Heh, I like this one
It actually gave me that for an Orc name. Really. I shit you not.
Red Book of Westmarch- Treacherous Teleri
Elven Possibilities for Michael
The root name suitable for feminine and masculine is:
Another masculine version is:
Hobbit lad name for Michael
Bob Baker from Yale
Dwarven Name for Michael
Vráin Brickarmour
This name is for both genders.
Orkish Name for Michael [ 01-29-2003: Message edited by: FrostyMunch ]
Globrat the Thug
This name is for both genders.
Hobbit lad name for Michael Koontz
Bungo Fields from Grindwall
Dwarven Name for Michael Koontz
Thráin Lightningnose
Orkish Name for Michael Koontz
Skragob the Wicked
Hobbit lad name for Freschel Spindrift:
Moro Tussle from Overhill
Dwarven Name for Freschel Spindrift:
Lerin Brasslaughter
This name is for both genders.
Orkish Name for Freschel Spindrift:
Ugmazh the Hated
This name is for both genders.
Elven Name Possibilities for Freschel Spindrift:
Elven Name Possibilities - Malrûn, Malrûniel, Malrûnien, Malrûnwen
Hobbit lass - Belba Grubb from Oatbarton
Dwarven Name - Pundin Silentboot
Orkish Name - Lugalûk the Mean
Elven Name Possibilities for Xyrra
The root name suitable for feminine and masculine is:
More feminine versions are:
Hobbit lass name for Xyrra
Belba Millbanks from Scary
Dwarven Name for Xyrra
Vráin Silentwrath
This name is for both genders.
Orkish Name for Xyraa Sel`quar
Globwûsh the Mean
This name is for both genders.
Elven Name Possibilities for Heather Rae Copeland
The root name suitable for feminine and masculine is:
Another masculine version is:
More feminine versions are:
Hobbit lad name for Heather Rae Copeland
Hildigrim Muddyfoot from Bywater
Hobbit lass name for Heather Rae Copeland
Bell Muddyfoot from Bywater
Dwarven Name for Heather Rae Copeland
Trán Stealthanger
This name is for both genders.
Orkish Name for Heather Rae Copeland
Ghazlakh the Mucous
This name is for both genders.
Elven Name Possibilities for
The root name suitable for feminine and masculine is:
Another masculine version is:
More feminine versions are:
Hobbit lad name for
Isembard Tussock from Standelf
Hobbit lass name for
Marigold Tussock from Standelf
Dwarven Name for
Larin Bronzebringer
This name is for both genders.
Orkish Name for
Sniktrak the Odiferous
This name is for both genders.
Interesting, though i do like the orkish name.