"You wanna know why you lost? 'Cause you PISSED ME OFF!"
- Jojo, Jojo's Adventure
"Do you accept my challenge?"
"I accept your challenge!"
- Taishi Ci & male edit officer, Dynasty Warriors 4
"Man, I'm much better looking than you."
- Yunsung, Soul Calibur II
I'm out.
On a side note, I have the feeling that the voice for Ratchet and the voice for Harlequinn (from Batman) are the same person, tho that voice can probably be done by any Brooklyn borne woman
A sleep deprived Gunslinger Moogle stammered:
"I only asked one thing of this world: that when I die, it be for something, not of something." -Ghost, Enter the Matrix
Yeah, Ghost is my favourite Matrix character, probably why I liked the game so much.
"Are you sure you pressed the right button?"
"Yes, I wanted orange! It gave me lemon-lime"
"Perhaps your hand slipped."
"I do not make mistakes of that kind! It's the maintanence man, he knows I like orange."
"So you think the staff has some sort of plot?"
"Yes. Exactly"
-Agents Hermann and Navarre in Deus Ex
[ 12-05-2003: Message edited by: Sakkra ]
I edit... FOR JUSTICE!
and grammar
Just the way he says it I love it that all the dialogue is spoken in KoTOR
Sakkra painfully thought these words up:
"Are you sure you pressed the right button?"
"Yes, I wanted orange! It gave me lemon-lime"
"Perhaps your hand slipped."
"I do not make mistakes of that kind! It's the maintanence man, he knows I like orange."
"So you think the staff has some sort of plot?"
"Yes. Exactly"
-Agents Hermann and Navarre in Deus Ex
I love that quote. And it reminds me...
Subject: Skul-gun
Might I sugest agin, a skul-gun for my head. Yesterday in Batery Park, some
scum we all know pushes smack for NSF gets jumpy and draws. I take 2 .22's,
1 in flesh, 1 in augs, befor I can get out that dam asalt gun.
If I could kil just by thought, it would be beter. Is it my job to be a
human target-practis backstop?
Gunther Hermann
Tegadil had this to say about Optimus Prime:
I love that quote. And it reminds me...
Subject: Skul-gun
Might I sugest agin, a skul-gun for my head. Yesterday in Batery Park, some
scum we all know pushes smack for NSF gets jumpy and draws. I take 2 .22's,
1 in flesh, 1 in augs, befor I can get out that dam asalt gun.If I could kil just by thought, it would be beter. Is it my job to be a
human target-practis backstop?Gunther Hermann
That was the quote I wanted to use, but I know I'd butcher it.
When the babel fish was in place, it was apparent Tegadil said:
I love that quote. And it reminds me...
Subject: Skul-gun
Might I sugest agin, a skul-gun for my head. Yesterday in Batery Park, some
scum we all know pushes smack for NSF gets jumpy and draws. I take 2 .22's,
1 in flesh, 1 in augs, befor I can get out that dam asalt gun.If I could kil just by thought, it would be beter. Is it my job to be a
human target-practis backstop?Gunther Hermann
Just the image of big Gunther Hermann sitting at his little computer typing, complete with typos, cracks me up to no end.
sigpic courtesy of This Guy, original modified by me
Ja'Deth Issar Ka'bael was naked while typing this:
Just the image of big Gunther Hermann sitting at his little computer typing, complete with typos, cracks me up to no end.
Yes, I can just see him hunting and pecking for each key like a child learning to type, complete with his tongue sticking out the corner of his mouth.
I know that this isn't a quote but I like it anyway.
A moss-snake kicks you for 10 hp damage.
Freschel Spindrift enlisted the help of an infinite number of monkeys to write:
I'll do the human mating call, "I'm so stoned, I'm so stoned. - some night elf WC3. (I believe I got this wrong. Correct me if it is).I know that this isn't a quote but I like it anyway.
A moss-snake kicks you for 10 hp damage.
"I'll lure the enemy with my human mating call, 'I'm so wasted, I'm so wasted!'"
[ 12-05-2003: Message edited by: Sakkra ]