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Topic: Chapter One: In Soranil's Wake
Wanders too much for a custom title
posted 01-23-2002 06:53:42 PM
ooc: I should probably have been using
italics for my thoughts from the beginning, but I didn't think of it.

ic: "Hmm....I wonder...could my spellbook be in Pyreside? Is that where the one who had me captured is? Battle? What is going on? I will just have to ponder it later, as I am still hungry and now very tired." Silvan thought as he put the letter away in the scroll case.

He decided it would be best to keep this message, and he kept it with him, along with his rapier. He could see the half human getting out rations from where he was standing. "Should I ask for food? My rations won't hold out much longer...I'm not talking to that half breed unless I have to. I swear, this group is so...peculiar." Silvan went back to his pack and pulled out another bit of rations and began eatting alone, not feeling comfortable with the others. he continued to ponder the events at hand and the letter he had read.

"When I get a chance, I may just tell this the others about this letter, if it suits my purposes. I MUST recover my spellbook, and I'm sure we all, at least the dwarf, half breed, and I, would like to get back at whoever caged us. If I could get them to come with me and protect me, that would be something, but they are so unorganized, and it looks as if almost none of them knows the other. What a strange, and odd situation we are in..." Silvan continued to think as he finished his rations and was standing there, by the dead lizard, deciding when to go talk to these....people.

posted 01-23-2002 06:57:36 PM
Taylen chuckles softly and heads off towards one of the still upright carts and unslings his bow and quiver and leys them beside his pack
Taylen unfastens his sword belt and lays his swords close to hand then unrolls his bedroll
Taylen lays down pulling the blanket across himself facing away from the fire and settling down for his repose

(ooc come to think of it how do elves repose because I know they don't sleep)

"When correctly viewed, everything is lewd." - Tom Lehrer.
Sadomasochism: It's Fun!
Taylen Ashenbow
Rangers never run we mearly stratigically retreat.
Thats not a train thats a pull, my trains are always much bigger.
Cold in an Alley
posted 01-23-2002 07:36:52 PM
The PHB describes the elves' four-hour repose as a sort of silent meditation. Elves are capable of sleeping in the same manner as all other races, however they have found meditation to be more efficient. As such, it lets them claim more of the day for their pursuits.

The position of meditation is entirely up to you. Two of the most well-known meditative positions are sitting indian-style or lying flat on the back. One can also meditate while seated in a comfortable chair, if such a device is avaliable. Whatever position you prefer, your character will only be able to meditate effectively in that one position, so be consistent.

And once again, everyone, remember to check the end of the previous page (5) if you haven't already

[ 01-23-2002: Message edited by: Ford Prefect ]

Base eight is just like base ten, really... if you're missing two fingers. - Tom Lehrer
There are people in this world who do not love their fellow human beings, and I hate people like that! - Tom Lehrer
I want to be a race car passenger; just a guy who bugs the driver. "Say man, can I turn on the radio? You should slow down. Why do we gotta keep going in circles? Can I put my feet out the window? Man, you really like Tide..." - Mitch Hedberg
Please keep your arms, legs, heads, tails, tentacles, pseudopods, wings, and/or other limb-like structures inside the ride at all times.
Please submit all questions, inquests, and/or inquiries, in triplicate, to the Department of Redundancy Department, Division for the Management of Division Management Divisions.

posted 01-23-2002 07:41:09 PM
(ooc thanks need to modify last post)
Taylen sit up indian style beside his equitment and closes eyes calming himself and relaxing his body slowly systematically from head to toe and meditates
"When correctly viewed, everything is lewd." - Tom Lehrer.
Sadomasochism: It's Fun!
Taylen Ashenbow
Rangers never run we mearly stratigically retreat.
Thats not a train thats a pull, my trains are always much bigger.
I <3 My Deviant
posted 01-24-2002 03:25:47 PM
Frey watches Tay and the others, then looks up to find Twin Moon. When she's sure her friend is ok, she sneaks up to Tay's bed roll, and curls up in it as best as she can. Her eyes reflect the fire light breifly before she closes them to sleep.
posted 01-24-2002 05:03:50 PM
Aust finally turns away from his spellbook to look at someone, he looks to the young lady eating the rations "Um, shouldn't you ask the owner of those rations before you eat them?"

