[ 08-16-2003: Message edited by: Pvednes ]
Thinking about your posts
(and billing you for it) since 2001
Or are you both the same religion?
Doncha just love it when fights break out in the stands?
Skaw stumbled drunkenly to the keyboard and typed:
This sucks... why did I even bother reading through this.
CUZ YOU SUCK!!! [ 08-16-2003: Message edited by: KaLourin ]
KaLourin had this to say about Cuba:
*looks at the brawl between OP and BM*Doncha just love it when fights break out in the stands?
Yeah, but the "why were you even born?" comment was kinda lame. Sorry Mage!
Should've said something, but I've said it enough
By the way my words were faded
Rather waste some time with you...
So far, Lenny has an advantage, but it could just take a few well-placed blows for OP to gain a lead.
Go for the jugular, OP.
I was just retarded in saying I would do this =\ I thought we'd be debating a topic. I'm horrible at things like this unless we like, disagree or I don't like the person, ya know?
Sorry, but, since I don't have ANYTHING on Lenny, he wins, I guess. [ 08-16-2003: Message edited by: OtakuPenguin ]
sigpic courtesy of This Guy, original modified by me
Aggressiveness: 10
Well-placed blow X3: 30
Comeback Kid: 5
Surprising Flammability: 5
Crowd Favorite: 5
Sarcasm: 5
Untouchable: 5
Snoota Joke: -5
Total: 60
Holding Back: -10
Crowd-Countering: 20
Persistence: 5
Lame Insults: -5
(Special) Crowd Slammed: 30
Surrender: -10
Total: 30
This battle was Lenlalron's by a huge gap. I'm sorry, OP, but I've seen flounders fight better.
It could've been easily won if you had gotten more aggressive and not faltered so damn much. Lenlalron came off strong, but if you had held your ground, he would've gone down quickly. Hell, he was urging me to declare him the victor by default he was so worried. The fight with BlackMage earned you some bonus points, though.
Lenlalron got some powerful shots in, and won bonus points for showing us that he can indeed hold his own and even pump out some power when he has to. I think it's safe to say that a bunch of us were taken aback by his initial assault. I sure as hell was. But while he's got a lot of offense, his defense wasn't really tested.
As to the audience, thanks, but you could've gone further and won OP a few more points. Special thanks to BlackMage for producing some more interesting spin-offs.
As usual, use the rest of the thread to voice your disbelief, hatred, cries of foul play, etc.
Thanks for coming to FLAMEBALL! Have a nice night
[ 08-17-2003: Message edited by: Lenlalron Flameblaster ]