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Topic: Bajah's 20 Questions Thread!
Smurfberry Moneyshot
posted 08-31-2004 06:01:54 PM
Bajah had this to say about dark elf butts:
Keep in mind that each scenario has nothing to do with the others... so using answers like "powers gained in 2 to do 5" is not acceptable!


Ocyrrhoe Trazere
posted 08-31-2004 06:06:20 PM

  1. If you were alive in the Middle Ages, what would your profession be?

    Farmer. I don't have any delusions about being something crazy or luxurious. I'd be a farmer, plain and simple. And if not... I'd be the town eccentric!

  2. You woke up this morning with a ability to heal others with a touch, or likewise cause injury with but a touch. How would you put this power to use?

    Heal those who need it, harm [not kill, necessarily] those who deserve it.

  3. You won the $4,000,000 lottery. What's the very first thing you'd buy with the winnings (assume 2.8mil after taxes)?

    Give my parents a long, long vacation somewhere, probably Ireland... Get them a permenant babysitter.

  4. You accidentally accessed the CEO's computer in your company and found incriminating documents that could land him in jail and bankrupt your company. What would you do?

    Turn him in.

  5. A dearly loved one is dying of a rare disease and the only way she can be saved is by an experimental medicine that's not for sale. What would you do, if anything?

    Cry like a bitch. And try to find some way to take their place.

  6. You've been accused of treason and put in front of a firing squad. You're going to die, but you get one last request. What is it?

    For music to be played, just to make it more dramatic.

  7. You find yourself in the middle of a minefield during a hailstorm. What would you do to survive?

    First I'd laugh, because that's something I'd do in a situation like that... Then duck and cover!

  8. You're a major league ball player in the final game of the World Series. It's the 9th Inning and your team is down by 3 runs. There's two outs, the bases are loaded and your count is 3 Balls, 2 Strikes. How do you feel right now?

    "Oh snap, my dad and mom and brothers will KILL me if I fuck this up."

  9. If you could go back to any point in time and claim the rights to any one invention, what would it be?


  10. You're given a job at Cracker Jack as a prize designer. What are five things you'd put in Cracker Jacks as a prize?

    Money, lasers, a random key, contraceptives [grab bag on that one!], tylenol.

  11. One morning, you discover that you're blind. How would you react?

    I'd freak out for hours. I don't think I could cope with lose of any of my senses.

  12. Same as last question, but you're deaf instead.

    See above. Worse though, because I rely on my sense of sound more then anything.

  13. You've died. You find yourself on a vast plain with nothing in sight in any direction. There's no Death incarnation, no angels, no demons, no divine judgment. What do you do?

    Be amused for a while about how many theories have just been disproved, and same as everyone else... start walkin'. Mainly to find something to amuse myself.

  14. One day, you wake up and find yourself to have completely changed genders. Not only that, but you're suddenly a very very attractive member of the opposite gender. Describe the next 24 hours of your life.

    I would be a disgusting pervert. I'd see if the stigmas of women liking assholes is true, and if nice guys get any or not first, then I'd fuck every willing man and woman I could find. [note: this is assuming I still have the same libido I have now, as a female and a lesbian ]

  15. The phone is ringing. You answer it, it's your mother. She's mad at you for something you did. What is it?

    Something intensely stupid.

  16. You manage to get your dream job. What do you do for a living?

    I am an entomologyst.

  17. You wake up from a coma to find that someone has been impersonating you for the last 10 years and no one knew the difference. What do you do?

    Hurt them in terrible ways.

  18. You've been recruited to be a star pilot by an alien race looking to bring in people from different parts of the universe in some kind of militaristic space UN. You decide to go. Do you tell anyone or just leave quietly? How do you prepare?

    Leave quietly. Would probably be better that way.

  19. You get hired to star in a new action movie. Who is your co-star? Who is your love interest, if different? What's the movie about?

    Uma Thurman for both. The movie... Some fucked up action/sci-fi flick.

  20. Cake or Death?

    Depends on my mood. ;D

[edit]oh snap, misread a question

Ocyrrhoe Trazere fucked around with this message on 08-31-2004 at 06:14 PM.

"Come at me. Every inch of me will resist you."

Full sigpic image.
Liam - "Caitlin: You terrify me, but in a good way."

Hostile Makeover
Evil as chocolate covered thistles
posted 08-31-2004 06:25:50 PM
Bajah had this to say about dark elf butts:

  1. If you were alive in the Middle Ages, what would your profession be?
  2. You woke up this morning with a ability to heal others with a touch, or likewise cause injury with but a touch. How would you put this power to use?
  3. You won the $4,000,000 lottery. What's the very first thing you'd buy with the winnings (assume 2.8mil after taxes)?
  4. You accidentally accessed the CEO's computer in your company and found incriminating documents that could land him in jail and bankrupt your company. What would you do?
  5. A dearly loved one is dying of a rare disease and the only way she can be saved is by an experimental medicine that's not for sale. What would you do, if anything?
  6. You've been accused of treason and put in front of a firing squad. You're going to die, but you get one last request. What is it?
  7. You find yourself in the middle of a minefield during a hailstorm. What would you do to survive?
  8. You're a major league ball player in the final game of the World Series. It's the 9th Inning and your team is down by 3 runs. There's two outs, the bases are loaded and your count is 3 Balls, 2 Strikes. How do you feel right now?
  9. If you could go back to any point in time and claim the rights to any one invention, what would it be?
  10. You're given a job at Cracker Jack as a prize designer. What are five things you'd put in Cracker Jacks as a prize?
  11. One morning, you discover that you're blind. How would you react?
  12. Same as last question, but you're deaf instead.
  13. You've died. You find yourself on a vast plain with nothing in sight in any direction. There's no Death incarnation, no angels, no demons, no divine judgment. What do you do?
  14. One day, you wake up and find yourself to have completely changed genders. Not only that, but you're suddenly a very very attractive member of the opposite gender. Describe the next 24 hours of your life.
  15. The phone is ringing. You answer it, it's your mother. She's mad at you for something you did. What is it?
  16. You manage to get your dream job. What do you do for a living?
  17. You wake up from a coma to find that someone has been impersonating you for the last 10 years and no one knew the difference. What do you do?
  18. You've been recruited to be a star pilot by an alien race looking to bring in people from different parts of the universe in some kind of militaristic space UN. You decide to go. Do you tell anyone or just leave quietly? How do you prepare?
  19. You get hired to star in a new action movie. Who is your co-star? Who is your love interest, if different? What's the movie about?
  20. Cake or Death?

