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Topic: You didn't fail.
Peels like a tangerine, but is juicy like an orange.
posted 09-23-2003 12:18:31 AM
Nobody really understood why Oscar 3/Xray 1 wrote:
If you make the young bitter and hateful, who do you have left to be naive?

...What kind of answer is that?


..:: This Is The Sound Of Settling ::..
posted 09-23-2003 12:19:49 AM
OtakuPenguin had this to say about (_|_):
...What kind of answer is that?


See not so ninja edit.

I realized that I wanted to say something else, but you jumped in before I could change it.

[ 09-23-2003: Message edited by: Oscar 3/Xray 1 ]

[b].sig removed by Mr. Parcelan[/b]
posted 09-23-2003 12:26:03 AM
Everyone wondered WTF when OtakuPenguin wrote:
No, the thing is, if you keep sugarcoating shit, it's gonna hurt a lot worse when they hit the real world and they don't know how to cope with failure.

That and you end up never actually learning shit in the end. My college classes involving freshmen are painful and aggravating cause I have to listen to them whine cause the teacher doesn't give out reviews before tests, give pop quizzes, takes points off for not spelling correctly and using proper grammar on tests and papers, doesn’t give credit for partial answers. HS is supposed to be preparing you for this, School should be harder each year you go, not easier.

More to the point, minor errors are usually caused because you ignore an early rule about any math problem, checking your answers. Which shows you still haven't learned even the basics of math. It's Like that corny test given out were up top it says read all directions before starting test and around question 100 it says sign paper and ignore all other instructions.

[ 09-23-2003: Message edited by: Peter ]

posted 09-23-2003 12:27:53 AM
Peter had this to say about Cuba:
That and you end up never actually learning shit in the end. My college classes involving freshmen are painful and aggravating cause I have to listen to them whine cause the teacher doesn't give out reviews before tests, give pop quizzes, takes points off for not spelling correctly and using proper grammar on tests and papers, doesn’t give credit for partial answers. HS is supposed to be preparing you for this, School should be harder each year you go, not easier.

More to the point, minor errors are usually caused because you ignore an early rule about any math problem, checking your answers. Which shows you still haven't learned even the basic of math. It's Like that corny test given out were up top it says read all directions before starting test and around question 100 it says sign paper and ignore all other instructions.

Ah, I see you are on vacation on the world where time is not a variable.

I've been trying to get plane tickets for that place.

[b].sig removed by Mr. Parcelan[/b]
posted 09-23-2003 12:28:32 AM
Verily, Oscar 3/Xray 1 doth proclaim:
Ah, I see you are on vacation on the world where time is not a variable.

I've been trying to get plane tickets for that place.

WTF are you talking about?

Peels like a tangerine, but is juicy like an orange.
posted 09-23-2003 12:30:28 AM
Peter had this to say about the Spice Girls:
WTF are you talking about?

That's the same thing I asked him.

..:: This Is The Sound Of Settling ::..
posted 09-23-2003 12:36:20 AM
Mog wrote this stupid crap:
well ntocie it said for 7-14 year olds, and im not sure if id go as high as fourteen, but i do think a little kindness hosuld be shown with the wee folk, i rember back in elementarys chool and junier high seeing kids crying and shit in the cafeteria cause of an F on an important test, luckily fo rme i never gave a shit so i wasnt one of them but sitll, cant help but feel bad or wodner ifsoemthing like this would of helped

Apparently, they weren't hard enough on kids at your school. Just look at you.

Iulius Czar
posted 09-23-2003 12:36:49 AM
This insanity brought to you by OtakuPenguin:
No, the thing is, if you keep sugarcoating shit, it's gonna hurt a lot worse when they hit the real world and they don't know how to cope with failure.

Many of those kids (not all) are of little practical use to society, taking more than they will ever hope to contribute. This will be the case whether they are constantly failed or constantly given false praise. Since most of us turn our noses up at euthanasia, the goal is to save as many as we can.

In that case, shouldn't we give the little dorks whatever lies are necessary to get them back on track? People do amazing things when they don't know they can't. Oh golly, that might mean actually spending time with a kid to figure out what makes him tick instead of stamping him and pushing him out the door. You can only stay in the 4th grade so many years.

The Imp
posted 09-23-2003 12:39:08 AM
Peter's account was hax0red to write:
WTF are you talking about?

I think he means that often you don't have the luxury to check all your answers if you are taking an exam or something...

posted 09-23-2003 12:42:32 AM
Zair had this to say about (_|_):
I think he means that often you don't have the luxury to check all your answers if you are taking an exam or something...

You do if you want to pass.

Iulius Czar
posted 09-23-2003 12:45:44 AM
More to the point, minor errors are usually caused because you ignore an early rule about any math problem, checking your answers. Which shows you still haven't learned even the basic of math. It's Like that corny test given out were up top it says read all directions before starting test and around question 100 it says sign paper and ignore all other instructions.

I guess I haven't learned even the basic of math then.

posted 09-23-2003 12:49:39 AM
So quoth Iulius Czar:
... You can only stay in the 4th grade so many years.

See the thing is, If you stay in the 4th grade for so many years, you should by all rights get the kick in the ass to go and motivate yourself to do better, to get your ass out of that spot. And if you can't then it's time to ship your ass off to what ever aspect of the school that deals with kids that have true learning problems.

Zair had this to say about Jimmy Carter:
I think he means that often you don't have the luxury to check all your answers if you are taking an exam or something...