He turns back to his spell book and looks at the same page again, "And I will go to sleep after I rememorize this spell again, or maybe, I won't sleep at all."

Ruvie's Alt
Haven't you always wanted a monkey?
posted 01-24-2002 05:25:47 PM
A bag of ...teeth? What the...?

"Pro'lly belonged to one o' the lizards..." Khazmon thinks. Then, he grins a bit. He picks the bag up, and to add a bit of insult to the lizardman owner's untimely demise, throws it at the woods, high enough to go over someone's head.

Then, he does a quick check to make sure none of the things in his pile have been stolen. Especially not the armor, that took a while to make.

Cold in an Alley
posted 01-24-2002 05:43:11 PM

As you sit up from inside your bedroll, you notice that the space inside has been filled from the other end. Your traveling companion has slipped into it from the foot, and now has her head nestled in your lap.


The bag of teeth lands against a tree, and falls to the ground with a slight rattle. As for your possessions, they all seem to be where you left them. The armor looks no more or less worn than the last time you had it on.

It appears that the bird you saw gathering coins before has done quite a job of it. While you only took ten coins for your pile, there seem to be only a few remaining in the surrounding grasses.


Twin moon leaves your shoulder as you duck down under the edge of your elven companion's bedroll. She returns to her perch atop one of the upright wagons nearby.

Base eight is just like base ten, really... if you're missing two fingers. - Tom Lehrer
There are people in this world who do not love their fellow human beings, and I hate people like that! - Tom Lehrer
I want to be a race car passenger; just a guy who bugs the driver. "Say man, can I turn on the radio? You should slow down. Why do we gotta keep going in circles? Can I put my feet out the window? Man, you really like Tide..." - Mitch Hedberg
Please keep your arms, legs, heads, tails, tentacles, pseudopods, wings, and/or other limb-like structures inside the ride at all times.
Please submit all questions, inquests, and/or inquiries, in triplicate, to the Department of Redundancy Department, Division for the Management of Division Management Divisions.

posted 01-24-2002 05:53:52 PM
"Mf vm mmum?" the girl asks, then swallows. "I hate to break this to you, but the owner wouldn't be too responsive at this point."
Wanders too much for a custom title
posted 01-24-2002 06:29:38 PM
ooc: You stated it would be difficult to recover my bag before. In what way would it be difficult? Would it be possible to retake in a decently short period of time?
posted 01-24-2002 06:58:56 PM
Aust smiles, closes his spellbook, and turns around to look at the half elf, "Heh, let me guess, it's original owner is one of these lizardmen?"

He stands up and says whispers, "Well, might as well get this over with..."
He kneels down and picks up his spellbook with his left hand, and grabs his quarterstaff with his right."

He says loud enough so that anyone near or in the camp can hear him, "Greetings all!" He bows down, and then stands back up. "My name is Aust Siannodel, and, well, hardly know any of your names, except for..." he points to the dwarf, "Khazmon, and..." he points to the elf sitting in his bedroll, "Taylen, well, I think that is what his name is... So, anyone else wish to introduce themselves?" He scratches the back of his head, and speaks quietly, "Hrm... have I forgotten anything else..." His voice switches to a louder tone again, "Oh yeah, I have come from Terranada to wipe out a camp of goblins that were attacking caravans going to other cities, and my group was slain, and I was the only survivor." He looks down and pauses. "I wondered, I think three days, from the goblin camp, lost, and eventually found my way here... Anyways, if anyone here would mind helping me attempt those goblins at some point, there was a decent sum of gold for a reward from the Terranda military department, and you would be..." he pauses again, "You would be helping me get revenge for all of the deathes that those goblins have caused."

Aust bows once again, and places all of his gear in front of him, and opens his spellbook again, and looks at the same page that he was looking at earlier. At the top of the page is Magic Missle written in Elvish.