1) Oh, right. Like I know what I wanna do with THIS life, much less old ones Probably a baker, or other sort of food-related thing.

2)I'd heal my foot And then work on healing friends, and family, and I'd become a greatly known tent revival healer (mainly for the tacky sequinned clothes)!!!

3)I'd get my car fixed up, buy a house (nothing extravagant, 3br/2ba kinda place), buy a couple of friends new computers before I moved, and maybe a larger, secondary vehicle.

4)Ooh, ethics questions! This is really hard to say, with the evidence given. Depending on the files in question, I'd either turn him over, or blackmail him.

5) First step for treatment if the drug isn't available to the public: Clinical trials. If it is not available in the US at all, I'd check to see where it is available, and then make arrangements to get there.

6) Cigarette, and no blindfold.

7) Hope that the hail isn't hitting the ground with enough force to trigger the mines

8) Like Atlas.

9) The internal combustion engine.

10) mini colored pencil sets. bangly beady things. mini action figures. other stuff. (copout, ahoy!)

11) Freak out, then hit the hospital

12) See 11

13) Start wandering around. Try and change the landscape with my mind. Make up elaborate fantasies, and likely go mad.

14) Pick up men, pick up women, go have a hell of a lot of debauched fun!

15) Not telling her that I needed help with something, and likely did something stupid to try and cover it all up.

16) I surf the internet, and get paid $75/hr to do so.

17) Create an entirely new identity!

18) I tell those close to me that I have to leave on a business trip, and prepare as if it were any other business opportunity.

19) Action movie? Ew. I turn down the script, and continue looking for a good period piece.

20) Cake! I know you only brought three bits, but there's been such a rush on it!

The hip-hop-happiest bunny in all of marshmallow woods
posted 08-31-2004 06:56:59 PM
Bajah wrote this then went back to looking for porn:

  1. If you were alive in the Middle Ages, what would your profession be?
    I'm assuming you're talking actual Middle Ages, not, like D&D middle ages. If the latter, though, some form of sorcerer-type. Magic is cool, and I like it, and I want to write my name in someone's arse with my mind. If actual Middle Ages... that one weird, weird lady who lives on the edge of an assdangerous swamp, is knowledgeable in matters of religious and occult mythology and "magic", medicine... basically the wise woman, the witch, the solitary and vaguely menacing lady who knows too much to be comfortable about, but is too damn scary to do anything about. Plus I'd be the only one with any sort of bush medicine, and I'd be helpful if the situation presented itself.

  2. You woke up this morning with a ability to heal others with a touch, or likewise cause injury with but a touch. How would you put this power to use?
    First of all, I'd goof off with it. I'd have a messiah day where I'd get a robe and just start screwing around in the street. I'd go to a hospital and help harried doctors out. I'd get interviewed by Oprah, because it's cool. But ultimately? Fucking superhero time. If I get superpowers, I'm becoming a goddamn superhero, and there's no argument from anyone accepted on this one. I get to help people while being really awesome at the same time, and hey, no one can argue because I'm SUPER!!

  3. You won the $4,000,000 lottery. What's the very first thing you'd buy with the winnings (assume 2.8mil after taxes)?
    Plane ticket to California. Must see the Leo. Rowr.

  4. You accidentally accessed the CEO's computer in your company and found incriminating documents that could land him in jail and bankrupt your company. What would you do?
    Seek counsel. This very much depends on circumstance. For example, what kind of incriinating documents we talking about? If it's sheep porn, then fuck it, I'm not going to land everyone out of a job just to get the guy. But if it's something truly dangerous, something that's screwing myself and my co-workers out of something we need, or some greatly illegal thing of the sheer size that it justifies the loss of jobs... well, I'd have to talk to the fellows, first. I don't want to spring anything on them, and I want to know their opinion. In something that affects not only myself but an entire group of workers, I'm not allowed to make the sole big decision.

  5. A dearly loved one is dying of a rare disease and the only way she can be saved is by an experimental medicine that's not for sale. What would you do, if anything?
    This is where the superhero goes antihero, as I will jostle my way into the company that's making it, squeeze, bug, sneak, and if it comes to it steal the medicine if it's needed. I'd never go so far as to wreck it for EVERYONE, as if the medicine I was going to steal is the sole copy ever, but I'd, like, snatch away a lab guy or two, present my case, and offer them lots of stuff to make an exception and cook a batch of this up for me.
    Then again, this also, sadly, depends on the person. If it's, like, my boyfriend, or my mom, I'm going to any length. If it's my distant uncle... well, I'll visit him in the hospital, sorry I couldn't do anything.

