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Topic: Wachovia apologiezes for slavery ties
Faelynn LeAndris
Lusty busty redheaded wood elf with sharp claws
posted 06-04-2005 01:27:52 AM
DrPaintThinner had this to say about (_|_):
You didn't finish your thought it looks like. I think it should read "Sorry your ancestors were captured by their tribesmen who sold them to slave traders who brought them to another continent on a boat so filled with disease many of the passengers died and were thrown overboard. And don't forget people of the time were nice enough to put your ancestors on a plantation where another person owned them, other slaves, and any children they had, where they were forced into back breaking labor for the rest of their lives that they were never compensated for. Well except the rags for clothing and scraps for food. And you can’t forget about those raping, those were given out as often as the beatings. Because honestly what’s better than living at home with your family being free to socialize with your kinsmen? Slavery."

I hope you were joking. There was no bright side of slavery, unless you were the slave owner.

You watch to many movies.

And in a lot of ways you are way off base. Although it was never a good thing, and could be ugly, the hollywood image you are presenting isn't very accurate at all.

Faelynn LeAndris fucked around with this message on 06-04-2005 at 01:36 AM.

My LAUNCHCast Station
"Respect the Forest, Fear the Ranger"
I got lost for an hour and became god.
posted 06-04-2005 01:43:07 AM
Faelynn LeAndris wrote this stupid crap:
You watch to many movies.

And in a lot of ways you are way off base. Although it was never a good thing, and could be ugly, the hollywood image you are presenting isn't all that accurate.

I was being extreme to prove a point (which didn't really need to be proven, we all know slavery is horrible). Of course there were some situations where a slave was an apprentice or a companion. But you can't say these people were getting better lives. Would it be fair to take you out of your home over to a random country in Asia, and sell you to someone? Sure you may be treated nicely but what about everything you left? You'll never see that again. Its definately not a step up in life.

Edit: I'm trying to think of an example where a person may take a step up in life from slavery. If a person born into slavery on a plantation who was later sold to a doctor, who then trained the boy to be an apprentice. Would make an example (a rare one) of a slave who traded up in life. But they are still a slave. Assuming the doctor was a kind person who thought of the slave like a friend more than property may later free the slave.

DrPaintThinner fucked around with this message on 06-04-2005 at 01:51 AM.

roit, less bash 'is noggin
Mr. Parcelan
posted 06-04-2005 01:48:05 AM
DrPaintThinner had this to say about the Spice Girls:
I was being extreme to prove a point (which didn't really need to be proven, we all know slavery is horrible). Of course there were some situations where a slave was an apprentice or a companion. But you can't say these people were getting better lives. Would it be fair to take you out of your home over to a random country in Asia, and sell you to someone? Sure you may be treated nicely but what about everything you left? You'll never see that again. Its definately not a step up in life.

You buy into a lot of hype!

posted 06-04-2005 01:56:12 AM
Mr. Parcelan had this to say about Captain Planet:
You buy into a lot of hype!


roit, less bash 'is noggin
Faelynn LeAndris
Lusty busty redheaded wood elf with sharp claws
posted 06-04-2005 02:00:48 AM
How.... DrPaintThinner.... uughhhhhh:
I was being extreme to prove a point (which didn't really need to be proven, we all know slavery is horrible). Of course there were some situations where a slave was an apprentice or a companion. But you can't say these people were getting better lives. Would it be fair to take you out of your home over to a random country in Asia, and sell you to someone? Sure you may be treated nicely but what about everything you left? You'll never see that again. Its definately not a step up in life.

Edit: I'm trying to think of an example where a person may take a step up in life from slavery. If a person born into slavery on a plantation who was later sold to a doctor, who then trained the boy to be an apprentice. Would make an example (a rare one) of a slave who traded up in life. But they are still a slave. Assuming the doctor was a kind person who thought of the slave like a friend more than property may later free the slave.

And you are still misinformed and buy a lot of hollywood hype.

