Note this needs a balanced group, so... It'd need:
1-2 tanker
2-3 defenders+controllers (hopefully different support powersets)
a lot of damage
The mission can be basically blazed through by someone with invisibility+recall friend or two someones with grant invis and recall friend, but this may not be needed if we have a nice group...
So yeah. Post here, people.
L17 katana/invuln scrapper here.
Asha'man had this to say about dark elf butts:
Who here with a L12-15 character would be up for running the trial?
I have a couple characters in that range on Guardian. I'll be available most of tonight and tomorrow. Beyond that, work will keep me from being on all that much. Just give a yell in the Evercrest chat channel to see if I'm on, I think that I'll get the message no matter what server I'm on (right?).
16 katana/invuln scrapper.
Zagg would want to do it as well, 16 earth/axe tanker.
Let's hope for some controllers/defenders, or pickup some at worst.
edit: in other news, I have just died 11 times in the last hami raid, in less than 30 minutes
double edit: 14
triple edit: 17 Ctrl-Alt-Del fucked around with this message on 06-05-2005 at 01:13 PM.
Xyrra had this to say about pies:
Oh, if it's today, I'm out. Sorry, D&D trumps CoH.
Huroya, Delphi, Noxhil, Deathbeam, or Trent, or whoever is available can exemplar, and we'll figure out who else from there.
Tuesday's a definate posibility.
Monday or Tuesday is good for me. Hell, let's run it twice.
Xyrra fucked around with this message on 06-06-2005 at 12:45 PM.
However i'm heading out to a mixer for my Italy Study Abroad program tonight at 5:00pm PST. So if people wanted to do it earlier i could help but otherwise i'll be out till about 8:30pm or later. Dr. Gee fucked around with this message on 06-06-2005 at 03:43 PM.
Me and Zagg(Drazzen) will be level 18 tomorrow hopefully.
If that's going to be too late, please post notice here so I know not to rush into CoH instead of replying to emails and such first.
That super sucks. We weren't doing bad, either.
And we had it going so well... Well, we should find ourselves booted right outside the Cavern, if we want to try again tonight >_<
We did pretty well, up until the crash.
So quoth Palador ChibiDragon:
No kidding. Plus, a couple of people can't go back without being Exemped now.
I thought only Noxhil leveled?
Willias had this to say about Punky Brewster:
I thought only Noxhil leveled?
I recall someone else dinged, and I think it was the other person worried about out-leveling the mission.
Noxhil2 had this to say about the Spice Girls:
I can't go back, I leveled too high
But we had 2 others able to exemplar, I only took yours for convenience's sake. Of course. Besides, I *think* it might not prevent you from trying so long as you don't train the level-up... Not sure though. At worst, I won't have Unyielding anymore, and a tanker with it will have to pull, or a blaster ;/