  6. You've been accused of treason and put in front of a firing squad. You're going to die, but you get one last request. What is it?
    I want an hour with Carl. Whether in person, or on the phone, or whatnot, I want to spend a last bit of time with him, say my goodbyes, have a last bit of joy before the bullet happens. All else, no matter how loved, is inconsequential.

  7. You find yourself in the middle of a minefield during a hailstorm. What would you do to survive?
    Well, since I assume I'm currently standing in the minefield, I must then assume the space under my feet is safe. Also, since an explosion muffled by large globs of earth is a lot less ouchy than an explosion muffled by NOTHING, I assume the safest place for me is in the ground. Hence: digdigdig. Be careful with my surrounding area, but once I get to a sufficient depth it's as deep as I can go as fast as I can go. Otherwise: carefully try and shuffle away.

  8. You're a major league ball player in the final game of the World Series. It's the 9th Inning and your team is down by 3 runs. There's two outs, the bases are loaded and your count is 3 Balls, 2 Strikes. How do you feel right now?
    Well, since I suck at baseball, pretty damned awful. I'd also be slightly confused at why *I* am at bat at the moment. I'd probably try to fake an injury to get another, better player on. Or catch the ball with my face or something. I'm really that bad.

  9. If you could go back to any point in time and claim the rights to any one invention, what would it be?
    Paper. It's needed for like EVERYTHING. It would be mine mine MINE! And I'd never be screwed when I need to quickly jot something down! Mwahaha! Though in a twist of irony, I'd probably die by infected papercut. But PAPER!

  10. You're given a job at Cracker Jack as a prize designer. What are five things you'd put in Cracker Jacks as a prize?
    Number one: Two little action figure guys. Why two? Well, whenever you get ONE little action figure guy in a box of candy, it always kinda sucks that you have nothing to balance the guy against. No other little guy to strive with, or against. Hence, TWO little action figure guys.
    Number two: A little action figure GIRL. A GOOD one. One without need for bouncing, exposed breasts, or a lame-ass power or weapon, or the need to sit behind the lines and monitor communications or the computer system. An ass-kicking, laser-gun-for-a-hand, badass, badguy-dismembering super-girl. She'd come with a little comic, in which she'd kick lots of ass and give hope to us poor females who liked to play with action figures, too.
    Number three: Miniature potato gun. Because there's no such thing as an unhappy child with a projectile weapon. And fuck, *I* want a miniature potato gun. One I could sneak into work. Fear me, mwahaha.
    Number four: Press-on tattoos, with one distinctive difference: when they come off, they come off all at once rather than in little flakes. So Chibi Moon might still only stay on for two days, but she doesn't get decapitated after three.
    Number five: The Magical Mystery Crackerjack, one random crackerjack that looks exactly like the others, except for one major difference: it contains a hefty dose of LSD. Have fun, kiddies!

  11. One morning, you discover that you're blind. How would you react?
    FREAK. THE. FUCK. OUT. Sad thing is, I'm probably halfway there.

  12. Same as last question, but you're deaf instead.
    Like before, but lesser. It'd suck ass, yes, but not as much as not being able to see. Sight is pretty... needed.

  13. You've died. You find yourself on a vast plain with nothing in sight in any direction. There's no Death incarnation, no angels, no demons, no divine judgment. What do you do?
    What else? Wander. Move on. Try to find something, meet something. And if that doens't work, gnaw my wrists out to see if I get to die again and go to someplace cooler.

  14. One day, you wake up and find yourself to have completely changed genders. Not only that, but you're suddenly a very very attractive member of the opposite gender. Describe the next 24 hours of your life.
    Fucking duh. Literally. I'd goof around a little bit. Masturbate, duh, and engage in twisted little yaoi/nonyaoi fantasies. Wanna see what a blowjob is like on the other end, for example, and what it's like to squirt something upon orgasm.

  15. The phone is ringing. You answer it, it's your mother. She's mad at you for something you did. What is it?
    Well, at that time it'd be 7 in the morning and she wouldn't have seen me for three days, so it's pretty much self-explanatory.

  16. You manage to get your dream job. What do you do for a living?
    This is actually a job, though I heard of it when I was twelve so don't quote me or anything. Say you're a brilliant inventor, or writer, or poet, or musician. Someone so astronomically good at what they do, a well of brilliant ideas and innovation. So a country sponsors you. Puts you up in a house, gives you food, pays you buttloads. The job is this: You have to come up with ideas. That's it. Give them IDEAS, and you get stuff for it.
    That. I wanna do that.

  17. You wake up from a coma to find that someone has been impersonating you for the last 10 years and no one knew the difference. What do you do?
    Meet the chick. Ask ehr some stuff. One: What's she been doing while I was out? Any big changes I should be aware of? Two: Why the hell would you want to impersonate ME?!

  18. You've been recruited to be a star pilot by an alien race looking to bring in people from different parts of the universe in some kind of militaristic space UN. You decide to go. Do you tell anyone or just leave quietly? How do you prepare?
    Sure shit, I tell people. Family, loved ones. Maybe get drunk sometime and brag about it. See if I can convince the alien types if I can bring up a guy or two, people I trust and I don't want to be without. My pillars of strength. Spend some time in training, a bit, getting into physical and mental shape. Get laser eye surgery, electrolysis, maybe a little light plastic surgery. Wanna look the part of the space hero as well as act it. Try to beef up my reaction time, my hand-eye coordination, as it ain't the best as it is. See a bit of the world I didn't yet, before I say goodbye to it.

