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Topic: This forum should be condensed to one thread
Number 1 Poster
posted 11-16-2009 11:28:18 AM
I thought we were friends man. I thought we were friend...


Road Warrior Queef
posted 11-16-2009 11:32:19 AM
We are. I wanted to see someone who looked like you get horribly hurt. I don't want to see you be harmed.
That's the American Dream: to make your life into something you can sell. - Chuck Palahniuk, Haunted

Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it's just the opposite. - John Kenneth Galbraith


I've got an owie on my head :(
posted 11-16-2009 11:33:17 AM
check yo damn messages karnaj
Number 1 Poster
posted 11-24-2009 08:33:38 PM
Road Warrior Queef
posted 11-24-2009 09:46:40 PM
It looks Steve if he went off his meds and stopped shaving. And working out, I guess.
That's the American Dream: to make your life into something you can sell. - Chuck Palahniuk, Haunted

Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it's just the opposite. - John Kenneth Galbraith


Gluttonous Overlard
posted 11-25-2009 05:35:19 AM
Jesus Fucking Christ.
Number 1 Poster
posted 11-29-2009 04:18:20 PM
Bloodsport is still the best action movie ever made to this day
Number 1 Poster
posted 12-03-2009 07:39:50 PM
I need a new vaccuum. What's a good vaccuum.

Not dirt devil. They blow (ha!)

posted 12-03-2009 07:42:08 PM
Number 1 Poster
posted 12-03-2009 07:50:10 PM
sweet $600 vaccuum.
posted 12-03-2009 07:58:52 PM
posted 12-04-2009 01:53:14 PM
Heart Attack
posted 12-04-2009 05:45:13 PM
Channeling the spirit of Sherlock Holmes, nem-x absently fondled Watson and proclaimed:

They rock. We have one.

To reign is worth ambition, though in Hell:
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven.

--Satan, quoted by John Milton

Mr. Parcelan
posted 12-04-2009 06:07:34 PM
let's all talk vacuums with Bloodsage.

maybe later he will tell us how things used to be in his generation

how about those moving pictures, bloodsage?


Number 1 Poster
posted 12-04-2009 08:19:38 PM
From the book of Bloodsage, chapter 3, verse 16:
They rock. We have one.

Can I have it?

Number 1 Poster
posted 12-04-2009 09:04:17 PM
Do single earbud bluetooth headphones exist? Like a hearing aid where it's not really noticeable. I just need it to play music.
Number 1 Poster
posted 12-05-2009 10:24:51 AM
Number 1 Poster
posted 12-06-2009 12:43:32 PM

Personally responsible for the decline of the American Dollar
posted 12-06-2009 02:14:38 PM
Your ex-girlfriends?
~Never underestimate the power of a Dark Clown.
Number 1 Poster
posted 12-06-2009 03:06:38 PM
Oh Tarquinn you're such a card.
Heart Attack
posted 12-06-2009 03:15:06 PM
I just fought the one on the bed in Dragon Age!
To reign is worth ambition, though in Hell:
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven.

--Satan, quoted by John Milton

Vallo, the Second Coming
posted 12-08-2009 03:28:12 AM
Hey flappy-headed, Canucks, I will likely be visiting Canadialand in the next six months. Likely stops are Montral and Ottowa.

I know beyond nothing about either, except that snow is likely. Could you describe them? Possibly compare them? Bonus (Completely useless) points if you can do it in terms related somehow to the USA so I can get it a bit better,

Anyone that lives near those and is available, wanna grab a beer with me or something?

Vallo, the Second Coming fucked around with this message on 12-08-2009 at 03:29 AM.