Wanders too much for a custom title
posted 01-24-2002 07:10:22 PM
ic: Silvan hears the traveler elf introduce himself, and Silvan figured he might as well go over there and talk to him. He headed over and from about 5 feet away said, "Well, well met...Aust. They call me Silvan, and I was taken here against my will after these creatures broke into my home and took me here. If that blasted half breed over there had done her job, none of this would have happened. Hmph. At least she ended up in this mess as well, as small a comfort as that is." Silvan explained.
posted 01-24-2002 07:25:24 PM
Taylen looks up shaken from his meditative state by Aust's words then settles back into his trance absentmindedly stroking the fur on Feyja's head
"When correctly viewed, everything is lewd." - Tom Lehrer.
Sadomasochism: It's Fun!
Taylen Ashenbow
Rangers never run we mearly stratigically retreat.
Thats not a train thats a pull, my trains are always much bigger.
posted 01-24-2002 08:01:24 PM
"A pleasure, mister Siannodel. My given name is Ara," the young woman says politely, taking a small bow. "I yield from Vista, and if not for this smug spoiled brat, I would still be there," she turns to face Silvan, "and just for that half-breed crack, I'm keeping your stupid book. I could've been in and out of there with the shadows, but noooo, this thing had to start ringing when I picked it up!" Her head shudders, "The next time you want someone to get your property back for you, don't go turning it into a walking panstring. 'Look, everyone, I am a book that someone is touching, come quick before she gets away!' Twit!" Her entire speech to the robed elf carries a mocking tone.
Cold in an Alley
posted 01-24-2002 08:02:41 PM

"What? Woah! Too bouncy," the little bird announces to you, as it departs from the woman's hair, and finds its way to your shoulder.


The small bird departs from the young woman's hair as she bows Aust. It flutters over to the small winged girl, and settles on her shoulder.

Base eight is just like base ten, really... if you're missing two fingers. - Tom Lehrer
There are people in this world who do not love their fellow human beings, and I hate people like that! - Tom Lehrer
I want to be a race car passenger; just a guy who bugs the driver. "Say man, can I turn on the radio? You should slow down. Why do we gotta keep going in circles? Can I put my feet out the window? Man, you really like Tide..." - Mitch Hedberg
Please keep your arms, legs, heads, tails, tentacles, pseudopods, wings, and/or other limb-like structures inside the ride at all times.
Please submit all questions, inquests, and/or inquiries, in triplicate, to the Department of Redundancy Department, Division for the Management of Division Management Divisions.

Wanders too much for a custom title
posted 01-24-2002 08:03:35 PM
ic: Silvan was totally shocked. "My, my book! Hey, give me....ahem. Could I please have my spellbook back, Half....Miss Ara. I apologize for the half breed comment. I sometimes forget that your....race, doesn't like to be called that. Now, please, could I have my property back?" Silvan asked of her with as much restraint as he could possibly muster.
posted 01-24-2002 08:07:28 PM
"Hmph!" Ara announces, "you just need to have everything, don't you? 'Give me that scroll case, I want to see if it's mine. Give me that book, it's mine.' Well, what if something isn't yours, huh? What then, smart mouth? You gonna make it yours?" She pauses for only a second, turning away from Silvan towards the others, "I doubt you would even know how."
Wanders too much for a custom title
posted 01-24-2002 08:15:34 PM
ic: Silvan's patience was just about at its end as he said, "Now listen you....arg, I don't have time for this! That book has my spells in it! The ones I could use to protect myself, you, and everyone else here! I NEED it! If you really must know what was on the scroll, then I will go and get it, but only IF I can have my spell book back. I think the scroll inside is of great importance, so I was going to tell everyone tomarrow anyway! Do we have a deal? Perhaps....we can be civil about this?"

ooc: Time for bed, sorry I can't continue this conversation until tomarrow.

posted 01-24-2002 08:57:55 PM
Taylen looks over at the two argueing "Are you two gonna be about that all night" and raises an eyebrow questioningly yawning slightly
"When correctly viewed, everything is lewd." - Tom Lehrer.
Sadomasochism: It's Fun!
Taylen Ashenbow
Rangers never run we mearly stratigically retreat.
Thats not a train thats a pull, my trains are always much bigger.
I <3 My Deviant
posted 01-24-2002 10:20:17 PM
Frey purrs softly as her companion strokes her head. Her ear twitches at the two arguing. "Noisy bunch, arrrn't they"
posted 01-25-2002 07:06:36 AM
"So you want to be civil, eh? Might start with being honest," she mumbles, making the words difficult to discern, even up close. Then she speaks more clearly, "You want your book? Why don't you come get it then."

