[ 03-22-2003: Message edited by: /dev/null ]
Uhhh...Addy has that sweet, girl next door thingie, sooo pretty.
Kloie and amber are just hot@!@!#!
Lazzay is cute. ^^
And suchii is purdi. ^_^
.... in fact, everyone ispretty! ^_~
Note to self - make sure RIG is logged OFF before I post.
If I act all non-chalant, maybe he won't notice I accidently posted under his name. ^_^
Gikkwiny had this to say about Cuba:
OMGUhhh...Addy has that sweet, girl next door thingie, sooo pretty.
Kloie and amber are just hot@!@!#!
Lazzay is cute. ^^
And suchii is purdi. ^_^
.... in fact, everyone ispretty! ^_~
Note to self - make sure RIG is logged OFF before I post.
Gikk has that "i drown u with my secksi curves" thang goin' ^_^ Purty!
As someone said already, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and there are so many beautiful women here.
Each woman here has beautiful attributes, things that are attractive to people because of their specific tastes.
I couldn't pick any one woman/girl/grrl here. (except maybe Synny because I love her!)
I could honestly say I haven't seen a single girl here that wasn't pretty in their own way. Then again, I tend to look at people in a different light than others do. I see people as works of art. So to me, you are all Masterpieces.
Nobody really understood why Bajah wrote:
Tori is the sexxxayEST woman on the PLANET!
Lazzay is a hottie-boom-bottie!
Gikkeh has KURVEZ.
Addy is rrrawr!
Lash is plenty bootiful!
Abbi causes doubletakes!
Omg, what about the freckles of cuteness!!! *sobs*
"Don't want to sound like a fanboy, but I am with you. I'll buy it for sure, it's just a matter of for how long I will be playing it..."
- Silvast, Battle.net forums
Naenae of the hugliftability sexx0ry!
and Caela of the cute freckle alarm!
The Nae (tm) stopped beating up furries long enough to write:
beauty is in the eye of the beholder
cue picture of a beholder.
sigpic courtesy of This Guy, original modified by me
So quoth Ja'Deth Issar Ka'bael:
cue picture of a beholder.
Threads like these eventually suck because someone dosen't get mentioned and feels like they're left out or ugly or something.
Bajah had this to say about Duck Tales:
Hey, if you guys think Suchii's pretty, you can admit it. I won't kill ya for thinking she's pretty. Only acting upon that will cause loss of limbs, that's all!Don't be afraid!
Tori scares me. Not in a "RAR I EET YOU!" movie monster kinda way.. but more in a female version of John Malkovich sort of way, but with prettier eyes.
And yeah I tend to agree. The "Crush" thread was slightly different, because crushes tend to be sweet when you find out about them. And so long as the person hasn't acted improperly in regards to them all is well. One crush, as it were, can make you feel good. There's no judging involved.
Gauging beauty or attractiveness, on the flip side, tends to turn more into a popularity thing. There's a certain standard. I think there are a number of women around EC who I enjoy seeing post, or I enjoy reading their responses. Physical beauty, due to the nature of the boards, has no part in it. I don't read Lyinar's posts, for instance, because I think she's beautiful. I read Lyinar's posts because I respect her opinion on things, and because we think a lot alike. Sometimes I'll read someone else's posts because they disagree so fervently with how I think. So attractiveness can't be a matter of beauty alone. Keep in mind there are (or were) several gals around EC who are very sweet, but would be considered jailbait, or who probably aren't hot on the idea of some mid-twenties guy from Assland saying "o bebe u make me hawt!"
I think Lady D's heart was in the right place with this though, because she tends to be the sort who likes to spread the sweetness.
And of course Lyinar IS beautiful...I've said it before and I'll say it again: when I was a wee little kid and first started not hating girls, I wanted either a blonde or a redheaded girlfriend. Got a little older, and I wanted someone who was intelligent. Got a little older and I wanted someone funny and charming who liked the same things I did...
...and today I have a blonde-haired, very intelligent, funny, charming girlfriend who likes alllllll the things I do.
Funny how you can grow up to have exactly what you always wanted
sigpic courtesy of This Guy, original modified by me
Nicole had this to say about dark elf butts:
Threads like these eventually suck because someone dosen't get mentioned and feels like they're left out or ugly or something.
Too much... "cute."