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Topic: Useful applications of "PST"
I don't give a damn.
posted 07-08-2002 09:48:00 AM
Ryuujin the Leezard was naked while typing this:
I'm just saying I don't see anything wrong with using an acronym. People use acronyms all the time. ASAP, BYOB, etc.

Sure, but to add PST at the end of a completely normal trade post is pointless. Or a group request. Or just about ANYTHING.

posted 07-08-2002 09:52:58 AM
Well someone obviously thought it had a use. Then people after that person thought it had a use. And people after those people thought it had a use. If they didn't, it never would have gone past the first person.

Though, I don't try to find logic too often in group psychology. =/

Oldest Member
Best Lap
posted 07-08-2002 10:08:45 AM
Sending a tell for something you want is implied, appending it to the end of every auction is silly.
"Give me control of a nation's money, and I care not who makes its laws."
-Mayer Rothschild
Il Buono
You see, in this world there's two kinds of people, my friend.
posted 07-08-2002 10:09:10 AM
Everyone wondered WTF when Ryuujin the Leezard wrote:
you can just tack "PST for stats" on the end of your auction.

Well how the fuck else am I going to ask you the stats? Of course I'm going to send a tell, but I actively avoid people who use "PST" in their auctions and shouts.

*asks Ryuujin for the stats of a Chetari Wardstaff.. THROUGH SIGN LANGUAGE*

"Those with loaded guns, and those who dig. You dig."
posted 07-08-2002 10:37:02 AM
Reynar wrote this then went back to looking for porn:
Sending a tell for something you want is implied, appending it to the end of every auction is silly.

Like I said, it doesn't bother me, not that'd I do it though.

posted 07-08-2002 12:31:10 PM
Palador ChibiDragon had this to say about the Spice Girls:
I think they started using it on their auctions because some people were calling out questions for the prices they were asking for stuff.

Just because someone asks in shout doesn't stop you from responding in tell. PST is still utterly pointless and stupid.

Originally posted by Densetsu:
Random_cleric_01 says out of character, 'Level 55 Cleric LFG PST'
Idiot_group_leader_00 says out of character, 'cleric to my camp!'

What difference does it make whether you're invited in ooc or in tell?

I'll take two of anything, please. To go.
posted 07-08-2002 12:39:44 PM
What irks me, is that I've seen them use "plz PST"...

It hurt my head.

Il Buono
You see, in this world there's two kinds of people, my friend.
posted 07-08-2002 12:43:19 PM
I saw "camp check plz PST" once in Guk.. It scared me.
"Those with loaded guns, and those who dig. You dig."
Delphi Aegis
posted 07-08-2002 01:12:56 PM
I think this whole PST thing started the month after Legends was out.

No, now stay with me here.

We all know different servers have different languages. Some call the captain spawn in Karnor Captain, some call it Cap, cappy, etc.

I think that this "PST" thing started on one server of unknown origin. They moved to Legends. Now, Legends had a TON of people of all levels from all different servers (A lot from the zeks, surprisingly), and they all went to the Bazaar to trade (Cos lets face it, EC sucks, NFP is bad for evils, and if yer paying the extra money for legends, you have Luclin.).

One guy started using PST.. then it became normal on Legends. When the month ended and most people either went back to their original servers, or whatever, they used this PST.. and it grew to this horrible thing that it is now.

Group psycology is fuckin weird, aint it?

I walk in the Light
Facing the Darkness Boldly
I fear no Evil
Lounge Lizard
posted 07-08-2002 01:21:45 PM
My tailoring skill is kinda high and I make cured silk. This PST crap has opened my eyes to the world of stupid acronyms. So I made my own to cut down on the losses I get when people send me a tell to make something and never buy it. I now present "PSTOIYPTB" or "Please Send Tell Only If You Plan To Buy". I believe this is a much more effective stupid acronym. One day it may catch on.
Palou Sabaco
The Sexiest Lizard in Kelethin!
posted 07-08-2002 02:05:04 PM
You guys should move to Zeb. When I'm mod of the trade channel I kick anyone who uses PST. Tis fun
tyme hacker
posted 07-08-2002 02:13:14 PM
I hardly ever use PST.....


when i'm in gfay. for some reason EVERYONE in gfay uses /ooc and /shout to communicate with whomever. they have no idea what tell is, or chat channels, or any of that....so MY screen gets filled with their freakin arguements/debates/flames/etc.

