x--NullDeviceO-('-'Q) :
You, sir, are an asshole.So when's the next time you'll be hanging out with the ladies and getting Bill drunk? He hasn't posted any showing-in-my-clothes pics in a while.
The scary part is that I was stone sober for that particular photo shoot.
CBTao's account was hax0red to write:
EC Experience
Noxhil2 was listening to Cher while typing:
You can tell I've been working in Best Buy too long when I consider Experience to be a marketable terminology.
x--CBTaoO-('-'Q) :
I cry bullshit, I have pics of you in the same cloths drunk off your ass.
1) Same shirt, different pants
2) Totally different day. I definatly was not intoxicated during the taking of those pics. The camera would likely no longer be intact had I been.
EDIT: wait wait, if you're referring to your shower voyeur stint, then nvm, I'm referring to the pics of us with Janelle and Tiffany, and pics of you fucked out of your gourde on vodka, which were the same time. CBTao fucked around with this message on 06-14-2005 at 11:04 PM.
Peanut butter ass Shaq CBTao booooze lime pole over bench lick:
as soon as I figure out your nebulous web server I'm posting these pics and proving you wrong.EDIT: wait wait, if you're referring to your shower voyeur stint, then nvm, I'm referring to the pics of us with Janelle and Tiffany, and pics of you fucked out of your gourde on vodka, which were the same time.
Haha! No no, I was definatly talking about the shower pics.
Do you honestly think I could even TRY to claim I wasn't drunk that time tiffany was over? haha.
Shit now I'm all thinking back on that and getting retroactively embarassed. Maradon! fucked around with this message on 06-14-2005 at 11:07 PM.
Verily, Maradon! doth proclaim:
Haha! No no, I was definatly talking about the shower pics.Do you honestly think I could even TRY to claim I wasn't drunk that time tiffany was over? haha.
Precisely what I was thinking you gropey molesting bastard. hahaha.
And I was all like 'Oh yeah?' and CBTao was all like:
Precisely what I was thinking you gropey molesting bastard. hahaha.
^^ see? 110% asshole.
So when the next party?
The logic train ran off the tracks when Random Insanity Generator said:
^^ see? 110% asshole.So when the next party?
Not for a while, I need to go fiscally conservative if I want to make it back into college for fall. probably some time in october would be good.