Pretty fun so far, except the fact I always get caught on corners in netplay
My friend code is 446736050138.
The setup, is laughably easy though. There are modes of searching to get games started, but basically they're all worthless except Worldwide and Friends. I had my DS searching for 15 minutes on Regional, and could never get 3 other people in my queue Skaw fucked around with this message on 11-15-2005 at 03:50 PM.
(I'll be getting this soon enough. Somehow I think I'll like it better on DS than console. Dunno why.)
Though, do a search on friends to see if you can play with less that way. Skaw fucked around with this message on 11-15-2005 at 08:17 PM.
I'll try worldwide then.
edit: I'm trying friends right now, I see the top slot highlighted and I'm assuming it's you.
Going to let it sit a bit to see if it'll just go with 2 players. Naj fucked around with this message on 11-15-2005 at 08:21 PM.
Drafting is the best feature ever. Skaw fucked around with this message on 11-15-2005 at 08:30 PM. I snaked that victory on Cheep Cheep Beach
My girlfriend and I will both have copies of this game soon. We'll need people to play with.
On the flipside you could play in like, McDonalds, or Barnes and Noble.
It's not something people hear about.
Still got a new monitor and a firearm ahead of it, though.
Naj painfully thought these words up:
The stage "Waluigi Pinball" is the best Mario Kart level ever.
Haha, yeah. It's pretty slick. Peach Garden or whatever is a good one as well.
Just broke down and bought it.
I suck at Mario Kart. Oh so much.
call me anytime hot stuf ;D
Naj said this about your mom:
Added, make sure you add us to yours so we can play.
I did!
I still don't understand the inflating your own balloons thing though.
This one time, at Mr. Gainsborough camp:
I did!I still don't understand the inflating your own balloons thing though.
Whosatothewhats? Are you talking about Drafting? Tailgate someone, and you'll start speeding up. After a while, you'll get a omgspeedboost for about 5 seconds.
Skaw had this to say about (_|_):
Whosatothewhats? Are you talking about Drafting? Tailgate someone, and you'll start speeding up. After a while, you'll get a omgspeedboost for about 5 seconds.
No, I mean in Balloon thing in Battle mode. I wish there was online Battle mode. That's what I love about Mario Kart D:
P.S. I can't believe I actually won a round. I suck so bad. I CAN'T DRIFT THE BITCH
My friend code is 313592-153577. I can only play at the various hotspots in the area, or at my friend's house who has the wireless connection, but you may still see me around.
Skaw fucked around with this message on 11-17-2005 at 01:18 AM.
So there.
Mr. Gainsborough spewed forth this undeniable truth:
Post your friend code or I'm gonna kick over your lawn gnomes, Fal. >=(((((
Once I go down to my car and get my DS out, i will!
We were all impressed when Skaw wrote:
Added ya, Dens. Hopefully friend codes are universal through all games, and the friends roster is too =/
People on the IGN boards with Mario Kart and Tony Hawk are saying that the friends lists are shared between games.
And I unlocked R.O.B on my planetrip today, now I can just stick to multiplayer. Naj fucked around with this message on 11-17-2005 at 10:49 PM.