so i use PST in that instance so as to avoid people yelling out to the zone when they want to say something to just me....and more often then not i find myself /shout(ing) USE TELLS!!

but maybe that has something to do with all of the new characters in that zone...hmmmm...

i don't know UBB code. help me. i'm lost.
posted 07-08-2002 02:15:08 PM
Palou's unholy Backstreet Boys obsession manifested in:
My tailoring skill is kinda high and I make cured silk. This PST crap has opened my eyes to the world of stupid acronyms. So I made my own to cut down on the losses I get when people send me a tell to make something and never buy it. I now present "PSTOIYPTB" or "Please Send Tell Only If You Plan To Buy". I believe this is a much more effective stupid acronym. One day it may catch on.
Falaanla Marr
posted 07-08-2002 02:25:04 PM
Delphi Aegis was naked while typing this:
I think this whole PST thing started the month after Legends was out.

No, now stay with me here.

We all know different servers have different languages. Some call the captain spawn in Karnor Captain, some call it Cap, cappy, etc.

I think that this "PST" thing started on one server of unknown origin. They moved to Legends. Now, Legends had a TON of people of all levels from all different servers (A lot from the zeks, surprisingly), and they all went to the Bazaar to trade (Cos lets face it, EC sucks, NFP is bad for evils, and if yer paying the extra money for legends, you have Luclin.).

One guy started using PST.. then it became normal on Legends. When the month ended and most people either went back to their original servers, or whatever, they used this PST.. and it grew to this horrible thing that it is now.

Group psycology is fuckin weird, aint it?


Even you were on legends, DELPH. It didnt start there. It was never the norm there as you said.

It started on some server somewhere, some people heard about it, or played a char there, and it spread like a plague.

It didnt start on legends. Hell, it probably started on some ancient MUD.

tyme hacker
posted 07-08-2002 02:29:54 PM
JooJooFlop stopped beating up furries long enough to write:
I always wondered why people felt the need to add "PST" to things. I mean, how else is someone gonna communicate with you. Shouts?

PRECISELY what i've seen people do!

/auction WTS GBS
some_one shouts: how much for it?
some_char shouts: use tells!
another_char shouts: damn n00b, use tells!
*the flames begin, bloodbath ensues*

the problem is: someone who does not yet understand the ethics of playing on EQ will NOT realize they should use a tell, and so, they enough the living shit out of everyone in the zone. this is why i like places like shadeweavers thicket (with my beast) and iceclad ocean (for my ranger). not many auctions or shouts. versus gfay, EC, etc.

(fyi-i play on ayonae ro, this my be dif on your server-obviously)

i don't know UBB code. help me. i'm lost.
posted 07-08-2002 02:29:55 PM
PST should be replaced with IAM. "I'm a Moron." I think it fits more. :\
posted 07-08-2002 02:37:36 PM
Check out the big brain on Dredije!
PRECISELY what i've seen people do!

/auction WTS GBS
some_one shouts: how much for it?
some_char shouts: use tells!
another_char shouts: damn n00b, use tells!
*the flames begin, bloodbath ensues*

the problem is: someone who does not yet understand the ethics of playing on EQ will NOT realize they should use a tell, and so, they enough the living shit out of everyone in the zone. this is why i like places like shadeweavers thicket (with my beast) and iceclad ocean (for my ranger). not many auctions or shouts. versus gfay, EC, etc.

(fyi-i play on ayonae ro, this my be dif on your server-obviously)


If they respond in shout, SEND THEM A TELL! *gasp!*

Second of all, what the hell makes people think tacking PST on will KEEP PEOPLE from responding in shout?!

tyme hacker
posted 07-08-2002 02:49:32 PM
Maradön² had this to say about John Romero:

If they respond in shout, SEND THEM A TELL! *gasp!*

Second of all, what the hell makes people think tacking PST on will KEEP PEOPLE from responding in shout?!

now now calm yourself. i will send them a tell, but, in some very horrid cases, PST will avoid a plethora of shouts and ooc's. i'd rather see someone tack a PST unto the end of a sentence instead of seeing a ton of ooc's and shouts in my window.

