It's not something people hear about.
Sean had this to say about John Romero:
Where do Koreans get all this damn bandwidth?
South Korea Is supposed to be like one of the most connected countries in the world. I think it was Wired that had an article on this. The idea is that unlike many other countries, the majority of Koreas communications structure is not copper, but fiber right from the get go. Couple this with them basing their laws governing the phones and crap off of this. (From my understanding analog modems hit a standstill with 56k not because of the hardware, but from FCC regulation on voltage over phoneline.)
Nutshell they got New hot shit from the get go, rather than having to deal with busted old crap to get rid of.
I jsut aquired a wingman wich looks prettyf ucken abdass but i had no games to play it with
"I don't know that atheists should be considered as citizens, nor should they be considered patriots. This is one nation under God."
-- George Herbert Walker Bush
Over the mountain, in between the ups and downs, I ran into Peter who doth quote:
Nutshell they got New hot shit from the get go, rather than having to deal with busted old crap to get rid of.
Ever wonder why the bulk of America's communications infrastructure is pre-WW2?
Maradon! stopped beating up furries long enough to write:
Ever wonder why the bulk of America's communications infrastructure is pre-WW2?
Because we're lazy and too cheep to replace it all with nice and shiny new stuff?
We were all impressed when Sakkra wrote:
Some people call me the Space Cowboy.
Some call me the gangster of love.
Maradon! thought this was the Ricky Martin Fan Club Forum and wrote:
Ever wonder why the bulk of America's communications infrastructure is pre-WW2?
Because it is expensive as hell to replace old struture of any sort.
Peter was naked while typing this:
South Korea Is supposed to be like one of the most connected countries in the world. I think it was Wired that had an article on this. The idea is that unlike many other countries, the majority of Koreas communications structure is not copper, but fiber right from the get go. Couple this with them basing their laws governing the phones and crap off of this. (From my understanding analog modems hit a standstill with 56k not because of the hardware, but from FCC regulation on voltage over phoneline.)Nutshell they got New hot shit from the get go, rather than having to deal with busted old crap to get rid of.
Most of South Korea's population is concentrated in a small area as well.
We have major cities all across the US covering a huge geographical area.
Metro-Ethernet is the way to go, my company has a 10mb connection burstable to 100mb. But it is still only available in large cities.
Tarquinn still thinks SARS jokes are topical, as evidenced by:
Some call me the gangster of love.
Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it's just the opposite. - John Kenneth Galbraith
It's not something people hear about.
Sean had this to say about Reading Rainbow:
So what exactly is this game and why have I downloaded it
Install it and play the tutorial that comes up after you make your first character.
Oh yeh, Dorock here
And to whisper to people, add them to your friends list and double click them.
Just don't go chatting when out flying because your controls will seriously fuck up if you move your mouse over the private chat window.
And you can only message people in your nation, so go join ANI when you hit 11. nem-x fucked around with this message on 02-24-2006 at 06:18 PM.
And if you're on ANI already, tell me your name so I can add you to the brigade nem-x fucked around with this message on 02-24-2006 at 11:27 PM.
I'll keep all the crap I loot in case one of you all needs it.
I personally prefer my B-Gear. I tried the others, and I found B-Gear was what I enjoyed the most. Versatile & powerful.
Mort should give it a try. He enjoyed Freelancer; this game is very, very reminiscient of that, in controls at least...
"I don't know that atheists should be considered as citizens, nor should they be considered patriots. This is one nation under God."
-- George Herbert Walker Bush
Over the mountain, in between the ups and downs, I ran into nem-x who doth quote:
If you can't sign up, post the e-mail address you want to be used.
Still can't sign up today.
Maradon! had this to say about Optimus Prime:
Still can't sign up
I had a similar issue to yours with my laptop. The screen would load blank white with IE. However, I tried it with my desktop, and it worked.
I've sent you a PM with your account details Khyron fucked around with this message on 02-25-2006 at 12:29 PM.
Fad status: Failure.
Mortious attempted to be funny by writing:
Still only one thread, no one going ape-shit over it.Fad status: Failure.
Go download it and see if you like it. I think it's fun.
Karnaj got all f'ed up on Angel Dust and wrote:
'Cause I speak of the pompitous of love.
Out in the desert, things get interesting. Out there, enemies fly around in packs, help each other out, fly very well (Circling low on the ground where it's difficult for you to get a solid hit in on them, while their buddies up above rain missley death down upon you), and generally behave in a very unfriendly manner. I'm enjoying the desert far more than I did the other lands.
You automatically target the first thing that is centered in your crosshairs. If you need to change targets, hit SHIFT to un-lock your current target, and point at a new one.
Had a few people ask about that, so I thought it best to throw out here.
Also, I would personally recommend going with a B-Gear or I-Gear your first time playing. A-Gear has a very nice starting gun, but the advanced weapon blows chunks, and the Tank Mode is too situational to be useful most of the time, IMO.
But that's just me.
EDIT - Another little tip. If you want to see what your ship will look like later in the game, go to the Gear Shop and click on the armor. Don't buy it (You probably can't anyways), just click and it will update the model of your ship in the preview window.
What's nice is that you can see other Gear's equipment the same way - just click and it modifies the model you can see. The B-Gear and the I-Gear look sweet at level 48+. The M-Gear is pure ass, and the A-Gear is 'meh'. Khyron fucked around with this message on 02-26-2006 at 03:30 AM.
If someone wants to make an account for me, my address is and I'd like my account to be Zephyer, or Zephyjackal if it's taken.
Sure, the advanced weapon blows goats, but there are more and better main gun options, your defense and fuel consumption is much better, and tank mode is handy for those cave missions where stuff is buzzing around and you can't get a bead on them without slamming into the walls multiple times.
Ironically, tank mode would be downright awesome if only they'd allow you to stay in first person. For some infuriating reason, tank mode ALWAYS defaults to 3rd person. Maradon! fucked around with this message on 02-26-2006 at 11:04 AM.
There was much rejoicing when Maradon! said this:
A-FRAME FTW.Sure, the advanced weapon blows goats, but there are more and better main gun options, your defense and fuel consumption is much better, and tank mode is handy for those cave missions where stuff is buzzing around and you can't get a bead on them without slamming into the walls multiple times.
Ironically, tank mode would be downright awesome if only they'd allow you to stay in first person. For some infuriating reason, tank mode ALWAYS defaults to 3rd person.
That's what Siege Mode is for.
Zephyer Kyuukaze had this to say about Optimus Prime:
I'm having the same problem Maradon was having...![]()
If someone wants to make an account for me, my address is and I'd like my account to be Zephyer, or Zephyjackal if it's taken.
Done. Detailed sent in PM.
Also, keep your silly little tanks. I shall stick with my B-Gear, with its Bombing mode (Where it's possible to turn a 4-missile salvo, into a 20-missile salvo), quick 180 turns, and an overall much better looking frame (Especially at later levels)
Peanut butter ass Shaq Khyron booooze lime pole over bench lick:
Done. Detailed sent in PM.Also, keep your silly little tanks. I shall stick with my B-Gear, with its Bombing mode (Where it's possible to turn a 4-missile salvo, into a 20-missile salvo), quick 180 turns, and an overall much better looking frame (Especially at later levels)
Maybe this changes, but I honestly haven't seen anything on the ground worth shooting at.