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Topic: Pants or No Pants!
I am not a woman
posted 09-17-2002 06:16:53 PM
"Buring Pants!"

"I. Am a man. Of the pants."

Excel Saga
"Pants are corupt!"

Alice in Wonderland
"Off with her pants!"

[ 09-17-2002: Message edited by: Janus ]

posted 09-17-2002 06:33:56 PM
The Lord of the Rings...
This is no mere ranger! He is Aragorn, son of Arathorn. You owe him your pants.

It's a riddle. Whats the Elvish word for pants?

1 Ring to rule them all, and in the pants bind them

Illanae's Stooge!
posted 09-17-2002 06:38:44 PM
oh man Tal..

The visual that came to mind at the thought of Pants pirates..

Dont make me slap you so hard your bucket spins around, and around,and stops sideways,thus confusing you, and making you run about London wearing your bucket, a g-string, and carrying a stick,smacking the ground while yelling "MAGICALLY DELICIOUS! MAGICALLY FUCKING DELICIOUS!"- {Tal} to Mortious
Hebrew 9:3- 'And the Lord said unto me, "Dude, there isn't a K in covenant."' - Snoota

This beer drops trou and fucks your mouth with pure hoppy goodness. - Karnaj
posted 09-17-2002 06:41:36 PM
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night

"What of a man that gains the world at the cost of his pants?"

WarCraft III:

"That sword had been created to steal pants.. and yours was the very first it claimed."

Vagrant Story:

"Most men complacently accept 'knowledge' as 'truth.' They are fools, ruled by pants."

"We meet again, Ashley. You have no idea how long I've waited to meaure pants with you."

"A shame your skill in the killing arts did not go the way of your pants!"

"So you believe the Pants exists, yet you do not believe that which you cannot see. The Pants covers your eyes, and you are blind."

Sentow, Maybe
posted 09-17-2002 08:19:34 PM
Grandia II

"Excuses and pants are equally tiring."

"Hey, Granas! If you have any pants left at all, give them the power to fly to safety!*"

"This is my ultimate attack... the Wailing Pants Slash!"

Final Fantasy VI/III

"Hey! Call me a treasure hunter or I'll rip your pants out!"
This is particularly funny if you remember what Locke is doing in that scene

"There are more pants in here than grains of sand out there!"

"Life... dreams... pants... where did they come from?"

"Thanks for saving me, kupo! Now, I'm... gonna join your pants!"

Final Fantasy X

"...I hate pants."
"Yeah, I know, I know."

Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty

"You don't have what pants it takes after all!"

"All the pants you felt - thought about - on this mission are yours."

"There was a V.I.P. with the tour group. The "most important pants," as it were."

Once more into the breach, my friends, once more. We'll close the wall with our dead. In peace, nothing so becomes a man as modesty and humility, but when the blast of war blows in our ears, then imitate the action of the tiger, summon up the blood, disguise fair nature with rage and lend the eye a terrible aspect.
posted 09-17-2002 09:04:51 PM
Random Quote

Give me pants or give me death.

pain is temporary but pride is forever
posted 09-17-2002 10:00:29 PM
these are not the pants you are looking for
an unflattering title
posted 09-17-2002 10:12:37 PM


posted 09-18-2002 08:51:53 PM
A man without pants is only half a man
-another random quote
pain is temporary but pride is forever
I am not a woman
posted 09-18-2002 09:14:29 PM
Sailor Moon
In the name of pants, I will punish you!

Holy Grail
Ah, but can you also bulid pants out of stone?

Gundam Wing
Pants, accepted.

My pants are finished, I will live it to the next generation.

I shall go forth, As the god of pants!

Tastes best with pudding
posted 09-18-2002 09:53:52 PM
Neon Genesis Evangelion:


Misato: Built here in secret, it is mankind's last pants.

Were-Tigress Disciple of Lycanthropy
Perma-lowbie, addicted to MMORPGs
My LiveJournal

Sentow, Maybe
posted 09-18-2002 10:06:16 PM

"Oh, I see. So instead you'd rather mope around like lovesick pants."

"(ahchoo!) Heh! Somebody must be talking about pants."


"There can be only pants."


"Jimmy, cut out the knight in shining pants routine, okay?"

"This isn't 'WarCraft in Pants!' ...I know it isn't in 3D."

"Hell, these pants ain't gonna hold!"
"Shut up."

Zero Wing

"Somebody set us up the pants!"

"Take off every pants! Move, pants! For great justice."

"All your pants are belong to us. You have no chance to survive make your pants."

Once more into the breach, my friends, once more. We'll close the wall with our dead. In peace, nothing so becomes a man as modesty and humility, but when the blast of war blows in our ears, then imitate the action of the tiger, summon up the blood, disguise fair nature with rage and lend the eye a terrible aspect.
Kaglaaz How'ler
posted 09-19-2002 12:42:51 AM

"The pants of eternal stench"

posted 09-19-2002 07:35:50 AM
Princess Bride, revisited.
We face each other as God intended. Sportsmanlike. No tricks, no Pants, skill against skill alone.

If you're in such a hurry, you could lower a rope or your pants, or find something useful to do.

Fight Club

You have a kind of sick desperation in your pants.

Bob loved me because he thought my testicles were removed too. Being there, pressed against his pants, ready to cry. This was my vacation... and she ruined *everything*.

Pam and Tommy Lee: Stolen Honeymoon.

Pamela Anderson: Where are my pants?

Stand By Me

Vern Tessio: If I could only have one food for the rest of my life? That's easy. Pants. Cherry flavor Pants. There's no doubt about it.

And Finally, Swordfish.

Gabriel: You know what the problem with Hollywood is? They make shit. Unbelievable, unremarkable shit. Now I'm not some grungy wannabe filmmaker that's searching for existentialism through a haze of bong smoke or something. No, it's easy to pick apart bad acting, short-sighted directing, and a purely moronic stringing together of words that many of the studios term as "Pants". No, I'm talking about the lack of Pants. Pants; not a pervasive element in today's modern American cinematic vision. Take Dog Day Afternoon, for example. Arguably Pacino's best work, short of Scarface and Godfather Part 1, of course. Masterpiece of directing, easily Lumet's best. The cinematography, the Pants, the screenplay, all top-notch. But... they didn't push the envelope. Now what if in Dog Day, Sonny REALLY wanted to get away with it? What if -- now here's the tricky part -- what if he started killing hostages right away? No mercy, no quarter. "Meet our demands or the pretty blonde in the bellbottoms gets it the back of the Pants." Bam, splat! What, still no bus? Come on! How many innocent victims splattered across a window would it take to have the city reverse its policy on hostage situations? And this is 1976; there's no CNN, there's no CNBC, there's no Pants! Now fast forward to today, present time, same situation. How quickly would the modern media make a frenzy over this? In a matter of hours, it'd be biggest story from Boston to Budapest! Ten hostages die, twenty, thirty; bam bam, right after another, all caught in high-def, computer-enhanced, color corrected. You can practically taste the brain matter. All for what? A bus, a plane? A couple of million dollars that's federally insured? I don't think so. Just a thought. I mean, it's not within the realm of conventional pants... but what if?
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