I've only played for like 6 hours
"Don't want to sound like a fanboy, but I am with you. I'll buy it for sure, it's just a matter of for how long I will be playing it..."
- Silvast, Battle.net forums
The Otaku Penguin had this to say about Tron:
Chapter 4 for me Faz =p
That must have been brutal getting that high, fighting tooth and nail for everything you owned, right?
No one here has any NWN in stock.
This one time, at The Otaku Penguin camp:
Starting at level 1 is fun, I think.And I still don't understand why you guys are getting so huffy about my 2 toolsetted 20's when they in no way affect you
I suppose it's a matter of preference. My two best friends will do the same thing. Go out, buy a game, get all the cheats online, hack their chars and slam through the game in a matter of days.
then never play the game again.
I throw jabs at people that hack their chars and such, but you're right about one thing. You play in a manner that you find enjoyable.
If this is how ye like to play, go nuts then.
Of course, don't expect me to jump into random games on the net. I'm sure "god" characters are running amok in peoples games online.
The original reason for the jab? I'd assumed people would be posting all their legit characters
And I'm about to start over as a Rogue, Monks in NWN are just sick. I've died once so far. :\
If someone wants to DM a campaign, he will know what kinds of characters it is made for. If he wants to host GodSlaughter V9.2, more power to him and his players, if someone wants to host a lvl 1 game, he obviously won't allow lvl 12 players.
Don't we all 'hack' in real DnD in this manner? I have a campain running, and most of the players are lvl 6-7, a_friend_04 wants to join, so I let him roll up a lvl 5 with standard gear instead of letting him tag along with a character that will get smashed by anything the party encounters.
For the record, I seldom cheat in SP games, and never in MP. (If I get stuck somewhere with no clue as to what to do for hours on end I might look it up in a walkthrough, but nothing beyond that.) [ 06-25-2002: Message edited by: Modrakien ]
More fun on private servers, playing with mates anyway.
[ 06-25-2002: Message edited by: Guy with Shotgun ]
HALF-ELF BABY! I took the hard road, so EAT IT.
(Soon to be level 20, with new and improved Mini-Me.)
I probably would've been level 20 by now if I didn't die so much.
My eyes are glowing.
[ 06-25-2002: Message edited by: The Black Mage... ]
quote:Thanks. Talk about a class-unique look.
The Otaku Penguin had this to say about Pirotess:
That looks sweet BM
Also awesome to be cleaning house and not take a single point of damage. Thanks 20/+1! (And 1-20 damage.I AM NOT BRAGGING.)
What sucks though, is it didn't capture my time. I think I'm in Month 10?
The Otaku Penguin had this to say about John Romero:
How'd you get the glowing eyes?
It's called, 'Playing the goddamned game for all 20 levels without taking the easy path'. Or, that's what I'd like to call it.
The glowing eyes probably come from the skill, 'Perfect Self'. Monk only, level 20 feat, the Monk no longer exists on this plane, and becomes a supernatural being, gaining 20/+1 damage reduction.
quote:I was just pulling your leg.
The Otaku Penguin had this to say about Tron:
Very cool indeed, I'll refrain from readin the comments about playing through the game, because I have, with my rogue.
The Otaku Penguin stumbled drunkenly to the keyboard and typed:
...I missed a pun? =p
The Otaku Penguin had this to say about Captain Planet:
Very cool indeed, I'll refrain from readin the comments about playing through the game, because I have, with my rogue.
*I* don't believe you on that. I'm fairly sure that NO ONE believes you. Reason is: you dummied up 2 other characters and put them on display FIRST. If you had posted the Rogue and then later on posted the 2 dummied characters you probally wouldn't be taking this kind of a hit.
And for the record: I started a Half-Elven monk this morning. She's still level 1.
quote:You tha man.
This insanity brought to you by RPC:
And for the record: I started a Half-Elven monk this morning. She's still level 1.
You do know that Half-Elfs got screwed though, right? (They didn't get the humans nor the elves good racial stuff.)
I wanted some of the resistances that Elves had (and I do get a few, just not as nice) but I didn't want the "full elf" bullshit...
I figure my first character will be an abysmal failure and I'll come back with another character and really start tearing the game up. Happened to me in EQ, and Diablo 2... it'll happen here... hehe
I know the picture is now of the ranger too, the filename of kickazz1 used to be my original rogue, but now it's the ranger
"Don't want to sound like a fanboy, but I am with you. I'll buy it for sure, it's just a matter of for how long I will be playing it..."
- Silvast, Battle.net forums
Sutiiben Hantu had this to say about Optimus Prime:
Ki isn't blue, everyone know's it's obviously a very transparent blackobviously
it has ducks in it too !
"Don't want to sound like a fanboy, but I am with you. I'll buy it for sure, it's just a matter of for how long I will be playing it..."
- Silvast, Battle.net forums