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Topic: Does anyone here play guitar?
posted 03-12-2006 11:00:22 AM
Oh, I know what you're saying now.
Fun with Chocolate
posted 03-12-2006 03:22:56 PM
No Dens.. I did not suck. I could play perfectly well when I had sheet music in front of me. I could not go into a room of hillbillies and hear them playing some song and grab a gitfiddle and start strumming along with them in whatever key they were in. I needed the sheet music to follow along with them.

They didn't. They could just sit there and say "g" "c" "e" or whatever and everyone would be able to play along even if they had never heard that song before.

I am not saying that someone who plays in an orchestra is a moron that needs sheet music. I am saying that if he wants to play by ear than he needs to practice by himself. That talent comes naturally. Not everyone has it. You can't beat it into someone, you can't buy it, and you can't teach it to someone.

Maybe you don't know what playing by ear means.

posted 03-12-2006 03:28:37 PM
Hey Nae you do realize that there is music theory behind playing in the style you're describing, right?

It can be taught.

edit: Not that you're automatically amazing at it as you're taught it, of course, but that can come with practice and dedication. I guess there are people who can't/won't play that way, but I doubt that they're in such a minority as you seem to suggest

Kegwen fucked around with this message on 03-12-2006 at 03:31 PM.

Fun with Chocolate
posted 03-12-2006 07:32:56 PM
I knew a lady that was taught how to make meatloaf by her grandmother. She practiced the recipe for 20 years. She was dedicated to making that recipe. Every time she made that meatloaf it came out the same way. Dry, overdone, tasteless.

She didn't have the talent to make meatloaf. No amount of teaching that I, or her grandmother could give her helped. She always turned out a crappy meatloaf.

Talent might sound like some mystical ingredient, but it is a necessary one. Whether you are talking about cooking, writing, music or science.

Mr. Parcelan
posted 03-12-2006 08:07:04 PM
Nae's attitude is not entirely mystical. It holds true for most people: the successful rarely seek company. Those with little confidence in their own abilities will seek to tear down the ambitions of others, fearful of being upstaged.

What determines whether or not you can do it is whether or not you let the seething snipes of others deter you.

Fun with Chocolate
posted 03-12-2006 09:49:59 PM

Like you would continue to write stories if you hadn't an ounce of talent. Get your pompous head out of your ass.

I am not telling him not to try to play guitar, I am telling him to get a guitar and practice with it at home, playing it with tabulatures and along with songs on his radio. Before he goes out and gets a teacher.

posted 03-12-2006 09:59:45 PM
Nae had this to say about Robocop:

Like you would continue to write stories if you hadn't an ounce of talent. Get your pompous head out of your ass.

I am not telling him not to try to play guitar, I am telling him to get a guitar and practice with it at home, playing it with tabulatures and along with songs on his radio. Before he goes out and gets a teacher.

Because your three whole years of apparent failure to play the guitar gives you the authority to suggest how one learn to play said instrument?

I was in the Virgin Islands once. I met a girl, we ate lobster, drank piña coladas. At sunset, we made love like sea otters. That was a pretty good day. Why couldn't I get that day over, and over?
Fun with Chocolate
posted 03-12-2006 10:02:37 PM
Densetsu had this to say about dark elf butts:
Because your three whole years of apparent failure to play the guitar gives you the authority to suggest how one learn to play said instrument?

How is 3 years of doing anything a failure? I told you I can play guitar by reading music. I can't play guitar by ear. You bet I think that my experience gives me a right to post in this thread. How about you?

Mr. Parcelan
posted 03-12-2006 10:09:00 PM
Nae loves Parcelan like a fat kid loves cake

Like you would continue to write stories if you hadn't an ounce of talent. Get your pompous head out of your ass.

I am not telling him not to try to play guitar, I am telling him to get a guitar and practice with it at home, playing it with tabulatures and along with songs on his radio. Before he goes out and gets a teacher.

You're telling Gadani to not even try if he doesn't think he has talent. I wouldn't keep writing stories if I didn't get better at it, no.

FYI: Mod sass.

Fun with Chocolate
posted 03-12-2006 10:14:53 PM
I am NOT telling Gadani to not play guitar. I am telling him that he needs to play the guitar at home, alone. He needs to find that inner ear and feel the music before he goes out and finds a teacher.

How is that so hard to understand? I never once said that he shouldn't play the guitar. All I am saying is that he will find the talent and the drive within himeself, not from some teacher.

posted 03-12-2006 10:17:33 PM
Nae had this to say about Pirotess:
How is 3 years of doing anything a failure? I told you I can play guitar by reading music. I can't play guitar by ear. You bet I think that my experience gives me a right to post in this thread. How about you?

I've been playing Saxophone since I was 10. You said yougave up after three years. Three years is nothing in the world of musical experience. And since you gave up, you forfeit any right you have to tell Gadani anything about how he should learn to play. You couldn't hack it, that doesn't mean that he can't.

Everyone's different. I'm not saying that private practice by yourself doesn't work, in fact it is necessary, but you also need to be able to learn from the experience of someone more accomplished, i.e. a teacher.

Just because you can't figure out the basics on your own doesn't mean you can't learn them from a teacher and then improve upon them and go on to play the instrument professionally.

