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Topic: The Evercrest List of "You know you're a gamer when.."
posted 07-14-2002 02:50:35 PM
This insanity brought to you by Khyron:
And yeah, I run at a beautiful 1280x1024, without a touch of slowdown on the highest graphic options I can get it to I can see the hidden sniper 3/4 of the way across the map, the one where only a fragment of his helmet is visible. ph34r, boy, ph34r

Ya see, that would cause my computer to blow up... if could even start the game with all those options. Hell, it'd probably crash if I tried like AA does when I even try to load it.

Not like I care...much... though. 800x600 makes the models lookg bigger, which makes the hit boxes look bigger, which makes killing bigger. Yeah, I can't see as much, but what I can see dies dammed quick.

So c'mon, play me with a less high end rig! Or are ya scared arrow boy? Huh? HUH?!

Hello, my mushy friend...
posted 07-14-2002 02:59:01 PM
Pfft. That's like telling Michaelangelo to paint using a toothbrush. An artist must use his tools, and I am a master of my art... the art of DEATH.

Now if only I can get myself up to nem's level...

posted 07-14-2002 03:13:40 PM
A sleep deprived Khyron stammered:
Pfft. That's like telling Michaelangelo to paint using a toothbrush. An artist must use his tools, and I am a master of my art... the art of DEATH.

So you are indeed backing out! That counts as a forfeit. ESDF wins; arrow keys loses. That is all.

posted 07-14-2002 07:52:11 PM
The Otaku Penguin thought about the meaning of life:

Ball 1: Zoom in and out
Ball 2: Change weapon

How exactly do your balls work with your computer?

Peels like a tangerine, but is juicy like an orange.
posted 07-14-2002 07:55:33 PM
Doomie's fortune cookie read:
How exactly do your balls work with your computer?

lol, I mean the thingies on the mouse...that like, scroll and stuff, I couldn't think of what to call them

..:: This Is The Sound Of Settling ::..
posted 07-14-2002 08:25:01 PM
1280x1024 = low res

1600x1200 = minimum

2048x1536 = preferred

posted 07-14-2002 08:27:35 PM
So quoth Rowyl:
1280x1024 = low res

1600x1200 = minimum

2048x1536 = preferred

Damn you, my pitiful GeForce 2 can only crank it out to 1600x1200

very important poster
a sweet title
posted 07-14-2002 08:28:29 PM
Rowyl got all f'ed up on Angel Dust and wrote:
1280x1024 = low res

1600x1200 = minimum

2048x1536 = preferred

I hate you. Your low res is the highest I can run

posted 07-14-2002 08:34:46 PM
MadCat the 2nd had this to say about Robocop:
You know you're a Unix gamer when your home row is HJKL and not WASD

Unix has games?

You mean like Solitaire and chinese checkers, right?

Queen of the Smoofs
posted 07-14-2002 08:54:04 PM
Over half of those apply to me. And my chair is the uberest. It no longer has a back to it, forcing attentivness at all times.
Ruvie's Alt
Haven't you always wanted a monkey?
posted 07-14-2002 10:11:49 PM
You know you're a gamer when you do nothing else. At all.

You know you're a gamer when you can set the UT bots to "Godlike", and win the match with 5001 frags and 0 deaths.

You know you're a gamer when you're so skilled, people think you're cheating.

All I can think of for now.

posted 07-14-2002 10:17:14 PM
Rowyl had this to say about Matthew Broderick:
1280x1024 = low res

1600x1200 = minimum

2048x1536 = preferred


Palador ChibiDragon
posted 07-14-2002 11:14:13 PM
-Your cat comes running from across the house/apartment when she hears the WindowsXP "shutdown" tune.

-Your pets know the shutdown sounds on your computer.

-You put a TV tray next to your computer desk, so that you have someplace to put your dinner while you play.

-You have more than 30 empty Mt Dew containers within arms reach of you as you read this.

-You've ever tried the "Konami Kode" on any non-Konami games, just to see if they stuck it in there.

-You have a filing cabnet or bookshelf just for your hint/guide books for various games.

-and they're in a stack beside your chair instead.

-next to those Mt Dew cans we talked about earlier.

I believe in the existance of magic, not because I have seen proof of its existance, but because I refuse to live in a world where it does not exist.
Alleria Qui'farush
posted 07-14-2002 11:33:07 PM
Mousey. ^_^

Mouse 1 - Fire
Mouse 2 - Forward
Mouse 3 (Wheel button) - Alternative Fire
Mouse 4 - Use/Reload (I forgot)
Mouse 5 - Backwards

Then there are the strafing keys, grenade keys, changing team key, changing player key, etc.

Kill a fish before breakfast each day
posted 07-15-2002 03:45:08 AM
- Its a matter of house politics which 3 shelves your gaming books go on

- When deciding where to eat, you roll the appropriate die

- When you work furiously to get everything important done for the next few months because Civ III is coming out

- Then do it all over again for Warcraft 3

- When you refer to the Old and New Testaments of the Bible as "First and Second Edition" and Catholicism as "The players option edition"

- When you're jokes primarily involve describing things as Noun: The Verbing (ie, Oz: The Shanking, or IRS: The Auditing)

- Whenever someone says something insightful, you say, "Give yourself a point!"

- When you hear someone spouting your secrets you cry "Hey! OCK!"

- After coming home from a game that ran Friday-Sunday, you update your computer character sheet before going to bed to make sure you don't lose it

- You bag your groceries to "avoid aggroing the cashier"

- You refuse to train for the current fad profession and choose an older, more reliable one because your're afraid of nerfs

- You as a 25 year old guy join a 6th grade basketball game, you push, elbow, do anything to win until you finally injure 10 year old Jessica. When she cries, you say "Go back to your blue basketball court n00b! This is a hardcore game!" <taken from the Mordred DAoC boards>

- You break up with your significant other because they switched MMORPGs

- You refuse any job that makes you work on Friday or Saturday nights because you're not willing to miss the game

- You drive 3 hours ever weekend to game

- You describe a huge deficit in Sunday's sermon as the pastor "rolling a 20" or comfort the driver on getting lost because "dude, everyone rolls a 20 sometimes"

- You describe anything inconvenient that happens as "the dm's screwing me!"

Oh, and for the record, arrow keys all the way! I use up/down as forward back, the left/right as strafe keys, insert as Use, right control as reload

When I use WASD I hit the wrong key whenever things get dark, I can't tell exactly where I should be.

Those who dance are thought insane by those who can't hear the music.
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