  19. You get hired to star in a new action movie. Who is your co-star? Who is your love interest, if different? What's the movie about?
    You know, this is an ass question to ask me, as I know practically nothing about actors and whatnot today. So I'll just tell the plot of it all, since I can't think of any co-stars or whatnot: A duo of women come into their own and discover their latent psychic gifts after a simultaneous near-death experience, and must use their joined powers to combat the physical and metaphysical manifestations of the being who ultimately created their psychic selves in an attempt to gain command over the workings of fate. My co-star would be an athletic girl, possibly a professional athlete though not affiliated with a sport or team, with the power to channel her psychic energy into her physical self, thus giving her temporary bursts of super-strength, super-speed, heightened jumping ability, limited flight, heightened agility, even invulnerability. I would be the other side, the out-of-shape and possibly overweight hypercognitive telepath, the one who can sense and influence emotions, read minds and memories, plant thoughts and mentally dominate in a limited fashion, project illusions, manifest telekinesis, pyrokinesis, hydrokinesis, "mind lightning", and at times even become mildly clairvoyant and/or prophetic. My love interest would be a manifestation of the main villain-entity, a being without physical form who can manifest in several physical forms... one of which happens to be the form of my murdered husband, who still commands great control of my heart.

  20. Cake or Death?
    Death cake.

I just spent
my last cent
purchasing this poverty.

Mr. Gainsborough
posted 08-31-2004 08:39:38 PM
Bajah had this to say about Matthew Broderick:

  1. If you were alive in the Middle Ages, what would your profession be? Ye Olde Burger Kinge Employee...e
  2. You woke up this morning with a ability to heal others with a touch, or likewise cause injury with but a touch. How would you put this power to use? I'd get people to either pay me for healing or have the worship me as a god.
  3. You won the $4,000,000 lottery. What's the very first thing you'd buy with the winnings (assume 2.8mil after taxes)? An El Camino.
  4. You accidentally accessed the CEO's computer in your company and found incriminating documents that could land him in jail and bankrupt your company. What would you do? SEND THE FUCKER TO JAIL!!!
  5. A dearly loved one is dying of a rare disease and the only way she can be saved is by an experimental medicine that's not for sale. What would you do, if anything? If its not for sale, then how am I going to get it? Therefore, I will do nothing and greive over her loss.
  6. You've been accused of treason and put in front of a firing squad. You're going to die, but you get one last request. What is it? Let me shoot myself. I'd rather know that I was the one that ended my life then a bunch of nobodies.
  7. You find yourself in the middle of a minefield during a hailstorm. What would you do to survive? Nothing except stand still.
  8. You're a major league ball player in the final game of the World Series. It's the 9th Inning and your team is down by 3 runs. There's two outs, the bases are loaded and your count is 3 Balls, 2 Strikes. How do you feel right now? "Holy shit, I can play baseball??"
  9. If you could go back to any point in time and claim the rights to any one invention, what would it be? The PC.
  10. You're given a job at Cracker Jack as a prize designer. What are five things you'd put in Cracker Jacks as a prize? More Decoder Rings, those sticky hand things, tiny rubber band shooters, I don't have any other ideas, but there would be no more fucking stickers and removable tattoos. Those are the lamest prizes ever. >=(
  11. One morning, you discover that you're blind. How would you react? I would try and see if there's a way to get it fixed, and if there isn't, I would kill myself. I could not go through life not being able to see.
  12. Same as last question, but you're deaf instead. I could live with that. I'd try and get it fixed, but I would go about normal life as much as possible. Learning sign language would suck but I would do it. And I'd definitely learn to lip read.
  13. You've died. You find yourself on a vast plain with nothing in sight in any direction. There's no Death incarnation, no angels, no demons, no divine judgment. What do you do? Masturbate. For eternity.
  14. One day, you wake up and find yourself to have completely changed genders. Not only that, but you're suddenly a very very attractive member of the opposite gender. Describe the next 24 hours of your life. CONSTANT masturbation.
  15. The phone is ringing. You answer it, it's your mother. She's mad at you for something you did. What is it? I forgot to close the garage door again.
  16. You manage to get your dream job. What do you do for a living? I own my own successful video game/anime store and its making a good enough amount of money for me to live comfortably on my own.
  17. You wake up from a coma to find that someone has been impersonating you for the last 10 years and no one knew the difference. What do you do? I would chat with him to see what I missed, then I would play video games with "myself".
  18. You've been recruited to be a star pilot by an alien race looking to bring in people from different parts of the universe in some kind of militaristic space UN. You decide to go. Do you tell anyone or just leave quietly? How do you prepare? I tell all my immediate family and friends. Then I'd post it on EC. Then I would make a trip to EB Games and buy out the entire stock of GB, GBC, and GBA games.
  19. You get hired to star in a new action movie. Who is your co-star? Who is your love interest, if different? What's the movie about? Drew Barrymore. Love interest is same. Movie is about us having sex...alot. Ohhhh you meant the other kind of action....same thing. Except with guns and explosions.
  20. Cake or Death? Cake. I'm not ready to die just yet.

Mr. Gainsborough fucked around with this message on 08-31-2004 at 08:39 PM.

