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Topic: I think I want to switch to Mac
Gluttonous Overlard
posted 08-19-2002 11:48:02 AM
Verily, Commie Nwist doth proclaim:
"But its a Pentium 4! How can people not want it?"

RAMBUS for one. It's absolute bollocks, and a P4 runs like crap on DDR memory.. unless you overclock the little bugger.

I'll post the SiSoft Sandra (as well as a few other benchmarks) scores of my DDR2700 and AthlonXP 2200+ system soon, so you can compare.

The only P4's worth buying are the brand new ones, but they're still as expensive as hell compared to AMD chips.

posted 08-19-2002 11:51:26 AM
One of the funniest comments is that only stupid people use Macs. This is pretty amusing, because 70% or so of adult Mac users have college degrees, compared to 42% of Windows users.
posted 08-19-2002 11:56:13 AM
Alaan wrote, obviously thinking too hard:
One of the funniest comments is that only stupid people use Macs. This is pretty amusing, because 70% or so of adult Mac users have college degrees, compared to 42% of Windows users.

The irony of that figure is, 70% of adult mac users are graphics design professionals.

Only further illustrates the fact that Macs sure ARE useful, but if you get one I hope you like editing images because you won't find much else to do with it.

The Outlaw Torn
posted 08-19-2002 11:59:51 AM
Mac fanbois vs PC fanbois

Round 9747203856590927365.4343333389

Time was never on my side.
So on I wait my whole lifetime.

posted 08-19-2002 12:01:01 PM
Black Mage spewed forth this undeniable truth:
Mac fanbois vs PC fanbois

Round 9747203856590927365.4343333389

aww but it's fun!

posted 08-19-2002 12:08:24 PM
macs suck. they hardly run.

pcs suck. they hardly run.

Roll for initiative, Monkey Boy!
posted 08-19-2002 01:43:27 PM
Mortious's account was hax0red to write:
RAMBUS for one. It's absolute bollocks, and a P4 runs like crap on DDR memory.. unless you overclock the little bugger.

I'll post the SiSoft Sandra (as well as a few other benchmarks) scores of my DDR2700 and AthlonXP 2200+ system soon, so you can compare.

The only P4's worth buying are the brand new ones, but they're still as expensive as hell compared to AMD chips.

if a p4 runs like crap on ddr memory, then how come my computer gets better memory bandwidth than the amd smp ddr chipset

On a plane ride, the more it shakes,
The more I have to let go.
Gluttonous Overlard
posted 08-19-2002 02:58:38 PM
Blind Swordsman had this to say:
if a p4 runs like crap on ddr memory, then how come my computer gets better memory bandwidth than the amd smp ddr chipset

It runs better on RAMBUS. That in itself is hilarious.

Naota Nandaba
Don't ask me about any goddamned bannings!
posted 08-19-2002 04:17:41 PM

Ohoho! You have come to the right place.
http://www.themexp.org/ http://www.xp-erience.org http://www.litestep.com/ (VERY minimal gaming functionality, not recommended for gamers)

I lost my bookmarks. I'll talk to Tatsukaze00, whose desktop is VERY Macish right now and get back to you ASAP.

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Only the ordinary.
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