PST is three letters. a shout in response can bring on more than three _lines_ of garbage.

you say who cares if someone response in a shout. i say that puts an extra line (or more) of talk on my screen that i don't want to see (assuming i'm not the one selling). just like PST puts three extra letters on your screen. you say deal, i say ditto

now if your arguement has nothing to do with extra crap on your screen, then i ask, where's the problem? who cares if they put PST?

i don't know UBB code. help me. i'm lost.
posted 07-08-2002 02:52:48 PM
Not only have I never seen a response in shout illicit any kind of negative reaction, I really very, very seldom see any responses in shout at all, even in newbie zones.
Delphi Aegis
posted 07-08-2002 03:05:45 PM
Falaanla Marr wrote this then went back to looking for porn:

Even you were on legends, DELPH. It didnt start there. It was never the norm there as you said.

It started on some server somewhere, some people heard about it, or played a char there, and it spread like a plague.

It didnt start on legends. Hell, it probably started on some ancient MUD.

Delphi Aegis stopped staring at Deedlit long enough to write:
I think this whole PST thing started the month after Legends was out.

No, now stay with me here.

We all know different servers have different languages. Some call the captain spawn in Karnor Captain, some call it Cap, cappy, etc.

I think that this "PST" thing started on one server of unknown origin. They moved to Legends.


I walk in the Light
Facing the Darkness Boldly
I fear no Evil
tyme hacker
posted 07-08-2002 03:11:23 PM
Maradön² wrote this then went back to looking for porn:
Not only have I never seen a response in shout illicit any kind of negative reaction, I really very, very seldom see any responses in shout at all, even in newbie zones.

maybe you haven't, and in that case i agree, PST is useless. but i have, and therefore use it, although with _great_ discretion.

i don't know UBB code. help me. i'm lost.
posted 07-08-2002 03:15:32 PM
Dredije thought this was the Ricky Martin Fan Club Forum and wrote:
maybe you haven't, and in that case i agree, PST is useless. but i have, and therefore use it, although with _great_ discretion.

PST is completely meaningless. The ONLY use I could possibly see for the sentiment it conveys is the one you've described here, but ONLY if it's spelled out. "Please send tell" at least has some small chance of getting people to actually send tells instead of responding in shout.

If someone is going to respond in shout, "PST" isn't going to stop them.

tyme hacker
posted 07-08-2002 03:19:47 PM
Maradön²'s unholy Backstreet Boys obsession manifested in:
PST is completely meaningless. The ONLY use I could possibly see for the sentiment it conveys is the one you've described here, but ONLY if it's spelled out. "Please send tell" at least has some small chance of getting people to actually send tells instead of responding in shout.

If someone is going to respond in shout, "PST" isn't going to stop them.

then i believe we agree.

i don't know UBB code. help me. i'm lost.
I don't give a damn.
posted 07-08-2002 04:04:59 PM
I've seen "Send tells PST" :/
posted 07-08-2002 05:28:56 PM
Heres the problem, Its a FAD, like pleather, polyesterm, and the Word "HELLA" everyone hates these things but in some dark way they are subconciously appealing to many people, PST is no different, when i first heard someone use the work "HELLA" it made me want to hit them for being such a waste of air, but to my horror a week later I began speaking this word around other people. (ONO!) The same happened with PST, although as soon as i noticed i was using it I began to hit myself everytime I used it, curbed that habit right quick. But sorry, its sorta catchy and can never be defeated.
Another Unsolved Mystery is goin' down in history.
Il Buono
You see, in this world there's two kinds of people, my friend.
posted 07-08-2002 07:26:45 PM
"Those with loaded guns, and those who dig. You dig."
Lyinar Ka`Bael
Are you looking at my pine tree again?
posted 07-08-2002 07:47:12 PM
Um, Delphi. PST has been used on my server, Luclin, since I started playing well over a year ago.

I don't see what's wrong with PST. You're informing people to please communicate with you in tells rather than use shout or ooc. Sometimes you need to do this.

Lyinar says out of character "Porting for donations to X places, PST"

XYZ shouts "I wanna go to NK!"
ABC says out of character "Take me to DL, please!"
ZZZ says out of character "I need a port for two to BB!"

Now most of my Port Nights, as I call them, are nights I'm playing D&D in IRC with Deth and the gang. So I'm not always looking at the screen. So if I'm in someplace like EC, or WC, or anyplace that has a lot of OOC talk, then I'm going probably going to miss those requests. I ask people to send the request in tell by using PST, because if I've looked away for a bit at the D&D game, I scroll up for purple text. Usually there's way too much green and red for me scroll up through, so I ignore it. So I would miss what they asked in shout or ooc.

So it has its uses. I guess I'm just used to it, because it's always been a norm on my server.

