And I was all like 'Oh yeah?' and Suddar Williams was all like:
I don't care if this guy's iss Fal's little brother--he's being an idiot.
I've told him that before, but then Fal exploded.
I guess I'd be pretty reactive too if people started pointing out how stupid something related to me is.
Haha...just kidding, Fal. Wizards and Mages don't mix well.
*mumbles*Why the hell did I hire out to a gimpy Wood Elf...*mumbles*
so back the hell off waisz. Just because I jumped ya in the past fgor getting on his ass for A COUPLE MINOR MISTAKES doesnt mean I will always jump ya. If he is bein a dumbass (and he is) ill go beat it into him not to be one.
Kegwen 2.0 had this to say about Punky Brewster:
Is he really that smart? =p
But yes, he is quite intelligent IRL. He is just a little...new...to the chat over the net thing. Give it time, ill beat it into him sooner or later.
edit::HTML isn't enabled here, genius. [ 06-10-2002: Message edited by: aurywoof ]
Sabratiz had this to say about dark elf butts:
I apologize if the comments I made earllier offended anyone. It was not intended to hurt anyone's feelings or offend anyone in anyway. If the comments were taken the wrong way, I apologize. I was only joking around with everyone.
Fal, stop posting on your brother's account.
Sabratiz had this to say about (_|_):
I apologize if the comments I made earllier offended anyone. It was not intended to hurt anyone's feelings or offend anyone in anyway. If the comments were taken the wrong way, I apologize. I was only joking around with everyone.
Good. Now, don't be stupid anymore. Remember, i know where you live.
Everyone wondered WTF when D© wrote:
Fal, stop posting on your brother's account.
He is at home right now. So am i.
He posted that after i called him and told him to stop being stupid.
Janus wrote this stupid crap:
Bloodsage said this about your mom:
Fear my brain.