Elvish Crack Piper
Murder is justified so long as people believe in something different than you do
posted 08-31-2004 09:12:20 PM
Bah. 2 and 5 is cheesy, 3 and 5 isnt
(Insert Funny Phrase Here)
Agent A
Underpowered on Purpose
posted 08-31-2004 09:36:02 PM

  1. If you were alive in the Middle Ages, what would your profession be?
    That guy who ran around playing that guitar thingy
  2. You woke up this morning with a ability to heal others with a touch, or likewise cause injury with but a touch. How would you put this power to use?
    Well, I would heal people I like, and hurt people I don't.
  3. You won the $4,000,000 lottery. What's the very first thing you'd buy with the winnings (assume 2.8mil after taxes)?
    A new guitar
  4. You accidentally accessed the CEO's computer in your company and found incriminating documents that could land him in jail and bankrupt your company. What would you do?
    If he was a bitch, blackmail, if he wasn't a bitch, I would make fun of him.
  5. A dearly loved one is dying of a rare disease and the only way she can be saved is by an experimental medicine that's not for sale. What would you do, if anything?
    Use that magic touch I have, or try to get the machine by paying one of my friends to have sex with people
  6. You've been accused of treason and put in front of a firing squad. You're going to die, but you get one last request. What is it?
    Sex...or a cookie
  7. You find yourself in the middle of a minefield during a hailstorm. What would you do to survive?
  8. You're a major league ball player in the final game of the World Series. It's the 9th Inning and your team is down by 3 runs. There's two outs, the bases are loaded and your count is 3 Balls, 2 Strikes. How do you feel right now?
    Like i'm about to puke
  9. If you could go back to any point in time and claim the rights to any one invention, what would it be?
  10. You're given a job at Cracker Jack as a prize designer. What are five things you'd put in Cracker Jacks as a prize?
    Money, a sock, a Tv, CDs, the batmoblie
  11. One morning, you discover that you're blind. How would you react?
    I wouldn't mind much...I could steal hear
  12. Same as last question, but you're deaf instead.
    Shoot myself
  13. You've died. You find yourself on a vast plain with nothing in sight in any direction. There's no Death incarnation, no angels, no demons, no divine judgment. What do you do?
  14. One day, you wake up and find yourself to have completely changed genders. Not only that, but you're suddenly a very very attractive member of the opposite gender. Describe the next 24 hours of your life.
    Have lots and lots of sex
  15. The phone is ringing. You answer it, it's your mother. She's mad at you for something you did. What is it?
    Got another speeding ticket
  16. You manage to get your dream job. What do you do for a living?
  17. You wake up from a coma to find that someone has been impersonating you for the last 10 years and no one knew the difference. What do you do?
    Do the o_O face
  18. You've been recruited to be a star pilot by an alien race looking to bring in people from different parts of the universe in some kind of militaristic space UN. You decide to go. Do you tell anyone or just leave quietly? How do you prepare?
    I tell everyone.
  19. You get hired to star in a new action movie. Who is your co-star? Who is your love interest, if different? What's the movie about?
    Angelina Jolie...Angelina Jolie. How me and Angelina Jolie, naked of course, ran into Johnny Depp and Scarlett Johanson, who are also naked.
  20. Cake or Death? Your mom.
"How do you all feel about beastiality with taxidermy? It seems like most people aren't very down with it, in fact, alot of people are only medium down with it. But if you only get to second base, where's the harm, right?"
- Melora Creager
Cartoon Broccoli Boy
posted 08-31-2004 10:28:41 PM
Bajah's unholy Backstreet Boys obsession manifested in:

  1. If you were alive in the Middle Ages, what would your profession be?
  2. You woke up this morning with a ability to heal others with a touch, or likewise cause injury with but a touch. How would you put this power to use?
  3. You won the $4,000,000 lottery. What's the very first thing you'd buy with the winnings (assume 2.8mil after taxes)?
  4. You accidentally accessed the CEO's computer in your company and found incriminating documents that could land him in jail and bankrupt your company. What would you do?
  5. A dearly loved one is dying of a rare disease and the only way she can be saved is by an experimental medicine that's not for sale. What would you do, if anything?
  6. You've been accused of treason and put in front of a firing squad. You're going to die, but you get one last request. What is it?
  7. You find yourself in the middle of a minefield during a hailstorm. What would you do to survive?
  8. You're a major league ball player in the final game of the World Series. It's the 9th Inning and your team is down by 3 runs. There's two outs, the bases are loaded and your count is 3 Balls, 2 Strikes. How do you feel right now?
  9. If you could go back to any point in time and claim the rights to any one invention, what would it be?
  10. You're given a job at Cracker Jack as a prize designer. What are five things you'd put in Cracker Jacks as a prize?
  11. One morning, you discover that you're blind. How would you react?
  12. Same as last question, but you're deaf instead.
  13. You've died. You find yourself on a vast plain with nothing in sight in any direction. There's no Death incarnation, no angels, no demons, no divine judgment. What do you do?
  14. One day, you wake up and find yourself to have completely changed genders. Not only that, but you're suddenly a very very attractive member of the opposite gender. Describe the next 24 hours of your life.
  15. The phone is ringing. You answer it, it's your mother. She's mad at you for something you did. What is it?
  16. You manage to get your dream job. What do you do for a living?
  17. You wake up from a coma to find that someone has been impersonating you for the last 10 years and no one knew the difference. What do you do?
  18. You've been recruited to be a star pilot by an alien race looking to bring in people from different parts of the universe in some kind of militaristic space UN. You decide to go. Do you tell anyone or just leave quietly? How do you prepare?
  19. You get hired to star in a new action movie. Who is your co-star? Who is your love interest, if different? What's the movie about?
  20. Cake or Death?