Lyinar Ka`Bael, Piney Fresh Druidess - Luclin

Mr. Wilams
posted 07-08-2002 07:51:37 PM
I don't have a problem with PST.

It may be stupid and repetitive, but outside zones that are pretty much reduced to "auction only," PST definitely helps draw attention to whatever it is you're saying.

Was once a member
posted 07-08-2002 08:21:48 PM
All these people putting down PST...How else am I supposed to know it's Pacific Standard Time?
posted 07-08-2002 09:25:05 PM
Eh, PST is ok in use for like, if something drops, is no drop, and you don't want it, and you don't want 90 people sitting around the corpse, which in most cases, is at your/the groups camp. "PST if you want a(n) <itemname>" then allow the first person who tells you to loot it.
posted 07-08-2002 10:10:42 PM
Lyinar Ka`Bael thought about the meaning of life:
I don't see what's wrong with PST. You're informing people to please communicate with you in tells rather than use shout or ooc.

You haven't been keeping up with the thread, have you?

Lyinar Ka`Bael
Are you looking at my pine tree again?
posted 07-08-2002 10:52:33 PM
Yes, and I just gave an example of an instance where it's useful. Where's your proof that it's not?

Lyinar Ka`Bael, Piney Fresh Druidess - Luclin

posted 07-08-2002 11:00:12 PM
Lyinar Ka`Bael had this to say about Reading Rainbow:
Yes, and I just gave an example of an instance where it's useful. Where's your proof that it's not?

I covered your proof in my past couple posts.

Since you're clearly uninclined to go back and look for it;

If someone is going to respond in shout, "PST" isn't going to stop them.

Just because someone asks in shout doesn't stop you from responding in tell. PST is still utterly pointless and stupid.

If people want to get your attention, they'll send you a tell. If they don't care that much, adding "PST" won't make them.

[ 07-08-2002: Message edited by: Maradön² ]

Lyinar Ka`Bael
Are you looking at my pine tree again?
posted 07-08-2002 11:12:49 PM
Some people respond in shout because they feel uncomfortable sending a tell out of the blue. PST makes it clear you don't mind tells, even welcome them, and so people are more inclined to send you a tell when you use it.

Lyinar Ka`Bael, Piney Fresh Druidess - Luclin

posted 07-08-2002 11:17:26 PM
So quoth Lyinar Ka`Bael:
Some people respond in shout because they feel uncomfortable sending a tell out of the blue. PST makes it clear you don't mind tells, even welcome them, and so people are more inclined to send you a tell when you use it.

Through more than two years playing the game and several characters, running the gamut of level brackets, I've never had any experience with any of these people.

Maybe I'm just lucky, but even so, assuming these people are such newbies that they think sending a tell is rude, they won't know what PST stands for.

I covered that bit, too, in my reply to Dredije.

[ 07-08-2002: Message edited by: Maradön² ]

The Outlaw Torn
posted 07-09-2002 01:32:51 AM

Time was never on my side.
So on I wait my whole lifetime.

Lyinar Ka`Bael
Are you looking at my pine tree again?
posted 07-09-2002 05:16:06 AM
Actually some of my own *guildmembers* feel uncomfortable sending tells out of the blue because they don't like to bother people. Not toward me, at least anymore, because I made it clear I didn't mind at all. So some people are like that, whether you've met them or not.

Lyinar Ka`Bael, Piney Fresh Druidess - Luclin

Il Buono
You see, in this world there's two kinds of people, my friend.
posted 07-09-2002 08:12:26 AM
We were all impressed when D© wrote:
"Those with loaded guns, and those who dig. You dig."
posted 07-09-2002 09:22:58 AM
Lyinar Ka`Bael said this about your mom:
Actually some of my own *guildmembers* feel uncomfortable sending tells out of the blue because they don't like to bother people.

If a person didn't want to be bothered, why would they be auctioning something?

/auction "SELLING: Fungus coated tarmok staff!"

/tell auctioner "What're stats on the staff?"

auctioner tells you "OMG Who the fuck do you think you are sending me tells like that?!"

sorry, don't buy it

[ 07-09-2002: Message edited by: Maradön² ]

Il Buono
You see, in this world there's two kinds of people, my friend.
posted 07-09-2002 09:28:10 AM
There was much rejoicing when Maradön² said this:
/tell auctioner "What're stats on the staff?"

30/45, 7 Disease damage, +25 Disease resist.

I love mine.

"Those with loaded guns, and those who dig. You dig."
All times are US/Eastern
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