing. I ate no more than 1,400 calories every day. I exercised. I never slacked, not even for a day. Even now, when I'm at the weight I want to be, I watch everything that goes into my body. I never eat more than 2,200 calories in a day.

Sometimes it kind of sucks because I can't eat the foods I used to enjoy. But after you distance yourself from them, you realize those foods are kind of bad anyway. Pizza, donuts, "Mexican," "Chinese," they all taste good at the time, but I always felt sick after eating them. I always had heartburn, indigestion, constipation...and I was 16. I guess it's sort of double-sided. Overall, I don't miss them very much.

Some general information/tips:
1. Whole wheats and other unprocessed complex carbs (like veggies) are good. They sit in your stomach for a long time and can be pretty good for curbing your appetite. Just remember, though, it's easy to keep eating out of habit, and then your stomach expands and the effect is kind of lost.
2. There are 3,500 calories in a pound, not 3,000. Just a correction.
3. 1,900 calories for "safe weight loss" seems kind of extreme to me. I almost think that the "starvation effect" is kind of blown out of proportion to help Americans feel better about how much they eat. I lost 12+ pounds a month eating 1,200-1,400 calories a day. I definitely didn't hit any kind of wall because of it. Maybe I'm a freak case, though; I'm no expert, it's just my own experience. But honestly, your body needs a certain amount of energy to survive. There's only so much fine-tuning it can do.
4. Give up soda. In fact, give up everything except water. This is pretty huge.

Suddar fucked around with this message on 03-13-2005 at 01:23 AM.

Mr. Parcelan
posted 03-13-2005 01:52:22 AM
I'm not sure if your goal is realistic. From what I can see of you, you look like a big guy, like me. Us large fellows will never be small, at all, and we can't be slender, either.

If you set your bar too high, you tend to get discouraged and give up if you can't meet it. Rethink it, fatty.

posted 03-13-2005 02:00:00 AM
Mr. Parcelan impressed everyone with:
I'm not sure if your goal is realistic. From what I can see of you, you look like a big guy, like me.

Jesus christ Lashanna is a guy!

oh, wait, fuck you parce

posted 03-13-2005 02:12:43 AM
I'd just like to say, I used to think of myself the same way Parcelan did. Now I'm lol small. It'd perfectly possible to be slender, even if you were a big guy. I may not look very good, but I didn't like being fat regardless.

And, with control, it's not really that big a goal. The hardest part is the first two weeks. If even that. If you get into the habit of eating the right way, it's really a breeze.

posted 03-13-2005 02:18:34 AM
When the babel fish was in place, it was apparent Mr. Parcelan said:
I'm not sure if your goal is realistic. From what I can see of you, you look like a big guy, like me. Us large fellows will never be small, at all, and we can't be slender, either.

If you set your bar too high, you tend to get discouraged and give up if you can't meet it. Rethink it, fatty.

oh shit
I was in a wtf moment

Hostile Makeover
Evil as chocolate covered thistles
posted 03-13-2005 02:20:14 AM
Mr. Parcelan
posted 03-13-2005 02:26:18 AM
Suddar had this to say about Knight Rider:
I'd just like to say, I used to think of myself the same way Parcelan did. Now I'm lol small. It'd perfectly possible to be slender, even if you were a big guy. I may not look very good, but I didn't like being fat regardless.

And, with control, it's not really that big a goal. The hardest part is the first two weeks. If even that. If you get into the habit of eating the right way, it's really a breeze.

You weren't big, just fat.

posted 03-13-2005 07:34:13 AM
Mooj had this to say about Reading Rainbow:
Which leads us to the question of why you're slamming your cock into trees.

To fell them, of course.

posted 03-13-2005 08:00:37 AM
There was much rejoicing when Mr. Parcelan said this:
I'm not sure if your goal is realistic. From what I can see of you, you look like a big guy, like me. Us large fellows will never be small, at all, and we can't be slender, either.

Parce is dead-on here. You aren't gonna be skinny, no matter what you do. Pick up an assload of cardio to lose the assload of fat, then some free weights to add some mass.

And the best non-punishing cardio is swimming. Join a pool/gym with one and swim around half an hour a day until it stops being fun. Then swim for 45 minutes a day.

A Kansas City Shuffle is when everybody looks right, you go left.

It's not something people hear about.

Not Much Fun Anymore
posted 03-13-2005 10:09:20 AM
Sean had this to say about dark elf butts:
Parce is dead-on here. You aren't gonna be skinny, no matter what you do. Pick up an assload of cardio to lose the assload of fat, then some free weights to add some mass.

And the best non-punishing cardio is swimming. Join a pool/gym with one and swim around half an hour a day until it stops being fun. Then swim for 45 minutes a day.