1. The few possible choices are rather obvious.

2. Assuming I have the power to do both instead of just one, I'd use it to heal people who really needed it. Not the "omfg i broke my arm " people, but the "omfg i lost my arm in a grain thresher " people and the "omfg i have cancer and only three months to live " people. I'd also use it to inflict terrible amounts of pain on those that truly deserve it.

3. Assuming the $2.8M is in Canadian funds, first I'd pay off any bills I might have. Then, I'd buy me computer upgrades and shitloads of pizza, beer, porn, and chocolate. Pretty much equal amounts of each.

4. Blackmail is fun!

5. That depends entirely on what this experimental medicine is, but I'm going to assume it's a tangible substance. I would ask the person in question first.

6. I would cheat and request that my life be spared. Yar har har. Assuming I can't, I'd want to instead get drunk off my ass. Maybe I can dodge the bullets if I stagger around enough.

7. Depends on how large the hail is. But if we're talking the common, tiny pieces of hail, I'd stay right where I was. Moving in a minefield = BAD IDEA.

8. I'd feel damn good. I mean... THREE BALLS, man!

9. I would claim rights to the sword.

10. Oh man, there's too much potential to say something mildly amusing, yet sickeningly morbid. I'm just gonna skip this one.

11. I'd probably panic and run into a wall. I mean, it's not like I can SEE the wall, or anything... Oh, wait! I'd use my healing powers to restore my sight!

12. Same as last question, only I can see the wall.

13. In death, do we have any of the needs we did in life? If so, I'd probably be pretty hungry. I mean, it's not like the coporeal food in my belly when I died could be taken with me. So I'd find something to eat. If not, then I'd probably do all kinds of crazy shit.

14. No change. At all. Maybe if it was the next year of my life, but no change in a day.

15. Probably something about swords. Really. I like swords, but it seems my mother doesn't. In fact, it seems she hates them. She'd probably phone up to yell at me for having a katana near my computer.

16. Well, I would RULE THE WORLD! And make sure all the peoples played nice.

17. Well, first I'd find the impersonator. Then, I would likely beat him into a fine paste.

18. I'd leave quietly, and bring snacks. Plenty of snacks. And possibly swords. Hey, who knows: maybe some of the alien races I'll encounter have mastered melee combat and ambushes, so a melee weapon will help greatly.

19. Me, me, and the movie would be about clones of me duking it out Highlander-style. There Can Be Only One.

20. Cake. I'm not ready for death just yet. Unless, of course, the cake is made of death, in which case I'll just take death.

Thief: "I have come to a realisation. Dragons are not real in a general sense, but they may exist in certain specific cases."
Fighter: "Like how quantum mechanics describes how subatomic particles can spontaneously pop into existence at random!"
Thief: "No, that's stupid and stop making up words."
--8-Bit Theater
Hires people with hooks
posted 08-31-2004 11:05:08 PM

  1. If you were alive in the Middle Ages, what would your profession be?
    Maybe a scribe. That sounds interesting.

  2. You woke up this morning with a ability to heal others with a touch, or likewise cause injury with but a touch. How would you put this power to use?
    Help those who really need it, hurt those who really deserve it.

  3. You won the $4,000,000 lottery. What's the very first thing you'd buy with the winnings (assume 2.8mil after taxes)?
    Buy a nice house for the wife and myself.

  4. You accidentally accessed the CEO's computer in your company and found incriminating documents that could land him in jail and bankrupt your company. What would you do?
    I'd put the hammer down on him. CEO's need to learn they're not above the law.

  5. A dearly loved one is dying of a rare disease and the only way she can be saved is by an experimental medicine that's not for sale. What would you do, if anything?
    I'd ask for the drug nicely first. If that failed, then I get the medicine by any means necessary.

  6. You've been accused of treason and put in front of a firing squad. You're going to die, but you get one last request. What is it?
    Let me go free, duh!

  7. You find yourself in the middle of a minefield during a hailstorm. What would you do to survive?
    Wait until the hailstorm is over, then pick my out using a path maeked by hail impacts and already exploded mines.

  8. You're a major league ball player in the final game of the World Series. It's the 9th Inning and your team is down by 3 runs. There's two outs, the bases are loaded and your count is 3 Balls, 2 Strikes. How do you feel right now?
    If I knock this outta the park, I am SO going to Disneyland.

  9. If you could go back to any point in time and claim the rights to any one invention, what would it be?
    The transistor.

  10. You're given a job at Cracker Jack as a prize designer. What are five things you'd put in Cracker Jacks as a prize?
    Dirt bike, PS2, cell phone, MP3 player, digital camera. Hey, it's not MY company.

  11. One morning, you discover that you're blind. How would you react?
    Damn, so much for my vast collecton of movies and porn.

  12. Same as last question, but you're deaf instead.
    Damn, so much for my vast collection of music.

  13. You've died. You find yourself on a vast plain with nothing in sight in any direction. There's no Death incarnation, no angels, no demons, no divine judgment. What do you do?
    I think that God must be a building contractor. He's had all eternity to get the afterlife ready and he still missed the deadline.

  14. One day, you wake up and find yourself to have completely changed genders. Not only that, but you're suddenly a very very attractive member of the opposite gender. Describe the next 24 hours of your life.
    I gotta go with the lesbian bar answer.

  15. The phone is ringing. You answer it, it's your mother. She's mad at you for something you did. What is it?
    I probably forgot something.

  16. You manage to get your dream job. What do you do for a living?
    Millionaire playboy. The hours are long, but I can dress how I like and I am my own boss. That or running a game/comic book store.

