I swear I'm going to marry that woman.
(I'm playing FFVII and haven't gotten Vincent. Yet.)
ImNotTrent impressed everyone with:
vincent from FF7
Yeah, Vincent!
We were all impressed when Alleria Qui'farush wrote:
Metroid... She rocks!
you mean Samus
metroid was the jellyfish monster :P
The 'coolest' was the 4 Black Wizard party in FF1. If you could survive with no healers, and actually earn enough for 4 cat claws and 4 copies of Nuke, Chaos didn't stand a chance...
Alleria Qui'farush had this to say about pies:
Samus... my bad. ^_^ I haven't played Super Metroid in a while.
Super... Metroid?
You don't play Metroid or Metroid 2? How... evil.
he was a badass and had the muscle to back it up
not to mention his armour was damn spiffy and he had a good voice actor
hmmm...who do I like....
Wanders off to ponder
sigpic courtesy of This Guy, original modified by me
First Dragon wrote, obviously thinking too hard:
Vincent = easiest secret character to get. Ever.Sephiroth was cooler though.
Vincent was a secret character?!?
[ 01-14-2002: Message edited by: Tarquinn ]
Another cool character: Admiral Tolwyn, WC II - IV
Psycho Mantis from Metal Gear Solid is one. Doug Stone's performance (and his faux Russian accent!) were great. "You still don't believe me? I will show you my psychokinetic powers!"
Protoman (Blues) from the Megaman series. Man, he kicked ass. MM3 was the first one of the series that I ever finished, and I still remember the ending
Raziel of Soul Reaver fame is getting to be one of my favorites. His midievi... midiev... uh... gothic dialogue was perfect. Being the biggest badass in Nosgoth helped his case, too.
Laguna from Final Fantasy VIII was the best thing about the whole damn game. Like I said in another thread, I would much rather have spent the entire four discs playing as him.
And, his theme song rules
Kazuya from the Tekken games is up there. If you thought Squall was a bastard, then man, you'll think Kazuya is the frickin' devil.
I mean, he sorta is the devil, but, that's a long story.
But my absolute, hands down, without a doubt, he's in my party every chance I get favorite is...
Locke Cole!
(whistles Locke's theme)
Daemon_Reaper had this to say about Reading Rainbow:
in my book, vinc wasnt that cool, though right under auron is septh,im still looking for a septh action figure
Ye mean like this? Sorry for the poor image quality.
KaLourin DthBlayde had this to say about Captain Planet:
SephirothYe mean like this?
Sorry for the poor image quality.[/QB]
*screams, jumping for it* YES YES YES!!!!!!! gimmie gimmie gimmie
Leon from Resident Evil 2 is cool also
"Don't want to sound like a fanboy, but I am with you. I'll buy it for sure, it's just a matter of for how long I will be playing it..."
- Silvast, Battle.net forums
Fazumzen Fastfist had this to say about Tron:
ya know i predicted this
Or Ebisumaru from the Mystical Ninja series. He has the air of coolness that can only come with a fat self-proclaimed "Ninja of Justice" who hypnotizes people with his dances in order to get free food.
Suchii wrote this then went back to looking for porn:
Citan Uzuki from Xenogears.*swoon*
All except for that last part.
I simply loved his commentary on his inventory.
nem-x had this to say about John Romero:
Player 1 from Bad Dudes. OH YEAH! doot doot oot oot doot dootdoooo!
Lyinar Ka`Bael, Piney Fresh Druidess - Luclin
De lid g am ond had this to say about Tron:
Parappa the RappaOWNZ0R!1!
GAH. He's #2 on my list. :-(
--Satan, quoted by John Milton
And, of course, the Coventry bunch from King's Quest, especially Alexander
Lyinar Ka`Bael, Piney Fresh Druidess - Luclin