I have never ever heard of a HS class not giving ample time to answer questions, And I have yet to encounter one in college. Granted AP classes the teacher might put some strict limits, but hay AP classes are supposed to be challenging like that. If it take to long, then you make an effort to learn it better so it doesn't take you as long.

[ 09-23-2003: Message edited by: Peter ]

posted 09-23-2003 12:57:31 AM
That's bloody stupid.
Super Kagrama
posted 09-23-2003 01:02:52 AM
Math makes my brain hurt.

i shoueld joeg threw the foreast moer offeand!!11
Iulius Czar
posted 09-23-2003 01:09:32 AM
Kagrama OneOneExclamationExclamationTwoExclamationOneOne
Math makes my brain hurt.

Truest words yet in the thread.

But back to my earlier question - does everyone take the reporter at face value in these claims? Can we be so quick to believe that someone in authority is willing to be flippant and stupid? Does it make you feel smarter by comparison?

In a Fire
posted 09-23-2003 01:31:34 AM
Peter was naked while typing this:
That and you end up never actually learning shit in the end. My college classes involving freshmen are painful and aggravating cause I have to listen to them whine cause the teacher doesn't give out reviews before tests, give pop quizzes, takes points off for not spelling correctly and using proper grammar on tests and papers, doesn’t give credit for partial answers. HS is supposed to be preparing you for this, School should be harder each year you go, not easier.

More to the point, minor errors are usually caused because you ignore an early rule about any math problem, checking your answers. Which shows you still haven't learned even the basics of math. It's Like that corny test given out were up top it says read all directions before starting test and around question 100 it says sign paper and ignore all other instructions.

Sorry, but that is silly. The goal of math is to learn the concepts, techniques, and intuition that is needed to be able to operate in a mathmaticle fashion. It isn't supposed to require you to be perfect. An error such as distributing a negative shouldn't count off your entire credit.

Canadian Mountee
Rumble Pak+FMV Sequence=FUN!
posted 09-23-2003 03:16:56 PM
If you get the final answer incorrect, does that mean you failed in demonstrating your knowledge of the problem?

Let's say you have a 5 step problem, you get 4 correct. Now I just may be silly, but I don't think that's sugarcoating a "failure." That's giving marks where marks are due.

The World is Yours
Heart Attack
posted 09-23-2003 04:25:26 PM
You know, when I was qualified to drop nukes, back in the day, the minimum on all tests was 100%. No partial credit, no points for kinda understanding the concept, nothing at all.

Life is like that.

Anyone remember Challenger? It was bad math in calculating the probability of failure of the O-rings that caused the disaster. Someone had mulitplied the probabilities (making the assessment get smaller) when they should have added them (increasing the assessment).


To reign is worth ambition, though in Hell:
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven.

--Satan, quoted by John Milton

Iulius Czar
posted 09-23-2003 04:39:36 PM
Life is only measured by perfection or utter failure if you're performing a pre-scripted task. Otherwise solid cross-checking and (gasp) failure recovery will produce better results faster. You know, revisions and such.
Heart Attack
posted 09-24-2003 01:59:46 PM
Ah, but teaching that results don't matter is bullshit. So is giving the process equal or more weight than the result.

I didn't say every task required perfection, but some do. And teaching sloppy technique early is a bad investment in the future. Kids should learn early that failure exists, and that it has consequences.

To reign is worth ambition, though in Hell:
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven.

--Satan, quoted by John Milton

posted 09-24-2003 02:04:26 PM
This is the same kind of thinking that has lead to school districts taking away scoring in sports.
That way the kids don't lose.
"Pacifism is a privilege of the protected"
Oldest Member
Best Lap
posted 09-24-2003 02:06:40 PM
Azizza spewed forth this undeniable truth:
This is the same kind of thinking that has lead to school districts taking away scoring in sports.
That way the kids don't lose.

WTF if the point in playing a competitive sport if there's no score...

"Yay, you scored a touchdown...nothing happens!" O_o

"Give me control of a nation's money, and I care not who makes its laws."
-Mayer Rothschild
posted 09-24-2003 02:20:47 PM
Reynar had this to say about the Spice Girls:
WTF if the point in playing a competitive sport if there's no score...

"Yay, you scored a touchdown...nothing happens!" O_o


"Pacifism is a privilege of the protected"
Iulius Czar
posted 09-24-2003 03:54:28 PM
That would be pretty terrible, wouldn't it? But that's not what the admins at the school are doing. All the grades are there, except that the "name" of the failing grade has been changed to "nearly" instead of "failure".

The article is about habitual failures, kids who receive their F's and do nothing about it. Obviously the threat of failure is not inspiring them to achieve; I speculate that most have already given up on "the system." So they're trying a new technique that let's the little punks know it's not the end of the world. Something that they can conceivably pick themselves up from.

A rational adult should be smart enough to see through the semantics of a grade, but even though a child may lack the maturity to do so, he still needs a minimal amount of smarts to get through life. I'd be in favor of a strict numeric scale, personally.

[edit] Oh yeah, the "compensatory" grade thing was pretty bogus. They're on their own to defend that. (*cough* to keep getting their government funds)

[ 09-24-2003: Message edited by: Iulius Czar ]

Iulius Czar
posted 09-24-2003 04:13:52 PM
(Oops, wrong forum)

[ 09-24-2003: Message edited by: Iulius Czar ]

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