  17. You wake up from a coma to find that someone has been impersonating you for the last 10 years and no one knew the difference. What do you do?
    I ask the impersonator to fill me in all the details of what happened and any quirks "I" developed so we don't break continuity when I kill him and take my life back.

  18. You've been recruited to be a star pilot by an alien race looking to bring in people from different parts of the universe in some kind of militaristic space UN. You decide to go. Do you tell anyone or just leave quietly? How do you prepare?
    I just leave. And I make sure I have every bit of music I ever liked for when I'm away from home.

  19. You get hired to star in a new action movie. Who is your co-star? Who is your love interest, if different? What's the movie about?
    Salma Hayek for both. Or maybe Dana Delany. And it would involve a lot of fighting, a lot of shooting and explosions and WHOLE lot of lovin'.

  20. Cake or Death?
    Death by Chocolate cake.

Callalron fucked around with this message on 08-31-2004 at 11:07 PM.

"When mankind finally discovers the center of the universe, a lot of people are going to be upset that it isn't them."
"If you give a man a fish he'll eat for a day. If you teach a man to fish he'll just go out and buy an ugly hat. But if you talk to a starving man about fish, then you've become a consultant."--Dogbert
Arvek, 41 Bounty Hunter
Vrook Lamar server
Cartoon Broccoli Boy
posted 08-31-2004 11:10:18 PM
Ruvyen had this to say about Matthew Broderick:
5. That depends entirely on what this experimental medicine is, but I'm going to assume it's a tangible substance. I would ask the person in question first.

Actually, after some thought, I want to change my answer on this one.

We're still going on the assumption that this medicine is a tangible substance. And if it isn't for sale, then it likely doesn't exist in this dimension... But maybe in others. However, the god(s) of that dimension would likely not give up such a valuable substance so easily. Not only that, but the only way to get to other dimensions is by using keys found in dungeons and ruins of ancient civilizations. And those keys will likely be guarded by all kinds of shit. So, first I'd grab my sword. Then I'd grab my other sword, y'know, the sharp metal one. And I'd assemble a party of adventurers!

Thief: "I have come to a realisation. Dragons are not real in a general sense, but they may exist in certain specific cases."
Fighter: "Like how quantum mechanics describes how subatomic particles can spontaneously pop into existence at random!"
Thief: "No, that's stupid and stop making up words."
--8-Bit Theater
posted 08-31-2004 11:16:53 PM
  • If you were alive in the Middle Ages, what would your profession be?
  • You woke up this morning with a ability to heal others with a touch, or likewise cause injury with but a touch. How would you put this power to use?
  • You won the $4,000,000 lottery. What's the very first thing you'd buy with the winnings (assume 2.8mil after taxes)?
    Someday Remer.. I'm gonna own a big sports bar.
  • You accidentally accessed the CEO's computer in your company and found incriminating documents that could land him in jail and bankrupt your company. What would you do?
    Black Mail.
  • A dearly loved one is dying of a rare disease and the only way she can be saved is by an experimental medicine that's not for sale. What would you do, if anything?
    Shoot the hostage.
  • You've been accused of treason and put in front of a firing squad. You're going to die, but you get one last request. What is it?
    Don't Shoot.
  • You find yourself in the middle of a minefield during a hailstorm. What would you do to survive?
    Lay Down. Mines explode upward.
  • You're a major league ball player in the final game of the World Series. It's the 9th Inning and your team is down by 3 runs. There's two outs, the bases are loaded and your count is 3 Balls, 2 Strikes. How do you feel right now?
    Ever seen The Last Boy Scout? Remember what Wesley Snipes did?
  • If you could go back to any point in time and claim the rights to any one invention, what would it be?
    The Zipper.
  • You're given a job at Cracker Jack as a prize designer. What are five things you'd put in Cracker Jacks as a prize?
    Nudie pics of Led
    Nudie Pics of Rosa
    Nudie pics of Addy
    Nudie Pics of Snoota
    A note to the doofs of Ec that when they collect the whole set, they can quit obsessing.
  • One morning, you discover that you're blind. How would you react?
    Type a bunch of garbled crap in IRC.
  • Same as last question, but you're deaf instead.
    Shoot myself.
  • You've died. You find yourself on a vast plain with nothing in sight in any direction. There's no Death incarnation, no angels, no demons, no divine judgment. What do you do?
    Take over, and rule with an iron fist.
  • One day, you wake up and find yourself to have completely changed genders. Not only that, but you're suddenly a very very attractive member of the opposite gender. Describe the next 24 hours of your life.
    Fly to vegas, and take Naenae for a ride. (I'm already a lesbian, all I need is a vagina.)
  • The phone is ringing. You answer it, it's your mother. She's mad at you for something you did. What is it?
    Like I could narrow it down with that little information.
  • You manage to get your dream job. What do you do for a living?
    NOTHING. I live my life however I want, go where I want, do what i want, and enjoy life. I live for the sake of living, and not for the sake of making money, to pay bills.
  • You wake up from a coma to find that someone has been impersonating you for the last 10 years and no one knew the difference. What do you do?
    Yiff Mort, that sexy Sith bastard.
  • You've been recruited to be a star pilot by an alien race looking to bring in people from different parts of the universe in some kind of militaristic space UN. You decide to go. Do you tell anyone or just leave quietly? How do you prepare?
    Tell EVERYBODY, then quietly explain to the aliens that if they dont have some really hot symbiote chick, with spots on her face for me to copulate with, I'll have to masturbate into thier faces thrice a day, or I would die, and not save the universe.
  • You get hired to star in a new action movie. Who is your co-star? Who is your love interest, if different? What's the movie about?
    My Co-Star would be Stifler. Love Interest would be.. hrm.. Nicole Kidman. And the movie would have no plot, it would be one big sex scene, with Stifler doing commentary the whole time.
  • Cake or Death?
    Cake, smeared on the bodies of 3 18 year old chinese olympic atheletes.
  • They say a smile is a gift which is free to the giver and precious to the recipient. But giving the finger is free too, and I find it more personal and sincere.
    Palador ChibiDragon
    posted 09-01-2004 12:03:10 AM