Make swimming a hobby. If you want a routine to do daily (or every other day) that will help you lose weight, PM me.

"France tried to turtle, but Hitler did a tank rush before they were ready. Just shows how horribly unbalanced real life is. They should release a patch."
posted 03-13-2005 10:13:14 AM
Mooj had this to say about Jimmy Carter:
Which leads us to the question of why you're slamming your cock into trees.

To prove how macho I am, obv.

because I'm completely 100% serious all the time, and incapable of hyperbole

Swims in Erotic Circles
posted 03-13-2005 10:20:12 AM
Big guys need Cardio. a lot of it. Get used to running/swimming 30 minutes a day, and cut all the shit out of your diet. Coffee is the only source of caffeine with milk and sugar twin.

Drink a lot of water. I drink 6L a day or so (I don't know if that's too much or not, it's just a dumb habit I'm in.)

Realistically, your goal isn't to drop a hundred pounds. It's probably not possible without crippling your body or sawing off legs or something. Just try and get healthier, and get rid of fat while gaining muscle.

:D :D :D

posted 03-13-2005 12:35:56 PM
Mr. Parcelan thought about the meaning of life:
You weren't big, just fat.

Actually, not really true, but eh.

Steven Steve
posted 03-13-2005 12:47:57 PM
It's going to be pretty much impossible for you to lose weight effectively since you're in college, but what I'd recommend is that you break up your daily diet into 8 distributed meals. You may want to cut your starch intake, from white bread, fruit, and potatoes. To make up for the loss in nutrition, you're going to need to eat more vegetables. Generally, I'd say, eat less meat than you do now, because it's expensive and you don't need that much protein on a weight loss diet. If you do eat meat, I would advise fish or chicken. Skim milk will also probably be a worthy investment. Cut as much sugar as you can, and watch your trans fatty acid intake. (which means that in most cases, the soup suggestion is not good)

Still, I would be amazed if you could lose that much weight while in college, but it's possible.

"Absolutely NOTHING [will stop me from buying Diablo III]. I will buy it regardless of what they do."
- Grawbad, Battle.net forums

"Don't want to sound like a fanboy, but I am with you. I'll buy it for sure, it's just a matter of for how long I will be playing it..."
- Silvast, Battle.net forums

Cobalt Katze
posted 03-13-2005 12:51:14 PM
My personal suggestions:
Try to get as much organic stuff as y'can.
Whole grains are your friends, avoid the highly-processed ones ('white').
Vegetables and fruits rock, as do eggs, cheese and nuts.
Avoid really sugary stuff.

Also know that sometimes when your body seems to say "I'm hungry," it can also mean "I'm thirsty."

Steven Steve
posted 03-13-2005 12:54:22 PM
Yeah, Cobalt is right. Don't go overboard on the dairy, though, unless you plan to exercise it off, because the cheese and nuts are filled with a lot of great fats. Fruits make good snacks, but only if you're willing to add some starches (which may jeapordize a portion of your fat loss plan) to your diet. Overall, I would probably say keep the fruit because of their nutritional value.

Also, it is possible to lose 125 pounds, but it would be very difficult on your budget because it would require you to go down to a nutrition store and get some supplements. (http://www.dragondoor.com/articler/mode3/31/) Remember that a weight loss diet is not expendable, but is actually a lifetime commitment. I wouldn't plan on doing anything you don't want to do for the rest of your life.

"Absolutely NOTHING [will stop me from buying Diablo III]. I will buy it regardless of what they do."
- Grawbad, Battle.net forums

"Don't want to sound like a fanboy, but I am with you. I'll buy it for sure, it's just a matter of for how long I will be playing it..."
- Silvast, Battle.net forums

posted 03-13-2005 12:56:58 PM
This might be something you reallly dislike hearing, but if you spend most of your time gameing, thats gonna be a big setback to ya. Face the fact, If your gameing, your sitting doing very little work, and people tend to grab more snack foods and drinks while doing so. Try devote a Generous portion of your day to doing something outside/Exerciseing/anything that has you moveing. And Don't Balk at doing something because it makes your feet/legs/knees hurt, If anything you should do those things more and play through the pain till it stops hurting, 'cause you do it long enough the weight loss will happen and you will not be hurting anymore.
Zaile Ghostmaker
You've gotta remember, I'm an EverQuest character.
posted 03-13-2005 01:15:12 PM
Visit the local Goodwill/second hand store, and see if they have an exercise bike there. If they do, set it up in front of the TV and get used to using it while playing.

Make sure it's an actual excersise bike though. I tried using a real one this way, with a GBA instead of the TV. It's a bitch trying to beat Bowser and save the princess when you realize you've made a wrong turn and wound up on the Interstate.

I find that most problems can be solved by excessive violence.

It is held in thought
only by the understanding
of the Wind.

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