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Topic: update on my crappy health issues
posted 07-24-2002 12:22:05 PM
Nae I hope you recover soon my thoughts are with you pats and hugs
I Didnt ask to be Secretary of Balloon Doggies, the Balloon Doggies demanded it!
omg mack attack :(
posted 07-24-2002 05:21:56 PM
Get better soon, Nae!
one two three fo let me see that tootsie roll
Dr. Gee
Say it Loud, Say it Plowed!
posted 07-24-2002 05:24:21 PM
gimme a week to get the materials together. i'll be able to get your present out to you
posted 07-24-2002 06:25:34 PM
Nae is at the Mike O'Callahan Federal Hospital on the base. Her hospital phone is (702) 653-3736. I'll let you all know more about her situation when I get back from the hospital.
Someone explain this to me!
posted 07-24-2002 09:39:27 PM
Good luck, Nae. o.o I think everyone is tossing the most good wishes they can at you.
posted 07-25-2002 11:22:11 AM
Good news ! Nae is coming home from the hospital today !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
posted 07-25-2002 11:26:45 AM
Nae, Get better. You can beat this to a pulp, so kick the medical problems in the ass. Remember, we are here for you.

Get better!

Astronomy is a passion...
Engineering is a love...
My job isn't a job, it's my career, and I love every minute of it: Observatory Superintendent
Crazed Ex-Angel
posted 07-25-2002 11:27:05 AM

You must give her lots of hugs and smooches from me.

"I am free, no matter what rules surround me. If I find them tolerable, I tolerate them; if I find them too obnoxious, I break them. I am free because I know that I alone am morally responsible for everything I do. " - the "Professor" - The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress
Warrior Princess
Cookie Seraphim!
posted 07-25-2002 11:29:47 AM
Oh my god! I hadnt been following the boards for quite sometime. Im so sorry Pam. *hugs Pam and Ryan* =( Im still praying for the best for you both. For you to get better and for Ryan's ongoing strength in this whole thing.
"Villiany wears many masks, none of which are more dangerous than virtue." - "Sleepy Hollow"
Fun with Chocolate
posted 07-25-2002 10:34:21 PM
I am home, phenobarbital makes me sleep too much. Barfing isn't fun too.

Thank you for all the support..

My MRI was good, maybe if UBT can get off the computer soon, he can scan it in and you can see my braen!



Scorned Fanboy
posted 07-25-2002 10:38:42 PM
Welcome home, Nae!

You relax, and make sure that UBT and Josh keep you pampered!

King Parcelan
Chicken of the Sea
posted 07-25-2002 10:44:54 PM
I am very happy now.

I'll take two of anything, please. To go.
posted 07-25-2002 10:46:03 PM
King Parcelan had this to say about the Spice Girls:
I am very happy now.

So am I.

Fun with Chocolate
posted 07-25-2002 10:52:06 PM
Mooj was naked while typing this:
Welcome home, Nae!

You relax, and make sure that UBT and Josh keep you pampered!

they are too busy paying that goddamened EQ.

an unflattering title
posted 07-25-2002 11:01:29 PM
Nae! I wanted to call, but it was like, midnight here when I saw the post and was afraid you would be asleep.

Glad to hear that your better!

Hostile Makeover
Evil as chocolate covered thistles
posted 07-26-2002 04:51:36 AM
*hugs Nae again!*

I hope they've managed to figure out at least a bit of what's going on!

Welcome home, Nae

Kick UBT and Josh if they won't get off that damned EQ

posted 07-26-2002 05:08:51 AM
Hope with every passing day your feeling worlds better Nae. =) Take it easy and get back to your wacky Nae self!
posted 07-26-2002 05:18:47 AM
Nobody really understood why The Nae (tm) wrote:
they are too busy paying that goddamened EQ.

Hehe yup.

I had a kick-ass time talking with UBT last nite, that and finding uber deals on crap I don't need! lol

Not gay; just weird
posted 07-26-2002 09:50:01 PM
*hugs Nae*

Glad you're feeling better.

I suffer from CRS: Can't Remember Shit.

Sig pic done by the very talented SJen!

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