    1. If you were alive in the Middle Ages, what would your profession be?

    2. You woke up this morning with a ability to heal others with a touch, or likewise cause injury with but a touch. How would you put this power to use?
      In Omaha, there's a hospital that specalizes in children's care. I would heal as many people as I reasonably could, and I would start there.

    3. You won the $4,000,000 lottery. What's the very first thing you'd buy with the winnings (assume 2.8mil after taxes)?
      After paying off various bills for myself and my family, I would most likely buy the stuff to throw a "Goodbye to me, I don't have to work here any more" party at work.

    4. You accidentally accessed the CEO's computer in your company and found incriminating documents that could land him in jail and bankrupt your company. What would you do?
      It would depend on what the CEO did. If it's something truely awful, I don't think I would really have a choice. I would have to turn them over to someone and get him brought to justice.

    5. A dearly loved one is dying of a rare disease and the only way she can be saved is by an experimental medicine that's not for sale. What would you do, if anything?
      It's experimental for a reason, so no trying to steal some or anything else like that. I would try to get her into the clinical trials for the drug.

    6. You've been accused of treason and put in front of a firing squad. You're going to die, but you get one last request. What is it?
      I want the President to be the one that has to shoot me. Him and him alone.

    7. You find yourself in the middle of a minefield during a hailstorm. What would you do to survive?
      Try to stay as small as possible. Watch for any somewhat nearby explosions. When I see one, dive for that spot and crouch down there, as they don't place landmines under other landmines. Or die when I get blown up by that landmine one foot away from me that just got hit by a hailstone.

    8. You're a major league ball player in the final game of the World Series. It's the 9th Inning and your team is down by 3 runs. There's two outs, the bases are loaded and your count is 3 Balls, 2 Strikes. How do you feel right now?
      I think I'm gonna puke, but I can't do that right now. Instead, I'm hearing the music from the Conan the Barbarian soundtrack in my head as I get ready for this last throw.

    9. If you could go back to any point in time and claim the rights to any one invention, what would it be?
      The Bible.

    10. You're given a job at Cracker Jack as a prize designer. What are five things you'd put in Cracker Jacks as a prize?
      Temp tatoos.
      Small plastic Prisim.
      Plastic DnD minatures.
      Cheapass card games. (Cheapass is the name of the company, and they make cool stuff)
      Plastic top

    11. One morning, you discover that you're blind. How would you react?
      1. Make sure I've opened my eyes.
      2. Make sure that I really am blind, as opposed to just looking somewhere dark. Can I see the window or my alarm clock?
      3. Obviously, it's Blindsight (your mind being convinced that you're blind, when you're really not). Make my way carefully to the phone (trip over the cat halfway there), and call parents for help.

    12. Same as last question, but you're deaf instead.
      Make some noise. If I can't hear that, hop onto ICQ and let a friend know what's wrong so they can call my parents for me.

    13. You've died. You find yourself on a vast plain with nothing in sight in any direction. There's no Death incarnation, no angels, no demons, no divine judgment. What do you do?
      Try to reshape the landscape with my mind and will. The afterlife may be what I wish to make of it.

    14. One day, you wake up and find yourself to have completely changed genders. Not only that, but you're suddenly a very very attractive member of the opposite gender. Describe the next 24 hours of your life.
      Most of the day will be spent trying to decide if I'm dreaming or delusional.

    15. The phone is ringing. You answer it, it's your mother. She's mad at you for something you did. What is it?
      Walking out of a family get-together because I couldn't stand something or someone.

    16. You manage to get your dream job. What do you do for a living?
      Cult leader.

    17. You wake up from a coma to find that someone has been impersonating you for the last 10 years and no one knew the difference. What do you do?
      Find out who they were before they became me. If I like their life more, I take it. If I don't, I try to take mine back. Or maybe I'll take both.

    18. You've been recruited to be a star pilot by an alien race looking to bring in people from different parts of the universe in some kind of militaristic space UN. You decide to go. Do you tell anyone or just leave quietly? How do you prepare?
      Hell yes I tell people. I just don't expect them to believe me. Also, I would take my games, and make sure there's some kind of internet connection to Earth I can use while I'm gone.

    19. You get hired to star in a new action movie. Who is your co-star? Who is your love interest, if different? What's the movie about?
      Traci Lords. Someone fairly plain. It would be based off of "The Trouble With Tigers", about a fairly plain and normal guy that wants nothing more than to relax with a good book and a mousy wife in a quiet house, but winds up in James Bond-ish adventures all the time instead.

    20. Cake or Death?
      Death, and I want enough to share.
    I believe in the existance of magic, not because I have seen proof of its existance, but because I refuse to live in a world where it does not exist.
    posted 09-01-2004 02:35:41 AM
    Is it just me or are the answers turning into short essays?
    nama no naka
    modi no naka
    katse no naka
    yume no naka
    sesshoumaru-sama, doko ni ruu
    Jaken-sama, oo shita naite
    All times are US/Eastern
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