I was in the Virgin Islands once. I met a girl, we ate lobster, drank piña coladas. At sunset, we made love like sea otters. That was a pretty good day. Why couldn't I get that day over, and over?
posted 03-12-2006 10:21:56 PM
Gadani is a failure at life
Brahmin Bloodlust
High Priest of Drysart
posted 03-12-2006 10:25:20 PM
This insanity brought to you by Nae:
All I am saying is that he will find the talent and the drive within himeself, not from some teacher.

Thats basicly what I said, just in a long drawn out ramble.

I say for creative purposes, someone teaching you is not being creative.

By someone saying you need to be taught anything to learn it is basicly saying that you would have to learn programming to enjoy a game or learn html/php etc to enjoy the internet.

I don't know... Gadani... don't listen to anyone here, because all its going to do is turn into a big argument like it has.

Even my advice, just disreguard it. Play guitar, play poorly and just learn whatever seems right. A couple years from now you'll be playing licks without a problem. Just keep at it.

posted 03-12-2006 10:28:38 PM
Brahmin Bloodlust got all f'ed up on Angel Dust and wrote:

By someone saying you need to be taught anything to learn it is basicly saying that you would have to learn programming to enjoy a game or learn html/php etc to enjoy the internet.

That's incredibly stupid. You don't have to know how to play music to enjoy it. You do, however, have to learn how to play it in order to...play it.

I was in the Virgin Islands once. I met a girl, we ate lobster, drank piña coladas. At sunset, we made love like sea otters. That was a pretty good day. Why couldn't I get that day over, and over?
Mr. Parcelan
posted 03-12-2006 10:29:06 PM
Brahmin's probably pretty wise about this shit.

He has an 'h' in his name.

Fun with Chocolate
posted 03-12-2006 10:30:56 PM
You play saxophone. Not guitar.

I gave up my lessons. You bet I did. I was learning classical guitar, which had nothing to do with what my entire family played. My uncle took me in hand and started teaching me how to play with a pick, which is entirely different than the arpeggios that I was used to playing. Going from using all my fingers, plucking all the strings, to strumming was something like learning to ride a bike again.

Then one of my boyfriends was a blues guitarist and he taught me even more. He taught me some blues guitar, and bass. I still have to see music in front of me, but I can play. So yeah. I quit my fucking lessons, but I don't know where I said I quit playing the guitar. I would guess that my experience in playing it would be just a bit more than 3 years.

UBT plays guitar too. He writes music. Wrote me a beautiful song once. He plays electric, I play acoustic.

Brahmin Bloodlust
High Priest of Drysart
posted 03-12-2006 10:36:09 PM
Densetsu's fortune cookie read:
That's incredibly stupid. You don't have to know how to play music to enjoy it. You do, however, have to learn how to play it in order to...play it.

Ok so I might have put together a bad analogy, and I'm sorry for that.
Now what I was trying to say is, being taught how to play music isn't needed to play music.

I don't even know why I get into arguments like this.

After this I'm just gonna drop it.

Fun with Chocolate
posted 03-12-2006 10:44:14 PM
Good idea Brahmin. Me too.

Good luck Gadani. I hope you have fun with your guitar. I am sorry your thread got turned into a warzone.

Mr. Parcelan
posted 03-12-2006 10:48:25 PM
It's just a shame that we'll have to put Gadani to death for starting a flamewar.
posted 03-12-2006 10:50:56 PM
Will there be punch and pie at the execution?
I was in the Virgin Islands once. I met a girl, we ate lobster, drank piña coladas. At sunset, we made love like sea otters. That was a pretty good day. Why couldn't I get that day over, and over?
posted 03-12-2006 11:51:38 PM
The logic train ran off the tracks when Mr. Parcelan said:
It's just a shame that we'll have to put Gadani to death for starting a flamewar.

Man, now I'll never be able to play guitar well.

Thanks alot, guys.

Heart Attack
posted 03-13-2006 10:30:19 AM
So, by the logic in this thread, we should abolish schools in favor of kids simply "discovering" whether they have it within themselves to learn things?

Frankly, trying to learn things on one's own is about the stupidest way possible to begin if one actually wants to become decent at [insert task here]. Why? Because if one fucks around too long alone, the first thing a teacher will have to do is have one unlearn all the bad habits one has inflicted on oneself. And that's the best case. It's more likely one will get discouraged and give up without ever learning whether [insert task here] was actually worth learning.

Anyone who actually wants to do something well should begin with formal lessons. At least then if one lacks aptitude or isn't having fun, one can make an intelligent decision to quit. Innate talent is really only applicable at the very highest levels of [insert task here]; for everyone else it just means a little bit more or less work in learning to be average to pretty good.

To reign is worth ambition, though in Hell:
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven.

--Satan, quoted by John Milton

posted 03-13-2006 03:15:01 PM
Bloodsage wrote this then went back to looking for porn:
So, by the logic in this thread, we should abolish schools in favor of kids simply "discovering" whether they have it within themselves to learn things?

Frankly, trying to learn things on one's own is about the stupidest way possible to begin if one actually wants to become decent at [insert task here]. Why? Because if one fucks around too long alone, the first thing a teacher will have to do is have one unlearn all the bad habits one has inflicted on oneself. And that's the best case. It's more likely one will get discouraged and give up without ever learning whether [insert task here] was actually worth learning.

Anyone who actually wants to do something well should begin with formal lessons. At least then if one lacks aptitude or isn't having fun, one can make an intelligent decision to quit. Innate talent is really only applicable at the very highest levels of [insert task here]; for everyone else it just means a little bit more or less work in learning to be average to pretty good.


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