"We are just an advanced breed of monkeys on a minor planet of a very average star. But we can understand the Universe. That makes us something very special."
I've got an owie on my head :(
posted 12-08-2009 03:58:13 PM
I don't understand how fat women get boobs on their back like that. I'm fat and I don't have back rolls like that. Just the regular belly rolls and whatnot.
Number 1 Poster
posted 12-08-2009 07:19:32 PM
19:24] AaronPaccione: speaking of 4 hour season premieres wru 24
[19:24] AaronPaccione: $10 Jack Dies in the first episode. Agent Walker is Jacklyn, and it's the last season of the series
[19:25] Aoki (Trillian8FA96112): dont watch
[19:26] AaronPaccione: what
[19:26] AaronPaccione: you don't watch 24?
[19:26] Aoki (Trillian8FA96112): no
[19:26] Aoki (Trillian8FA96112): only fags do
[19:26] Aoki (Trillian8FA96112): OWNED GET OUT
Number 1 Poster
posted 12-08-2009 07:19:44 PM
Number 1 Poster
posted 12-08-2009 07:19:56 PM
posted 12-08-2009 08:08:57 PM
Nobody really understood why shut up you're fat wrote:
How long does it take before eggs go bad? How do you know if they're bad in the first place? I've never seen a bad egg.

Unless the shells have discolored or gone soft...your stuck with waiting for the awful smell when you open it.

Number 1 Poster
posted 12-13-2009 07:00:24 PM
So I'm gonna give body weight exercises a serious try for a month to see how it goes. Some of those exercises are god damn hard. I'm looking at you handstand pushups and pistol squats. Can't wait for my balance to improve but I know it's gonna take awhile. I have to start doing negative one handed pushups to train my chest more. Still can't do them.
Kermitov 2
posted 12-13-2009 10:05:39 PM
find a Kirby on Ebay or craigslist or something, seriously, it's made out of metal, you'll own it for the rest of your life, and it sucks better than uh.... oh I dunno... who's that popular yet morally loose actress all the kids rave about these days?
Road Warrior Queef
posted 12-13-2009 10:38:35 PM
Kermitov 2 put down Tada! magazine long enough to type:
find a Kirby on Ebay or craigslist or something, seriously, it's made out of metal, you'll own it for the rest of your life, and it sucks better than uh.... oh I dunno... who's that popular yet morally loose actress all the kids rave about these days?

Zac Efron, I think.

That's the American Dream: to make your life into something you can sell. - Chuck Palahniuk, Haunted

Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it's just the opposite. - John Kenneth Galbraith


Vallo, the Second Coming
posted 12-14-2009 09:43:21 AM
shut up you're fat had this to say about the Spice Girls:
So I'm gonna give body weight exercises a serious try for a month to see how it goes. Some of those exercises are god damn hard. I'm looking at you handstand pushups and pistol squats. Can't wait for my balance to improve but I know it's gonna take awhile. I have to start doing negative one handed pushups to train my chest more. Still can't do them.

Body weight exercises are good for functional, toned muscle. I like them aplenty.

"We are just an advanced breed of monkeys on a minor planet of a very average star. But we can understand the Universe. That makes us something very special."
Number 1 Poster
posted 12-18-2009 07:23:51 PM
Nemx makes $9 an hour at his new job. News at eleven.
posted 12-18-2009 08:27:00 PM
Someones mad about getting outpaid right off the bat
Number 1 Poster
posted 12-18-2009 08:32:50 PM
I make more than 9 dollars an hour
posted 12-19-2009 12:44:33 AM
isnt $9 an hour minimum wage now or something?
Sports Advocate
posted 12-19-2009 01:07:36 AM
In Ontario:

March 31, 2009, General Minimum Wage: $9.50

March 31, 2010, General Minimum Wage: $10.25

"He lets the last Hungarian go, and he goes running. He waits until his wife and kids are in the ground and he goes after the rest of the mob. He kills their kids, he kills their wives, he kills their parents and their parents' friends. He burns down the houses they grew up in and the stores they work in, he kills people that owe them money. And like that he was gone. Underground. No one has ever seen him again. He becomes a myth, a spook story that criminals tell their kids at night. 'If you rat on your pop, Keyser Soze will get you.' And nobody really ever believes." - Roger 'Verbal' Kint, The Usual Suspects
posted 12-19-2009 03:27:45 AM
Gadani had this to say about Tron:
isnt $9 an hour minimum wage now or something?

it's still 7.25 in the good ol' US of A

Number 1 Poster
posted 12-19-2009 07:54:08 AM
Number 1 Poster
posted 12-19-2009 07:47:20 PM
posted 12-20-2009 12:12:07 AM
Kegwen had this to say about Reading Rainbow:
it's still 7.25 in the good ol' US of A

Fortunately I'm making well above that now :v

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