few months later, I decided to start up a new account and make it Permanent.
How.... leckzilla!.... uughhhhhh:
To be honest.../GU comics. Yeah, way back when Drysart hosted the /GU forums. When Woody stopped making the comic for a while I started posting here.
So quoth Xyrra:
What leckie said.
/GU closed and Fal said "COME HERE OR ELSE" so I did ;P
Tree Huggin' Liberal Hippie Doll had this to say about Captain Planet:
A friend of mine uses it and I thought I'd be cute and get an account without telling him about it. ^_^ I'm brand-new to this.
Prepare to get your ass kicked! ^_^
"Don't want to sound like a fanboy, but I am with you. I'll buy it for sure, it's just a matter of for how long I will be playing it..."
- Silvast, Battle.net forums
This one time, at Bloodsage camp:
When Whineplay went away, I came here because of all the nice people.
Well, the MegaTokyo forums, for instance, are full of "nice" people as well, but most of them lack a backbone or individual thought.
The loser ratio at EC is pretty low, which helps make it better, I think.
Tree Huggin' Liberal Hippie Doll was naked while typing this:
A friend of mine uses it and I thought I'd be cute and get an account without telling him about it. ^_^ I'm brand-new to this.
Prepare to die.
Full sigpic image.
Liam - "Caitlin: You terrify me, but in a good way."
[ 05-10-2003: Message edited by: Prince Vinven ]
Nicole got all f'ed up on Angel Dust and wrote:
Was a regular at the Cackling Klaknak, followed a link to a comic, read archives, laughed, then joined.I miss that site.
Yup. Was almost 3.5 years now... O.o OMG.
sigpic courtesy of This Guy, original modified by me
Long story short, I'm here now.
Then Drysart posted a message that he was coming to EQ Gathering III out here in Vegas and was interested in meeting people. So joined the forums to post that I'd be happy to have a drink with him and the rest, as they say, is history.
Tree Huggin' Liberal Hippie Doll stopped beating up furries long enough to write:
A friend of mine uses it and I thought I'd be cute and get an account without telling him about it. ^_^ I'm brand-new to this.
Oh, and your name is one of the more interesting I've seen...
When the babel fish was in place, it was apparent Kinanik said:
Read the Comic back on Stratics, joined the Forums quite a bit later.
Tree Huggin' Liberal Hippie Doll was naked while typing this:
A friend of mine uses it and I thought I'd be cute and get an account without telling him about it. ^_^ I'm brand-new to this.
I love you.
The Great Voldo had this to say about Reading Rainbow:
Just so we can get this straight, I'm the one who kept asking you and Groller why you left evercrest. Then you came into these boards and said "Someone was yelling at me to come back". Groller came back about 4 days later for 1 day, and then was never heard from.
I brought them here from Whineplay in the first place, so nyah
And hiya Sara Good to see you back chickie.
Taeolas first showed me and Deth the comic. I registered first, then conned Deth into starting to post later.
Lyinar Ka`Bael, Piney Fresh Druidess - Luclin
Then, I found /GU comics, and the forum for them. The difference made me realize what I had been missing.
Finally, I wandered over to the main EC boards. After being here, looking at the EverLore OT boards has become painful due to their comparitive lameness.
Tree Huggin' Liberal Hippie Doll had this to say about dark elf butts:
A friend of mine uses it and I thought I'd be cute and get an account without telling him about it. ^_^ I'm brand-new to this.
At this rate, there's gonna be more EC people in Co. Bluffs than in any other city.
Disclaimer: I'm just kidding, I love all living things.
The fastest draw in the Crest.
"The Internet is MY critical thinking course." -Maradon
"Gambling for the husband, an abortion for the wife and fireworks for the kids they chose to keep? Fuck you, Disneyland. The Pine Ridge Indian Reservation is the happiest place on Earth." -JooJooFlop
Where's Waisz? had this to say about John Romero:
I read the comic after following a link on graffe's site long ago, then found the forums.
We signed up on the same day
Nicole stopped beating up furries long enough to write:
.. the Cackling Klaknak, followed a link to a comic, read archives, laughed, then joined.I miss that site.
Kinanik wrote this then went back to looking for porn:
Read the Comic back on Stratics, joined the Forums later.
Then I came to EC and exerted my will upon the people here. Then, much later, /GU went on hiatus and such, but I had already pretty much transitioned to the EC boards due to the more activity.
clicks the forbidden box
Lurked for prolly 5-6 months before I made an account and started posting...
(PS: Bring back the original comicy goodness of WoFR and EC)
Although when I first came around I was a Half Orc instead of an Ogre, but I don't think anyone remembers that.
Should've said something, but I've said it enough
By the way my words were faded
Rather waste some time with you...