Taking a step away from Willias, she reaches into her shoulder bag, and pulls out a book by its spine. She extends her arm, holding the book well above the edge of the fire. "Let's see just how nimble you elvenkind are."

Cold in an Alley
posted 01-25-2002 07:52:34 AM

Where the half-elf stands, Aust would need to dive quite literally over the fire to reach the spellbook. Silvan could go around, but he may need to do so swiftly, as it would be a simple thing for anyone in the half-elf's place to drop the book in the fire. A book of that size is too heavy for either of the birds to carry, and no one else is within two steps' reach.


If you glance in the camp's direction, there appears to be somewhat of a commotion. Everyone is inside the camp, and if not for the dwarf on its near edge, you might be able to approach anew. As is, in the dark early night, none of them could possibly see you this far away.

Base eight is just like base ten, really... if you're missing two fingers. - Tom Lehrer
There are people in this world who do not love their fellow human beings, and I hate people like that! - Tom Lehrer
I want to be a race car passenger; just a guy who bugs the driver. "Say man, can I turn on the radio? You should slow down. Why do we gotta keep going in circles? Can I put my feet out the window? Man, you really like Tide..." - Mitch Hedberg
Please keep your arms, legs, heads, tails, tentacles, pseudopods, wings, and/or other limb-like structures inside the ride at all times.
Please submit all questions, inquests, and/or inquiries, in triplicate, to the Department of Redundancy Department, Division for the Management of Division Management Divisions.

posted 01-25-2002 01:06:24 PM
Aust shuts his spellbook again, and looks up to Ara.

"What would you do with a spellbook anyways..." he says.

"Well, I could help him get his book back, but, I would have to jump over this fire to get to the book... Or..." Aust thinks. "I might be able to cast Resistance to help me get over those flames and get the book... But I don't have any small cloaks... The only spell I have left is Ray of Frost..."

Aust looks around, and spots the fire and smiles, "I could put the fire out, but what would the others think... Forget it, just jump the flames Aust."

Aust takes a few steps backwards and then makes a running jump to attempt to leap over the flames, to grab the spellbook.

[ 01-25-2002: Message edited by: Willias ]

Wanders too much for a custom title
posted 01-25-2002 01:36:32 PM
ic: Silvan panicked when the half human put the book over the fire. "What is she thinking? Silvan thought. He moved just as Aust did to try to catch the book if she dropped it, considering the fact that she might drop it before he got there. He hoped he didn't damage his new clothes or himself in the fire, but that was a sacrifice he was willing to make.
Crunchy, tastes good with ketchup
posted 01-25-2002 04:53:03 PM
The lizardman caught a few slight indications of the argument from his position on the ground, and it managed to catch his attention to the point where he rolled into a position to crawl and started creeping among the trees to get a better view. He knew he would be able to see little from the distance he was forced to remain at, but the commotion reminded him of his situation. The occupants of the camp were not any of the people he had been commanded to rejoin, but that did not really matter to him at the moment. He was curious, and aimed to discover what exactly was the circumstances behind such a battle - were his kind entirely bent on a cruel and needlessly greedy existence in this land?

The lizardman then rubbed his back again at a sudden twinge of pain, and thought of another reason to stay. He wanted to find out what reason that mage found to assault him with no provocation. If he didn't have one, Drakkenclaw thought angrily to himself, the lizardman would give him one.

posted 01-25-2002 05:03:49 PM
OOC: Ford Prefect, how are you going to handle spell preperation? In ooc are you going to say that the spell was re-prepared or something else?
posted 01-25-2002 07:17:16 PM
As the robed elf dives for his spellbook, Ara lets it drop. She reaches in over him, bringing her other hand towards his shoulder in order to synchronize her motion with his. Dropping her left arm with a snap, she grabs for the scroll case at Silvan's side.
Cold in an Alley
posted 01-25-2002 07:49:27 PM
Spellcasting creates stresses on the mind, just as fighting creates stresses on the body. In order to prepare your spells again, you will need rest, in addition to the time needed to stow the spell in your mind.

