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Topic: Age of Conan
posted 05-15-2008 03:17:14 PM
Over the mountain, in between the ups and downs, I ran into Blindy. who doth quote:
So people who like player housing are female gamers who enjoy virtual dollhouses. Got ya.

Well, that's one way to put it. A really stupid way.

Ultimately, every MMO boils down to a grinding treadmill. Good MMO's give that treadmill a point. Raiding is one thing, but that's too much like grinding to grind. The most widely accepted point of developing a character is PVP, but not everybody likes PVP and it often isn't enough even for people who do.

Player housing is another toy to give purpose to the leveling treadmill. Just the fact that you bought an MMO with a persistent character suggests right off the bat that you probably enjoy creating things, working on them long term, and showing them off to others. A house is another way to do this.

posted 05-17-2008 12:20:12 AM
I had preordered Conan but I've decided to cancel after the open beta.

The combat system annoys the hell out of me. It's like they couldn't figure out if they wanted to make the game typical mmo combat or use the combo system they said they were going to use, so instead they decided on both. The end result is a game with a EQ2-style MUST ALWAYS PUSH BUTTONS take on combat that makes the game tedious past the first few beginning areas.

posted 05-17-2008 12:00:09 PM
Houses are another part of progression.

Having a cool house is a lot like having a cool looking character.

Gluttonous Overlard
posted 05-17-2008 02:09:02 PM
Taeldian said:
Houses are another part of progression.

Having a cool house is a lot like having a cool looking character.

I loved my city in SWG.

Best on the server.

posted 05-17-2008 03:54:24 PM
So can you have sex in this game or not?

Because that's half the idea behind Conan anyway.

Although my distaste for you as a human being is brobdingnagian,
what I'm about to do isn't personal.
posted 05-17-2008 04:36:24 PM
Not that I've seen, but there ARE nipples to be found
Shot in the Face
posted 05-17-2008 07:01:55 PM
SWG had a Ghost Town Simulator... not a housing system.

Mort Mastered in it...

Henry had been killed by a garden gnome.He had fallen off the roof onto that cheerful-looking figure. The gnome was made of concrete. Henry wasn't. - Dean Koontz, Velocity
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