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Topic: How do you want to die?
Death of Rats
posted 03-29-2002 11:21:02 PM
The logic train ran off the tracks when Mr. Parcelan said:
You may ask how do you want to die, but I'll tell you how you WILL die.

-Waisztarroz, outcasted from the rest of society because of his personality, will resort to hanging out around the local daycare centers, insulting children. He will die when he meets one who is lethal with a rattle.

-Mightion will make the wrong pun, at the wrong place, at the wrong time. Sort of like how his ancestor, Mightiohito Toshigama at Hiroshima, was publically executed after the bombing upon saying these words: "Well, our plans certainly blew up, didn't they?"

-Illanae will likely die from a pleasure overload. Cats and a lot of meat will likely be involved.

-Skaw will grow to old age, then die because nobody can understand the language with which he wrote his medication perscriptions: "133t p1llz? WTF?"

-Anklebitur is future roadkill.

-Kennatsu will likely wonder himself to death.

-I have little to no idea who Auric is, so he shall die in anonymity.

-Solstyce will die a whiny, angst-filled death filled with bad poetry and a lot of goths. It'll be sad, but really annoying.

more parce, more!!

A particularly crafty sea lion is befuddling the Army Corps of Engineers, who have come to believe the 1,000-pound mammal is either from hell -- or from Harvard.
Arttemis the Rogue
Amethyst's sex toy
posted 03-29-2002 11:23:08 PM
Mr. Parcelan obviously shouldn't have said:
Now, Arttemis, when you say you want to die like that, do you mean you want to die in combat, or you want to die when you're an old geezer shooting at pigeons from your porch?

The old geezer thing would be a hell of a lot of fun, but I'll go for the in combat.

Dying for something I believe in has always been one of my main.... I don't know, my mind just went poopy and I can't think of the word.

King Parcelan
Chicken of the Sea
posted 03-29-2002 11:28:12 PM
I'd say, if I had to die, it would either be accomplishing something great or saving someone's life.

That would be keen.

Peels like a tangerine, but is juicy like an orange.
posted 03-29-2002 11:43:21 PM
Going down in flame and glory...in war saving my battalion or something...like Winston from the Mummy =p
..:: This Is The Sound Of Settling ::..
Lounge Lizard
posted 03-30-2002 12:45:42 AM
I want to be eaten by a lion and never remembered! Painful death, helping wildlife, and not influencing young children to be like me. PERFECT!
Palou Sabaco
The Sexiest Lizard in Kelethin!
posted 03-30-2002 12:59:03 AM
How would you like to die?

Of old age! but i wouldn't mind a suspended sentence.

posted 03-30-2002 01:08:20 AM
Mob hit.
In the middle of a crowded resturant with a little kid (named Timmy I suppose?) who will prod my dead body with a stick and ask his parents why the man isnt moving. They will reply with something along the lines of "He's Sleeping"

All Empires Fall, You just have to know where to push- Me
Cleric Rogue Sigpic
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