Were this not true, wizards and sorcerers would have no limit at all on how many spells they could cast in a day.


Whatever may be happening in the camp, it is hard to say. You cannot tell what the commotion is about, whether it is an argument, a celebration, or simply some obsurd ritual of the cultures in this area. You would need to get closer to find out. Fortunately, the trees provide decent cover, and you are able to move through them without attracting the attention of those in the camp... for now at least.


Your backward steps seem to act as a trigger for the events that ensue. You see the half-elf drop the book, robed elf dive after it, and just as you begin your charge, the half-elf dives after him. This proved to complicate things greatly.

You manage to clear the fire, catching only the fringes of the flame with your boot, and coming out the other side none the worse for wear. However, you are too late to grab the book, and only succeed at catching the edge of the half-human woman's head with your foot on the way by, before making a rough but reasonably safe landing, coming to rest a pace or two from the dwarf and his pile.


Just as you reach in, the girl releases your book. With no time to spare, you reach down to snatch it from the air. The book slips down, nearly leaving your fingers, but you manage to get your other hand beneath it, and pull it to your chest as you fall to the ground.

During your fall, you feel a slight pressure on your shoulder, as well as on your hip. The half-human has managed to snag the scroll case from you, which you had decided to keep with you after you read its contents.

Taylen, Falaanla

The scene around the fire appears almost like a group of acrobats, though slightly more inept. Silvan, Aust, and Ara all appear to dive at the fire, or at each other beside the fire; it is hard to tell, as they soon all hit the ground. The robed elf, Silvan, appears to be clutching something to his chest. The half-human, Ara, has a small shaft of some sort, just under a foot in length, clutched in her hand. She has also managed to undergo a most drastic change in hairstyle... it is now completely blonde, and drawn back in a tight braid. Aust, the elf in traveler's garb, has managed to leap over the fire to the other side, leaving the firelight obstructing further sight of him once he approaches the ground.


The two unarmored elves and the red-haired half-elf all dive towards each other. As the robed elf and the half-elven girl cross paths, both snatching something from the other, the other elf (Aust) makes a headlong leap over the fire after them both, snagging the half-elf's hair with his foot.

Aust rolls to a stop beside you as you fumble to pull on one of your armor leggings. He has something bright red hanging on his foot, resembling a small furry animal.

Base eight is just like base ten, really... if you're missing two fingers. - Tom Lehrer
There are people in this world who do not love their fellow human beings, and I hate people like that! - Tom Lehrer
I want to be a race car passenger; just a guy who bugs the driver. "Say man, can I turn on the radio? You should slow down. Why do we gotta keep going in circles? Can I put my feet out the window? Man, you really like Tide..." - Mitch Hedberg
Please keep your arms, legs, heads, tails, tentacles, pseudopods, wings, and/or other limb-like structures inside the ride at all times.
Please submit all questions, inquests, and/or inquiries, in triplicate, to the Department of Redundancy Department, Division for the Management of Division Management Divisions.

posted 01-25-2002 07:58:54 PM
"ARG!" Aust growls as he hits the ground on the other side of the fire. He covers his eyes with his hands.

"Dammit! I hope that book didn't fall into the fire..." he quickly rolls over and looks at Silvan. "Did you get it!?" he asks with excitement.

