[if it's in the rules] "yeah, you can do it. but if you can, the monsters can too. do you still want to do it?"
plus, that would be no fun
edit: if i can get the time, i'll make the troll, a level 20 cleric/litch, and a barbirain. I allready played a high level cleric litch, so it won't be hard to changeover if i have to. diadem fucked around with this message on 11-07-2005 at 07:47 AM.
Vallo Model 2000 was programmed to say:
The comment Fae quoted will be explained when I can access my other computer.
Self-Aware Player Character
Characters can only take so much before they
begin to suspect there is something deeply wrong
with the world.
Maybe it's the strangely episodic nature of their
life, where dangers and threats arise and are dealt
with on a roughly weekly basis. Maybe it's the way
swords just don't seem to hurt as much as they used
to, but it takes even more powerful healing to get
them up to full strength.
Or perhaps it's the strange way everyone only
walks in 5' increments these days. Or how they
always have exactly the same number of travelling
companions, and whenever one dies they meet
another one with exactly the same level of competence
soon after.
Something is going on. Something strange. Some
turn to religion. Some turn to drink. Some turn to
stone, but that's probably 'cos of the medusae. And
some realise that the truth is far, far, far, really
much farther, past that, even further farther far
They are characters in a roleplaying game.
Hit Die: d8
To become a Self-Aware Player Character
(SPC), a character must fulfil all the following criteria:
Concentration: 6 Ranks
Gather Information: 6 Ranks.
Knowledge (Metagame): 1 rank
Knowledge (Religion): 6 Ranks
Special: Wisdom 13+
Special: To become a Self-Aware Player
Character, the character must have experienced a
retcon or benefited from dice fudging, cheating, or
some other intrusion of the metagame. By using
phrases like "intrusion of the metagame", I sound
Class Skills
The Self-Aware
Player Characters class
skills (and the key ability
for each) are Bluff
(Cha), Diplomacy
(Cha), Escape Artist
(Dex), Gather
Information (Cha),
Intimidate (Str),
Knowledge (Int),
Perform (Cha), Search
(Int), Spot (Wis),
Survival (Wis).
Skill Points at Each
Level: 6 + Int modifier.
Class Features
All of the following
are class features of the
Self-Aware Player
Character prestige class.
Weapon and Armor
Proficiency: Self-Aware
Player Characters gain
no additional weapon or
armor proficiencies.
They can, however,
complain about this.
Something Strange Is Going On (Ex): At 1st
level, the Self-Aware Player Character has only the
merest inkling that Reality is not what it seems, but
he or she pays more attention to the surroundings,
looking for other clues. He or she gains the
Awareness feat for free.
No, Really, Guys, This Is A Set-Up (Ex): At 2nd
level, the Self-Aware Player Character realises that
life is strangely formulaic. He or she may detect
Cloaked Strangers In The Shadowed Corners Of
The Inn, Mysterious and Portentous Dreams,
Maidens In Peril Who Only You Can Save and
other Plot Hooks at will. This ability functions like
a paladin's detect evil spell. Sales of lead lined
cloaks increase as the Cloaked Strangers realise that
business is dropping off.
Dramatic Necessity Defence (Ex): At 3rd level,
the Self-Aware Player Character can manipulate
the DM. If the character is killed, the DM must
make a Will save (DC equals 15+the number of
unresolved plots that are tied to the character). If
the player of the Self-Aware Player Character wishes,
he or she can make the saving throw for the DM
secret. Behind a screen. While grinning evilly. Let's
see how you like it when the screen's on the other
foot, you smug bastard.
Self-Ret-Con (Ex): At 4th level, the Self-Aware
Player Character can change one element of his history,
including choice of a particular feat or skill
point allocation.
Break The Fourth Wall (Ex): At 5th level, the
Self-Aware Player Character becomes aware that he
or she is a character in some sort of entertainment.
He or she gains 100XP for every smart quip or selfreferential
joke made during a session. Even when
this gets annoying for everyone else. Especially
when it's annoying for everyone else. Let he who
never made up a PC just to piss off the DM cast the
first dice.
Crap! I'm A Character In A Roleplaying Game
(Ex): At 6th level, the momentary joy of insight,
the epiphany, of Breaking The Fourth Wall falls
away as the character realises that he or she is a
character in a roleplaying game, with the utter
pointlessness that that engenders. After all, if
Hamlet realises he's a character in a play, he's still a
character in the greatest play in history. If Frodo
realises he's a character in a book, he can still
demand a cut of the merchandising rights. If
Grimbor the 5th level barbarian realises he's a character
in an rpg, he can still
well, not a lot really. It's
not like anyone's ever going to read about his
exploits or make little action figures of him.)
(Note: This also applies to characters in Ulysses
and Finnegan's Wake. Although maybe not the
action figure part. Certainly the reading part
The game effect of this realisation is a +4 "Oh,
Crap" bonus to Will saves.
I'll Get You For This, Tweet! (Ex): At 7th level,
the Self-Aware Player Character gains a fiery
hatred for those responsible. He or she gains
Favoured Enemy: Game Designer as if he or she
were a ranger of equal level to his or her Self-Aware
Player Character level. When he or she gains extra
Favoured Enemies from any source, the character
may choose particular designers, such as Favoured
Enemy (Monte Cook), Favoured Enemy (Mike
Mearls) or Fajoujed Ejemy (Jary Jyjax).
Tweet Gets You For This (Ex): At 8th level, the
Self-Aware Player Character suffers for being a
Self-Aware Player Character. For the effects of this
level, please see the Over The Edge roleplaying
game, page 224 of the Atlas Games edition, secondlast
Legal Rights (Ex): At 9th level, the Self-Aware
Player Character becomes legally aware and sentient.
He spends all his remaining treasure on
lawyers. If the player puts the Self-Aware Player
Character in danger while he is 9th level, the player
gets sued so fast his or her head spins. Reckless
Endangerment, Unlawful imprisonment, Running
The Life Of A Fictional Character While Under
The Influence Of Too Much Mountain Dew
you want me to go on, buster? The Self-Aware
Player Character will automatically win all legal
challenges, because the player is a gamer which is
just another word for Satanist Blood-drinking
Serial Killer to the jury, and the Self-Aware Player
Character's lawyer will be sure to point this out, you Satanist Blood-drinking Serial Killer You.
.Live!!! (Ex): At 10th level, the Self-Aware
Player Character becomes a real person, who moves
in with the player, sleeps on his or her couch, drinks
his or her beer and steals his or her girlfriend or
boyfriend. The Self-Aware Player Character is
often nasty and violent - after all, the player has put
the Self-Aware Player Character through all
sorts of horrible experiences and dangers for
nothing more than childish entertainment.
For God's sake you've got to help me,
Grimbor the Barbarian's got me trapped
here in the apartment. He slew my pet
hamster and killed the tv to stop it scrying
on him. He's insane, I tell you! Emailing
this to Ambient is my only way of getting
a message out. I just hope that he -
.no, stay back Grimbor! Put the
+4 battleaxe of really, really nasty,
I mean totally yickky maiming
Vallo had this to say about the Spice Girls:
Blah Blah Blah
That is some of the most retarded shit I have ever read. It's not even clever or funny as a parody/joke.
And guess what, that character isn't playing DnD, so there is no DM to negate. That's just some DBZ Roleplaying netkiddie's bio. "omg I so hit you! You're supposed to fall down now! Cause I'm like, unstoppable and stuff."
It's not something people hear about.