You do realize the majority of purchased slaves were prisoners of war right? Sold by thier captors who were more than likely responcible for killing thier families et all. Most of them had thier homes, family, and lives destroyed by a rival tribe. Most of them had lost everything already. On top of the fact they lived in a world of famine, disease, and death.

Now, come across the sea, and they are well taken care of, and provided for (Some even educated), well fed, and well clothed. Because, after all, a sick slave is a worthless investment, as is a neglected one. Especially those who would become house slaves. They recieved quite a few benefits over thier former lives, which had more that likely already been destroyed.

You also realise a good portion of the slaves stayed 'slaves' even after they were freed right? Because it was the only life they knew, and they weren't happy anywhere else, and actually prefered thier former life to freedom. (With the addition of wages of course, although some even passed that up just to keep thier life).

Faelynn LeAndris fucked around with this message on 06-04-2005 at 02:01 AM.

My LAUNCHCast Station
"Respect the Forest, Fear the Ranger"
I got lost for an hour and became god.
Mr. Parcelan
posted 06-04-2005 02:03:10 AM
I'm not so sure that being taken from Africa to America wasn't a step up.

Don't misinterpret that as they were living the sweet life in America. There was likely a lot of rape, beatings and more than a few deaths.

But was it better than life in Africa? Where your family could be enslaved at any time, your children could be raped right in front of your eyes, your entire race could be exterminated (Rwanda)?

More importantly, in America, the slaves at least had someone in support of their freedom, if only loosely (the North). And, today, many African Americans are doing quite well and at least they're free.

Whereas in Africa, much is still the same.

posted 06-04-2005 02:07:12 AM
Good points. I concede my blather. Slavery can not be quantified as either completely bad or completely good. Using extremes almost always leads to fallacies.
roit, less bash 'is noggin
Mr. Parcelan
posted 06-04-2005 02:09:37 AM
DrPaintThinner stopped beating up furries long enough to write:
Good points. I concede my blather. Slavery can not be quantified as either completely bad or completely good. Using extremes almost always leads to fallacies.

Completely bad? No. But it was still pretty bad.

posted 06-04-2005 02:18:36 AM
How bad slavery was is irrelevant, however, since nobody alive today has ever been a slave of an American, and no American alive today has ever owned a slave.
posted 06-04-2005 02:21:34 AM
Check out the big brain on DrPaintThinner!
Good points. I concede my blather. Slavery can not be quantified as either completely bad or completely good. Using extremes almost always leads to fallacies.


[b].sig removed by Mr. Parcelan[/b]
Never wore the pants, thus still wields the power of unused (_|_)
posted 06-04-2005 12:41:48 PM
When I'm accused of things my so-called anscestors did, like slavery, I love bringing this point up.

I've never owned a slave. People today have never been slaves. (If you dont count the illegal trafficking of third world individuals, which, by the way, is not supported by the government) The vast majority of caucasion Americans are not descended from slave owners. You had to be pretty well off back then to afford a slave. Oh, and there's no way in hell I will ever apologize for something I did not do.

Oh yeah. I'm only a few generations removed from Germany anyway. My family is rather recent to America. Does this make me a nazi?

"Age by age have men stood up and said to the world, 'From what has come before me, I was forged, but I am new and greater than my forebears.' And so each man walks the world in ruin, abandoned and untried. Less than the whole of his being"
posted 06-04-2005 12:52:36 PM
Blacks really ought to be apologizing to the Jews, considering how blacks egyptian ancestors enslaved the Jews for so long.
Road Warrior Queef
posted 06-04-2005 01:50:44 PM
Aw, geez, I have Maradon! all over myself!
Blacks really ought to be apologizing to the Jews, considering how blacks egyptian ancestors enslaved the Jews for so long.

Actually, a remarkable lack of supporting archaeological evidence from the period in question suggests that the Jews were never enslaved in Egypt, or, if they were, it was in limited numbers as a result of war and most definitely did not happen as it is described in Exodus. At any rate, it is highly likely that Israelites always lived in Israel, and merely fabricated Exodus at some point.

That's the American Dream: to make your life into something you can sell. - Chuck Palahniuk, Haunted

Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it's just the opposite. - John Kenneth Galbraith


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