Wanders too much for a custom title
posted 01-25-2002 08:22:26 PM
ic: Silvan gets up quickly and faces the other elf with a nod, then he turns toward the half human and says, "YOU WENCH! Why do you go and do that!!"
posted 01-25-2002 08:32:58 PM
"Whew..." Aust puts his head down on the ground, and smiles. "Would have been a bad thing if that book fell into the fire."
Aust walks back to his equipment on the ground, and whispers, "Better make sure she don't take my spellbook."
posted 01-25-2002 09:00:56 PM
"Pah!" the elf bellows, "I figured you'd catch it well enough. But you, my friend, forgot about this!" Holding up the scroll case in one hand as she uses her other to help herself to her feet, she smiles broadly, "You said you had to go and retrieve it, yet there it was on your person. This way, there are no lies, no false promises. Just everything right out in the open. Hey, that's my hair!" the young woman exclaims, noticing the bright-red wig hanging off of Aust's boot. The blonde hair on her head, pulled back tightly into a braid, appears far less gaudy than the puffy crimson strands that had been upon her head before.
posted 01-25-2002 09:38:04 PM
"Huh!?" Aust looks down at his shoe. "What the!?" He takes the wig off of his boot, and holds it in the air for a moment. "Uh... I think you can keep this." he walks up to Ara hands the red wig back to her. As he walks back to his belongings, he laughs. "Maybe you should keep an eye on your own things instead of worrying about things that Silvan leaves around and getting on to him about the things he drops." Aust says with a smile on his face. "Jeez, you would think you guys were related by the way you treat each other."

Aust sits down and opens his spellbook again, repreparing Magic Missle again.

Wanders too much for a custom title
posted 01-26-2002 08:22:13 AM
ic: Silvan said, turning to Aust. "Ack! Related to this....woman? I should think not....Anyway, I want to thank you for your assistance, Aust. It was not your affair, and I respect that you can care for other people so." Silvan then turned to the half breed, "And you! I was planning on sharing the message inside anyway, but I had planned on doing it when everyone was wide awake." Silvan gave an apologetic look toward the ones sleeping, then continued, "It's in draconic, so you may want me to read it." He still held his spellbook tight, more out of reflex then out of conscious thinking.
I <3 My Deviant
posted 01-26-2002 09:11:51 AM
With a grunt, Frey just closes her eyes once more after watching this tom foolery, and tries to drift off to sleep once more.
posted 01-26-2002 02:13:47 PM
"I know what language it's in, you twit. You think I can't recognize Draconic when I see it? Shame on you!" Turning to Aust, she opens her mouth, then pauses for a second before beginning to speak in a more pleasant tone, "You've been kind enough to both of us, so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. It's likely enough you simply don't know the whole story, and this twit," she gestures towards Silvan, "has surely tainted you with his own version. If you wouldn't mind," she says to Aust, fixing the bright red wig on her head, "I would like just a moment of your time to tell the full account."
Wanders too much for a custom title
posted 01-26-2002 02:38:32 PM
"Uh oh, here we go." Silvan states. "Can you really trust someone who would steal someone else's property and attempt to damage it just to make a point? She lies. Let's here what she has to say, and I may have to 'correct' her on certain accounts."
posted 01-26-2002 03:43:57 PM
Taylen sighs softly and whispers down to Freyja "I think this crew could use all the help they can get should they ask though it might drive all of uscrazy in the process" and ends the thought with a soft chuckle
Taylen attempts to tune out the background noise of the 3 argueing so he can get some rest but still leave himself alert enough to hear if help is needed later.

(OOC phone will be out until friday at the earliest probably and I am truely sorry about that. Hopefully it will be on then before I miss too much of the goings on. Will post as I get the chance if my input is needed I'm sure Ford is more than capable of thinking up a response)

"When correctly viewed, everything is lewd." - Tom Lehrer.
Sadomasochism: It's Fun!
Taylen Ashenbow
Rangers never run we mearly stratigically retreat.
Thats not a train thats a pull, my trains are always much bigger.
I <3 My Deviant
posted 01-26-2002 05:58:11 PM
Her ear flicks as Tay whispers down to her. Her only response is a cat like chuckle as she continues to doze off, also trying to tone out the arguing people.
posted 01-27-2002 08:34:45 AM
Aust closes his spellbook, and looks up Ara. "Well, I haven't heard anything about anyone, and Silvan hasn't told me about either of you two, so sure go ahead and tell me what you want." he says.
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