I can set a few up and have them forwarded to your regular e-mail address most should then be good until 2014 or so.
I have Meow.us and ivy,hellboy,punsher,mrbean,blackadder and paranoia that I can set up for people. you dont need to know the others.
[ 02-10-2004: Message edited by: Somthor ]
oh btw no charge for this I dont pay for it and they are jsut going to waste
Face it.
You're a squatter. [ 02-10-2004: Message edited by: Gikk ]
Other than that, I have enough email addresses to be responcible for... don't need more.
so for intance you could ask for RIG@paranoia. and have it forwarded to RIG@hotmail
so when you gave out the @paranoia address all mail would come to your hotmail account.
Gikk had this to say about Jimmy Carter:
you're making a fan site for.... 6 different items?Face it.
You're a squatter.
ivy is my daughters name so when she is old enough she will have her own URL. not squating that. paranoia is part of my DBA i have had it a few years now.
I use the mrbean, meow and blackadder email address myself which is why I have them and One of these days if i get around to it I might use the rest.
now if you dont want a free email address why dont you go bake me a pie or somthing? [ 02-10-2004: Message edited by: Somthor ]
Did you typo Punisher or is that really Punsher?
I'd like either a Punisher or Blackadder address. PM me with details
Somthor had this to say about (_|_):
now if you dont want a free email address why dont you go bake me a pie or somthing?
And that was a nice, non-offensive retort. Little by little you seem to becoming more affable
--Satan, quoted by John Milton
I seem to remember a discussion on it.
Khyron stumbled drunkenly to the keyboard and typed:
Didn't somthor admit to domain squatting in another thread, too?I seem to remember a discussion on it.
That's what I was referring to.
He made a thread about how he was pissed he couldn't make money as a domain squatter, when he'd shelled out all this money for domain he thought would be worth something. . .but now it's sheer coincidence he owns these particular ones.
--Satan, quoted by John Milton
Bloodsage was listening to Cher while typing:
That's what I was referring to.He made a thread about how he was pissed he couldn't make money as a domain squatter, when he'd shelled out all this money for domain he thought would be worth something. . .but now it's sheer coincidence he owns these particular ones.
You, sir, get no pie.
EDIT: The you does not refer to bloodsage. 'Sage can have pie. Somthor, on the other hand, is pie-less. [ 02-10-2004: Message edited by: Gikk ]
if you want a free email address let me now if you dont then please keep your comments to yourself.
I have half a mind to go get BloodsagelovesSomthor.com and pass that email address around
Gikk spewed forth this undeniable truth:
Exactly.You, sir, get no pie.
EDIT: The you does not refer to bloodsage. 'Sage can have pie. Somthor, on the other hand, is pie-less.
[ 02-10-2004: Message edited by: YULE LOG ]
I should keep these kinds of comments to Flame threads.
This one time, at Somthor camp:
I should keep these kinds of comments to Flame threads.
I should keep these kinds of comments to Flame threads. [ 02-10-2004: Message edited by: YULE LOG ]
Somthor obviously shouldn't have said:
I should keep these kinds of comments to Flame threads.
.... Gogo personal insults! [ 02-10-2004: Message edited by: YULE LOG ]
And I was all like 'Oh yeah?' and Somthor was all like:
hehehe, oh come on it was a nice clean pun.from what I hear gikk is a big girl now and she wont take it seriously
It's insulting, and you know it.
Somthor had this to say about Knight Rider:
hehehe, oh come on it was a nice clean pun.from what I hear gikk is a big girl now and she wont take it seriously
From what you hear? How can you hear with that massive d... wait, this aint a flame thread
When the babel fish was in place, it was apparent Somthor said:
hehehe, oh come on it was a nice clean pun.from what I hear gikk is a big girl now and she wont take it seriously
You are something I better not say or I'd get banned.
It's not something people hear about.
Somthor attempted to be funny by writing:
some of you guys are minor mircles of negativity I ponder if I was offering free laptops if youd find fault with that too.
Did you fucking read what you said?
Somthor wrote this then went back to looking for porn:
hehehe, oh come on it was a nice clean pun.from what I hear gikk is a big girl now and she wont take it seriously
It was very NOT 'nice' or 'clean.' Save it for Flame threads, or I *will* make this a Flame thread. Calling you a squatter is clean and legitimate, since you've admitted to it. Your comment wasn't even really a pun.
Watch your step, sir.
This one time, at Somthor camp:
some of you guys are minor mircles of negativity I ponder if I was offering free laptops if youd find fault with that too.
Ohoho you have not seen me get negative yet, buddyboy.
*hug LOG*
And Somthor, you don't want to get in a pissing contest over this. Trust me, there are better ways to incite grievous bodily harm than to attack people like Gikk.
Aww.. there goes all my imaginations of being big and bad.
quote:no I never did such a thing in fact I adamently denied it.
LOG had this to say about John Romero:
It was very NOT 'nice' or 'clean.' Save it for Flame threads, or I *will* make this a Flame thread. Calling you a squatter is clean and legitimate, since you've admitted to it. Your comment wasn't even really a pun.Watch your step, sir.
even if you thought I did, in this thread I have again stated It's not true thus its a insult and its an attempt to disparage my good charactor.
... Meep. [ 02-10-2004: Message edited by: Gikk ]
Somthor had this to say about Duck Tales:
no I never did such a thing in fact I adamently denied it.even if you thought I did, in this thread I have again stated It's not true thus its a insult and its an attempt to disparage my good charactor.
It would help if you had some of that (good character) to start with.
I think it's pretty safe to say that the general populace of these boards are disinclined to dispute this point.
Somthor had this to say about Reading Rainbow:
no I never did such a thing in fact I adamently denied it.even if you thought I did, in this thread I have again stated It's not true thus its a insult and its an attempt to disparage my good charactor.
Here's to being proven a liar in front of everyone. And doing it while arguing with a mod, too.
You may not have said, "I am a cyber squatter!" but you certainly described what you hoped to do, and it was the very definition.
You lose.
I win.
No surprise.
--Satan, quoted by John Milton
we are all adults here or should be. Here I was trying to do somthing nice for you people and im getting greif over it.
Somthor thought about the meaning of life:
no I never did such a thing in fact I adamently denied it.even if you thought I did, in this thread I have again stated It's not true thus its a insult and its an attempt to disparage my good charactor.
BUWAHAHA You? Good Character?
Trillee stopped beating up furries long enough to write:
BUWAHAHA You? Good Character?Right...
hey dont shatter my delusions.
From the book of Somthor, chapter 3, verse 16:
no kidding thats what the flame threads are foreven in a non flame thread I get insulted constantly someone even suggested I was a child abuser. didnt hear me complaining about it.
we are all adults here or should be. Here I was trying to do somthing nice for you people and im getting greif over it.
Saying what you said is not NICE. It's not funny. It's an insult. You don't complain about it? Fine. I am.
Wether you -could- use the domains for a fan page is irrellevaent. You posted in a previous thread you bought them to resell to the vendors in question. Thus, you are a cyber squatter.